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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Escaping the Pain - 16. Chapter 16

Back to school.
"What's so funny guys?" Charlie had one eyebrow raised as he looked at the pair on the couch who were still snickering. A smile snuck across his face as he looked at the teenage boys snickering on the couch. It was good to see them laughing.

"Dane's a bitch." Tap gasped out, trying to stop laughing.

"Hey!" Dane threw his spoon at Tap.

"Hey yourself! Don't get soup stains on the new furniture. What are you, some type of heathen?" Tap put the spoon in his bowl and picked up the other dishes, "Sheesh, maybe I should get some of those old lady plastic things to go over everything if you're going to be such a slob!"

Dane was laughing at Tap's prissy homemaker routine and Charlie joined in. "Like anyone would ever believe you as a neat freak, I've seen your car!"

"Alright, I'm not sticking around if you are going to be like that!” Tap got up in a mock huff to put the dishes away. When Tap came back he stood in the doorway watching Dane. He was still smiling and his face was a bit red from laughing as he talked with Charlie who had taken Tap’s place on the couch. Tap loved seeing Dane so happy.

Dane was watching him too, wishing they could spend some time snuggling now they had a couch and some privacy but now that Charlie was here Tap had to get to school. "You're still coming back after practice right?"

"Of course. Nowhere else I'd rather be." Tap went over to Dane and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. He pulled back quickly, worried that he had embarrassed Dane by kissing him in front of Charlie but Dane had a big grin on his face. Tap grinned back, relieved it was okay. After the incident where Cheri caught them in the hospital Dane had been a little reserved in front of others.

"My mom is going to bring over a casserole for dinner Charlie, so you don't have to worry about making anything. Dane had his pills about a half hour ago. I put most of the stuff away in the apartment and the kitchen is fully stocked. My mom was afraid all I'd pick up was junk food so she went with me and put a lot of fruit and veggies so there is plenty of healthy stuff.” Tap was lingering in front of the door.

"Go Tap," Dane said. "I'm sure we'll manage without you for a few hours."

"Yeah," Charlie echoed him, "it's not like I've never done this before."

"Alright, alright. I'm going, I'm going."

Dane's pills were kicking in and making him sleepy. He didn't want to take up the whole couch so Charlie carefully helped him up and into the bathroom and then the bedroom. Dane sank into the soft bed with a sigh of relief and Charlie propped his leg up on a few of the pillows.

"I'll be out in the living room. If you need me just holler, okay?" Charlie pulled the blanket up over Dane who nodded.

He yawned, "Sure."

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Tap didn't notice the brown car that was parked up the block when he left Dane's apartment whistling. Things were going so well for him and Dane that he had totally forgotten about everything else. He quickly drove off toward the school, eager to get class and practice over with so that he could get back to Dane.

Alan Kendricks hadn't forgotten anything though. He was sitting in the brown car, parked carefully outside the 300 yards distance required by the updated restraining order he had been gifted with this morning. He snorted to himself, 'Stupid kid just gave me his address. All he did was make my job easier.' Alan had watched as the little faggot had limped his way into the building and had written down the number on the apartment. He hadn't left after that, wanting to see who else might show up. He had seen some blond guy walk in right before the Leeran kid left. Obviously they weren't going to leave the little shit on his own but Alan could be patient.

He turned the key and slowly drove his car away from the apartment building. It wouldn't be smart to get pulled over and have the police alerted to the fact that he was watching the perverts. Looking at the clock on the radio Alan grimaced before hitting the turn signal and making a left turn. It was time to go visit his mother.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Waking up that afternoon Dane realized that they had forgot to get one thing for him. His laughter brought Charlie to the door.

"What're you laughing at now?" he asked, moving over to help Dane sit up on the edge of the bed.

"I just realized we forgot something," Dane waved a hand at the light blue scrubs he had been given at the hospital since his own clothes had been cut off of him. "I don't have anything to wear."

"I don't know if your boyfriend would have forgotten something like that on accident," Charlie smirked, "maybe he just wants you naked."

"Charlie!" Dane blushed scarlet.

