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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Escaping the Pain - 9. Chapter 9

The surgery.
Tap waited restlessly while Dane was in surgery. He wheeled over to the cafeteria and grabbed a sandwich and juice then wandered up and down the sterile white halls. The staff smiled at him but he didn't stop to speak to anyone, moving was the only thing he could do. Finally after his fifth lap around the hospital Veronica stopped him, ordering him to go park it. He knew better than to argue so he was sitting in Dane's room watching daytime TV when Dane was wheeled back in from the recovery room, groggy and incoherent.

Muting the TV, Tap asked, “Is he okay?” He eyed the bulky casts on Dane’s arm and leg before noticing that the bandages on Dane's head had been removed. He could see a few shaved patches on Dane's head and the ugly black rows of stitches keeping the gashes closed. He winced, Dane's hair was beautiful and the stitches looked painful. It took the nurses only moments before they had all the tubes and wires plugged back in. The older nurse patting his shoulder reassuringly.

“He'll be fine,” said Mary, the nurse who had been in that morning. “He's just a bit out of it at the moment, the anesthesia hasn't quite worn off yet.”

“Okay,” said Tap skeptically. He reached over and touched Dane's hand and Dane rolled his head on the pillow to smile goofily at him.

“I'll be back in a little bit to check on you.” Mary patted Dane's leg and he rolled his head to smile at her too.

“Buh-bye,” he said then snickered.

“Oh man, you really are out of it aren't you?” Tap laughed.

“Mmhmm,” Dane answered, “mmhmm, mmhmmmmm.” Dane's high pitched giggle was loud in the quiet room, “That makes my lips tickle! Mmhmm mmhmm. I like that.”

“Blackmail, that's what I've got,” Tap cackled.

“What's that love?” Dane asked sleepily, tracing Tap's fingers where they lay on the bed. Tap's mouth dropped open before he grinned. Dane smiled back at him, “You should do that more often. You're hot!”

“You think so do you?”

“Mmhmm. Oh, I said it again,” Dane giggled before he licked his lips with the tip of his tongue. Tap was eying his smiling lips but Dane couldn't see it. His eyes were closed as he pulled Tap's hand up to his cheek and snuggling it. “I hurt," Dane said, "and I'm tired."

“Sleep then,” Tap whispered back, stroking Dane's hair over his ear before running his fingertip along the strong jaw line.


“For you? Always.”

Tap caught his breath at the sweet smile that graced Dane’s face as he rubbed his head a little on the pillow and then sighed. Just like that he was out. Tap smiled before turning his chair back to the TV. He settled back into the game but kept his hand on the bed, resting gently on Dane's. Dane's sleep was restless but every time he'd start to twitch Tap would stroke his hand and soothe him back into his healing rest.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Tap stayed all day, talking with Dane whenever he would open his eyes. Dane never made much sense but he smiled at Tap and clung to his hand whenever he was awake. To Tap's disappointment he didn't call him love anymore though. It was a little before dinner when Tap's mom showed up in the doorway, smiling at the pair. Tap had maneuvered his chair close to Dane's bed and laid his head on the edge, dozing beside the cute young man he had rapidly come to mean so much to him.

Keri slipped in the room and lightly rubbed Tap's shoulder. “Time to wake up honey. Tap, wake up.”

“Huh? What?” Tap sat up, blinking his eyes, “Mom?”

“Yeah honey. You need to come home now. I just finished up at the coffee shop and Dad has dinner waiting for us,” she told him in a soft voice. “How's your friend?”

Tap looked at Dane, frowning a little. “He's been pretty out of it all day. They have him on a lot of pain medicine.”

“I'm sure he needs it. He's going to be okay though?”

“Yeah,” Tap nodded, “I think he will be. But we got to get him away from his dad, Mom. I promised him I'd not let him get hurt. I need to keep that promise now.”

“There may not be anything you can do,” she told him realistically, “but just being here for him is a good start. Now you need to let him get some good sleep. You can come back first thing tomorrow. You need your rest just as much as he does.”

“Okay, Mom. I'm just going to leave him a note and I'll drive straight home.”

“We'll see you there.” Keri kissed Tap's cheek before she left. Tap wrote a short note, telling Dane that he'd had to go home and reassuring him he'd be back in the morning. He left it propped up against the water pitcher on the rolling tray by Dane's bed. He stopped the chair in the doorway and just looked at Dane for a minute, the slight body covered in bruises, cuts and bulky casts. His head hung low for a minute, a frown marring his face. Taking a deep breath he made a silent promise, determined that he would not let anything like this happen to Dane again, no matter what he had to do.

