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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Exes and Ohs - 10. Chapter 10 It Is What It Is

Karma's a bitch.




Drake paced around his condo, phone in hand; the conversation with Callie had ended more than an hour before. She’d caught him up on what was going on with their parents, but he’d found it a struggle to concentrate on her words after having his personal epiphany. Still, he’d absorbed the gist of it.

He found his way to the balcony, and forced himself to stand still as he looked out over the lights of the city. According to his sister, their father had stayed for dinner when he finally brought their mother home, and they’d even spent time outside afterward, sitting by the pool and talking in hushed tones. Callie hadn’t been able to hear the conversation from her bedroom window, but apparently it had appeared both serious, and friendly.

Drake remembered her saying their mother had giggled a few times, and that their dad had done his deep, rumbling belly laugh in response. For a second, a picture formed which took him back in time… to when his parents had been happy. It was a lot to take in, but one thing for sure—his sister was beyond excited—and if Jimmy wasn’t so much on his mind, he probably would have been too.

Sighing, he went back inside and sat down. Admitting to himself he’d fallen in love with his friend—his best friend—was only a first step. He didn’t know exactly when it had happened, but there was no longer any denying it. He didn’t want to… he wanted… Jimmy.

He’d fought it, or maybe ignored it was more accurate—but it hadn’t worked. Going out with Dean had found him comparing the two—always in Jimmy’s favor—and that had been unsettling, yet still he'd been incapable of letting his feelings fully surface.

But things had come to a head over the course of the weekend, when he was given no choice but to face what was in his heart, and he was glad for it. Jimmy had forced him out of his safe little cocoon just by being himself, and while he still had some of those same fears percolating, they no longer seemed daunting. Instead, there was a bigger fear firmly planted in his gut… and the thought of Jimmy turning away from him for good was the reason for it.

Drake looked at his phone for the umpteenth time, trying to formulate what he wanted to say to the man. He’d thought he had it when he finished his shower, but faltered as he began to make the call. Yeah, he was scared.

He kept seeing his demeanor from that morning, and the same reticence when he’d dropped him off. It worried him. Maybe it was too late to talk about giving a new relationship a chance. Finally, he tossed the phone on his dining table, concluding it could wait until tomorrow, if not before work, maybe during lunch. Jimmy had been very clear he wanted distance from him. He really had to stop throwing his phone like that.

He should have been hungry, but he wasn’t. A handful of soda crackers and a few sips of ginger ale were all his stomach could handle before he turned out the lights and headed back to bed.

Hours later he was still awake. He kept walking the knife edge of uncertainty. What he really needed was to see Jimmy, and for him to work his magic, convincing him he still wanted Drake, and that his heart would be safe… that loving the man wouldn’t hurt him. He was ready to take the leap, because Jimmy was worth it. At the core of his being, he knew that… and he knew he’d been a colossal fool.


Arriving at work earlier than usual, Drake picked up two coffees and a couple of cheese tea biscuits from the café on the ground floor, something he’d done many times before. Mondays were his days. On the elevator ride up, he was filled with anticipation, hoping the Jimmy of yesterday had disappeared. Sleep had been elusive as he chased his thoughts in circles, but he did manage a couple of hours before rising at six, and when he opened his eyes, everything came into focus. He had to trust the man he loved… he did trust him… and he had to tell him that.

Turning the corner, he was able to see into part of Jimmy’s cubicle. He was already there. Drake could see one foot sticking out, and his heart moved into his throat. Sandra’s shift didn’t start until nine, an hour later than theirs, so there was only the two of them in this section of the floor.

“Hey,” he called out as he neared.

“Hey,” was returned, but it wasn’t Jimmy’s voice he heard.

“Len?” Drake’s heart sunk when the wrong face came into view. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think?” he asked with a grin. “The iron man finally called in sick.”

“He did? Did he say what was wrong?”

Len peered at him curiously. “I didn’t talk to him, Drake. Human Resources called me last night to tell me I was subbing for Jimmy today, so here I am.”

“Last night? Oh, right. Of course. Anything you need?”

“Nah, just like riding a bike, and I already checked… nothing’s pending, so no headaches to deal with yet.”

“Yeah, Jimmy doesn’t leave loose ends. Well, welcome back to our little corner of the world. Here’s a coffee for you, black no sugar.”

“Hey, thanks, Drake! That’s how I like it, and perfect timing… I was just going to run down to get one. There was too big a lineup when I came in.”