Charlie burst out laughing, wiping tears from his eyes. "Oh you are too easy to mess with," he said, "don't worry about it. When Tap gets back I'll head out and pick you up some shorts, sweats, and t-shirts. We can try to get some stuff from your dad's place if you want. We could call the sheriff’s office and get the police to help if necessary."

"No, I would rather not. Umm, could you get me some socks and stuff too? My feet are always cold."

"And stuff?" Charlie couldn't help but tease Dane again.

"Underwear, okay? I do not like freeballing it and you seem to have the same sense of humor Tap does. I can just see you 'accidentally' forgetting." Dane was blushing bright red again but Charlie decided to give him a break.

"Alright, I'll have mercy on you. No more teasing. Let's get you out in the living room and you can write up a list of stuff you'd like and sizes."

"Thanks." Slowly Dane hobbled his way to the couch Tap picked out. It wouldn’t be long before Tap got there but Dane couldn’t wait, he was finally able to be alone with his boyfriend.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

The next day Dane rested and enjoyed the alone time he got with Tap. They spent a lot of time kissing and cuddling on the couch but Tap wouldn't do anything else. He refused in case Dane got hurt worse. Dane pouted a little but secretly he was relieved. He wasn't ready emotionally to go farther even if his body wanted to. Casts and hurt ribs definitely kept his libido from getting out of control.

Friday morning after breakfast Tap helped Dane practice walking around the apartment with his crutches. Charlie had left his gait belt. Laurelai had been a slave driver and he had resented the pain but he worked hard and by now he was able to move around enough that going back to school Monday wouldn't require using a wheelchair. Saturday Neri came by and they took Dane to the grocery store. He was still a bit self-conscious about his injuries and bruises but they just went to the local store, not the mall so they didn't run into anyone they knew. Tap put his ball cap on Dane's head to cover up the shaved scalp and the red scars. Charlie had removed the stitches the night before and now his head looked a lot better but he hated the vivid red slashes.

Dane walked slowly into the store with Tap walking next to him but he used one of the electric carts to do the actual shopping. Neri kept laughing as he tried to run Tap over. It didn't take long to pick up some less than healthy snacks that Tap's mother had snuck back out of the cart when he wasn't looking. They also had a list from Charlie for dinner ingredients.

Stopping by the movie place on the way back to the apartment they picked up the new action flick and both teenage boys groaned when they saw Neri pick up a romantic comedy starring Hollywood's latest male heartthrob.

"Oh come on. Like you guys don't want to ogle his butt and chest in his uniform!"

Tap snorted, "Not even he is cute enough to make it worth sitting through 2 hours of, does he love me or doesn't he, hetero drivel."

Dane looked around furtively to see if anyone overheard Tap but no one was paying any attention to him. He was still really scared of what would happen if more people found out he was gay. "Can we go home now? I'm getting really tired."

Tap instantly put his hand on his back to help him up to the register. "I'm sorry, I forgot this was your first time out in a while. We can go now."

"I'm sorry too Dane." Neri put the movies on the counter and paid for the rental.

Dane ended up falling asleep leaning against Tap's shoulder during the chick flick. Tap leaned his head against the back of the couch and sighed in contentment. It wasn't long before he was snoring too. Neri just shook her head but smiled tenderly at her boys. They looked so cute together.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Deputy Jolston looked over at his partner. "Does something about this just not seem right to you?"

"A lot of this doesn't seem right to me," McDiffey said.

The deputies with the sheriff's department were talking through the Kendricks case. Alan Kendricks had dropped the car theft charges against his son but the accident was still under investigation. Combine that with the abuse charges against him and the resisting arrest and Mr. Kendricks was not going to be able to walk away from the situation. The court case had been delayed by the prosecution as the deputies tried to find more evidence.

"I just know there is something we are missing," McDiffey was reading the scene report on the accident. "We know this guy was beating on his kid and yet the boy never tried to get away or fight back. Why that night when the Leeran kid says they were coming in the next day? What could have made him that desperate?"

Jolston just shook his head, "Something changed or happened. Maybe we need to go talk to the kid again? He might have remembered more by now."

"Yeah, we should do that. I want to check out the scene and the car too." McDiffey closed the file and put it on the stack on his desk. "Let's go home for now, it's too late to head over there now."

