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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    Yes, Daniel is now free of him, and Loz can learn to better himself. He’s a broken boy in need of guidance and love. Thanks for commenting!
  2. I really love reading your blog about your life. Both out of my genuine interest in the Lifestyle, and more importantly because it lets me get to know you even better, because I care about you. On the subject of gratitude, I'm so grateful to be able to call you friend.
  3. Maybe we could somehow permanently unsubscribe to Mondays? That would be cool.
  4. Ooh, fun word! One I was not aware of. Thanks!
  5. Haha! Yeah, that's totally why. Sorry you didn't sleep well. Take care of yourself!
  6. 3D-printing is really cool tech. My former school has a maker space with 3D-printers and other cool stuff that I sadly didn't use enough while I went there... I'd really love to design and print my own minis for my tabletop gaming, but being able to print them isn't really enough; I'd need to learn some kind of 3D modelling software, too. So in the meantime I just use Hero Forge and they do it for me and send me the result in the mail.
  7. It's hard to pick one in particular, but I really love @Parker Owens's comments on my poetry. I don't get a lot of feedback on it, but Parker is so often there with thoughtful responses and encouragements, and that means a lot. I also really love @Timothy M.'s comments. I feel like you read almost everything I write, and you always comment when you do, which is lovely. My favourite review would have to be @Puppilull's review of Nobody's Valentine.
  8. Morning, DiC. Tired today... Tired everyday, lol! My throat hurts, but it hurts differently than it did before, so I think that's a good thing? Hope you all have a great day!
  9. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogue, I worked hard on it. You're right, while it's not entirely his own fault how Loz turned out, it's no excuse either. Thankfully, Loz doesn't see it as an excuse himself. He blames himself fully. Thanks for reading and commenting!
  10. Thorn Wilde

    Lesson #4

    I love reading these. It's interesting, like being a fly on the wall, but it's also really emotional, like I can feel his emotions and yours in the way you express them in your writing. I feel like I know him... Well written. Thank you.
  11. I don't think that personal drug use itself should be criminalised, cause no addict was ever helped by being put in jail, but there's a far cry between that and the legalisation and decriminalisation of possession, selling, distributing, importing, and so on. And on that hopefully not too political note, I will bid you all goodnight. It's been a long day. Time for sleeps. See you tomorrow, DiC!
  12. Have a bit of Swedish folk! This is Jan Hammarlund, gay Swedish folk singer who's been out basically his whole career. This song from 1979 is about being a teenage boy and being in love with another boy. It's adorable. Lyrics roughly translated by me: I actually know Jan personally, and he's just the sweetest guy you could ever imagine.
  13. They had an Iron Maiden poster on the wall. It had the mascot, Eddie, coming out of a tree. That poster became very, very real to this guy. Hence the auto-defenestration. This one:
  14. Oooh, no, bad idea! I knew a guy who jumped out of a window on a bad shroom trip. He didn't die, but still, not good.
  15. Thorn Wilde


    I think Loz is punishing himself, and will continue to do so for a long time. Thanks for commenting!
  16. We call this one 'grønn fluesopp', which translates to green toadstool, in Norwegian. I always take care when picking mushrooms. Never pick anything I don't know exactly what is. And usually I only go mushroom picking to get chanterelles. My favourite mushroom. They look nothing like death caps.
  17. Thorn Wilde


    That is basically exactly what I'm going for, yeah. Loz's dad is definitely not a bad guy, and he has real potential to help his son now. There are all these cultural codes we follow without thinking about it; ideas of what men are supposed to be, what women are supposed to be, how we're supposed to act around those who don't fit the mould, and so on. This is what gives rise to toxic masculinity, homophobia, transphobia, and other harmful social structures. I like to explore these concepts in my writing. Thanks as ever for commenting!
  18. Of course. Didn't mean to overstep.
  19. Take care, tim. The heart is for love.
  20. Thorn Wilde


    Yeah, Mr. Morelli is a chill bro. Like he said to Loz, he's not easily shocked. He knows what he's doing and he does it well. Thanks for commenting!
  21. Well, I'm not entirely sure what's going on, the thread seemed pretty straight forward to me, but
  22. What happened? EDIT: And you are not stupid.
  23. I prefer folding to the other laundry stuff. You know, putting it in the machine and hanging it to dry. Especially hanging it. Ugh. We do not have a dryer.
  24. Thorn Wilde


    Yeah, I was entirely intending for Loz's dad to be all sorts of awful about it, but then I got to that point and it turned out that Max Wilcox is a lot kinder and more empathic than I thought he was.
  25. Sounds clever. I'm not that clever, lol!
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