“Well, now you don’t have to.” The smile Drake had pasted on was beginning to slip. Jimmy hadn’t called in sick in the year he’d worked with him… not in the entire year and a half he’d worked for the big communications company. Was it because of him?

The phone rang, and Len said, “I got this.” It was perfect timing too, for Drake to escape to his desk.

Maybe Jimmy really was sick. Swallowing down a spike of fear as he sat down, he began typing a text to the man.

“Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well. Let me know if you need anything. Len is filling in… even drinking your coffee… he’s a nice guy, but he’s not you. Feel better. D”

Thirty seconds later, he pushed send, sipping his coffee while he stared at the phone. But there was no response, not that he should have expected there would be. Ten minutes later, sighing, he turned on his computer to see what was waiting for him.

Fortunately, Len, while friendly, wasn’t the garrulous type, and Drake was able to bury himself in his tasks. Before he knew it, the man was at his side asking if he wanted to go get some lunch. Startled, Drake considered it, and then realized there was something he needed to do.

“Sounds good, Len, but I’ve already eaten two tea biscuits. I have an errand to run. Raincheck?” Raincheck? He already had one of those from Jimmy.

“Sure. Maybe tomorrow if I’m still here.”

“Tomorrow for sure, and if you’re not, we’ll sync our lunch hours and get together next week. I didn’t realize the time. I should get going.” Drake stood up, grabbed his phone, and slid into his jacket. “See you in an hour.”

Drake made it back with a few minutes to spare, walking to his desk with another coffee and a plastic-wrapped egg salad sandwich. Sandra and Len were both on the phone so he just waved as he walked past.

Still no response from Jimmy. It was disappointing, but if the man was really sick, understandable. He decided to send another text.

“I hope you’re getting lots of rest. Do you want me to bring you anything when I’m done here?”

Maybe being ill was the reason Jimmy had been so withdrawn the day before? Drake wanted to believe that, but it wasn’t an easy leap. It could have been a combination of Drake’s out-of-line remark and coming down with something, though. At any rate, he couldn’t shake the bad feeling in his gut.


He arrived home feeling lost… stuck in limbo until he and Jimmy talked. The idea of eating held no appeal. Sitting on his couch, shoes and suit jacket still on, he stared at his phone after tossing it on his coffee table. Fighting the urge to pick it back up, he rolled his head back and stared at the plaster ceiling. He’d expected a response by now, but it hadn’t happened, and sending another text would likely elicit the same silence.

Jimmy was avoiding contact. He was avoiding him. Frustrated as he was, he refused to give in to the despair that threatened. He could be wrong, in which case Jimmy was seriously ill, and there was only one way to find out. With determination, he stood and retrieved his phone, dialing as he left his condo.

Drake was nervous as hell as he parked his SUV in visitor parking. Was he doing the right thing? Maybe not, but he had to know Jimmy was all right, and more selfishly, he had to know they were all right. Everything had changed since he’d admitted to himself he loved the man… his walls were down, and he was feeling extremely vulnerable. Jimmy’s forgiveness was something he desperately needed.

A long time had passed since the last time he’d been there, but he found ‘J Calloway’ right away… it took him thirty seconds before he was ready to push the buzzer. Half a minute later, he pushed it again. Nothing. Was the man too sick to get up and answer? Maybe he was at the doctor, or even worse, the hospital.

Drake’s stomach clenched as he tried one more time. In frustration he yanked on one of the double doors, catching himself off guard when it flew open, the edge smacking his forehead. Rubbing the spot of impact, he cursed as he looked up to see the automatic closer had been disengaged. Was this an omen? Should he go home and wait for Jimmy to contact him?

On the ride up, he took deep breaths, trying to convince himself he was doing the right thing. When the elevator door opened, the hallway of the fifth floor brought back memories, and he headed right without needing to look at the numbers. Jimmy’s place was at the end, on the left.

Swallowing, he knocked softly. There was a muffled sound before the door opened. An absolutely stunning girl… woman… stood in front of him.


“Ah, hi. I’m not sure if I have the right apartment?”

“Depends on who you’re looking for. Are you a delivery man?”

“Delivery man? Oh, no, this is chicken soup for my friend.”

“Oh. Do you mean Jimmy by any chance?” she asked, her smile warm and friendly.

“Yes.” He looked back the way he came before he met her eyes again. “I’m Drake. We work together, and I thought he might need—”

“Drake? Hi, I’m Victoria. It’s so nice to finally meet you. Come on in… he’s in the den working away on his computer.”

