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    Timothy M.
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Stories in this Fandom are works of fan fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to Mercedes Lackey, Tor Publishing and their inheritors. <br>

Danger and Love - 1. Where do I go from here?

This is a Valdemar fanfic story, see story note. Thoughts and Mindspeech (telepathy) are in italics. In addition, Mindspeech is shown between : text : signatures as in the Valdemar books.

“Laryn, what are you doing?”

The harsh whisper caused the boy in front of me to scramble back with a scared whimper. Nerith jumped to his feet and scuttled away past my uncle, who let him go. I fastened my breeches with a sigh before turning around. Why do adults always ask stupid questions like that?

“Wasn’t it pretty obvious?”

“You know that’s forbidden, not to mention dangerous. What if you’d been caught by anyone but me?”

I’d get beaten, obviously. “No one comes to this part of the stables anymore. So what are you doing here?” I eyed the travel packs next to Uncle Kendrick with wary interest. Was he planning to leave Edgehold? The thought made my guts churn.

“We can’t discuss this here. Give me a minute and we’ll go to the grove.” He picked up the packs and pushed past me going into the darkest part of the dilapidated box. When he came back his hands were empty.

None of us spoke on the way to the side door which let us exit the keep opposite the grove. The stand of hardy oak trees stood about one quarter league from the gate. There was a guard, of course, but he wasn’t there to prevent anyone from leaving, only Karsite bandits from sneaking in. At nighttime the gate would be locked and barred, and two guards with a dog slept in the room beside it. The present undeclared war between Valdemar and Karse necessitated even more vigilance than normal for this border area.

Though I’m not yet fourteen, I’ve done stints as a guard on the walls, and as the only grandson of the Holder I’ve been training as a warrior since I was five. It’s the main reason I’m allowed to associate with my youngest uncle. Father may hate his half-brother, but he knows Ken is the best swordsman and horseman around, now that grandfather is too old and sick to fight. Father pretends he’s better, and none would dare gainsay him, but he’s too busy managing the holding to keep training. He also says Ken should earn his keep by carrying out any duties he’s assigned.

By the time we’d walked to the clearing in the middle of the grove my worry about Uncle Ken catching me with Nerith in the stable had mounted. He’d seemed more scandalized than surprised. Of course I knew Father would have a fit if he discovered my appreciation of cute stable boys, partly because Nerith is way below me in rank. I tried not to think of the last reason, but Ken soon brought up my duty to beget an heir.

“I’ve noticed you sneaking off with Nerith for the past few weeks. I assumed you simply wanted to spend more time with the horses, since you’d get to choose one when you turn fourteen. I never thought you‘d abuse your position to gratify yourself.”

“I never would. We exchange favors and I always go first.” The taste of him turns me on, as do the cute faces he makes, trying not to make any revealing sounds.

“Are you mad? Don’t you understand your antics could cost Nerith his life? You’d only get a thrashing and a quick marriage, but he would pay a much higher price.”

I gaped at him. “You’re not serious? We’re just having fun.”

“So you’re not…,” he asked, but hesitated at saying the words.

“In love? No, but we do like each other.”

“And do you like girls as well? Enough to beget children?”

I could hear the hope in his voice, but I’d been brought up to tell the truth.

“Will I ever sleep with girls? No. They’ll be friends and sisters only.”

“Oh Havens, Laryn, I don’t know what to do. Jonne was bad enough, but this will kill Papa.”

“Jonne?” My absent uncle whose name is never spoken openly? “He’s like me? And why are you worried about Grandfather?”

“Jonne was caught kissing another man ten years ago, and if Papa hadn’t sent him away to be a soldier I think Andras and Borun would’ve found a way to get rid of my brother permanently.” He scowled as he said Father and Uncle Boor’s names. “They’d certainly make an example of Nerith for seducing you, and I have a feeling he’d end up wishing he was dead instead of where they might send him.”

“No! No one knows but you, and you’d never betray me.” He’s the only one in Edgehold I trust unconditionally. Mother may love me, but she’s only loyal to her husband.

“Will you swear an oath to stay away from him and other males as long as your father and Borun live? Not that I expect my glutton of a half-brother to last long.”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to give my word if I can’t keep it. I’ve been thinking about telling grandfather and asking him to prevent the engagement.”

“Laryn, your grandfather is very ill and in a lot of pain. I don’t think he will last till spring.”

