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Promising Author
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Everything posted by kbois

  1. Aaron and I had a serious snort fest coming up with these stories.
  2. You've been a busy camper. Lol So glad you're enjoying this. At least you won't have to wait a week in between chapters!
  3. kbois


    Following Aaron's or my author profile will fix that.
  4. kbois

    The Apartment

    I'm enjoying how Bruce is expanding his horizons in regard to his sexuality. Is he a tad bit slutty? Of course he is. A lot of guys his age let loose when away from home the first time. Having his own apartment will hopefully give him a better sense of freedom. However, what he does with that freedom will help define his future. Most late-teen, early 20s kids don't have the full capability of making good choices all the time. Let's hope it doesn't bite him on the ass. He doesn't seem like the type who would enjoy it. Lol
  5. You may need to clear all of the formatting. To do that highlight all the text then go to the FORMAT tab and drop down to click CLEAR FORMATTING. (This option might be under the EDIT tab on the older versions) You'll have to go back and redo your italics or bold fonts, but it should clear up the spacing problems. When all else fails Google it. There are tons of short videos that give you a visual step-by-step. Good luck!
  6. My husband proposed to me. 😋
  7. Can't help it if Wayne just so happens to post when I'm on here. Summoning is a good word to use. Reminds me of Luci.
  8. kbois


    As always, your insights are spot on for me. I'm currently in the process of writing the third installment of my Hybrid Journey series and am tackling the main character's battle with depression. I think there's a fine line between getting it 'right' so to speak, and it coming across as too much. What I mean by that is trying to portray the character's thought process realistically vs sensationally. Every author has a unique vision of how they create their character, and developing a character who deals with insanity, no matter what form it takes, is a challenge. I can remember reading a book about a character who gradually went insane. I can't remember the title or author but what stuck with me is the process of the character's mind as they slowly "lost it" over time. The author did a fantastic job of showing the readers what was going on in the person's head. Quite honestly, it was scary AF.
  9. Hmmmm, now there's an idea for a collaboration.
  10. kbois

    Chapter 64

    You know, 9.11 was one of, if not the most intense emotionally gutting stories I've ever read. It made me break down and bawl. I mean, downright ugly-cry. I thought I'd finally moved past it and here you go reminding us in the most touching way that while some beloved characters are gone, they'll never be forgotten. It was beautiful to see how far Will has come in the grieving process. Nicely done. Even if you did make me tear up again. Also, perfect solution to the outfit smackdown.
  11. kbois

    Hello Again

  12. kbois

    Hello Again

    I love @Mrsgnomie. Really.
  13. kbois

    Hello Again

    Blogs are the area where members and authors can post almost anything. Updates about their lives, observations about life in general, etc. Administration uses it to post regular features such as the Weekly Wrap Up, Ask An Author or to share other news such as author promotions. If you're looking for help, this forum (The Lounge) is a good place to be. You don't need to write a full length novel. Many authors post short stories which are only a few chapters. A good way to get back into writing is to use the Prompt feature which is posted in the blogs every Thursday and also in the Weekly Wrap-Up. Another way is to participate in the Anthology. This year's theme is Leap of Faith. Guidelines usually limit the words to 20k or less. The best way to figure out what works for you is to explore the site and ask questions. It's not hard to fins someone willing to help. (Even @Mrsgnomie although I'd be wary if I were you 🤭) Having goals is admiral and you'll do great. It doesn't matter if you write a 5000 word story or a 50000 word story. As long as you enjoy what you're doing... go for it.
  14. You're awesome!
  15. kbois

    Hello Again

    Ugh.... more like she's my bratty baby sister. Always looking for attention.
  16. kbois

    Hello Again

    Omfg... really? That's like reaching into a den of rattlesnakes.
  17. Why does your math make so much sense?
  18. Oh honey... let me remind you. You've been with me since Tattoo. I started posting that in Feb 2019. Granted, you were only correcting me in pm's, hence the "ish"
  19. After 4ish years of your shenanigans, I think I nailed it!. 😉 😘
  20. Someone's a little sensitive.
  21. Pay no attention to the short-legged ankle biter. You're very welcome and tell your boss there's a snarky little dachshund in the Korner Krew who needs a rolled-up newspaper smacked across his nose. She can have at it.
  22. kbois

    Hello Again

    Go ahead and pm me anytime.
  23. She's going to shift her setting from the west coast to the east.
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