“That’s okay. I ah… I just wanted to make sure he was okay, and bring him this”—he held out the soup he’d ordered and picked up from his favorite restaurant—“so could you give this to him please, and tell him I’ll see him at work?”

“Why don’t you just give it to me yourself, Drake?” Jimmy appeared behind Victoria, dressed in a robe, his expression unreadable.

“Oh, hey. You’re looking not too bad. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to intrude… ah, I pushed the buzzer but there was no answer. Um… it’s soup from Warrington’s… it’s really good.”

“Sorry, that damn buzzer system’s been down since yesterday. Thanks for the soup, but Vic and I just ate. I’ll put it in the fridge for later.” He tilted his head and pinned Drake with a questioning look. “So, why would you think you’re intruding?”

Drake had already taken one step back, anxious to leave, but that look held him in place. “Ah… because I just showed up at your door without any warning, and you have company… we… we can catch up at work when you get back.”

“Hey, I’m not company, and besides, I was just about to go myself, so we’ll have to get acquainted another time,” Victoria said before turning and giving Jimmy a peck on the mouth. “Good luck tomorrow, cubbie.”

Cubbie? Not company? Did she live here? Drake reeled for a few seconds before he realized Jimmy would never have kept that from him. But he couldn’t ignore the fact she was here, nor could he ignore the obvious closeness between them. This was the girl he’d been sleeping with right before their first date.

“Thanks, Vic… I still haven’t decided yet.” His eyes were focused on Drake as she moved aside to leave. “It’s not much notice.”

Those eyes didn’t leave him as the beautiful blonde spoke.

“You know you have to jump at these things when you get the chance.”

“I know, I know. I’ll call you.”

“You better.” Finally, Jimmy shifted his attention to Victoria, and they shared a look that wasn’t missed by Drake.

“Bye, Drake. It was sweet of you to bring soup.” She touched his arm as she moved past him and walked away. He watched, still struck by how gorgeous she was.

“Are you coming in?”

“Oh, if you’re… yeah… sure. Are you feeling better?”

Jimmy closed the door and for a few seconds they were chest to chest in the tight space. Drake could smell his familiar scent, and it reminded him of their night sharing the same bed.

“I’m not sick.”

“You’re not?”

Jimmy didn’t explain further. “I’ll just put this in the fridge. It smells good, but I’m stuffed with Thai food.”

Drake waited uncertainly as the man walked into the galley kitchen to the right. So his gut feeling hadn’t been wrong. Jimmy wanted distance from him. “I love Thai food,” he said, just for something to say.

“I know. There’s leftovers if you want some.”

“Oh, no, I’m full too.”

Jimmy closed the fridge door and stared at him. “You are? You couldn’t have had much time to eat?”

Damn. “I had a late lunch.”

“I see. Let’s sit in the living room… here, give me your jacket and I’ll hang it up.”

“Okay, thanks. I should have changed after work.” He handed Jimmy his suit jacket before remembering. “Can I have that back for a second?”

Gripping it with a tremble he hoped wasn’t noticeable, he removed the long thin box from the lower inside pocket. “Here, this is for you.”

Jimmy stared at the offered box, as he hung the jacket in the closet. “What’s this?”

“Nothing much. Open it.”

After taking it, he did, and regarded the dark blue tie thoughtfully. “Alexander MacQueen?”

“Yes. I thought it would go well with your navy suit, or the charcoal one.”

“Or my lighter gray one. I almost bought this a week ago, but I decided it was too extravagant. Why did you do this?’

“To thank you.”


“This weekend. What you did really helped me out, and I… I wanted to show my appreciation.”

“Drake, I told you—”

“I know, but just accept it, okay?”

Jimmy returned his gaze to the box, the slight shimmer of the subtle dark blue swirls in the fabric on display. “It’s beautiful. When did you get this?”

“Today, during lunch hour.”

“Nomads, on Queen?”


“Wow. You’ve been busy. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. So, you’re not really sick?”


“Is it because of me?”


“It’s okay, Jimmy. You don’t have to say it… I screwed up.”

“No, you didn’t. It is what it is, and I accept that. I needed space today to make some decisions about my life. Sorry I didn’t respond to your texts, but—”

“What does that mean? What decisions?” Fear gripped Drake by the throat.

“I wasn’t going to get into this yet… sit.”

Drake perched on the edge of the leather couch, anxiety preventing him from making himself comfortable. “Get into what?”

“The fact I need to make some changes.”

