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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Apparently, I’m lurking in here today... I’m supposed to be writing, but I keep checking GA instead.
  2. My mum was surprisingly accepting when I told her about my girlfriend. But then, she’s very hard to shock. Pretty sure she’s done a loooot of stuff I don’t know about in her youth. I already know she was kind of a wild child. She’s gotten more conservative in her old age, and she doesn’t quite get the gender thing, but it’s not like she hasn’t been exposed to polyamory. She grew up in the 60s and 70s and just about caught the tail end of the hippie era. I think if I were in a D/s relationship that might shock her, though.
  3. There’s a parallel here to polyamory, I think, in the honesty and trust. If you have multiple romantic partners, communication is so important, and people in poly relationships know this. So they talk about everything, check in with their partners, make sure that everyone is still okay with everything. People in traditional monogamous relationships don’t necessarily do this. People have different definitions of what constitutes cheating, or what a normal sex life is like, or whether it’s okay to keep some things to yourself when you’re in a relationship with someone, and if you don’t talk about it you can’t lay down ground rules. Every relationship needs ground rules, and monogamous people are sometimes terrible at setting them. If there’s one thing I learned from my stint with polyamory, it’s to always be honest with my partner and communicate my needs and listen to theirs. So I can trust them and they can trust me.
  4. I really enjoy reading the things you write. I feel like I learn something new every time. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us.
  5. Lots of good questions and great answers! Always love reading these. I have had all three of those things. Mohawk only lasted two weeks before I shaved my head, but it was, in fact, green. /off topic
  6. I’m a snowman. I melt in the sun, lol! And then I combust. If there’s anything left.
  7. Angry face for asshole bosses.
  8. I use a mortar and pestle for pepper. Not sure why I started doing it, it’s archaic af. But I really love the taste, and I can get it as fine or as coarse as I like it.
  9. Good idea. Hope the power stays functional, though.
  10. Well, it worked for me today, so maybe it'll work for you, too.
  11. Helps if you've got proper winter tyres, though. People do here, generally, and we don't get a lot of accidents, even in freezing rain. Still, I agree, people should just stay home.
  12. I know what you mean. I want to pronounce the first bit like you'd pronounce 'ratio', but apparently that's incorrect. If you click the speaker symbol it'll take you to the Merriam-Webster website where you can click it again and hear it said out loud.
  13. It me! In bird form! Only, you know, biologically both rather than just mentally. Lol!
  14. Truth. Also, ratiocination is an amazing word. Never heard it before.
  15. We're getting freezing rain on Saturday. It's gonna suuuuuck!
  16. Snowing like crazy here, too. Not gonna stop until Friday. The heart is for Michael taking care of you.
  17. I did. It's one of my favourite words. Feel like I used it quite recently, but can't recall the context... Morning, DiC! I feel bloody awful today, so I hope you all fare better.
  18. Thorn Wilde


    Lol! This one was a bit all over the place. I wanted Zoltan in there, but figuring out how to do it was.... hard.
  19. Goodnight, Def! I'm heading to bed, too. Night, DiC! See you tomorrow.
  20. Isn't it, though? Made my day.
  21. Omg! Someone bought the domain of a Nazi group and turned it into a gay furry erotica site! It is glorious. (No nudity, all the wolves wear underwear, lol!)
  22. That's my whole city, right there. They're just always building and fixing shit that don't need fixing, while not fixing things that do.
  23. Heh, just noticed this thread. We've already talked about this a bit in the DiC, but my favourites are Interesting NPCs, Frostfall, Campfire, iNeeds, and Convenient Horses. Heh, I've probably put in over 3000 hours in Skyrim and Skyrim SE by now. It's my favourite game in the history of ever.
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