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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! That gives me the warm fuzzies.
  2. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you so much!
  3. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! I'm glad you liked it.
  4. Thorn Wilde


    Teddy was old and battered. He was older by far than Jamie, and had been the first toy Jamie received when he was born, a relic of his cousin Rachel’s childhood. Teddy’s fur was a yellowy colour, and was woolly, knotted and scraggly. His left ear had been badly chewed by both Rachel and Jamie in their infancies, and his right ear had been torn off and sewn back on more times than anyone could remember. His right eye had been lost and replaced with a shiny, red button shaped like an aeroplan
  5. Thorn Wilde


    'Teddy was old and battered, and Jamie loved him.' The tale of a boy and his teddy, and how teddies keep the monsters away.
  6. Thorn Wilde

    What Meg Said

    Ah, yes. Twatwaffle. So descriptive, yet so ridiculous... By far one of my favourites. I'm so glad you've enjoyed the series! Thanks for all the lovely reviews! <3
  7. They're a pair of stubborn idiots, but then that's half their charm. Thank you so much for reviewing again!
  8. Thorn Wilde


    Thank you! It took them long enough to get it, but they're finally beginning to understand that they belong together and that no one else will do. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series! It only gets fluffier from here.
  9. Sadly you couldn't do that here... They're changing the entire radio broadcasting system to digital soon, and all radios will need new receivers and software to decrypt the signals.
  10. Lol! Sounds like medicine indeed. Your iPad is a tablet. As is, say, the Samsung Galaxy Tab or the Kindle Fire.
  11. Thorn Wilde


    Cringeworthy, eh? Good. It's making you feel. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!
  12. Thorn Wilde


    Haha! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm quite happy with Twinkletoes McFapmuffin, if I say so myself. Thanks for reviewing!
  13. I don't care about tablets at all, as I haven't got one. I only just got a smartphone, so I know I can do without that as well. And at this point my TV could be replaced with a large display hooked up to the PS3. But I need my computers. Computers are awesome and useful, they can do everything the other devices can and more.
  14. Thorn Wilde


    They're not, I daresay, the most easily approachable characters, though I'm sorry you still find yourself at an emotional distance. Hopefully, as their story unfurls and you get to know them better you'll come to love them as I have. Thanks for reviewing!
  15. Thorn Wilde


    They're certainly a pair of potty mouths, which is half the point, really. Thank you for taking the time to review. I hope you stick with it and see the series through to the end!
  16. I'm really excited for the discussion day. Don't hold back on the questions, okay? I like the tough ones.
  17. A really rather belated Happy Birthday to you!
  18. :D Happy Birthday, bro!! :D I know it's almost over and I'm late with my congratulations, but in my defence I had my own birthday party last night and I've been a bit off the grid today as a result. Hope you had a wonderful day and got everything you wished for! All of the love for you!
  19. Welcome, pennywise! So many new people coming in here these days.
  20. Hiya, MommaB! Welcome to the community!
  21. Not at all. Just that it should be less important to them both than finding cures for life-threatning illnesses.
  22. Very cool concept. I may have to see it. I turned 14 in May 2002. It was at that age that I started to become me, though I didn't really get into the me-ness properly until 2003. I see that year as the year my life started properly. I started to properly get over all the shit of my childhood, I became less naïve and started discovering who it was I was going to become.
  23. Can they really? It's sad that not all cancer varieties get as much attention as breast cancer, even ones that are equally as common. It's been a big step up for women's health, though, which for ages received very little attention at all. In the end I hope we can all agree that the dumbest thing of all is that more money and research is invested in drugs to give old dudes hard-ons than on life-saving treatments for cancer victims everywhere.
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