Drake swallowed a couple of times, not trusting his voice as he searched Jimmy’s gaze.

“I mean it when I say I accept how things are… I really do, but I need to put some distance between us for a while.”

“I… I don’t want that,” he stammered out, pretty sure he knew what was coming next.

“We’ll still be friends, Drake, but I need to move on. It’ll be better for you too if I don’t work there anymore. All I do is complicate your life.”

“No, that’s not—”

Jimmy held up his hand to stop him. “It is what it is,” he repeated.

“So, you’re quitting?”

“I’ve sent out my resume to a few places today. Vic helped me update it, and I’ve already gotten a response, believe it or not. Rogers Communications has a position that could suit me.”

“And there’s an interview tomorrow? That’s why Victoria wished you luck?”

“Yes. I have to confirm it by eight in the morning which means they’re likely conducting a bunch of interviews.”

“Don’t do this… please.”

“I have to.”

“No, no you don’t. We’ve always said our company is so great because it promotes from within. You’ll be moving up any day now.”

“You’re not hearing me.” Jimmy hung his head for a few seconds.

“I am. I know I didn’t want to listen to you in the past, but things have changed… it won’t take much to convince me we can have that chance you wanted.”

“Drake, come on. I’m not going to try to convince you of anything. It would be a mistake. Just the fact you have to be convinced proves that.”

Mistake? Okay, I said that wrong. I shouldn’t have said convinced. I’m willing to… I’d like to… to start over again. I know what I feel, and I know it’s what I want. We want the same thing, Jimmy.”

“Do we?”

“Don’t we?”

Jimmy sighed, rubbing his hands together before entwining his fingers so tightly that Drake saw his fingers whiten. “If you'd asked that Saturday, at the pool, I would have said yes. Hell, I would have yelled it at the top of my lungs.”

“And now?”

“I don’t see it working.”

“Why not? Is what I said so terrible?”

“No. you were only telling me how you felt, and I finally listened.”

“Jimmy, please—”

“Okay, Listen. You’ve been really hurt in the past—and I know how damaging that can be—Travis made me question everything about myself, and then Lucas, who was almost as bad in a different way, did the same. My point is, you’re never going to trust me because of what happened with Richard, and you’re never going to believe I don’t want to, or won’t, sleep with a woman again. It would always be in your head.”

“That’s… that’s not true. I trust you. I trust you more than anyone else I know… I told you that already, and I meant it. I trust you as much as I do Callie.”

“Be honest, Drake.”

“I am.”

“No, you’re not. Tell me… what was your first reaction when you saw Victoria?” His stare was challenging.

“Ah, I was surprised to see her, and I thought she was very beautiful….”


“And she was nice, and I could see how much you care about each other… cubby,” he said with a nervous smile, trying to lighten what had become an awful conversation.

Jimmy didn’t return it. “And you wondered, didn’t you?”

“Wondered what?” Drake asked, but he already knew what he was getting at.

“Why she was here, and if there was something going on. Tell me it didn’t cross your mind, and be honest for both our sakes.”

“I don’t know, Jimmy. I was nervous when I arrived, and she answered the door and seemed so at home here, and I didn’t know how gorgeous she was, and you were in your robe, and she kissed you on the lips, so, yeah, maybe the thought occurred to me… but just for a few seconds. Isn’t that understandable?”

“Yes it is… I finally get it, Drake. We are products of our past.”

“But I’ve changed.”

“Changed? You said to me once I was gay for now. But, just like Richard, I could revert. How long before any trust dissipates and fear takes over? You were ready to bolt today, Drake. I saw it as plain as day. I could practically read your mind. You wanted to run the second you saw Victoria. I heard it in your voice before I even saw your face, and I won’t put myself through that.”

“Okay, I admit, I was rattled, but I knew I had to trust in what you’ve told me.”

“Until you don’t,” he said with clear resignation.

“Are you saying you don’t want that chance anymore?”

“It’s not about what I want. It’s about not getting hurt again… you're not the only one who’s afraid of that happening.”

“I know you aren’t Richard, and I know how I feel—”

“I like women, Drake. I think the world of Victoria, and I won’t throw her friendship away for anyone.”

“I would never ask you to.”

“I know you wouldn’t, but if I went to dinner with her, or a movie, or I fell asleep on her couch, wouldn’t that affect you? I know it would be innocent, but would you?”


Jimmy raised his eyebrows, indicating his doubts. “And I love to dance, and women are great to dance with—”

“I’m sorry I said that about you and Bindy. It was wrong, and I have no excuse.”

