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    A good fantasy adventure genre story is all i ask

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  1. Uh, what IS a Dystopia anyway? -laugh- No, seriously, what is that genre refers to? Yes, I know I can simply google it but I'd like to hear the answers from the one who votes. Why did you choose that particular genre? I don't have the slightest idea why anyone doesn't want a medieval fantasy like I do. Dragons anyone? Not your cup of tea? Oh well, to each their own I suppose... -pouting-
  2. I am more inclined towards a RolePlaying without point or exp or the like, but I shall abide by the GM rules. They said it themselves, no? What they says, goes. If they decide that the game system will grants points or exp or whatever, I will still play the game with just as much enthusiasm. >>> SUGGESTIONS Oh, by the way, the mods can create a closed thread (only a GM can reply or add to this thread) containing character's profile that has been approved. It will help for the other player to keep tracks of the other character's personalities (or powers). Why a closed thread you ask? Well to prevent players changed it in the middle of the game of course! Just think about it. Lest just say in the game, me, Sasha and Mr XxX is in the middle of fighting huge,fire-breathing, molten-skinned demon. Neither of us has any water-based powers that can be used against it and all of a sudden Mr XxX conviniently changes his flirty-irresistible-seduction powers into a water-bending techniques. BOOM! He defeats that monsters single-handedly and ALL the experience (assuming there IS an exp based system) gained from that scene flowing into him and HIM alone. No fair, right? Which is why you should think and re-think it again before submitting any kinds of character profile into GM's. Once the game begins, the characters cannot be changed in any other way. Except maybe by PM-ing a GM and personally requesting a change in your characters powers or personality. As long as the game haven't progressed that far, I see no reason why the GM should deny your request.
  3. As for the story theme, I already say what I needed to say. I still think we need a vote when the player list is compiled, but that is up to the mods here. >>> I'm going to discuss fight (as in ACTUAL clash that could result in a death of the character) between PC's (Player Character) now. For simplicity sakes, I highly suggest NOT to let any character owned (created) by any author, to fight against each other. There are a lot of writer ego's gonna be involved and as someone said before NO ONE wants to be a sidekick author, therefore it can be safely assumed that EVERYONE want their character to win the battles, assuming there IS any battle between characters. More often than not, if both the player are stubborn and neither want to lose the battle, a heated discussion will follow and after that... Well, when things gone really bad a mod usually intervenes. This problem is one of the OLDEST problem ever exist in RolePlaying. Valucre site have a nice combat simulation though and it's called the T1 concept. If you are interested in learning more of the battle concept of T1 check this Tutorial T1 and this T1: A Comprehensive Study. If you have taken the time to read the article I showed you above, you'll know that a combat between PC (Player Character) even when using T1 concept is downright exhausting. Too much preparation and logic needs to be considered, not to mention that the concept is still foreign to everyone here. The easiest way to avoid such a situation, is to completely banned PC (Player Character) from fighting with each other. Instead I suggest to create an overwhelming threat that looms over the world which eventually requires all PC to banned together and defeat this threat. Or each of the PC can do things each in their own way towards the same goal. Whatever the world setting might be, dear mods and GM, do try to avoid a situation where a battle between PC can occur. It's not worth it, believe me. ...Which is why I'm doubting my own ideas about a player playing the villain / the bad guy role.
  4. I am willing to play. There. I said it. Put me on the list or else...! >>> Anyway, I think the idea of GM's taking an intrinsic character trait should be allowed WITH the author's permission of course. If that particular author doesn't like the idea then it shouldn't be done. That's it. IF the author says NO then it's a no, no matter what. If the author says YES though, for whatever reason he/she may have, I'll be sure to help him/her regain his/her lost trait back, as a fellow player. That GM needs to have a very good reason to do that because, as you said, it has the very potential of destroying characterization and make the author feel cheated. GM also needs to know that this action, while it IS possible, is often frowned upon and should not be done often. Perhaps it would be better if it isn't done at all, to avoid unwanted situation. >>> Yep, we definitely SHOULD make a vote. It's just the basics worlds after all. The addition can be freely added sometime later when a suggestion from potential player pop up. The choice is as follows, Fantasy RP (Role-Playing), Sci-Fi RP, or Real-World RP. How is that for suggestion? I personally prefer the Fantasy RP in medieval era with bows and swords (and magic) but that's just me. Why, you ask? Because... Well, I have my own reasons. I'm not telling you! Nah just kidding, I have no grand reason I simply love that kind of world. I'm not saying we should do it right away. Perhaps this is best done after the list of player had been made. >>> I might be wrong but I assume that the point/exp system is still in progress, right? This needs to be discussed and finalized ASAP. It's the core of the character creation after all, which plays heavy part in the beginning of the game. I'm gonna search around the web to look for an info that might help with this issue. >>> Edit: Already done some researching. Here is the result. Hope this helps. Two of the best RP sites, named Valucre and Coloholics, both implement neither point based nor exp based system. So how to prevent over-powered character and giant-marry-sue issues? Well, in Coloholic's site, the player who wanted to participate in RP needs to submit his/her character template for approval by the mods of the thread. If the mods find that player character's template have godly power, or "too perfect" of a character then the approval will not be given and the player will be told the reason and be encouraged to try again. In Valucre, the character's templates are not required (except for a spesific RP) and thus they are not subject to approval for play but they do have a Profile Database to help other player keep track of all the characters in active RP. They do not have specific rule to prevent godly character and marry-sue issues but they have common terms for it. It is called Godmodding (Also known as "powergaming". When a character is capable of performing feats without limit or boundary, has an answer for every obstacle or has no weaknesses. Otherwise used to define any action or method that transcends the prescribed ruleset or goes beyond the limits or environment of the site) and Metagaming (Metagaming is when you take information you know as the reader and apply it to an in-character action, despite there being a lack of grounds for your character to know what you as the reader do). The mods in Valucre forum encourage player not to do any of the two terms above. If they somehow find, or perhaps receive a report that someone does it, I don't know what they will do. Perhaps they warn that particular player and deny his post until it is re-written but I honestly don't know. >>> Say, I already envisioned my characters to be close-inseparable brothers with 1 year age difference but I got the feeling that one author only allowed for 1 character. I hate to dump either one of them. Anyone have a solution to my dilemma?
