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Thorn Wilde

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Everything posted by Thorn Wilde

  1. Thanks, Def. Glad you think so.
  2. Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. I think it's an important aspect that people don't get. Not all trans people suffer from dysphoria the way Andi does (I don't, not in that way), but it's so destructive for those who do. I don't think people understand how it actually affects the people who experience it. As for revisiting them, it's not currently in the cards, but you never know. Thank you for taking the time to comment!
  3. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 15

    Biscuits: Gravy: Sausage:
  4. Patreon is a service that I think a lot of people don't quite understand. Some people find it disingenuous, for instance, to ask people for money for a product that they will later be giving away for free, as many do. Others see it as akin to begging. That second one I find particularly odd... If anything, it's like busking. Some history first: Back in the olden days, it was common for talented artists to acquire patrons. A patron might provide the artist with food, a place to live, money for paints and canvases/ink and paper/instruments, and general support so that they were free to create rather than worry about surviving. Many of the great painters, authors, and composers of history had patrons to help support them, especially when they were just starting out. Mozart earned the patronage of kings. Not that I'm comparing today's online content creators with Mozart. Patreon is not Kickstarter. While some may certainly use it in a similar way, the platform is different. Some creators ask for support on a per project basis, one sum per thing, which is similar. Some of these creators later give away their project for free, others use it as a pre-order service. Most use it for monthly contributions. People use the system differently. Game developers or creators of popular mods for games, for instance, often release versions for their patrons prior to releasing it to the public for free. Creators of game mods often spend an awful lot of time on creating something for their community. Digging down into the core scripts of a game and altering them is no mean feat. And every time a game is updated, the mods have to be as well, so that they are still compatible with the new version. This is how most people who offer their content for free use Patreon. It is a voluntary donation toward creation of further content. Some then offer sneak peeks of their work, pre-releases of content, exclusive progress updates, blog posts, and so on to their patrons. Authors often offer people the option of reading a chapter before everyone else gets to. The most important part is this: When a patron chooses to support a content creator, they are not buying a product. They are contributing to future content creation by making it easier for a content creator to make and publish content. Patronage is voluntary. It's a donation. Some patrons even choose not to receive any of the rewards offered by content creators. Most importantly, no one will be upset with a reader/viewer/content user/etc. for choosing not to do so. In the end, no matter how it's used, the basic purpose of Patreon is to give people who want to contribute the option of doing so, out of their own free will. We reside in a capitalist society where this may be hard to wrap one's head around, really. We're accustomed to paying for goods and services and then receiving what we paid for. When we're used to this mindset, it may feel like you're paying for nothing when you support a content creator on Patreon. But what you are really 'paying' for is a person's ability create more and better content. Personally, I pay more money to content creators on Patreon per month than I'm getting from my grand total of two patrons (one of whom is my mother). Counter intuitive though it sounds, maybe I'll break even soon.
  5. Morning, tim! You be kind to yourself as well, today and all days.
  6. Thorn Wilde

    Chapter 15

    I was ready to hate you a little bit, but thankfully you didn't cliffhanger that whole fire thing. I would have been cross with you. Maybe. This is scary, though, Stefano coming to Hailey and apparently having known exactly where Corbin is this whole time? And how does this relate to Luca's Family? Did Robin know who they were when she (I assume) sold them their property? And where's Harris at this point? So may questions! I've never had biscuits and gravy. It's funny, because the whole thing means something completely different this side of the pond. Biscuits are something else. Sausage is something else. Gravy is something else. So weird. Lol!
  7. Morning, DiC! I managed to get up before noon again, but I've taken a slooooow morning, so now it's 1pm. I'm tired again, but have every intention of putting on clothes today as well! I need to go food shopping. Wayne inspired me, so tonight we're having steak!
  8. I didn't mean for it to be a sad ending, so I think they're right, too. One day at a time. Thanks for reading and commenting!
  9. Thank you!
  10. Gonna get ready for bed. Goodnight, DiC!
  11. Thank you!
  12. Thorn Wilde

    Hands of Shame

    Katy's a bitch, but... She's fifteen. She's a fifteen-year-old girl who lives on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. What she said and tried to do was hugely fucked up, but Ben is supposed to be a grown man in his twenties. What he did, hurting her, even if it was only for a moment, was equally not okay. That's my opinion, anyway. Katy needs help. She clearly has a lot of issues, with her brother and otherwise, that need to be worked out. She's just a kid. That doesn't make it okay, mind you, but all the same.
  13. Bet they'll be happy cats! 😸
  14. ‘But, Ronan . . .’ ‘Hm?’ ‘You’re gay.’ Andi hears the quaver of his own voice and clears his throat again. ‘Yeah,’ Ronan says slowly. ‘And you’re a guy.’ Ronan has been there for Andi since he began his transition. Now he wants to come visit and Andi is overjoyed, but he can't quite bring himself to believe that Ronan is truly interested in him, when his body isn't exactly what most gay men would want.
  15. Andi fumbles with his keys, trying to get the door open. He nearly drops them, but finally he manages to let himself into his flat. Not even bothering to take his coat off, he runs toward the bathroom. He only just makes it. Taking a piss has never felt more wonderful. He still doesn’t feel quite comfortable using the men’s room. He looks like a guy, but he feels like if he goes into the men’s room someone will call his bluff. They’ll see right through him. It’s even worse at work, where peo
  16. Omg, that lolcat is a classic! I haven't seen that one in years!
  17. Glad he's home! Thanks for keeping us posted all day.
  18. I hope you can. If not right away, then as soon as possible.
  19. What Wayne said. Please take care of both yourself and tim, Mike.
  20. Fuck. I'm so sorry, Mike. Thinking of you both.
  21. I've had one of those. Followed by getting dressed! In actual clothes!
  22. Sounds like a lovely morning, molly.
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