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A fan club for Mikiesboy to chat about his stories as well as home to the Drop In Centre Chat Topic


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  1. What's new in this club
  2. It happens, you can google it. Especially if you eat lots of fruit and veggies.. and it can happen with age.
  3. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of eyes changing in reverse, but, never say never. Good luck with the tests, tim, and your BP being a good number (rate, level?) sounds like win to me. xoxo
  4. After about 50 years of not seeing a doctor other than my shrink and hiv guy ... i went to today after the eye doctor was surprised by the huge change in my prescription. I cant wear my current glasses because they are now too strong. The eye doc wanted to me make sure i am not diseased or something... Monday i have to go for a shit ton of tests and then Aug 21 some scans of things... Should be fun.. my BP was okay.
  5. How very odd...maybe the lights had been out of service and he didn't notice them come back? Weird. At least you're safe and sound.
  6. I so confused. Approaching a traffic light controlled intersection, red my side. Patrolman in middle waving me on. No accident visible, no construction, light is functioning normally. Ok, I follow instruction and proceed thru the RED light. Light changes, he stops traffic in the now GREEN lanes and waves the now RED side road out. Yesterday a guy passes me using a left turn only lane, then stops for a count of 5 at the next light, then proceeds thru the RED light crossing 6 lanes. Admittedly @ 5 am there was no traffic at the time. Have I gone color blind? Did they change the rules and I am not aware?
  7. I'm very glad you didn't get caught in the Crowdstrike mess. Apparently it's been causing chaos in some of the airports.
  8. I am safely back home and happy to be here. I do love seeing new places and Chicago surprised me in a pleasant way. It's very much like NYC but a lot cleaner. All too often, we hear just the bad stuff, but I can honestly say I would go back for a touristy visit if I ever have the chance. Airports and planes, however are an entirely different beast. Too crowded and people are in way too much of a hurry. Give yourself time and it's less stressful. I did have to break down and request a wheelchair in Tampa when I landed. After 3 days of walking way too much, me and my air compression boot needed a break. It's the first time I've ever had to do it. I felt rather self-conscious. I got a little aggravated when I saw a guy who had requested pre-boarding in Chicago (like I did) and limped on the plane... nearly race off with no limp when we landed. I can't stand idiots who abuse the system. I felt bad requesting assistance and I have a damn good reason.. but that's just my nature. Have a happy Friday tomorrow!
  9. I did it two years ago and lost 75lbs. It's a great program as it doesn't just focus on what to eat, but also the when, why & how to eat. It addresses the mental aspect of why we choose the foods we do and how to change it.
  10. Going through it, I see there is a lot to read, so going my going overboard isn’t likely to happen. Right now, I just want to check it out to see what it’s all about.
  11. Well that went smoother than anticipated. The herd ( 6 horses, a mini donkey and a pigmy goat) is at the county fair safe and sound, with no idiots. Last year a guy was expecting me to stop unloading the trailer and back up out of his way so he can unload.
  12. oh! Wow... as long as you don't obsess about things. I can see some folks having issues with it if you do. I like it though. Danny isn't hungry and he isn't just eating salads. It's more how much of something you eat rather than not eating it at all. Oh he's earned a Treat Day. A day with no Noom! Give yourself time to figure out the app. Enjoy your intro weeks! And all the best!!
  13. I'm going to give it go, so here's to it actually being helpful. *Fingers crossed*
  14. Not too far. I'm staying in state, just another part of town. But I've lived in my current place for 12 years and the view driving to my house has always been one of my favorite things.
  15. It's been a rainy, gray week. This morning I had to go to the hardware store and when I was driving back, the mountains were wreathed with this beautiful white fog. It was breathtakingly beautiful. I move this winter, but I hope my new home or commute has views just as lovely. If not, it's mornings like this I will miss.
  16. Mindful eating is part of it. We have never sat at the table to eat, but we are very portion-controlled already, so that isn't a big deal for us. However, we have moved to the table to eat at least a few times a week. It does make a difference. I think we eat more slowly and talk more. I like the Noom lessons as they are short and have a lot of good advice. If you are ready to lose weight and want guidance and support, Noom is great. It doesn't work for everyone, but I don't find it hard to follow, and there is a two-week trial that you can use. There is a fee, but it is as low as $1 up to $24, depending on what you decide to pay. If you don't like it, cancel before the end of the two-week period. Anyway, that is my Noom review so far.
  17. @Mikiesboy Im reading through the Noom questionnaire and have come to the part about “mindful eating”. Being mindful is something I learned from you and @MichaelS36 Being mindful is something I have been striving to do, because I have come to see the personal benefits of thinking that way. Just wanted to say thanks for imparting that wisdom to me and anyone else who heeded it as well.
  18. Danny is doing Noom to lose some weight. This means I am doing it too.. not to lose weight but to see how it works. Which means we did a Noom workout this morning. A one-mile walk/workout at home. It got you warm, that's for sure. He has been doing it for about six days and has lost a few pounds. And it's easy to follow. We haven't made many adjustments to our diet. It's very interesting, and I like the app. You do need a smartphone to use Noom. However, we will also go for a walk because it's lovely out and more walking is good. Yay, for sunshine is right. I'm glad it's a bit less humid than yesterday. Have a good day, @Reader1810!!
  19. And the same to you, tim. 😊 It’s turning out to be a beautiful day, thus far, and with the forecast now saying no rain today. I think it’s going to stay that way. So, yay for sunshine and blue skies!
  20. Happy Thursday, you lot. I hope everyone is okay. Have a super day!
  21. Happy Wednesday. It is also International Self-Care Day. Self-care is underrated and often forgotten, but it is extremely important. Self-care means taking time to do things that help with your physical and mental well-being. Do something for yourself every day, even a small thing.
  22. It's Tuesday. For me, it's Eye doctor's day and something else, I'm sure. Whatever you've got on, have a good one!
  23. As chris has rightly pointed out, it is Monday and we should be happy about that. I agree! In addition, it is World Brain Day as someone who needs some help from their meds to right their brain; looking after your brain is a good idea. I found this today about the theme of Brain Day 2024: This day serves as a reminder of the critical importance of brain health and the need to take proactive steps to prevent and manage neurological conditions. The theme for World Brain Day 2024 is 'Brain Health and Prevention.' Also, some motivation...i need some..

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