  5. I see the point of having points and status kind of thing is to prevent overpowered characters and the marry-sue-issues (what the heck is this anyway?). -nodding to myself- When I think about it some more, it's actually kind of brilliant, though it sounds a bit complicated. Whaaaat? Since when did we agree the theme sets into space pirate? Well, not that I'm complaining. It's just that my list of vocabulary regarding future world theme is kind of low. Guess I have to take a look at my collection of "outer space" stories more often then. :3 That and re-playing Mass Effect just to get the feeling and inspiration. >>> How about that sub-forum thing? Have you asked admin about it? >>> Shouldn't we compile a list of player who's interested in participating? >>> Can't we take a vote or something regarding the setting? Just to make it official and non-disputable in the future. >>> What if when this "game" is running (the setting complete, plot laid out, writer's turn decided, characters created, etc) and suddenly someone interested and want to join the game? Could he? And that all there is to it from me! ...For now anyway. As always feedback and comments are greatly appreciated. Side Note: Do any of you have a link where this kind of "roleplay using point of exp" have been done before? If we have an example, it might make the GMs work that much easier.
  6. It seems to me that the mechanic of this uh... What did you call this, game? Roleplaying?... Haven't been decided yet. I can only hope that the mechanic and rules wouldn't be so complicated and confusing. Like, an assignment of points? I'm sorry to say this, but I don't think that concept is applicable in a writer's world. >>> Instead, I suggest the concept of powers and setback (weaknesses). Each character may have up to one power or expertise over weapons. Each power should have a weaknesses, or a special condition to activate it. In other words, the greater the power he wields the worse it's setback. GM may deny the character's powers to exist if he feels the setback still not in balance with the power. An easy example is like this, my MC is a master archer. His arrow flies swift and true with incredible accuracy. He can kill any lone person in a single shot with relative ease, assuming that he is in a complete stealth when he shot the arrows, that is. Just in case something goes horribly wrong, he had an extra hidden dagger in the backside of his boots. His weakness, is when threatened in close combat against a greatsword or a warhammer, his dagger and his bow is of little to no use. The biggest disadvantage though, is when he ran out of arrows. An archer without an arrow is but an ordinary man. >>> Next thing I'd like to ask is the role of the Villain. Who's gonna play this role? Surely not everyone thinking to be heroes? -laugh- >>> The whole world basic setting needs to come from the GM itself. I see that Miege is the GM now (or soon to be), then let me ask you, what kind of world did you want to create? Create the basic world first, and then ask for input and suggestion after. Did you want a medieval era, with swords and bows? Or the present era, with guns and pistols? Or the future era, with cybernetics tech and nano implants? How can we give a suggestion when even the basic has not been created? I still have a few question and input in mind, but I'll hold it for now and wait for this reply to be answered first. Oh, and if any of you disagree with the point I mentioned above, feel free to throw an argument. It's what makes the thread alive, after all.
  7. A little bit warning from me. The person who wants to be/ appointed to as a GM (or moderator, whatever you call it) needs to be DEDICATED and have a crystal clear imagination of the world itself. In other words, that GM person needs to OWN that world. Take an example, if the GM sets the story in an future fantasy genre with mother battleships, outer space, lasers, shield barrier and warp technology is a common thing, then he (the GM) needs to sets a lot of thing. A whole lots of thing. Race, for an example. Surely in a future where travel between space is so common, the humans already met other sentient being? Mother planet and its political standpoint is another thing that needs to be given a thought of. ...and many, many other things. Eh, what the heck am I blabbering about. An example is worth a thousand words, so let me just dish out an example of an article that GM/Mod/LeadAuthor should write.. >>> Let's just say Earth, human mother planet, is actually in the very center of the galaxy since it's first contact in AD 2999 thus made the planet prosperous and well-known throughout space. Though the humans technology is somewhat inferior compared to other races, they make up for it through their sheer numbers. Earth strategic location often made it prime target for inter-galactic bandits to plunder nearby travelling ships cargos. Soon after the human first contact, Earth was under attacks of another aggressive races calling themselves the Satyr, trying to claim Earth for their own military purpose. Should they succeeded, they are going to make a major boost in their dominance of military and political power in the galaxy. The only reason the humans avoid the fate of slavery, is through the intervention of "The Alliance", a congregation of mixed races under guidance of the prophetic race called "The Seer", who maintains the balance of power in the galaxy. <<< .... And that is only a glimpse of what must be done. See how much things that needs to be laid out? Being the one who laid out everything can be fun, of course, but... Well, I'm trying to warn you that there is a lots and lots and LOTS of work to be done.
