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April Musings - 30. NaPoWriMo 2019 Week Five
NaPoWriMo Week 5
Poem #26
Once we stood at the edge of the precipice,
Two different species moving as one,
Looking into the valley below
Bursting with red, yellow, and orange
Made even more vibrant by the clinging raindrops
Reflecting the rays that managed to part the clouds
Like Moses.
Our sides heaved from the exertion and exhilaration
Of the race, which we lost, but who cares?
The light breeze cooled our sweating bodies
And blew our breath clouds over the fall landscape,
To mingle with the rain
Make us one with the valley
In a perfect moment transcending time and space.
Poem #27
“He said, ‘Son I’ve made a life
Out of readin’ people’s faces
Knowing what the cards were
By the way they held their eyes.’”
He had slot machine eyes
But no coin was needed
For the numbers and the fruit
To spin wildly while we waited,
With trepidation,
Dreaming of sevens
Knowing a fruit cocktail
Was more likely to hit.
Poem #28
The Way it Is
Velociraptors cannot be wrangled
By one oblivious to their nature.
Poem #29
It Might have been Otherwise
The first time we met
I wasn’t impressed by your
Charm and boy-next-door looks
Or your intelligence
And humility
I didn’t fall in love
As our friendship deepened
Our common interests did not
Create an unspoken bond
That was broken when you moved away.
It might have been otherwise,
Had you stayed.
Poem #30
Stand firm
Raise the warrior’s staff
Scream the battle cry
And ride on
With the courage
Of conviction
Prompts used:
Poem 26: The Once Only Prompt: Often things happen only once in our lives and never again. I can imagine each of us writing whole collections of poems called “Once Only” in which each poem tells the story of an incident that only happened once, and perhaps, in its particulars, never happened to anyone else just that way.
Poem 27: Write a ‘found’ poem based off the lyrics of Kenny Rogers’ “The Gambler”.
Poem 28: “The Way It Is” Prompt: Let “The Way It Is” be your title. Go anywhere with it
Poem 29: It Might Have Been Otherwise: The prompt is to acknowledge or imagine what might have happened. Jane Kenyon’s well-known poem was written, I believe, when both she and her husband, poet Donald Hall, had life threatening illnesses. She has since died. I particularly like the possibilities abounding in Howard Kogan’s poem. I love the ‘this happened or that happened’ alternative stories. Write a poem bouncing off either of these poems or write a poem that offers alternative versions of your experience in some other way.
Poem 30: Notes to Self: For April 30th, write a poem that is somehow a note to yourself about your purpose, intentions —who you are or who you want to be as you grow wiser…sort of a pep talk to the self, yes?
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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