Now that we are confident of Grangers' return, I will start from where I stopped reading, at chapter 27. For the rest of you I have a suggestion or two to fill in the time. GA remains my favorite site(home). However two stories I have found may appeal to some of you fellow followers of our charming Captain.
(I hope you find them as enjoyable as I have)
"I don't dwell on my age. It
might limit what I can do. As
long as I have my mind and
health, it's just a number."
---Nola Ochs
(so far, so good)
No, I haven't lost my marbles! This post is all about Marbles. Why, you ask? Why not, is my answer.
Marbles: History and Varieties
Cat's Eyes
How to Play
(now where the hell did I put my marbles? It's only been 57 some odd years since I last used them)
Bill W and Myr, I did not realize how significant your wishes of 'Godspeed' were until a few minutes ago.
' Godspeed, John Glenn '
The same words sent him into orbit in 1962
Final mission
(Kirk: Second star to the right and straight on till morning.)
Why Do Some Turtles Have the Option To Breathe Through Their Anuses?
Scientists explanation
It is not very often I come across a picture that captures my heart as this one has. Plus I didn't know where to post it. Not that many members visit this thread, but I chose here because as long as I am a member of GA this thread will remain active and this picture will remain available to any who would like to see it.
Two Happy(?) Owlets
I came across this and felt I had to warn glitteryantlers of a possible pretender to her throne. Though it doesn't really look like anything to be seriously worried about. But forewarned is to be forearmed and always ever vigilant.
(a loyal palace guard)
Up until his flight my dream was to be a Mounty(R.C.M.P.). After watching him blast off into orbit in 1962 at the age of nine, becoming an astronaut was added as an either/or to my list of one. I just checked my dust covered stamp collection, not touched in forty plus years. My pair of unused Mercury (1962) 4 cent stamps are just as I remember them. He was the last of the Mercury 7. The first to go up in to orbit, the last of his peers to leave us. I think he was my first hero and he never let me down.
Rest In Peace, John Glenn
"Fair Winds and Following Seas"
Semper Fi
Every winter we all have to relearn how to drive on snow and ice. Montrealers are no exception. Sometimes though it is just a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Add black ice to the mix and presto. Watch both videos in the article that follows, I can so relate to what is happening to every one involved.
Been there, done that
(don't you just love winter)
So my question to you is. Are the people who create these, extremely talented? Or just have nothing better to do with their time?
( I voted for extremely talented)
The best thing to give to your
enemy is forgiveness; to an
opponent, tolerance; to a
friend, your heart; to your
child, a good example; to a
father, deference; to your
mother, conduct that will make
her proud of you; to yourself,
respect; to all men, charity.
Benjamin Franklin Politician, Writer, Scientist
Do unto others...
"I shall pass this way but once; any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being; let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."
Etienne de Grellet Quaker Missionary
(words to live by)
I don't know about the rest of you, but up until this thread, I had never heard of Caecilians. So here is a quick 101(basic course) on them.
Mark, I have said nothing since you started this thread. Do not take my silence as indifference to your circumstances. Know that I do care (I really do). As one of your main cheerleaders, I remain on the sidelines, always ready and waiting.
Till the time out is over and the game resumes.
Best wishes
I know life goes on and that nothing lasts for ever. It does not make me feel any better, knowing that. I will miss the site. When an author I follow passes like Ghost Rider, Walker or Sanchez, I feel bad because through their stories they became my friends and I will truly miss them.
When a site goes down, it is as if a plane crashed and all the passengers were writers. Many of whom were friends. Hopefully the survivors will recover and not be afraid to fly once more.
(time marches on)