  8. Oh dear. All of these tips you have been given us is all so useful I can't help but feel cheated when this tips being moved down to the bottomless pit by the next prompt / news. Shouldn't there be a compilation of writing tips or something? Somewhere where we can read all of the past (your) writing tips? Or is there already a way to do that? I have already memorized all the tips of course, though I only read two of your tips so far. Specificity and now this cliched thingy. It's just that.. It's nice to read the tips all over again when I want to self review / self edit my story.
  9. How about like this... Each author have their own main char (with a maximum of two supporting characters), therefore have their own personality and their own Point of View. Each of these characters will inevitably interact with the other authors character somewhere in the storyline. Each author post in a fixed turn. For example, lead author post the first chapter, Mr. A post the second chapter, Mrs. B post the third and then back to the lead author in a constant manner. Lead author will determine the main genre / theme of the storyline. He/she also the one who will creates major event that will happen in the main storyline and decide the turn of which the author must post his/her chapter. That's all I can think of for now, any other suggestions?
  10. I am drawn here not only by DomLuka, but I kinda understand the sentiment. I will always be forever grateful to those authors or those stories that have led me here to this wonderful community of GA. Thank you dkstories, Comicality and of course, DomLuka
  11. Is this a sci-fi or a fantasy genre? If it is, then count me in! If it is not, then I think I'll take a look and see how things work out first. I think Joey has done this before, this round-robin thingy. It was posted in the games and humor section of the forum, if I remember correctly. Too bad he suddenly disappear on us and the project is abandoned. Back then, I was just a newbie and didn't know a thing about writing so it would really be nice of this project -whatever this might be- can be realized. The big problem still remains though, who wants to be the lead author?
  12. Sometimes people will find it ridiculous, or hilarious. Some people also can be indifferent about porn. "We can have the real thing, why would we even look at porn?". ...But a deep deep closeted gay like me will likely find porn highly educational, and liberating for the most part. You need to know that in my country, there are NO such things as sex education. Sure the adults mention about HIV and AIDS but none of us as kids can really understand it. To make matters worse there are NO talks about bird and bees in my family too. That makes my understanding about my sexuality really REALLY hard. So yeah, porn is educational for me. It's also a bit scary, but liberating if that even makes sense. Although I can also understand why Cia and many others would find graphic porn hilarious. In the end, if you're looking for an emotional/psychological response, then it depends on many things. Norm and culture, your own personality, age, and so many other factor. The key is to know these factor.
  13. How do I feel? This is easy. I feel horny. That's for sure and it's the strongest feeling when I'm looking for porn, even on my first time. There are, of course, other feeling that accompanies it. For example, a constant need to hide and a curiosity. The need to hide is self-explanatory. I don't want people to find out. The curiosity however, is a wide subject. First time I'm looking for porn, I am curious of how many type of sex exist in gay sex (bondage/incest/etc) and in what position does gay people have sex, etc... I am also curious to know if I ever attracted to other kinds of porn. So I tried my hands on Lesbian and Straight porn. A big turn off Hope this answers your question.
  14. Whoa. This is a wonderful and amazing writing tips. I am collecting a wonderful writing tips like this. It is making me both a better writer and beta reader. ..So I need to ask. Is there any more of this tips? If there is, where can I see it?
  15. GENRE. Definitely the genre. I can never read too much of sci-fi/fantasy story. Well, sure I read the descriptions too but when that story has either sci-fi or fantasy genre hanging around on it's cover, I'll read it. I also prefer the completed one rather than the one that still in-progress, but if I know the authors, I'll give it a go. I don't even care if the writer is still young and immature, or when his writing is hard to grasp and the scenes are confusing. As long as it's one of the above genre, I'll read it and giving him some kind of constructive feedback after. In rare occasion, I'll even offer him my service as his betas. I mean, isn't that what beta readers are for? To help young authors grow? I know that most people can't stand poorly written script or stories. I am not like them. Probably because I love reading too much to care about things like that. Although I must admit, good written stories ALWAYS be the first on my list-to-read. Bad written one is doomed to be on the bottom list. I rarely ever read the other genre. If I do, then it's probably because that particular story is real good, or because I know the author personally. ... Have I mentioned that I can never had enough of sci-fi/fantasy genre?
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