“Don’t… don’t apologize. You were just being honest about what you felt. You’d just dealt with your ex, who kissed you, and I get that, but it made some stuff very clear. I needed that clarity once and for all.”

“Once and for all? That sounds pretty final.”

“I know you don’t like to hear the word, but I need closure too.”

Drake didn’t know what to say. He really didn’t. Was Jimmy right about him? Would his fears creep back in? His first instinct was to think that would depend on Jimmy, but instantly knew that wasn’t fair or true. It would be on him.

“Are you okay?”


“I’m sorry.”

“Karma’s a bitch, isn’t she?”


“Don’t, please. I get it. I’m damaged goods—I already knew that.”

“No, you’re not… not any more than I am, or anyone is. You were the smart one here. You were right all along. You knew where you were at, and now I do too.”

Drake scoffed. “Yeah, that’s me—smart as a whip. So, I guess you won’t be at work tomorrow. Good luck at your interview. Maybe you can wear your new tie… it should make a good impression.” It was difficult to keep bitterness from his voice, but he tried. He stood up, anxious to do what Jimmy had accused him of earlier. Bolt.

“Thanks, but I haven’t responded yet.”

Jimmy followed him to the door, not trying to convince him to stay and talk some more. Yup, this was final, and Drake knew he damn well deserved it.

“Let me get your coat,” he said as he reached into the closet, brushing against Drake. Sadness emanated from the man.

As much as it hurt, Drake didn’t want Jimmy to feel any worse than he so obviously did. “You have to do what you have to do… I understand.”

“Do you?”

“Yeah, I’ve been an idiot, but I’m not stupid. I knew it might well go this way when I came here, but I had to try.”

Jimmy frowned at his words, and his mouth opened as if he was going to say something, but nothing came out. Silently, he handed Drake his jacket.

“Thanks,” he said awkwardly. Instead of donning it, he draped it over his arm.



“I just need a little distance, and then we can go back to being friends if you want. We can still go to lunch while I work out my notice.”

“So you have decided?”

Jimmy shrugged, still frowning. “Not about the interview tomorrow, but about finding another place to work, yeah.”

Drake nodded, indicating an acceptance he wasn’t feeling. He opened the door and walked out. “See you, Jimmy.”

“Bye, Drake.”

He was halfway to the elevators when he heard his name called out. He stopped walking and half-turned to face the man. That frown was still in place, and his head was slightly tilted to one side. Drake waited for him to speak as the next few seconds slowed to a crawl.

“Ah… sorry, but I can’t help feeling I’m missing something. Is that all you… why did you come by today? You never have before, not since….”

Drake bit back the truthful answer. What was the point? “To bring you soup. I thought you were sick.”

“Oh… okay then. Thanks.”

Continuing on, Drake got a few steps further before he came to another halt. Slowly he turned. Jimmy was still there, still watching him. Fuck it.

“But mostly I came to tell you I love you. It is what it is, like you said, but I figure you should know that. Good night, Jimmy.”

His heart was pounding, but he didn’t turn around again. One of the elevators opened up as soon as he pushed the button, and he sighed with relief as he got in. He didn’t need to look to know Jimmy was still standing in the same spot. It seemed an eternity before the door slid closed, and his descent began.




As always, a huge thank you to my editor, Timothy M., and another one to all the readers who keep me motivated each week. Please leave a comment, good or bad, if you can. It will be appreciated. Cheers... Gary....
Copyright © 2018 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

3 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

Well Drake sure has put his cards on the table. I hope that at some point the two guys will be on the same page at least to work things out! I feel so bad for Drake what a mess

he has created :yes:


Great Chapter:thankyou::worship:



You sure you're in the right story Albert :P jk ;) 

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On 4/30/2018 at 10:19 PM, droughtquake said:

I can’t say I was surprised by what happened. Their story arcs were very clear. The trajectories couldn’t be shifted in time. Fate (aka Gary) is a fickle mistress! 😉


But everything hasn’t been finalized yet. Even if Jimmy gets a new job, that doesn’t preclude them dating. In fact, it might be better if they weren’t spending all their time together! 😉

I'm a fickle master, I'll have you know. -_- :P  Hey, Drought! The fact is both men were in their own holding patterns before this weekend began. And then... the imperfect storm... meeting mutual adversity in the form of Preston... a night of physical connection... the exposure of a family secret... a unexpected and intense conversation at the pool, emotional to the extreme... seeing Richard... talking to Richard... confusion to the extreme... lashing out in a moment of leftover anguish and unexpected jealousy... followed by withdrawal and imposed isolation. Not only could the trajectories not be shifted... they couldn't adequately be predicted... there was one constant, though... the caring the men had/have for each other. Sometimes, it's just not enough. Now the men are back in separate corners, both likely licking their wounds. Can they even really continue to be friends? Something has to give. And no, nothing has been finalized... sorry for the long-winded reply, my friend... I'm pleased you have a little optimism... Drake did show some intestinal fortitude, so it was not all was doom and gloom, was it? Cheers and thanks... Gary....