Getting home that night he immediately sat down to eat dinner with his family. He had hoped Brett would be there to take some of the attention off him but he was volunteering at the community center that evening. Tap kept his face turned down, focused on his food so he didn't see the looks his parents passed over his head. He bolted down the lasagna and French bread, eating even more than his usual huge quantities. His mom shook her head in fond exasperation, “Tap, didn't you eat today?”

“Well, yeah,” he mumbled as he took a huge bite of the crispy bread.

“Then why are you eating like you've never seen food before?”

Tap swallowed and took a drink of his milk, “I'm hungry,” he shrugged taking another big bite, “this is really good Dad.”

“I just put it in the oven, your mother made it last night. Besides, are you ever not hungry?” his dad asked sarcastically. “I swear I work just to feed you.” Patrick shook his head.

Tap grinned at him, “You better get a second job then,” he said as he took yet another helping of lasagna.

“You couldn't have eaten much today to be this hungry!” Patrick exclaimed.

Tap shrugged again, “Couple of sandwiches, chips. Conned the lady at the cafeteria into giving me some cookies.” His sly grin made his parents laugh.

“Well I guess I'll just have to pack you a lunch for tomorrow. Hospital food can't be very filling. I'll have to add something for that poor boy too.” Keri said.

“Dane,” Tap said, “his name is Dane. He'd be mortified if he knew you thought of him like that Mom. He's just,” Tap shook his head, “I'd say proud but that's not it. He just doesn't seem to want people to really see him.”

“I can't help it. I remember when he was in the cafe. I wish I had known then what was happening to him, I feel so bad for what he's gone through. I just want to smother him in hugs and hold him close to keep him safe.”

“Me too,” Tap muttered as he looked down at his plate again. He missed the look his parents exchanged but his mom's hand on his arm brought tears to his eyes that he didn't want anyone to see. “Can I be excused?”

“Sure, son,” his dad said quietly.

Tap fled to his room as fast as his bandaged feet allowed him. He flopped down onto his extra long queen-size bed, staring at the ceiling. He thought about Dane and what he was doing right then, wondering if he was awake, if he was scared. Tap pulled the new phone his mom picked up for him out of his pocket and sat looking at it for a minute. He had programmed the number to Dane's room phone into his contacts while waiting during the surgery.

He was trying to get the nerve up to hit send as he stared at the number on the screen when the phone suddenly rang causing him to drop it with a startled exclamation. He picked it back up hurriedly, looking at the caller id. “Hey, Neri.”

“Hi hun. How are you doing?” Neri asked sounding concerned.

“I'm okay. Feet are a bit sore but other than that I'm fine. Coach is still pissed at me, I planned to stop by and talk to him when I get next week's assignments for Dane.” Tap told her.

“You don't have to do that. I can get them and bring them by the hospital. Besides, you know your coach is still going to be mad. Probably better to let him cool off a few more days. When he does I bet he apologizes. I mean, c'mon, you were hurt helping someone! Telling you off for that is just his reaction to the possibility of losing his perfect season.”

“Yeah I know. Still,” Tap started to say.

“Still nothing! You know I'm right,” Neri insisted.

“Okay, fine, you're right.”

“Damn straight! I knew you'd see it my way. Smart boy. Now, I'll see you after school at the hospital?”

“Thanks, Neri. I know Dane will appreciate it,” Tap said, “He needs more friends.”

“It's no big deal. A few kids have asked me about him actually, the rumors are already floating around school. I didn't know what to say though.” Neri wasn't sure if she really wanted to tell Tap that but if he came back next Monday he was going to get asked and it might be better for him to have a few days to calm down.

“They don't have the right to know what happened. Stupid gossiping assholes can just go to hell. Not a single one of them made the effort to care about him before the accident. The hell if I am going to indulge their morbid curiosity now. And they better stay the hell away from the hospital too. He's too fragile right now, he doesn't need that sort of stress,” Tap ranted.

Tap’s strong defense of Dane made Neri pause a second, “Is it really okay for me to come by then?” she asked quietly, “I mean, he’s okay right?”

“Oh Neri, no! I didn't mean you,” Tap said quickly. “You've been around Dane almost more than I have. You care about him, not the stupid gossip! He'll be happy to see you, I'm sure of it.”

“If you're sure,” Neri sounded uncertain.

