Actually Gold and Iron don’t have Latin origin, so you can’t add that suffix 😉
For copper , the Latin name is cuprium (or cyprium, because it was mainly found in Cyprus) and « copper » comes from it 😜
I’m giving my geeky 2 cents 😉 : how do you spell calcium, uranium, potassium,.. ?
Beside, « ium » is a Latin suffix that means « metal », so it is logical to spell « aluminium » 😜
@chris191070 : 1 point - @kbois : 0 point 😆
For those who didn’t know : « René » means « born again » 😉
Hmm that woman who was putting something in the microwave is @kbois ? LOL
Now our lovely author need to write another story about that newborn 😆
You can find wine in pop-top cans now, at least in France 😆
Apparently, people who tried said there aren’t any metallic taste. I think people find that strange because they are used to drink wine in glasses. 😁
Hmm I wonder if Dev and Mac are able to transition in a dinosaur 🤪
Imagine visitors seeing one of them : they would think there is a new Jurassic Park movie 😂
Great chapter 👍 and Merry Xmas to everyone 🙂