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On 4/30/2018 at 10:21 PM, droughtquake said:

Where's Callie when you need her? 😉

Maybe she should give Jimmy a call? :P 

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On 5/2/2018 at 1:20 PM, Headstall said:

How Jimmy sees it could be another story. :(

Gary is already considering a sequel to this story!  ;–)

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On 4/30/2018 at 10:25 PM, Geemeedee said:

Getting engaged, because SHE didn’t fuck up her best chance at happiness.


Yes, I’m being petty. About a fictional character. I’m not proud of it.  *snicker*

LOL... you're allowed... so be proud... it means you care, buddy. :hug: 

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On 5/1/2018 at 12:18 AM, jaysalmn said:

Seriously, I'm kind of at the "too little, too late" point with Drake. I wanted them to have a chance last chapter, but I think Jimmy is right to distance himself. Drake's reaction to Victoria told me his epiphany didn't really change his trust issues much, if at all. A person can only take being accused of something they're not doing so much before they finally give up. Jimmy is there.  Why would he want to constantly be under a microscope, having Drake peeking around the corner every time he speaks to a woman?? Jimmy deserves better than that. Maybe they could be friends again at some point, but I now think  anything other than friendship would be toxic. Drake doesn't need a relationship, he needs a therapist.

Hey, jaysalmn! I thought Drake's reaction to Victoria, seeing her for the first time, and seeing the closeness she had with Jimmy, was admirable after he talked himself off the cliff. :P  Seriously, he might have waffled, but he managed to get where he needed to be. He did trust in Jimmy, and that was a big change for a man who couldn't trust before. You're right, though, that Jimmy should be wary of it... he has to take care of his own heart, and I imagine, for all the resolution he showed, he must have been hurting badly. 


Maybe Drake does need a therapist, but if that's the case, I'd put forth that most of us do, because I don't know anyone who hasn't been hurt, and hurt badly. At any rate, he's woken up to his own issues, and what they've cost him. For that reason alone, I root for him. Thanks, buddy, for you support and your engagement... see you Monday... cheers... Gary....

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On 5/1/2018 at 12:55 AM, CscottyCA said:

This chapter broke my heart, but as others pointed out, it was the right thing. Drake, despite realizing his feelings for Jimmy, is still not over his trust issues. It’s going to take more than a weekend and a few heart-to-hearts to fix that. And, Jimmy needs space to figure out what he needs and deserves. 


I hope these guys find their way to each other in the end. 

It broke mine too, Cscotty, but I agree Jimmy was right to look after his own heart. I agree too that Drake isn't over his trust issues... Jimmy made him doubt himself during their brutal conversation... but he's got a good start on them. Right now, the must be doubting whether they can even be friends... it's pretty sad. Thank you, my friend... I appreciate your thoughts... sorry that this one hurt... maybe things will look up at some point... cheers... Gary....

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On 5/1/2018 at 2:09 AM, Timothy M. said:


I'm hoping for both at the same time. Perhaps Jimmy can tell him he'll give him another chance if he finds a good therapist to help him work through the issues ? But I think Jimmy is much too kind and forgiving to do this. And Drake should get help for his own sake and not just to gain Jimmy as a partner.

I'm glad Drake told Jimmy how he feels. Even if the declaration comes too late and makes no difference, at least he's given it a chance. Now he has to give Jimmy time to reconsider, and in the mean time Drake can work on his own fears and problems with trust. Jimmy for once stood up for himself and pointed out how Drake's reactions to Victoria can make or break their future.

