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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Promise - 5. It Feels All Right


On the last day of Christian's long weekend, which was Tuesday, Finn awoke in his bed, alone. Adding a pillow behind his head, he pulled himself up slightly and looked out the window. "Sun's coming up. Another lovely day I hope."

There was a knock at the door. Finn heard it open. It was Christian, who called softly, "You awake? Can I come in?"

Finn smiled. "Yeah, come on in."

Christian was scrubbed and dressed already. "Oh, still in bed! That looks inviting."

"Well, strip then, because you're invited!"

Christian settled himself on the side of the bed. "Am I?" He leaned over to kiss Finn.

"Yeah, always." Finn ran his hand down Christian's back. "You're forgetting the strip part."

"Don't think I don’t want that, Finn." He reached for Finn's hand. "I know what would happen."

"What? Well, other than hot kissing and—"

"Yeah, exactly. Then I'd be in your arms, and I'd never want to leave here. Leave you."

"I don't want you to leave." Finn pulled Christian onto his chest and kissed him. Slowly, softly and then with a rising urgency, and Christian held on and responded. After several minutes, Finn slowed things down.

"I'll get dressed. Grab a coffee downstairs and I'll be right there."

"Are you upset … that we haven't—"

Finn ran his hand through the thick blond hair and down Christian's cheek. "No, I'm not upset. It's not time yet. Let's have a coffee and take a walk."



They walked in silence to the little cairn. There Finn turned to face Christian. He pushed his fingers through the belt loops of the other man's jeans and pulled him close. "Tell me what you feel about this place."

Christian felt Finn's hips against his own. He felt the warmth from the rising sun, it felt as if the trees were bending forward to keep them close, and to catch his words in their leaves. Words he knew, were very important right now. Closing his eyes, he answered.

"I know this is a special place. I can feel the energy here. I know being with you is part of it. I know it's right, Finn."

"Say you'll marry me then. Say you'll come back. Say you don't want to go."

Christian opened his eyes. "Yes. As crazy as it all is, yes to all of it. Especially marrying you."

"Come with me." Finn led Christian through the forest, to the boulders where he'd sat a few days before.

"Is that water I can hear?"

"Yes, let's sit for a few minutes."

They settled on the cold stone, close, and hand-in-hand. They were quiet, just listening, just being.

"I heard from the lawyer yesterday, Christian."


"He said there is nothing stopping me, preventing me from telling you about this place if I was sure. I want to, so badly."

Christian nodded. "But you're not ready yet."

"I can't." Finn looked at Christian. "You understand why."

"Yeah, I do. I'm very curious, but this place needs protection doesn’t it? It needs me to understand but it, and you, need my total commitment."

"Yeah. I think that's why the husbands here never told their wives. They never trusted them enough." Finn stroked Christian's hand with his thumb. "That all sounds very sexist, I suppose. But I think it should be shared. In the past though, it passed only from father to son."

"What? Son?"

"Yes, that's another thing. We need to marry and have a child."

"Have a child?" Christian stood up. "Jesus, we've not talked about that."

"No." Finn got to his feet. "You're upset."

Christian laughed a little. "Not upset. I guess it's this place, but important things seem to be dulled. Lulled."

"I suppose it feels that way."

"So, when had you planned to mention kids?" Christian took a few steps away and then turned.

"I am telling you now. Is this a deal breaker?"

"No…no, I don’t think so. I'm just surprised is all." Christian sat back down. "I just have never really considered them. How would we?"

"Adopt. I think it's the best way."

"Okay. Well there's a lot to consider."

Finn felt a little let down, but continued, "Yeah, there is. How long is your next shift at work?"

"On for six then off for four." Christian reached out for Finn's hand, who sat next to Christian. "I just need to think a bit."

"I know this is all too fast."

Christian sucked in a deep breath. "We barely know each other. Geez, Finn we haven't even had sex, and we're talking about kids and marriage."

"You said you wanted a commitment, a relationship."

"Yes." Christian moved closer to Finn. "Yes, I did, and you are offering me all that I wanted."