"Sounds good to me."

** ** ** ** ** ** **

"What's wrong Dane?" Tap could tell that something was bothering Dane and had been all morning. "You weren't really all there at lunch, even Dad noticed."

"I'm not upsetting anyone am I?" Dane sat up straighter in alarm, "You can take me home if your parents are getting mad. I don't want to do that, they have been so nice to me." He started to twist his hands and chew on his bottom lip in anxiety.

Tap grabbed his hands, stopping him from twisting his fingers so hard. "Stop." He squeezed them gently, "No one is upset with you. I am worried about what is upsetting you. You've been so happy the last few days."

Dane sighed, "It's silly." He slumped against the back of the couch.

"If it has you this worried it's definitely not silly. Is it us? Is it too hard to be around my family?"

Dane shook his head as he stared down at his lap. Tap bent his head down until Dane was forced to look at him. He smiled and gave Dane's hands another squeeze, "Talk to me babe."

Dane blushed, an appealingly soft pink color staining his cheeks at the pet name, glancing into the kitchen to see if anyone heard. He cleared his throat and said quietly, "Everyone is going to be staring at me at school tomorrow. I... I don't know if I can handle the looks. People are probably talking about me and saying all sorts of things. It's going to be so embarrassing. What if they find out I’m gay? I can’t handle the names again."

"The only talk I have heard is people wondering if you were okay. Sure they might want to know what happened by you don't have to tell anyone anything you don't want to. And I haven't heard anyone say anything bad, I swear."

"What about people staring at me and stuff? You know they're going to look." Dane put his hand up to the vivid red scars on his shaved scalp.

"They're not as bad as you think. We can go up to my room and pick one of my hats and you can wear that. Plus I will be with you between classes or if I'm not there you know Neri will be. No one will dare say anything to cross her," Tap shuddered, "could you imagine what she would do to them?"

Dane smiled. He wasn't sure what he had done to deserve the friends he had now but he was thankful for them. Neri was tiny and the first word that came to mind was sweet when you looked at her; after she opened her mouth though the first word that came to mind was yes. To anything she wanted. Even better yet from her point of view was yes ma’am.

"You might get some looks and I bet you aren't nearly as invisible as you used to be but you don't have to worry about that anymore. No matter what happens it won't be like at your old school. I won't be like Trent. I promise." Tap squeezed Dane's hands that were still laced with his own.

Dane still looked doubtful but he smiled back at Tap. "Thank you for that," he whispered. He snuggled into Tap’s wide chest and put his head on his shoulder, "I still can't believe that you want to go out with me you know."

"Oh I want so much more than that." Tap glanced toward the kitchen and saw none of his family members. He leaned down slowly, taking a sharp breath in through his open mouth before it settled firmly on Dane's. He moaned quietly at the taste as he stroked his tongue across the plump soft lips before they opened and let him thrust inside. Stroking Dane's tongue with his own, the kiss was sensually slow. Breathing hard Tap pulled back to nibble gently on his slightly swollen bottom lip. Dane's hands had latched onto Tap’s shirt and Tap was cradling his head gently as they stared at each other.

"Ahem," a voice cleared from the bottom of the stairs.

They jerked apart and Dane hissed in discomfort as he jarred his broken leg. Tap glared at Brett as he sat down in the recliner. "Thanks jerk!"

"Well Mom is coming down. I could have just not said anything and let her catch you necking on the couch." Brett grinned as Tap's eyes widened and Dane blushed furiously. Dane tried to scoot back farther but Tap grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together. Dane blushed even redder when Brett snickered.

"Shut up," Tap gave him a look. “It’s fine Dane. Don't worry about it." Gentle teasing was fine but he could feel Dane still trying to pull away. He wasn't going to let Brett upset his Dane.

"I just think it's cute. My big giant little brother wrapped around some guy's little finger. Really little finger."

"Just wait Brett," Tap narrowed his eyes at his brother, "you'll get what's coming to you!"

