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    Dominant Top, interested in reading, theatre, camping, food, travel.

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  1. Toddten

    Foster 1

    Your story is great way to memorialize Carlos. I pray you continue the story as a tribute to Carlos.
  2. Toddten

    Meet the Family

    I hope you continue the story real soon. Great story.
  3. Toddten

    Grand Opening

    I just finished watching on Netflix Boys in the Band which for better or worst shows gay life in the mid sixties. You write about how gay life is, better or worst in beginning of 2020s. You write in my opinion on the same caliber as the writer of Boys in the Band. Both of you take the reality of gay life as it was and is now to weave a story that depicts our lives.
  4. Toddten

    The Oscars

    Again you take us into the real world though your characters that seem so real you can almost see them. I hope Brad's story goes longer. He has a story we all need to hear and feel through your words. Thanks as always for another inspiring story.
  5. Your story is uplifting, especially as you see what is going on in this country. It just gives me hope of a better world. For if enough people read your stories, then more people will see hope and act like CJ does to make that hope real.
  6. I just read the entire CJ series again. Some the second to forth time. It is still fresh and I something new each time I have read it. I am so happy you did a story on Chipper. I am glad CJ and Own are back for Christmas. I hope we get some more on Harley, the Kennedy Brothers and on the other squad members. I really also we get something just on the Elite members too. You an amazing writer, and enjoy your work a lot.
  7. Toddten


    Just as I expect CJ and Ozzie to end up, as the first couple.
  8. Toddten


    Great story and chapter. You have written an inspiring tale of a realistic gay life. In this time of so much uncertainty, your tale of CJ gives us all hope for a better world. I for one will dearly miss new chapters about CJ and his circle of family and friends. But, I can always go back to reread this wonderful volume of work you have produced for our enjoyment and enlightenment
  9. Toddten


    I guess a trip down under for a wedding and for Ozzie's parents to meet their grandchild.
  10. Toddten


    Loved it, I remember during the campaign for Hillary, CJ was on Hardball on MSNBC. It would be interesting to see Chris Matthew's interview CJ now about the book. Great chapter and the story gets better and better.
  11. Toddten

    GMA V

    Carlos your work is amazing, bringing real life people into your stories. You weave your tale in away that makes me as the reader feel I am there. I totally look forward to where you will take CJ and Owen on this wonderful journey.
  12. Toddten

    GMA II

    Another great chapter, I am glad we are getting to see how the squad is doing, but please don't forget the Dads and their group.
  13. Toddten

    GMA I

    Glad 2019 got here, missed CJ and Ozzie. What a wonderful story teller you are. I always wait wth excitement for each chapter..
  14. Another great start to the continuing story of CJ and Ozzie. I am so glad 2019 has arrived, missed your wonderful story telling.
  15. Toddten


    How soon in 2019 will we be able read more of your great story about CJ and Ozzie?
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