Father had told me countless times a man doesn’t cry, and I rarely did, even when in pain. But the thought of my grandfather dying sent tears coursing down my cheeks. I loved him and I suddenly knew why Ken was planning to leave. But why now, and not after…after the terrible moment I didn’t want to imagine. My life would become unbearable without them to protect me.

“Please don’t leave me.” I don’t care if begging’s unmanly too.

He pulled me into an embrace and held me while I cried against his chest for a short while. But I soon got myself under control and stepped back.

We were staring at each other, probably both trying to come up with something to say or a solution, when there was a rustle behind me. Ken’s eyes went wide with horrified surprise, and I whirled, almost expecting to see Father behind me. But it was only a horse, a white horse with blue eyes….

Oh, right. Not a horse, but a Companion. And with no Herald that means….

I fell into the blueness and love of the Companion’s eyes. :Hello, Laryn. My name is Fioreth and I choose you.: A warm feeling of safety enveloped me, and I smiled with more happiness than I’d ever known before.

I came back to reality with a start, as my Companion let go of my gaze and sidled sideways, clearly expecting me to mount. At the same time uncle Kendrick swore.

“No way in Hell are you carrying him off, right now,” he exclaimed and moved over to grab my arm.

Fioreth turned his head and glared at him, and so did I. How dare he come between us?

“Oh, don’t you give me those looks! I know a newly Chosen is supposed to go with his Companion immediately, but there’re Karsite bandits and worse out there. And I’m not going back alone to tell Andras his only son and heir is going to be a Herald. It would be almost worse than telling him you’re fey. He hates Heralds.”

“But…but, I need to go with Fioreth. He loves me and cares about me.”

“And I don’t? You know I want what’s best for you. I agree going to Haven is the perfect solution, because I’m bound there myself. But I’ll be going with Jonne’s company of soldiers, and you’ll do the same; Herald Trainee or not.”

“Jonne’s here? How do you know?” I was reeling from the thought of meeting the long-lost uncle, whom I could barely remember.

“Your grandfather found out, and he’s made the plans. He’ll understand if I include you. We leave either tomorrow or the day after. Can you hide here?”

The last question was directed to my Companion, who nodded, but once more presented his side. Now what?

“Go on, silly,” Ken laughed. “Take a quick ride on your new best friend, before you unsaddle him for now. He’ll be waiting to carry you off to a better place.”

:Indeed I will. Heralds and Guardsmen of Valdemar are a lot more accepting of same-sex attraction, and shieldmates are common in the army. Your uncle Jonne was sharing the Herald-Mage’s tent for weeks before Vanyel left.:

I gulped at the unexpected tidbit of information about the famous Herald, but it did the last to dispel any qualms I had about leaving my home. I might lose most of my family, but my uncles would be with me, and they were as accepting of me as Fioreth was. Their love would be enough for now, but maybe one day I’d find more.

Companions are best explained as white magic horses who choose future Heralds. Most of them live dangerous lives to protect the Kingdom of Valdemar.
© 1987 - 2022 Mercedes Lackey, Tor Publishing; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2018 Timothy M.; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Stories in this Fandom are works of fan fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to Mercedes Lackey, Tor Publishing and their inheritors. <br>
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Chapter Comments

I havent't read the Valdemar books either and  hence lack the background, but I think your short story is a well done intro to a fantasy world.

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Where’s the other half?  ;-)


12 hours ago, Timothy M. said:

I leave my readers hanging in both my Incomplete stories, so why not this one too. :*) 

Which one of the three did you complete?  ;-)


We haven’t gotten to Prom, the weddings, or even surgical recovery yet!  ;-)


I figure I’ll still be waiting for each of those events to happen in 2025 or so…  ;-)

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13 hours ago, dughlas said:

I enjoyed this and would like more.


Thanks, dugh  :kiss:   I hardly dare suggest you read my Valdemar anthology story because there's rather explicit intimacy, but you can skip Vanyel's POV and still make sense of the story. I'm sure you'll like Jonne.

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13 hours ago, BHopper2 said:

This story, and your other one about Jonne make so much more sense after I read the trilogy. Excellent work Timothy.


Thanks, Bhopper  :kiss:   I'm not surprised you got more out of my fanfic after reading the real thing. It's impossible to include all the information from the books, but it's also fun to find a way to make it work as stand-alone stories. On the other hand, if my stories tempt readers to seek out the Valdemar books, I happy to have provided M. Lackey with some new fans in return for borrowing her world.

