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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday


    The bar is real and it's two blocks from my house. Wilton Manors is the current gay Mecca in South Florida. I messed around with the game's date and teams, but the action would have taken place today. I wasn't there. I drank instead of smoking last night and I'm payin for it today even though I was asleep by 12:30! HNY
  2. Carlos Hazday


    You greedy. This story came up while I was in the middle of writing something else. The character gripped me and wouldn't let go, so I wrote it in bits and pieces whenever I found time. I figured a short story between 6 and 7.5 thousand words. It went over by a bit. I think this is the shortest chapter.
  3. Carlos Hazday


    My usual HEA ending, of course.
  4. Great idea! Awesome nascent feature...
  5. Carlos Hazday


    An I enjoyed working with you! Welcome to Team Carlos!
  6. Carlos Hazday


    Not alot of conflict in this story. I wanted to write a feel-good slice of life tale to start the year off with smiles all around,
  7. Carlos Hazday


    Back at you, bud. Thanks for readng and leaving a comment.
  8. Carlos Hazday


    HNY! Tim's a composite of several bartender friends. One of them in particular constantly complains his looks (tall, muscular, hairy) make everyone think he's a top when he's not.
  9. Carlos Hazday


    Happy New Year, bud. Glad I could strt you year off with a little something.
  10. Your are correct! I just looked and this is the first story posted on GA in 2020!
  11. Stop me if you've heard this one before. Two college football players walk into a gay sports bar... No conflict and no drama. A little feelgood story to start the new year.
  12. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! My apologies for shouting to anyone recovering. Can you believe it’s already 2020? Weren’t we all recently concerned about Y2K trashing our computers? Wasn’t I trashed myself after a night of half-naked dancing at a Millenium party? I’m getting old; my memory plays tricks all the time. But one thing I remembered clearly was that Ask an Author would be the first blog entry this year. Thankfully, I had this ready early enough I didn’t have to cancel last night’s celebration. Have I babbled sufficiently? How about I shut up and share this month’s question and the responses? ◊ ◊ ◊ My question concerns those who produce a regular Wednesday 1000 word length chapter ie Cia, Mann, and Caz Pedroso. Why did you start writing a story like this? Does it change your writing? Do your readers enjoy it? Do you write chapter to chapter? If so, how obliged do you feel to keep up the frequency? ◊ ◊ ◊ @Caz Pedrozo Why did you start writing a story like this? I saw the Wednesday briefs group on Cia’s blog and decided to join them. It was my way of easing into writing again. Does it change your writing? It does and it doesn’t. The word limit of 500 - 1000 words makes you think more about what you’re writing and can help you to be more concise. However, my Wednesday briefs story is never planned, it is written by the seat of my pants and changes week by week depending on the characters and sometimes the comment left by readers. My longer stories are always planned out ahead of time (although, things can always change) and so have more structure to them. Do your readers enjoy it? Their comments say they do, even when they are begging me to write longer chapters. Do you write chapter to chapter? If so, how obliged do you feel to keep up the frequency? As i said above, yes, i write these stories as they come to me. I try my best to post each week, because i know as a reader that it is annoying to be enjoying a story and the author disappears after posting faithfully for several weeks. I also like the fact that even if my other writing is stalling I can have something to offer my readers so they know I haven’t disappeared and forgotten them. ◊ ◊ ◊ @Cia My Wednesday feature is actually part of a group from a blog I have off GA, and it used to be upwards of 20 authors or more posting each week. I've been participating for more than five years, and I rarely miss a week. Even when all my other writing dries up (like now) the weekly flash keeps me motivated to use my imagination and not let my skills get rusty. Eventually I start writing more on other stories as well since I didn't completely let writing fall by the wayside in my busy life. It's a big commitment for me, but one I enjoy. So, yes, I write each chapter week to week though I might have an overall story idea for the beginning/middle/end to reach, reader comments DEFINITELY influence how each chapter flows into the next with their thoughts, questions, and ideas of what they like/don't like, and it has changed my writing in many ways. Word choice matters when you need one word instead of ten because you're limited to 1,000, and I've found if I have too many chapters where nothing happens but background setting or building motivations and events up then readers get bored. The stories have to have a lot of action but I still need to maintain an ebb and flow of natural activity so it still feels "real" so I'm often challenged to think about how I can include small events with big and timeline jumps to make a story feel believable. I encourage all authors to try writing fiction in a variety of lengths. It's a challenge, and there's nothing more stimulating for authors than learning something new about their writing abilities and preferences! ◊ ◊ ◊ @Mann Ramblings I started writing with the Wednesday Briefers because my schedule became so overloaded, I was having trouble writing at a consistent pace. I have at least three WIPs that get sporadic attention at best. The flash fiction format of 1k per week gives me a deadline I can manage and keeps at least one story flowing constantly. It's been a nice exercise in being concise and getting as much as I need into the portion allotted. Maintaining pacing is a little tricky, but I'd like to think I've managed that fairly well. Reader reactions have been mixed. They’ve been loving the story, but they're also voracious that if I could promise more on a regular basis I would. Because of that, I've been religious about posting every Wednesday at 8am my time because if I can't give the readers as much as I'd like, I can at least be counted on to give them something for being so loyal and putting up with the extended format. If my life ever stabilizes, I'd like to post stories with more traditional sized chapters. Until then, I want to keep writing, and this makes sure it happens. ◊ ◊ ◊ That’s it folks. According to Word, this entry clocks in at just under a thousand words; that sounds very appropriate since it’s a Wednesday See you all next month. In the meantime, please don’t make me wait until I’m out of material to send me questions. Do it now, before you forget.
  13. Yes, I normally do. But not today. Must be a hiccup in the software.
  14. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, buddy. Happy New Year!
  15. Brett and Cesar may be all kicks and giggles most of the time but both have steel cores. I wouldn't want to piss them off.
  16. Carlos Hazday