“Yes, Neri, please come. I’m sorry, I really didn't mean you. Besides, it'll let me stay with him longer and he'll get to see that someone else really does care about him.” Tap did his best to sound sincere after his angry outburst, “I'm sorry, I really didn't mean you went I went off, I just,” Tap faltered, “I'm so worried about him Neri.”

“It'll be okay, hun, I know it. Just have faith. And you need to tell him!” Neri insisted, “You'll feel better and I think he needs to know.”

“Not now, Neri, okay?” Tap refused to burden Dane with his feelings right now, “he's too fragile, he doesn't need to worry about anything other than getting better. He needs me as a friend. Maybe when all this is over.”

Neri snorted, “If you don't come up with some other excuse by then.”

“Just drop it, alright?” Tap said tiredly, “Besides, you can't rush me or him; it has to be right, okay?”

“I just want you to be happy. Him too, Tap. He's so sweet and smart, not to mention hot!” Neri laughed at Tap's sigh.

“Enough, Neri, I'm too tired to put up with you right now. See you tomorrow?”

“Okay. Sweet dreams hun. Remember to have faith.”

“I'll try,” Tap said, “goodnight.” He ended the call and just stared at his phone for a minute. Shaking his head he put it down and stripped. A hot bath and an early night in bed was just what he needed.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Alan Kendricks sat in his rumpled suit on a bench in a small concrete room with thick glass and wires in the one small window that was set in the solid metal door that was the only way in and out. His white shirt had brown stains from the blood that had gushed from his broken nose. His nose was swollen beneath the bandages and the bruises had blossomed turning the area around his eyes a deep purple. He wasn't cuffed any longer but an air of barely restrained violence seemed to emanate from his body. He was glaring at the lawyer sitting in a chair opposite him across the scratched and banged up table. A manila folder was open in front of the other man, the few pieces of paper sitting in it spelled out the charges against him.

“It looks like attempted assault on a minor, assault and resisting arrest. What in the hell possessed you to shove Deputy McDiffey and try to run off after they finished packing your nose? That was just plain stupid,” Pete said. He was a tall man, bigger than Alan and not intimidated by his horrible temper, which was a good thing because Alan was in a terrible mood.

“Shut up, Pete, before I kick your ass,” Alan grated, “no one calls me stupid.”

“Hey, I'm doing this pro bono as a favor to you, seeing as we've been friends for how long? I could just leave you to the mercy of the court appointed defenders. I don't have to put up with your shit you know.” Pete quirked an eyebrow at Alan, knowing how much the man hated to say he was sorry.

“Whatever,” Alan said looking down, “sorry,” he grudgingly apologized. Pete knew it was the best he was going to get.

“Fine, now, I can probably get the assault and the attempted assault charges dismissed since you didn't actually manage to hit anyone but not the resisting arrest. That's pretty serious. I'll do what I can though; you'll probably get some community service and be ordered to attend an anger management course.”

Alan seethed, “What about that failure, that son of mine? What if I don't press charges for the car will he get off scot free?”

Pete flipped over a few sheets and scanned the police statements. “The doctor noted healing bruises and marks on Daniel not consistent with the accident and notified the police as required by law. After questioning Daniel's friend and your son they have notified social services. Your case is going to be overseen by one of the caseworkers there. A Mrs. Elecampane, I believe.”

“God damn it!” Alan swore, that was going to make things so much more difficult, “so when are they letting me out of here?”

“You have an arraignment scheduled tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. Your son underwent surgery earlier this afternoon to repair his arm and leg fractures. He will be in the hospital for at least a few more days but it is unlikely that they will place him back in your home until after the investigation. Do you have any family he could stay with?”

“No. My mother wouldn't take the little queer in, even if she could,” Alan said nastily.

“You need to stop that Alan. If you want to get your son back you are going to have to at least act like you don't hate him. Not to mention avoid child abuse charges.” Snorting, Alan sat back in disgust, crossing his arms across his chest. “No, damn it, I mean it. This is serious. That other boy, the one you attempted to assault saw the bruises and injuries your son had before the accident. They had a plan to go to the authorities the next morning. It's why Daniel had a cell phone.”

“I knew it was that kid. No way Daniel would ever have dared to do something like that on his own.” There was a glint in Alan's eye that Pete didn't like. “He'll get his.”

“You better stay away from the Leeran family. There is an automatic no contact order attached to these charges. You violate that and they'll dump your ass back in here faster than you can blink, you understand that?”