Hey, Tim. I think your read on Jimmy is accurate. He would never tell Drake what to do. Drake has to come to his own conclusions about what he needs to do. Lost in all this, is that despite not dealing with his past, Drake is a good guy... one of the best. I know this because Jimmy tells me he is... if he is worth that man's love, then he's good enough for me. :) 


I'm glad you agree that what Drake did... what he said in the hallway... was a huge step for him... even if it turns out not to be a big one for them. It took guts, as did his feeble but concerted defense of himself to Jimmy. It's too bad doubts crept in, but that just means Drake has gotten rid of his tunnel vision, and is examining how he really feels. Let's hope he continues that trend with his family. That's a good thing, right? 


And yeah, it's equally important for Jimmy to stand up for himself. What's the point of winning the battle if you lose the war? Thanks, buddy... you always get it... cheers... Gary....

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On 5/1/2018 at 4:49 AM, Caz Pedroso said:

I agree with some of the others that Drake needs a therapist, but I also think him and Jimmy would be good together with a bit of work. No one ever said relationships were easy. We all bring our own insecurities, and baggage to them, and we have to work with our partner to live with them or overcome them. 


Another great chapter Gary :hug: 

Thanks, Caz! No, relationships are definitely not easy. No matter how much you may work at them, there are no guarantees. But, without effort, they are nigh on impossible to make work. We all know they could be good together... have they used up their chances? We'll know a little more on Monday... cheers, my friend... Gary....

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On 5/1/2018 at 4:55 AM, ColumbusGuy said:

I wanted so much for Drake's visit to go well, but his reaction to Victoria only proved that his epiphany wasn't firmly rooted...there's a lot of work Drake needs to do on his issues to be what Jimmy needs.  The fact that Jimmy stood watching Drake leave indicates he's still got strong feelings for the man, but he can't let those rule him until he sees Drake make some serious changes in himself.  Jimmy is on the right path, but will Drake see that, or resign himself to the status quo and give up on himself and Jimmy?  With his record, I'm thinking we're in for a period of despondency and retreating from dealing with his issues.


Not giving up on them yet...and Jimmy isn't either.  It's up to Drake now, and indeed, it's always been.


:hug:  :heart:  :kiss:

Hey, buddy! I thought Drake did well with Victoria... meeting her for the first time, he was faced with seeing how close and comfortable they were together, yet he got to where he needed to be. I was proud of him. That's not to say he doesn't need work... but he trusted Jimmy... and that's new. These two have never been on the same page, except for the first three dates... timing is as important to a relationship as any other factor, and they don't have it. 


Issues of Drake's kind are hard to overcome, but saying he loved Jimmy shows movement in how Drake is looking at the world... he's putting himself out there, and no matter what, that should help him in the future, but yeah, despondency is probably a good bet. Thank you, dear friend... see you Monday... cheers... Gary.... xoxo

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On 5/1/2018 at 5:05 AM, flamingo136 said:

I still feel that fear is the main motivator ........FEAR, party of 2?  This way please........Love it, Gary...............:)Mike

:gikkle:  Yup... party of two. :lmao:  You are so right, Mike, but I see some movement on Drake's part. Jimmy is now the one with fear, and rightly so. Thanks for the comment and for loving it... and for making me smile... cheers... Gary....

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On 5/1/2018 at 12:21 PM, dughlas said:

Well this is gonna take some fixin'.

I think Drake was more surprised than jealous to find Victoria there. He's used to thinking of himself as JimmyDean's best friend. To be reminded that there is another person he's close to threw Drake's equilibrium. I think the same may have happened if a strange guy opened the door.

It appears so, bro. Great observation. I agree he was more surprised than anything, and while he may have had some fears rise up, thinking of the person Jimmy was brought things back into perspective. That, to me, was impressive. The fact he didn't run was impressive. Right now there are in separate corners, likely wondering why  and how it wasn't to be. A place many of us have been. :(  Thanks for the support, dugh... Monday is getting close... cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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On 5/1/2018 at 1:39 PM, Kitt said:

Looks like that shoe (the one on the other foot) is a tad small and pinchy!

Yup. Like Drake said... Karma is a bitch. We only get so many chances before options start disappearing. Drake needs to learn to go barefoot. :P  We'll soon see what's next for these two... thanks, Kitt, for the great comment and the support... cheers... Gary....

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On 5/1/2018 at 2:07 PM, Drew Espinosa said:

I'm mad at Drake.

I'm mad at Jimmy.


For Drake, his doubts have spread to Jimmy, and that just depresses the hell out of me.

For Jimmy,  he's shutting out Drake, the very thing Drake had been doing to until recently. I wasn't happy when Drake did it, and I'm not happy with Jimmy doing it.


So what am I gonna do with this anger at the both of them? Well...  <assigns Jimmy and Drake some math homework: prove Thales's Theorem> :evil: Muahahaha!!! 


