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About Merlin

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    Reading, writing, movies, music, kissing

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  1. But back to the real discussion, how sad was that for Jordyn Wieber?? That rule is horribly stupid. It's part of this ridiculous movement to "give everyone a chance". This is the Olympics, it's about celebrating exceptional people.
  2. I just signed in to share with you all how excited I was when I heard "Veuillez-vous lever pour sa Majesté la Reine". Also, "There isn't a single male U.S. athlete that's out. Kind of crazy." What? Why are you assuming some of them are gay, and that those same have any obligation other than winning medals?
  3. No we use that to flush our toilets. The showers run Blingh2o.
  4. Well you know, it's the little things. I get sentimental And right now it's off to the last time I'll ever do laundry here
  5. There's a lot of shame in working at Subway. But thanks! I'm graduating this weekend, and right now it's just a lot of thinking about "this is the last time I'll ever shower in college" or "this is the last time I'll ever get my mail here"
  6. They're gonna be in Louisville in June. I'm very geographically challenged so I have no idea how far that is to Georgia
  7. Dunno if any of you guys have ever seen Billy Elliot (2000). I just saw the musical in London and the movie again...and it was so moving and so sad... Especially this scene (you have to follow the link to Youtube): Someone should write a story about them
  8. Oh God please not this... I will refrain from saying what's on my mind lest I get banned.
  9. Soooooooooo emo.
  11. Absolutely. These parents (and that ridiculous couple in Canada who named their kid "Storm") should not be allowed near children and give ammunition to people opposed to gay parenting in general.
  12. I remember reading his stuff when I still had dialup more than 8 years ago...
  13. Gone From Daylight could probably make an Showtime series.
  14. I'm fine any of those days.
  15. 1.) People who take pictures of their food when eating with me. 2.) White socks + Black pants/shoes 3.) wHeN pPL tYpe lYk dYs 4.) Vegans.
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