Alan's face fell into its habitual sneer, “We'll see,” he said under his breath. Pete shook his head.

“Look man, I'm trying to help you out. Just say what I tell you to say tomorrow and hold your temper. Got it?” Pete sighed rubbing his forehead, running his fingers through his thick hair. The handsome man had been friends with Alan in the past and had answered the call of an old friend in need but this case was probably something he was going to regret taking on. Pete only saw him about once every few months for a drink after work and not at all in the last five months. Alan had changed; he wasn't the same Alan Kendricks that Pete had known before in law school.

“Fine,” Alan conceded sullenly.

“I'm going to be here at 9:00 am to go over things with you again, okay? Do you have a spare key hidden around your place? If you do I can go in and get you a new suit to wear. You could use some cleaning up.”

“Yeah, there's a key in a stupid fake rock next to the front steps. My wife insisted on getting it in case the useless idiot lost his key,” Alan told Pete.

“Damn it! That, right there! I hear one more insult toward your son and I'm walking. I won't be party to you sabotaging your own case by being a jackass. Do you hear me?”


“No, not whatever. I want to know you understand. Just one more!”

“Fine, I just won't talk about him,” Alan said grudgingly.

“That's not good enough. You'll have to talk about him tomorrow. You think hard about it tonight. I won't walk out in the middle of court but you can be damn sure that I'll hand off your case right after if you can't restrain yourself. Act like a damn adult!”

Alan just managed to nod, avoiding Pete's gaze. He was almost vibrating he was so wound up and angry. Pete just sighed and stood up; he just knew he was going to end up regretting taking this case.

“I'll be back in the morning with a suit.” Pete left the sheriff's station and got into his car. He called his wife, letting her know he was going to be late and headed toward Alan's house.

Meanwhile a deputy took Alan back to his cell. It was small, with bunk beds bolted into the wall and steel toilet and sink to one side. At least he was alone. The drunk that had been snoring in the bottom bunk the first night had disgusted Alan, making him complain loudly. The deputies had no respect for him so they ignored him, making him even angrier. Some vestige of self-control had remained, keeping him from completely losing his temper and doing something he might regret. Now, with silence reigning in his cell he lay on the wafer thin mattress and stewed, the faces of everyone plotting against him flashing in his mind on by one. This night he had a few more faces and names to add to the litany he muttered over and over as he lay awake, waiting for the morning.

Copyright © 2011 Cia; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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"Tap pulled his phone out of his pocket and sat looking at it for a minute. He had programmed the number to Dane's room phone."



I wonder if this is a small continuity error, as we never saw Deputy Doofus return Tap's phone to him. Actually, the only reason I even noticed this is because my cell is always by my side, either in my backpack or in my pocket.

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  • Site Administrator
On 04/07/2011 04:38 AM, TrevorTime said:
"Tap pulled his phone out of his pocket and sat looking at it for a minute. He had programmed the number to Dane's room phone."



I wonder if this is a small continuity error, as we never saw Deputy Doofus return Tap's phone to him. Actually, the only reason I even noticed this is because my cell is always by my side, either in my backpack or in my pocket.

It was a bit of an error in one way. In my head his mom had gotten him a new phone the next day but I just forgot to mention it. All fixed now! Thanks hun, for the reviews and helping me keep the story plausible!
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  • Site Administrator
On 08/25/2013 12:25 PM, Daithi said:
That man is seriously deranged how the heck can Pete even think of helping him.
I might have made the lawyers in this story not have too many morals. :P
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I think I am falling for Tap. He is just that perfect, loving bighearted guy. Alan has him in his sights now and that man is plumb loco. Couldn't you make him some big guy named Bubba's bitch while he is in jail. Maybe have him neutered in his cell. Anything...just don't let him near Dane...Cheers...Gary

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  • Site Administrator
On 01/01/2015 01:33 AM, Headstall said:
I think I am falling for Tap. He is just that perfect, loving bighearted guy. Alan has him in his sights now and that man is plumb loco. Couldn't you make him some big guy named Bubba's bitch while he is in jail. Maybe have him neutered in his cell. Anything...just don't let him near Dane...Cheers...Gary
See, I told you! I have a huge soft spot for Tap, too. He's not perfect, but he's damn close and he just cares so much. Alan... well, he's the villain, right? Gotta hate him!
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I hope that lawyer runs off the road on the way to get that suit, he obviously has zero common sense or compassion. A loving father doesn't talk about his son like that, getting him released back into his care will be his death warrant 

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