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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Tiger


    Then we are saved.
  2. Tiger


    Ew ew ew... pictures of snakes should be banned on GA.
  3. Tiger


    Erm, I don't share your love for snakes. They give me the willies, but do as you will.
  4. Well, I thought the season premiere was good. I can't help but think that the whole situation with Tess and Zod is going to be a difficult situation for Clark in the future. It also seems that he shall soon learn to fly, and I think we've waited too long for this! Also, I'm wondering when we'll see him in that Superman outfit, and I bet he's going to look extra hot in it. Poor Chloe, she seems lost without Jimmy and seems to be mad at Clark, but he's right! He cannot go back and change the past without doing something harmful. I'm definitely ready for next week's episode.
  5. So when can we look forward to more adventures at sea?
  6. Happy birthday, Mike! To be honest, I'm well-aware of neglect. To me is probably second to sexual abuse in severity. Making a child feel all alone, causing starvation, assuring isolation, etc. is unthinkable to a good parent. Why anyone would treat a child like that I do not know.
  7. Just a reminder to Smallville fans. The first episode of Season 9 is on tonight at 8 PM Eastern. Is anyone else looking forward to it as much as I am?
  8. No, I just think it's funny how some of the most conservative states have them in such abundance.
  9. I thought the appearance of Matthew Shepard was great, considering the location. Still, it's quite sad considering that he died less than two months later. He was taken from the world long before he should have been, such a beauty he was taken from the world by two evil men. I've always imagined him to have a kind-hearted nature, very much one of the few effeminate types that I would be drawn to.
  10. Strangely enough, he really hasn't mentioned it lately. I think he's back in denial about it. I fear that when and if something does happen, he's going to lose it completely.
  11. Oklahoma also seems to have a lot of adult book stores if I remember correctly.
  12. In retrospect, I probably should have added Tonto. She was an awesome character. I loved her sense of humor and her candor. As I said before, it'd have been nice if she lived to be over 100.
  13. He lives in paradise, and he's a cute raccoon we know as Meeko. Today is his birthday. Happy birthday, Mike!
  14. Happy birthday, Steve. We miss you!
  15. When spending life at sea, extra supplies for just about anything are on board even now. Even with today's technology, it some destinations still take weeks to complete.
  16. That's not surprising. The prevalence of the virus is quite high, and most of the people are too poor to afford treatment.
  17. So far it seems that Stefan is the most popular. He just might be the best character you've ever written, Mark.
  18. Chapter 19 is certainly interesting. Well, Granger is a daddy once again. And with the birth of his first daughter, there's also the remembrance of an adopted son. That was touching. Meanwhile, there's a hornet's next in The Netherlands, and it looks like Granger may be leaving yet again. It seems that he rarely gets to have much of a respite. Oh, and then there was a hot threesome at the end. That was certainly a nice touch.
  19. Oh my god! That is one of my favorite songs like ever. I am a huge Garbage fan to begin with, but that one is their very best. I remember watching La Femme Nikita and hearing it (though I'd heard it before), and I fell in love with the song all over again.
  20. Viv, I like your "gay above the waist" thing. I actually feel that I'm more like "straight above the waist". There's a certain attraction for me to women, but I'm extremely picky about women and find myself more like a Kinsey 5. Part of the reason is that I think breasts are neato. Anyway, there are those who think that it's "cool" to be gay or bi. Women will often kiss other women in front of their men in seeking approval. However, I would say that the girl who cuddles with her "friend" who happens to be a girl is doing so because she loves her. How deep that love is I cannot be sure. For her at least, it's not a trend. Rather it has become more and more prevalent as acceptance has increased, especially for girls.
  21. Interestingly, some have missed something important. They're talking about going to Laramie, Wyoming just two months before the infamous murder of Matthew Shepard. Could it be that Matt will meat Matt before he gets murdered. Now that would be interesting yet chilling at the same time. Any thoughts anyone?
  22. Yes, it is good having two chapters of each! Well, it seemed long overdue for a sex scene (well, two actually) with Alejandro, and it was great.
  23. Well Conner, Granger is sure to have even more interesting lovers in the future. 'Tis the life of a semen... errr seaman.
  24. I like JP as well. I think JP owes a lot of who he is now to Stefan. The same can be said of who Stefan is being owed to JP. It's like they basically grew from young men to adults together and molded one another, which is simply amazing. I even liked Stefan in the early does, even though he was a brat. I thought it was cute.
  25. Well, I must admit that I hadn't been reading the CAP series a year ago. However, once I started reading I was hooked and did not stop. Of course, I had to go back and read earlier ones. And now it's safe to say that I'm hooked.
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