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Everything posted by sandrewn

  1. They are all great pictures and with those roots I have again learned something new, thank you. At the mention of Tenerife, I think of Mark Arbour and his Bridgemont series with Granger and where Nelson lost an eye and arm. Thank you one more time Sandrewn
  2. Darn, darn it, I'm late again. I hope that it was a good one. Eighteen is one of those you'll remember years from now. Stick around so we can celebrate all of your milestones to come. I want, albeit, a tad after the fact to... Wish you Alex A very Happy 18th Birthday!!! It is all new to you and not a few of us are envious of you. You might find this a bit boring, but George Burns summed it up with this song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3c-WBn5cCg Best wishes Sandrewn
  3. I almost lost sight of the important thing. It was to wish you a Happy Birthday!!! In my desire to give you a fancy post, I almost missed your important day. Sandrewn
  4. As far as birthdays go, this is one of the big ones(so they say). You made it, and things appear to be getting better for you(?). Be positive, looking ahead, not back. How about another chapter for us. Looking forward to it and more pictures, please. I want to... Wish you Shane A very Happy 21st Birthday!!! You did say you loved fishing Sandrewn
  5. In today's status updates, clochette brought up the fact that, all cats have six nipples. It had never occurred to me before! So in response I looked it up and can tell you boys have them (uhmm, humans two not six, phew). Also answers to 14 other questions you my have or not thought about at some time or other. Sandrewn
  6. Sawyer, who has Down syndrome, was the only child in a class of 23 not invited to a classmate's birthday party. Mama bear was not a happy camper and let her fingers do the talking. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/langley-down-syndrome-facebook-letter-1.3651219 Some times people do listen. Well done. http://www.cknw.com/2016/06/25/196085/ The smile says it all Sandrewn
  7. Okay, just for you in the land down under (err, right next to it?). I offer you the following and thanks for the upcoming chapter. Sandrewn The next time you hear a Haka, compare the words used, surprise!!!
  8. Yours was the second story I read here (H S). I have been through it several times since then. I am on my second time round for VOS and await your next chapter(s). Thanks ever so much. I want to... Wish You Stellar A Very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Sandrewn
  9. I started this before midnight, does that count (sniff). The work that you do and help that you give, make you one of GA's prized assets. You help make the site a friendlier place to be. I just wanted to... Wish You :wizard: craftingmom :wizard: A Very Happy Birthday!!! Sandrewn
  10. I read over every ones comments and don't know what else I can add. A prolific story teller, a posting wizard, a strong minded, well informed individual. Okay, enough of that, to much of a good thing and all. I just wanted to... Wish You W_L A.K.A. GA's Fluffy Puppy A Very Happy Birthday!!! Sandrewn
  11. Now for something different. So what are your thoughts on Codpieces? Say what you say? They haven't been in fashion for quite some time, you say. Yet I bet we all know of someone or of a character who has or is still wearing one. Don't bet, you'd loose. Try to think of someone before watching. 21 Best Codpieces ever Sandrewn (I rest my case)
  12. Keep on doing what you are doing. Being an active author and member is exactly what we need here. A few of us are getting a bit long in the tooth. I do want to... Wish You RomanRomaan A very Happy 18th Birthday!!! You said your interest was World Peace/so here is a an updated version Sandrewn
  13. I for one, would not be comfortable shopping here. I saw the hole, first. Sandrewn
  14. I'm interested and have started the search. I agree! Hopefully this will work for you. http://www.eyetricks.com/rotatingdots.htm SCORE Graeme Robert K Gorel 1 0 Sandrewn
  15. Even though the letters are jumbled in the following paragraph, most people have no trouble reading it! Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Thanks to Robert K Goral for submitting this interesting phenomenon! Seeing is believing Sandrewn
  16. In this optical illusion, if you follow the movement of the rotating pink dot with your eyes, the dots will remain only one color, pink. However, if you stare at the black + in the center, the moving dot will turn green. Keep concentrating on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period, all the pink dots will slowly disappear and you will only see a single green dot moving in a circle. May the force be with you Sandrewn
  17. The First Mammal to Go Extinct From Climate Change http://www.attn.com/stories/9189/first-mammal-extinction-due-to-climate-change Sandrewn (and probably not the last)
  18. Fish swimming inside of a Jellyfish? My first thought was that this reminds of Jonah and the whale. My last thought, this is not going to end well for Mr. Fish. Jellyfish swallows a Live Fish http://zeenews.india.com/news/eco-news/a-fish-swimming-inside-a-jellyfish-s-belly_1894123.html Sandrewn
  19. First, just one lawyer joke! Q: How many lawyer jokes are there? A: Only three. The rest are true stories. You do it all, review, post and have a great gallery (I can't forget those strawberries). You are a popular and prolific author. People like you, you are a people person. An asset to GA. So on this your special day, I want to... Wish You Puppilull A Very Happy Birthday!!!! Sandrewn
  20. I guess I've turned to the past to find some comfort. This one was for Africa, but the words seemed to fit the here and now.
  21. Since Sunday I have had several songs come back to me as I struggled to get a hand on things.
  22. I was going to speak about your being a Promising Author and of the great stories you have and continue to create for us. Of your posting dedication and of your poster child persona for success in Likes with 5614 and counting. I decided finally not to. After all, anyone who loves cheese cake as much as I do has to, by default, be a great and fantastical(?) person. I want to... Wish You Valkyrie A Very Happy Birthday!!! I want you to know, because of your Member Title Pesky Penguin the theme is cold-snow-icy. The video you may have seen, but it does have one hell of a lot of Penguins in it!!! Sandrewn
  23. Ya know, you don't make things easy. Hints from your profile (0). Location, a land of magical people and talking animals! On the plus side, you are a writer and poet who has mastered the art of making spaghetti. To make a long story short, I want to... Wish You Menace A Very Happy Birthday!!! Sandrewn
  24. This has to be one of the most beautiful or handsome (?) of spiders I have ever seen. Avicularia versicolor sling (spiderling). Commonly known as the Antilles or Martinique Pinktoe. Sandrewn However, I would prefer to view them from behind a thick, bullet proof glass walled, guarantied escape proof enclosure.
  25. Most cats that I have met did not like water(getting wet). So this bit of news makes total sense to me. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/litter-newborn-kittens-mum-discovered-8119416 Sandrewn
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