Christian was quiet for a moment. "I still want it, and you. Tell me something, when we marry and come to live here … the kid thing, is that immediate or can we take a couple of years?"

Finn smiled and put his hands on Christian's waist. "There's no big rush. It can wait; it just needs to be done."

"Okay. I just want some time with you."

"I like that idea." Finn pulled Christian closer and kissed him gently. "Come on, let's get some breakfast. What time do you need to go?"



Sam watched the two men walk away. It felt all right to him. The one called Christian felt all right. "Finn chose well."

"Soon I must start to teach another the ways and words of humans. To keep us safe and hidden." The job of learning the ways of humans and walking among them fell to his line.

Sam moved from his hiding place when Finn and Christian were out of earshot, and walked back to the hidden entrance to his home.

Once he'd slipped through the slim crack in the rock, the cave began to open up, and he walked downward until he came to a large pool. He climbed into the cool water and dove down under the rocks. He swam for several minutes before coming up into his home.

Their world was just inside the border of the National Park, so they were protected from prying eyes. But Wells Gray wasn't established until November of 1939, so before that, it had been the Greens who watched over them.

His people lived as they always had, but Sam accepted some of the humans’ ways. He learned about them as he made trips out of their home and Sanctuary. The farthest he'd ever been was to find Finn and to remind him of his promise from long ago. Sam was pleased how all his plans had gone, at least so far.

The other thing he enjoyed from the outside was a tablet. He had to sneak it out to recharge the battery pack, but he could listen to audio books, which he found delightful. Sam had also learned how to pinch some bandwidth from the house; granted he had to download things outside the cave because they had no electricity or internet there. But he had learned a few things on his own. He thought perhaps Finn would help him a little bit with the technology.

He had used the money that was given to them by the Greens. Sam had received it from his father, who had been given it some time ago, when Finn's father had still been alive. However, with some persuasion it was accepted by the little store. The store owner actually seemed quite happy with some of the old money.

Sam settled onto his seat and looked at the recharger. "I'll have to go out to charge this tonight. As well as I will need to speak with Finn about replenishing our funds."

The cave was cool and dark, and like most of his distant relatives, he preferred the cool and dark of night, so Sam curled up and slept the daylight hours away.

Sam woke when he heard others moving around and going off in search of food in the series of tunnels. Some of them swam out to forage outside, under the cover of darkness.

His electronics were well-wrapped to keep the water out as he swam, so Sam left the safety of the caves and made his way to the house. As he walked the short distance, he listened to the night and the creatures that sang their songs. He stopped when he got close to the house; he was always careful.

This night it seemed only the light in the study was on, and Sam made his way quietly to the window. He peered through the glass and saw Finn at the heavy wooden desk, writing. Sam tapped on the pane.



Finn heard a sound and looked up from his laptop. "What's that?"

He rose and moved to the windows. As he pulled back the curtains farther, he smiled and opened the sash. "Sam! Come in."

Sam thrust his package into Finn's hand. "Hold this please."

"Sure." Finn held the still dripping package away from himself. "What's in here?"

Finally inside, Sam pushed the window closed. "It's my tablet and charger."

Finn opened and closed his mouth. "Um, do you have electricity?"

"No, Finn." Sam moved the curtains back and dripped a little on the wool rug. "That's why I am here."

"Oh." Finn sighed.

Sam read Finn's reaction. "I am here to see you too. If I just wanted electricity, I'd use the plugs outside, like usual."

Finn smiled, and knelt down. "You can visit anytime; you know that, I hope." He started to unwrap the electronics. "I'll order you a better case for these. Why are they all wet? "

Sam kneeled down next to Finn. "To get to our home, we must dive and swim for several minutes."

"Wow, I see." Finn plugged in the charger and the tablet. "What do you use these for?"

"Well, I can listen to readings of books, which I like. Sometimes I can come close to the house and I can use the house internet." Sam grinned broadly. "I took me some time to learn how …."

"Yeah, I guess it would if you had no one to help. I'll help you with this stuff anytime you need it."