"Now boys, be nice," Keri admonished, coming down the stairs. She had heard Brett and paused to give the boys a little bit to put themselves together. Giving her outgoing and rowdy son a hard time over his hormones getting the best of him was one thing but Dane reminded her of a little rabbit. Quiet, wide-eyed and often nervous if someone got too close to him; it was enough to break her heart. She had to restrain herself from smothering him in hugs but he stiffened up if anyone but Tap got too close to him. She settled for gentle smiles and sending as much home-cooked food his way as possible.

"Hey boys, are you sticking around for dinner tonight?"

“I’ve got to work,” Brett reminded her.

Dane shook his head, “I need to get all my books and make-up work together before school tomorrow. It will take a lot of time in the morning just to get ready, much more time than before," he said ruefully.

"You know I'll be there to help," Tap reminded him.

"Thanks," Dane looked at him gratefully.

"I have some leftover lasagna I can send with you boys for dinner tonight. I'll put it in a casserole for you to take home. It will go really well with that salad we picked up. Which better have made its way into the fridge and not the garbage, Tap Leeran!"

Tap rolled his eyes, "It's in the fridge Mom. Dane has some great bacon ranch so we've been eating it."

"Without being lectured into eating healthy food?" Keri put her hand on Tap's forehead. He pushed her off and scowled.

"Dane likes it."

Keri smiled at Dane, "I knew you would be a good influence on my son. I had almost given up hope." She was whispering in a voice that was not a whisper, putting her hand up like she was being sneaky and grinning at the irritated look on Tap's face. Then she laughed.

"Alright, I'll go get that lasagna dished up. You'll be here for dinner on Tuesday, right Dane?"

"If you are really sure it's not a problem, Mrs. Leeran. I don't want to be a bother."

"No bother dear." Unable to resist she patted his cheek gently. "We'd love to have you here."

Dane beamed.

** ** ** ** ** ** **

Monday was everything Dane feared it would be but not exactly the way he expected it. Lots of people were staring at him but there were no whispers. Kids that previously didn't even look at him were offering to help him during class. A lot of his fellow students who hadn't even glanced at him before were talking to him, wanting to see if he was okay. Dane was very uncomfortable with the attention.

Tap took him to school but after Neri showed up he went to help his mom at the coffee shop. He made sure he was back at lunch though. He met Dane after his class on his way to lunch. “Hey Dane. I'll take that Neri, thanks!"

Tap gathered his books from Neri. He leaned down and got a kiss from her on the cheek. "How was your morning babe?" Tap asked Dane as he took the other side, protecting Dane from being jostled.

"Tap! Shh," Dane looked around wildly to see if anyone heard which made him wobble and start to lose his balance. "Oh crap!"

Tap quickly slid an arm around Dane's shoulders and held him gently until he got his balance. "Careful now!"

Dane was still looking around, his eyes huge before he narrowed them and glared at Tap. "Would you get your arm off me?" he hissed.

Tap looked upset and dropped his arm slowly, though he stayed close to Dane. "What is the matter with you?"

"Everyone is staring at me today and you have your arm all over me. Are you insane?" Dane was still hissing under his breath. His heart was pounding. The stress of the morning and the pain he was in all combined to overwhelm him. He started breathing really fast. “Do you want them to find out about you? You promised me yesterday that nothing would happen and no one would find out!”

"Neri, take this please," Tap held out Dane's book as he watched him closely, "We'll meet you in a bit."

"I'll grab some sodas and be out at the picnic table."

"Thanks." Tap never turned away from Dane who was close to hyperventilating. "Okay, Dane. You need to relax." Tap looked around. They weren't far from the office. "C'mon, let's just go in here. It'll be okay."

"Mr. Stephens, can we use your office for a few minutes?"

"Tap? Dane? Has something happened?" Mr. Stephens was standing at the front office counter when Dane slowly made his way into the room with Tap. He hurried around the counter toward them.

"We're fine, nothing happened. We just need some privacy to talk." Tap assured him.

"Are you sure?" Dane was still breathing hard though the worst of his panic had faded as he focused on walking. Mr. Stephens was looking at him worriedly as he stood there silently.

"I'm sure."

"Alright," he opened his door, "If you need me I'll be out in the main office for the 20 minutes while Mrs. Wilsen is at her lunch."

"Thanks, Mr. Stephens."