Thanks for this wonderful, though sad, chapter, Gary. :hug: 

:hug:  Sorry, buddy. I hate seeing Jimmy pull back, but I don't blame him. And yeah, Drake is responsible for this. I would say both men are now firmly planted in their pain, but this pain of Drake's is new... he finally figured out what he wanted, and he can't have it. And, it couldn't have been easy for Jimmy to watch Drake walk away. 


So long as you don't assign the author any of that math homework, I'm good. :P 


Thank you for sticking with this story, Drew... it means a lot... cheers... Gary....

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On 5/1/2018 at 2:35 PM, Kitt said:

It's been a very long time since I took a math class and only went as far as adv. Calculus, but isn't that the one we all called the Kobiashi Maru. The unsolvable situation from star trek?

Oh, the one that got Chris Pine, aka Captain Kirk, in trouble? :D  

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On 5/2/2018 at 10:17 AM, Bucket1 said:

That’s terrible behavior on your part, not what we expect in this forum...


...whisper whisper... really? ...whisper whisper... ummm ok


Gary says I shouldn’t  throw stones, something about glass houses and previous chapters


Oh and you are right :yes: I want sobbing, I want crying his heart out, I want Dense Drake breaking down outside Jimmy's door for hours, I want Jimmy to come home and find poor little Drake in a pool of tears and then Drake having to do it all over again

:huh:  um.... I'll see what I can do... man, you're a hard nut to crack.  I'm seeing lots of broken glass scattered everywhere. :P  Love ya, B :hug: 

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On 5/2/2018 at 10:28 AM, Bucket1 said:

Ok now I have had a rant, if Drake has learnt anything from the Richard saga it should be that yes he needs a therapist and yes he definitely needs to bring Jimmy along too, assuming Jimmy is willing.


@Drew Espinosa, while I understand your anger with both DD and JD, I don’t feel anger for Jimmy, I can feel and almost taste his exhaustion with the situation, Drake made it really clear he didn’t trust Jimmy and it was the straw that broke the camels back. It was the clear and unequivocal signal that Drake and Jimmy were never going to happen. And then Drake spoke to his sister and realized he was stupid to continue to deny his feelings for Jimmy. These two have woeful timing

Oh, were you ranting? I didn't notice. :P  Great point... Jimmy really is exhausted... and I think he's hurting. Yup... abysmal timing for these two. I don't blame Jimmy, but I see Drake shedding parts of his skin... and that is a big deal. If nothing else, he has this past weekend, and Jimmy, to thank for it. Thanks, B... Cheers... Gary....

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On 5/2/2018 at 8:30 PM, Bucket1 said:

Is it Monday yet?

Because of the lag, I can accurately say YES. Well... almost... :) 

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On 5/3/2018 at 12:04 AM, spikey582 said:


Oh, to clarify, I meant they were on their way originally, before the story when they started dating. Before Drake’s baggage from his past broke them up.

Okay... got it... yeah, they were well on their way back then... and then Drake found a reason to hide in said luggage. :(  :hug: 

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On 5/3/2018 at 6:20 AM, Bucket1 said:

All I want is...



No guarantees this time, my friend. :ph34r: 

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On 5/3/2018 at 12:03 PM, Albert1434 said:

Well Drake sure has put his cards on the table. I hope that at some point the two guys will be on the same page at least to work things out! I feel so bad for Drake what a mess

he has created :yes:


Great Chapter:thankyou::worship:

Thanks, Albert! Yes, Drake did... like how you worded that. :P Is it enough? I think the shoe is on the other foot, and maybe Jimmy doesn't believe him... believes his words, but not his commitment to them. Life is messy, and Drake has created his own... Richard really did a number on him, didn't he? Love the comment... see you Monday, buddy... cheers... Gary....

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22 hours ago, Caz Pedroso said:


You sure you're in the right story Albert :P jk ;) 

LOL... Albert is a clever, clever man. :)  :hug: 

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15 hours ago, droughtquake said:

Gary is already considering a sequel to this story!  ;–)

Nope. :no:  Uh uh. No plans for that at all. Wrong, wrong, wrong. :P 

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On 5/5/2018 at 1:21 AM, Headstall said:

Oh, the one that got Chris Pine, aka Captain Kirk, in trouble? :D  

Resisted saying it... now I’m gonna....


I want to get Chris Pine/Kirk in trouble, the sweaty kind:yes:

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