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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    My late grandfather used to say something like sons they are but parents they'll be. If Liebe's half the handful CJ was, our boys are in trouble.
  2. Thanks, bud. Possibly because it wasn't up for very long. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so I requested it be posted the day before this months Ask an Author went up. Since that one's posting day's set in stone...
  3. Carlos Hazday

    He Kalliste

    Most enjoyable, Adi.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    Yep! There's a certain allure... I haven't figured out when or where, but I want to have the guys wear them again.
  5. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    LMAO Liebe's crawling but cant stand. With CJ close to 6 feet tall, I think she's too short to lift his kilt.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    Thanks, Jay and the same to you. Stick around, a bit more fun, but no kilts, coming up Sunday.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    Glad you've enjoyed it, but we're not quite done. There's a short epilogue posting on Sunday.
  8. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    Marc McNally, an Aussie author I've interacted with for a long time, sent it to me about three years ago. I immediately knew I had to write a story with it at the center. And I couldn't resist the title!
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    Without help, Pam woud have likely sunk even lower. I always like to portray a family coming together to help each other.
  10. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

    A short epilogue coming on Sunday so you're not done with me this year yet! Thanks Tony!
  11. Although they fly in and out of Sydney, and spend a night there, the story takes place in the Hunter Valley. I've done the travelogues before and will again, but I wanted this one to revolve around the family. CJ and Owen are married and have a kid so they're a unit by themselves. The interactions with in-laws is what I wanted to explore.
  12. Carlos Hazday

    The Winner

    Y'all are gonna have to catch me first to find out who won. Or... you could wait until the next Squad spinoff. Someone slips and lets the cat out of the bag. But who really cares? The important thing is Chipper's on his way to that career in the music business he wants.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    Boxing Day

  14. “Let’s go before Mum wakes up. I don’t want to deal with her this early in the morning.” Owen held Liebe against his chest as he strode toward the Liston Winery vehicle they were borrowing. It was large enough to fit five men and an infant, plus boards. CJ followed, carrying the backpack with baby supplies. While Owen and CJ got settled, Spencer took the driver’s seat. “I still can’t believe Mum wanted to go behind CJ’s back. You see what I’ve been going through?” With most g
  15. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    Harlequin called... Everyone needs a Tessa in their lives, no prisoners! I hope Kade and Torito have a normal date soon.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    It was not meant as a jab!!!! This is the first story of yours I read, and I'm enjoying it.
  17. @Toddten Thank you soooo very much. The world around us isn't always pretty, and I like to write about those good moments. Having just binged on the series, you know there's pain involved at times. Next Ripper chapter CJ actually voices that thought. But I refuse to have my characters be defined by adversity. Those are thing to try and conquer. My tales aren't for everyone, the HEA endings turn some readers off. But there are plenty of stories involving angst and pain as the main subject, some of them pretty good. If I encourage one reader to do an act of kindness or stand up for themselves or others, I'll rejoice in it. But I write to provide entertainment, to please myself, and to maybe bring a smile to readers when they're having a bad day. Thanks again, Todd
  18. Carlos Hazday

    Chapter 1

    A feline/human hybrid named Roku? Ring a bell @Mann Ramblings? LOL
  19. And somebody recently complained they couldn't figure out where to start reading the series since it was so long. HA! You'll get your wish, Todd. I have two more Squad spinoffs planned before I write a story with CJ and Owen at the center. Next spring or summer, I'll post Warrior with Brad as the protagonist. Mann now has the first chapter for editing. Interestingly, a few of the Elite and a lot more of the Squad make appearances. Since the action takes place on the East Coast, it makes it easier to involve them. Haven't started writing it yet, but the third spinoff will star Ritchie. Then I'll tackle a longer story covering CJ and Owen's time in Mexico City. Look for that one to post sometime in 2021.
  20. If we lose faith, we're doomed. A time shall come when we as a people can once again disagree on details but come together without partisan rancor for the betterment of our nation.
  21. That was in the back of my mind while writing the chapter. I thought about CJ bringing it up since he was in a calm mindset (ie mentioning vaccines) but decided I didn't want him to be the point man in the disagreement. It felt better to have Owen confront his mother.
  22. You can clutter up my comments page any time you want.
  23. I recall my brother and I clogging an outdoors sink when we were little. We wanted to build a mud castle on a bald patch of lawn. Of course we ended up getting so much dirt on and in us, that when we tried to clean ourselves, the sink couldn't handle it. Pretty sure my butt was red after.
  24. Party's still going on. Grab a glass of wine and join in. Pam needs help and the family will work as a team to get it gor her.
  25. Once seats are all taken we'll have to start on laps. We're a friendly bunch around here.
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