Dane slowly walked into the room and just stood there trembling. Tap put one hand on his back and guided him over to the couch against one wall. "Sit down babe, talk to me. What did I do that upset you so much?"

Dane's fear made him sharp, "Like you don’t know! Are you trying to get us outted? Everyone is watching me today and you call me babe in the halls? Then you put your arm around me? People are going to find out and then it'll start all over again!"

"No it won't. You don't have to worry about that here. Really!" Tap rubbed Dane's arm.

"You're a big guy, of course you don't have to worry about getting beat up. But what about if your team finds out? What happens then?"

"They know." Tap said calmly.

"They...” Dane looked confused, “wait, what?"

"They know. They have for over a year. I couldn't keep it a secret from the guys. I won't say it went over really well at first. But a few of the guys stood up for me; Dave, Tom, Mark. I've known them my whole lives. Some of the seniors were assholes but it was just words. Everyone in school knows now and no one's said a word all year. Dave came out this year too and there's a junior on the team that's bi. It's not a big deal." Tap shrugged.

"Not a big deal? My entire school and all my friends turned against me when Trent outted me. I've been so afraid of that happening again." Dane was still stunned that Tap was known to be gay in school. He was so popular.

"You don't have to worry about that here. I've told you that. But we don't have to tell anyone, you know. I do understand. It's only a few more months and then we'll be gone. I can wait. Until then all anyone needs to know is that we are best friends. I will try to remember not to call you babe but I’d have caught anyone who was about to fall. Even if people guess we don’t have to tell them we are boyfriends."

Dane nodded and took a deep breath, shuddering a little as he relaxed. He had been worrying about the reaction of Tap's teammates if they spent too much time together but maybe he didn't have to. Still, he was new and didn't have the relationship Tap did with the guys. He still wanted to keep it a secret.

"I'll try to stop worrying but I don't want anyone to know. It's too... new."

"Hmm... I don't mind keeping it secret too much. It’s hot to be sort of sneaking around." Tap grinned at him, a sexy smirk that told Dane he wanted to kiss him. Tap was focused on his lips and Dane felt them curving into his own smile.

"At home we don't have to worry about it though. That makes me want the day to be over." Dane's stomach growled and Tap laughed. "Well, it's only lunch time now. Let's go get some food. I'm starving too." Tap helped Dane stand up and then he held the door open.

Mr. Stephens looked up from the desk where he was sitting. "Everything alright now?" He checked out both teens, Dane was much more relaxed and breathing calmly.

"Yes, thank you." Dane said politely, meeting Mr. Stephen's eyes and smiling.

"Alright, off to lunch with you two then."

Copyright © 2011 Cia; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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""Not a big deal? My entire school and all my friends turned against me when Trevor outted me. I've been so afraid of that happening again.""




Yikes, when did I out someone? But yeah, I caught this right away. That should be, "when Trent outted me".



And I understand Dane's situation. Back in HS, I made sure to only hang around jocks, so no one would ever suspect that I was gay.






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  • Site Administrator
On 04/08/2011 11:04 AM, TrevorTime said:
""Not a big deal? My entire school and all my friends turned against me when Trevor outted me. I've been so afraid of that happening again.""




Yikes, when did I out someone? But yeah, I caught this right away. That should be, "when Trent outted me".



And I understand Dane's situation. Back in HS, I made sure to only hang around jocks, so no one would ever suspect that I was gay.





Thanks dear. Who knew you were parading through my story outting people? Bad you! Bad you! Hugs!!
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Poor Dane everything he believes ks being turned Topsy turvey. He was so worried about outing Tap with his team mates and they've known for a year. I would really love to know how he stayed such a bright sweet kid with everything he has gone thru. His mother must have been a helluva women to buffer him as much as she did before she died.

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After all that has happened to him, I understand Dane's fear of being outed but I hope he doesn't hurt his relationship with Tap because of it. Such fear can be debilitating....

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  • Site Administrator
On 01/01/2015 09:40 AM, Headstall said:
After all that has happened to him, I understand Dane's fear of being outed but I hope he doesn't hurt his relationship with Tap because of it. Such fear can be debilitating....
The fear of a situation is often worse than the situation itself--but, unfortunately, that's impossible to tell. :(
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