    Riley tugged the ball cap a little lower as he stepped through the door, trying to keep the upper portion of his face in shadows. He did not think anyone would recognize him but wanted to remain anonymous as long as possible. He was ready. As ready as he was ever going to be. His resolution for the year was to be honest, and this was the first step. Nerves knotted his stomach, but he drew a deep breath and approached the bar. Spying an open stool, he made a beeline for it. “Happy New Year,
  17. Carlos Hazday


    Blush, blush, blush.... There are bits of me in a lot of the characters, but none are biographical. I wish I was half the man CJ's become.
  18. Carlos Hazday


    Thanks, Def. I do have a short story in mind with Brett and Cesar at the center of it. Won't happen for a bit, but the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. I've been dying to showcase those tywo and a week in Palm Springs would be fun. (I'm sure I'll get crucified for the hot tub orgy. LOL) Your kid's handsome as hell!
  19. I needed someone to crack the political door open for CJ, and Brian seemed perfect. The fact the man's easy on the eyes didn't hurt.
  20. Welcome to the family! Good day for reading, it's what I've been doing this afternoon. I promise the writing improves. CJ's far from typical, but getting exiled will help shape who he becomes.
  21. Carlos Hazday


    @pvtguy Thank you, Tony!
  22. Good job, Tim. I recall reading two stories in the series, but I wasn't aware there were more. Since I'm taking a break from writing through the end of the year, I'm gonna try and read the others. Feliz Navidad!
  23. Carlos Hazday


    Damn you're greedy! I'll have you know I intended the story to be under 10k words; I exceeded that by over 10%. So you got a bonus without even realizing it. Here's hoping your grandson brings you joy this holiday season. Thanks for the continued support, Dave.
  24. Carlos Hazday


    LOL Yes it is.I have the first in a trilogy of short stories ready, but I won't post until the second one is at least close to completion. I don't want a long lag period between stories. (Ha! I normally bitch when authors have long lag between chapters). Anyway, each story will probably be between 5k & 7.5k words and I hope to post all 3 in 2020. Thanks for sticking with me all this time. I hope I've provided entertainment and a respite from the daily grind, and I look forward to more of the same in 2020. May your holidays be filled with joy.
  25. Carlos Hazday


    I'm glad you've noticed. We met CJ at 15, he turned 23 in this story, and I've tried to show growth. The basic personality and instincts are still there, but he can now joke with Pam instead of snapping at her comments, and it's him running his hand down Owen's back trying to calm him. There's a purpose to everything I throw into a story, sometimes it's obvious, sometimes not. And sometimes it's crazy because I want to have fun. CJ will still explode at times, but so do Brett and Cesar who are his idols. I think those two have done a good job raising their son.
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