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13 hours ago, LitLover said:

A wonderfully done short, Tim. :hug:   I don’t know the books this is based on, but you’ve intrigued me.  I hope Laryn finds his happiness with his uncles there to support him.  I’d love to hear more about Laryn’s life as he moves away from the familiar and starts his adventure 


Thanks, Lit  :kiss:  I'm glad you enjoyed the story in spite of not knowing the books. That's almost the highest praise a fanfic writer can get. Laryn will have a much better chance of happiness with his Companion, his uncles and the other Herald Trainees in Haven. In return he will have to devote most of his life to the welfare of the kingdom, but I think he'll deem it worth while even if he never finds a permanent partner in love. As per the books few Heralds have the time to devote to a marriage and children and usually make do with shorter relationships or just short liaisons. It's one of the reasons the more traditional (read backwards) areas of Valdemar, like the border, are prejudiced against Heralds.

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On 2/12/2018 at 1:56 AM, Carlos Hazday said:

Good story. It does stand alone but I could tell I'm missing something. It's the reason I avoid fan fic unless it's about something I've read. It did strike my fancy, wish I had time to read the books it's based on.

Thanks, Carlos :kiss:  I'm grateful you gave it a try and the story did spark an interest. What more can a fanfic writer hope for? I certainly rarely read fanfic I don't have the background for, although @Lux Apollo's  Running for Home is an exception. I know nothing of the X-men background story, but it's still immensely enjoyable. You'd probably like it too.

If you do want to read a bit more, but not have to take on a whole book series, you could give my Valdemar anthology story a try. It's sort of a prequel to this story, but seen from Jonne's POV (and Vanyel's for the sex parts :P ).

Edited by Timothy M.
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On 2/12/2018 at 3:40 AM, Parker Owens said:

Well told and exciting; your explanations help me understand the background of this world, as I have not read the Valdemar  books. Poor Nerith. How will he manage in the days that follow? Don’t suppose you plan a follow up chapter? 

Thansk, Parker  :kiss:  I'm amazed how well this is received by readers who're not familiar with the Valdemar books, or even with my other Valdemar fanfic story here (see replies above for a link). I may do a follow-up chapter eventually (perhaps another anthology piece), but meanwhile you can try the prequel, since I can see you haven't read that. (sorry about making another shameless plug for my story :blushing: )

Sweet of you to be worried about Nerith, but I think he'll be mostly relieved after a short period of sadness. He's realistic enough to know the danger and lack of future relationship with the Holder's grandson.

Edited by Timothy M.
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On 2/12/2018 at 7:20 AM, spikey582 said:

Wow, I haven’t read any Valdemar stories beyond a short story compelation back in high school, and the original Arrows of the Queen trilogy a few years later.  That being said, this was a nice taste of that world.  And, in all honesty I wish there was more.  I’d love to see what sorts of adventures this young man would get up to.

Thanks Spikey :kiss:  At least you did have some background to understand, especially the Holderkin background which Laryn has in common with Talia from the Arrows books.

So as not to repeat myself, please see my replies above for how you can sample some more Valdemar fanfic and get to know Laryn's uncle Jonne. I'll do my best to return to Laryn at some point, but no promises. But having people like him so much, even from such a short glimpse, is a powerful motivation. :yes: 

Edited by Timothy M.
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7 hours ago, JeffreyL said:

Nicely done! I am a fan of fantasy and sci-fi, but I don't know much about this series. I read and enjoyed your other story from this series, and at that time I googled to find out more. It included a long list of Valdemar stories in chronological order. This was another tantalizing peek. I guess I need to go to the library. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks, Jeffrey :kiss:  Even if you haven't read the Valdemar books, you did at least have the advantage of having read my prequel, and I'm glad this short glimpse whetted your appetite for more. I think most of the books can be purchased on kindle, if your library don't have them. I recommend starting with the Vanyel books (see Myr's Book Bazar) and the single story Brightly Burning.

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3 hours ago, Dolores Esteban said:

I havent't read the Valdemar books either and  hence lack the background, but I think your short story is a well done intro to a fantasy world.


Thanks, Dolores :kiss:  You couldn't give me a better compliment. :2thumbs:   The word limit was a challenge, so I'm relieved I manged to make it work.

