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    reading, music, cooking, swimming, scuba diving, cycling

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  1. YaP = Yet another Peter.. actually derived from Yacc = Yet another Compiler Compiler - which is a tool for programmers which is around almost as long as i do programming (i know.. its an insider joke nobody really gets... and i didnt even know "to yap" actually IS a verb when i came up with that screen name).
  2. Lol, thats not a conclusive argument. At 47 i don't consider myself very mature either
  3. I think the older you are (especially the younger partner in a relationship), the less age difference is an issue. 20 years make more of a difference for a 20 yo and a 40 yo than for a 30yo and a 50yo.. and even less for a 40yo and a 60yo. But i think too that a big age difference doesn't make it easier to build a stable relationship.
  4. Happy Birthday Tiffani ! Hope you have a great day !
  5. tastes are really subjective.. but onions and (especially) garlic are spicy.. and if cooked they can be kinda sweet too. But i think the really "sweet" smell of books that we all seem to like so much is more from the paper/ink/glue which changes over the years and probably is different for older books too because of different material used back then.
  6. maybe she did and thats why the books smell so good ?
  7. Haha, me too. I have always liked the smell of books.. well, of most books. Not only new books - older books from the library can smell really good too - or bad if they have been treated badly . Just another proof that we really are controlled by smells. Olfactoric beings we are !!!
  8. I think too (and have for a while) that Trevors mom is still alive and probably in australia. But i wonder what happened to make her abandon her kid.. i mean that 2 adults decide to get a divorce and then maybe come up with an idea to fake an accident to get hold of the life insurance money (which both could benefit from) can easily happen.. but a mother abandoning her child takes something serious to happen......
  9. Wikifur !? gay baby rabbit furry diaper porn !?!?!?!? :wacko: and i thought i have seen quite some of the abysses of the human mind. Seems i haven't even scratched the surface
  10. Well, i had an Australian roommate 20 years ago when i was on a student exchange program in Boston for 6 months.. and this guy (which i am still friends with) of course was and is a big Vegemite fan. I am not sure if it is an "aquired taste" like quite some gormet food.. but somehow he got me hooked up on the stuff. I really like it! Of course it tastes best if you eat it in Australia (pretty much like quite some wine taste best where they are produced). So maybe we should all spend our next vaccation in Queensland and eat lots of Vegemite (which would help re-building Queensland as well.. hit twice by disasters in the last months !).
  11. I think a certain somebody who never admits to use cliffhangers tries to move the attention to somebody else I do like Cias stories.. she is a great writer.. but in my humble opinion there clearly is a king of evil cliffhangers on GA.. and we all know him well
  12. seems like an unanimous vote... to which i agree. I dont care much about chapter length. Well, ok, i dislike really short chapters - especially when following stories that are "in progess", but thats a different problem. But i dont care if chapters vary in length. I rather have a complete scene than equal length chapters. Of course i would miss the weeky post... but if the decision is between a completed scene and a weekly post.. i rather have the completed scene. If you feel a chapter needs to be longer.. then make it longer !! I am sure we readers will appreciate it either way :-)
  13. Yes, it should be a really great moment that one wishes to relieve just the way it was... because it was a good moment.. but i am not sure everybody is as lucky as you Bob . I still have hope for myself though.. so of course i have hope for the younguns
  14. YaP


    I've been following this story on crvboy when you first posted it there, and was sad when you stopped writing. Thanks for picking it up again. I hope we'll see how Andy manages to work out his issues...
  15. You forgot to list cigarettes. I think thats really one of the worst things. At least for me it is! Well, YAY, i am nicotine free for 20 months now. Thats the longest time since i started smoking at 14 - and I hope i dont fall off the wagon again. But yes, i am still (and will always be) addicted to nicotine/cigarettes. So stupd really (smells bad, doesnt give you a real benefit, costs lots of money, harms your health... etc etc). For me definitely the drug that was hardest to quit....
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