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  1. Third and love it a lil more each time.
  2. sugarsmacks

    Chapter 8

    Wow fantastic. One minute I'm looking for some tissue the next it was so hot I had to take a break. Thank you for another amazing chapter.
  3. sugarsmacks

    Chapter 7

    Cruel but we love you.
  4. sugarsmacks

    Chapter 6

    My favorite will always be New Orleans. I just like having Kevin's take on all things Becker.
  5. sugarsmacks


    I loved every bit of it.
  6. sugarsmacks

    Chapter 8

    Yeah I totally agree that Stephanie was a little cold hearted. I think Kyle was justified in his feelings just look at the fact that Jacob and Brian also had sex. If it was just a misunderstanding why couldnt Kyle's father or Jacob show up at Kyle's school to set him straight. What no one knew what college he went to. If it was my son I would camp out on campus until we worked things out.
  7. sugarsmacks

    First Dates

    They are so cute together and I can't wait for all 3 crews to get together
  8. Shane is a funny guy. I love a guy that can make me laugh.
  9. sugarsmacks

    Run here often?

    The author of my life was a cruel and confusing mistress...seeing as you are the author you know exactly how to make Special Agent Donovan's life entertaining and hilarious
  10. I loved that most of the truth came out...Shane still has to fess up to running off all of Gordy's possible hook ups. Oh and I loved #husbandpoints
  11. I want him to interact with Shane and if it caused another hilarious walk of shame im all in.
  12. I really loved this chapter.
  13. I agree spiders are nasty...I was taking a shower and one dropped down from the ceiling, it was like the shower scene from psycho...I have never screamed so loud in my life.
  14. sugarsmacks

    Walk of Shane

    I love him...cant wait for more
  15. Nice to see Ember chasing after Brady
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