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    Manchester, GB
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    Building things, science-fiction, ocean liners/the transatlantic passenger trade, men, history, reading, daydreaming (and forgetting to write down all the awesome ideas it gives me).

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  1. Thanks!! It's a slow, slow... slow burn but it'll start to pick up soon!
  2. Temaga strode back onto the bridge, Nathan hot on her heels. Bypassing her captain’s chair they instead made straight for the science station on the port side of the bridge, joining Den to stand behind the duty science officer. “What do we have?” The duty officer barely looked up at her captain’s words, her eyes too busy taking in the flood of telemetry from the inner reaches of the system. Her hands, however, went straight to work, calling up on the monitor the images of two worlds, both d
  3. I'm susprised no one's come up with "moist" yet. That makes pretty much every gay man I know run away screaming...
  4. Ben's coming to stay? Now just what might happen after the lights go out, I wonder. Teehee. So we're close to tying up the threads left from the end of Summer - the arrest, the shooting and the car wreck. All satisfying closures thus far, though I'd have liked to see those two officers more thoroughly reprimanded in person rather than the powers that be sweeping it under the rug. And I still can't help asking myself if Chip is going to get a chance at redemption...
  5. Given that it's not a government/illuminati/whatever conspiracy or in any way an invention designed to control voters one way or the other, I'm at a loss to see how advocating or refuting absurd claims that it doesn't exist border on political... But okay.
  6. Seriously? What's with all the self-censorship in this thread? If you're going to deny something like humanity's responsibility for climate change when thousands of people who know a lot more than you have piles of evidence to support it, at least stick by your conviction. I, for one, am glad that Star Trek offers a uniquely hopeful vision of the future of the human race. What other popular science fiction work shows us overcoming our differences and petty grievances and uniting to work for a still-better tomorrow?
  7. Congratulations on your promotion, sir!
  8. STARDATE 62188 10 MARCH 2385 CE Shift change was always a busy time for the Beltane’s mess hall. There was the usual throng of officers and crewmembers coming and going, stopping by for a drink or a quick bite at either end of their duty shift. But this time the atmosphere was different, thanks in part to a particularly rowdy table in one corner away from the bar. Here sat Will with a round dozen members of his security team. Now that their final destination was mere days away, he had thoug
  9. buildercub

    For You

    Huzzah! Some good news at last I'm getting the feeling you're keying up to introduce a new crowd for CJ to hang out with - say it isn't so! I love the adopted nephew role he's got with the rest of the guys, at least tell me that's not going to stop any time soon... Oh, and I hope I don't have to wait until "Winter" to see the gang's adventures in Australia... *drool* haha x
  10. Blimey, you're laying on the sads pretty heavily at the moment! Gimme something to smile about soon, Daddy! If I were a coffee drinker you'd owe me a new iPad - "I'm not one of your altar boys," oh my goodness, it's perfect
  11. Last rites? Oh no you didn't! Also, this new doctor fellow. Mmm, he sounds interesting.
  12. Woo! Ty's cameo was a pleasant surprise. I wonder if Spencer knows that he's also a faggot (as Vince likes to observe so frequently) Also, a double wedding! I can't wait...
  13. BEN COHEN. <3 Oh yes. Although as a Brit myself I feel obliged to point out we don't really talk like that. too much slang in close proximity made his dialogue a bit awkward. If he strips and/or hooks up with one of the guys I shall consider the debt paid. And now I'm wondering if there's anyone this shady ginger stud isn't trying it on with...
  14. It's just a matter of pointing a spectrometer in the right direction and they'll be able to see if there's water, what the atmosphere is composed of etc. They're already looking for radio signals from it, but even if a civilisation is at our level of development we wouldn't know it for another 1400 years...
  15. Pretty amazing though that life is already thriving around the disaster area, even if it's a bit unusual. Same with Chernobyl, nature has completely taken over again despite the radiation. It may be a cliche by now but life always finds a way.
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