"Thank you. That will be great because I like to listen to books."

"Do the others?" Finn plugged in the tablet and the charger.

"Not really. They are not interested in humans."

Finn got to his feet and laid the damp wrappings over the back of a chair. "Come on. Let's sit over here and talk. Do you want a drink or anything to eat?"

"No, thank you, Finn." Sam settled on the sofa, his legs drawn up under him. "I saw you yesterday, when you came out to the rocks, with Christian."

"Did you?"

"Yes, it all feels all right. Christian feels all right to me."

Finn smiled at his companion. "Does he? I'm glad. He's a good person."

"I will look forward to meeting him." Sam held on to his knees. "I did not like the first boy I saw you with at your party."

"You mean Trevor? You didn't like him? To be honest, I didn't really know him well."

Sam's eyes widened. "You seemed to know him."

Chuckling, Finn said, "Um, well, I really just wanted to sleep with him. Or I thought I did. All that seems so long ago now."

"Oh, yes. Humans and sex. They seem to like it yet pretend to hate it. Your race is difficult to understand."

"Yes, we are. I have to agree."

"Um, Finn? There is more reason for why I am here. I spent all the money on the charger and tablet, and lots on getting to come to you. I like to keep some money, in case. Do you think you could give me more? I made it last, the last money."

Finn sat up. He'd never heard about payments, but it made sense. "Sure, I can, how much and when did you last get some?"

"Oh, the last came from your father, many of your years ago, but it's all finished now. The man in the store didn't really want to take the older money, but he did seem very interested in some of it."

"My father? That was … wow … I'm sure he did like some of it. Yes, of course I'll make sure you have some."

"We don't need it often." Sam smiled. "I needed it mostly to go and find you."

"Well, from now on, you won't need to go far to do that. I'm selling my house in Toronto, and Christian and I will live here."

Sam grinned. "This is such good news. I hope you will be happy here."

"I was always happy here. I just needed to be out on my own." Finn leaned back and looked up at the plaster ceiling. "I wonder if I'd have left if my father had told me about you."

"Wondering about what is past is a waste of time, Finn. I never think much about the before times, just now. It's better for your brain and your life."

Finn smiled at his friend. "You're right, of course."

The pair talked another hour, and then Sam packed up his recharged tech, ready to return home. "I will see you again soon, Finn."

Sam insisted on climbing out the window he'd come through. Finn stood by and passed him the watertight package. "I'll look forward to it and I'll have some money for you as well."

"Good night, Finn." With this, Sam turned and walked back to the safety of the forest, and then home.

Finn watched his friend. He wondered what would happen to Sam's people if news of them got out. "I just have to make sure that doesn't happen."



"That soon, Mother?" Finn buttered a slice of cold toast—his favourite—then topped it with homemade blueberry jam.

"Slice of heaven," he thought, as he chewed.

"I didn’t think next week to be overly soon." Cynthia sipped her coffee. "We are ready to go, and you need to run this place. You need to make it your own."

Finn looked at his mom. He wanted to ask a question. "Mom, the money … in the household account. There's a lot in there."

"Yes, dear. Well, it is for the upkeep of this place, believe me this place costs a lot to run."

Finn put down his toast and wiped his fingers and mouth with a linen napkin. "Mother, I mean where does it all come from?"

Cynthia looked at her son like she was seeing him for the first time. "Come from? Well, that information was never shared with the wives. You can speak with Mr. Gotlieb, and he can likely tell you. He would just tell me the deposits were made as they always had been. Just like your father and grandfather did."

"Okay, Mom." Finn sat back and picked up his coffee. He pondered the question he'd asked of his mom, and her response. It seemed to rile her up, but he understood why. "Time to break the cycle I think. I'll call Mr. Gotlieb." He wondered if he'd receive a reply.

Later when he was in his office, Finn called the lawyer and asked for a return call.

An hour passed, and Finn was writing when the landline rang.

"Finn Green …."

"Hello Finn, David Gotlieb here."

Finn sat up straighter. "Hello, thank for returning my call."