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3 hours ago, droughtquake said:

Where’s the other half?  ;-)



Thanks, droughtquake :kiss:   you always make me :lmao:  It's not my fault this story is short, there was a 1500 words limit in the prompt. But I'm glad you wanted more,

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2 hours ago, Timothy M. said:

Thanks, droughtquake :kiss:   you always make me :lmao:  It's not my fault this story is short, there was a 1500 words limit in the prompt. But I'm glad you wanted more,

Unlike many of the others, I have read the Vanyel books in the past, although it was a long time ago. When I worked in a bookstore, I asked my manager’s wife (who came in often) for recommendations of LGBTQ content in Science Fiction/Fantasy. Mercedes Lackey was one of the authors she suggested. I think I found out about the Vanyel stories via Amazon.  ;-)


Based on previous experience, I generally avoid both fanfic and Science Fiction/Fantasy online because so much of it is too derivative and unimaginative. I especially steer clear of anything that mentions were-anything or vampires in the tags or description! Obviously, I’ve made exceptions over the years, but even some published books that other people love have felt too derivative to me (including the one that MTV turned into a series).  ;-)


I’ve read some really horrific drivel that has been posted as extensions of Beautiful Thing and Tales of the City.  ;-)

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3 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

Based on previous experience, I generally avoid both fanfic and Science Fiction/Fantasy online because so much of it is too derivative and unimaginative.


In that case, I'm flattered you read my fanfic. And that you're not telling me I've desecrated the Valdemar world. :o 

I made an effort to capture the tone of the books and I checked maps and specific details in the books. But I'm not sure I could sustain a series of Laryn stories unless I have a beta reader who is familiar with Valdemar.

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Sometimes, you need to make a drastic change and be daring to win much more. Laryn will be happier when he can truly be himself. 

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17 minutes ago, Puppilull said:

Sometimes, you need to make a drastic change and be daring to win much more. Laryn will be happier when he can truly be himself. 


Thanks, Puppilull :kiss: You're absolutely right. In fact anyone who gets chosen by a Companion of Valdemar experiences a huge change of circumstances and future. So that's pretty much a given, but I think Laryn may feel it keener than most. At least, he will have his uncles to help.

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On 2/12/2018 at 8:07 AM, Timothy M. said:


LOl, you're right, I should have said all three of my continuous stories, not just my CC stories. How could I ignore Rob, especially when I have three or four great @comicfan first line prompts lined up and just begging for a chapter. :*) 

In that case, where are they?

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I'll have to admit that, in the beginning of this story, I felt as though I was missing a bunch of stuff that I needed to know ahead of time. But you did fill in a lot of detail from the get go, so I absorbed a lot of info as I kept reading. :)  I LIKED it! I think I would get an added bonus if I read you original story, so I'll have to make tie for that. Because I think there's a lot of world-building that I missed out on, so I'll dive in and get the full context when I can!


Quality work! More! :) 

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14 hours ago, comicfan said:

In that case, where are they?


LOL, in the back of my head grumbling and waiting for me to get my act together. :*) 

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8 hours ago, Comicality said:

I'll have to admit that, in the beginning of this story, I felt as though I was missing a bunch of stuff that I needed to know ahead of time. But you did fill in a lot of detail from the get go, so I absorbed a lot of info as I kept reading. :)  I LIKED it! I think I would get an added bonus if I read you original story, so I'll have to make time for that. Because I think there's a lot of world-building that I missed out on, so I'll dive in and get the full context when I can!


Quality work! More! :) 


Thanks, Comsie :hug:  Yeah, it was perhaps too much of a challenge to write a story with two big lumps of background stuff (the original Valdemar book AND my Anthology story) being unknown to most of the readers. So I'm pretty stoked you say you could get into the story even so. And I admit one hidden purpose of this story was to tempt a few readers to give my other Valdemar fanfic a try. I'm all :2thumbs: I achieved it too.

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I am a big fan of the Valdemar series, and I commend you on an excellent piece of writing.  It reads true to the feeling of Misty’s books, although I wasn’t certain until the end that they were Holderkin.  Although you wrote this as a stand-alone, I could easily see this expanded into a longer story.  How soon is this after Vanyel’s disappearance?  It can’t be long.

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Really a wonderful stand alone chapter; but it would have make a perfect much longer story.  The books by Mercedes Lackey are among my favorite in this genre.  This was well written and moved lovely.  

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