"Not a problem. How can I help?"

"I wanted some information if you have it. You know nothing was ever passed on to me."

"Yes, I understand. What do you need to know?"

"Well, it's about the source of the money in our household accounts. Where does it come from?"

There was silence on the line. Finn pulled the phone away and looked at it a moment before moving it back and saying, "Mr. Gotlieb, are you there?"

"Um, yes … sorry. You really don't know anything … okay. Well, your great, great, great and maybe more grandfather was a successful gold miner and investor. There is a lot of physical gold, and the funds that are transferred to your account is interest on investments. We haven't touched the physical gold for years. We haven't had to thankfully. Since your father is deceased, and well, you just didn't know about it."

Finn's breath was shallow. "How much … are we talking about?"

"I don’t have the figures right here, but millions, Finn. But there are caveats on the use of the funds. They are not to be used for anything but the care and running of the estate. They are not for the betterment of the family beyond that. That's why you have always had to work, have jobs or careers."

Finn reached for a nearby glass of water and sipped it. "I understand. Wow, I'm just surprised."

"I can understand."

"So, is there anything recorded that tells me what the funds should be and not be used for?"

"I believe so. Let me look for it, and I'll get a copy to you. Anything more, other than these questions?"

After releasing the breath he'd been holding, Finn said, "Thanks… um, no. Not right now. Thank you very much."

"My pleasure," the lawyer said. "Let me know if you have concerns. Frankly, there is no way we can stop you from using your money, but other than one incident I can recall, the funds have been used only for the upkeep of Sanctuary."

"They still will be … I'm not going to go crazy and buy a boat or a castle. I came back here to look after this place, that's all. My own private funds are mine and this other money isn't."

"Good to know, but I'm not surprised. I'll get someone on looking for that document you want and we will get it to you as soon as possible."

Finn thanked the lawyer, and they hung up. After a few moments, Finn replaced the receiver. "Holy shit."



Sam sat in his small part of the cave and listened to a new book. He was soon joined by Tequkwan.

"What is this?" asked the youngster. He reached out a long slim finger and gingerly touched the warm tablet. He sat but shuffled around beside Sam, who offered the little newt the slim computer.

"It is a human thing, but I can hear their words … books they are called." Sam said the word book in English. He pulled out the headphone jack.

Tequkwan jumped at the sound, and Sam lowered the volume. The little newt looked up at his relative. "What does it mean? Can you understand it?"

"Yes, I understand it. It is English; I learned because our family talks to the humans who protect our land."

"Our family? But not all know this … English."

"No, but someone must learn the ways of them."

"Is that why some dig the yellow metal, uncle?" Tequkwan passed the tablet back.

"Yes, we give it to them, and they help keep the land and us protected here. Not all humans are nice."

The younger one shuffled around to look at his uncle. "No? I've not been out to see them. You were gone for so long, uncle, did you go to see them?"

Sam smiled. "I did go. Things needed to be right again, so I left to make it so."

They sat for a few moments in silence before the newt spoke very quietly. "Uncle, can you teach me the English?"

"Do you want to learn it?"

"Yes, uncle I think I do. I'd like to be like you."

"Then I will teach you."

"Can I go out to see humans? With you?"

"Yes, once you've learned some words and understand. I will take you to meet Finn, it is he who protects us now." Sam smiled at the younger one beside him.

From a dish nearby, he picked up a fat worm and held it up. Tequkwan reached for it but Sam held it away.

"In English this is worm. Say it."

Nodding, Tequkwan tried to form the word. "Weorm. Werm, it is funny sounding this English, Uncle."

Sam's eyes widened. "Oh, yes, it is a funny language. They are funny animals." He handed the wriggling creature to the newt, who popped it into his mouth. "Wait until you see one without their coverings."



Thank you all for taking this little journey with me. I hope that you are enjoying it.

Thanks to @AC Benus and @mollyhousemouse for all the time and effort they put into this work. You guys are the best!
Copyright © 2018 Mikiesboy; All Rights Reserved.
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