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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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PRIME - 1. Sunrise Surf

The Cousins

Fingertips pruned and nearing numbness, I clung to the board’s edge hard enough I was certain there would be indentation marks for a while. Winds from the approaching tropical storm whipped the Atlantic Ocean into a swirling froth, and the accompanying spray forced me to keep my eyes slitted. The crazy grin my cousin flashed when I looked at him egged me on. I hoisted myself into a better position and paddled towards the magic spot. That perfect place for catching and riding a wave. We had been at it since just past dawn after watching the sun rise above the horizon from the deck behind the house. This was our last surf of the day. We had afternoon plans, so it was time to call it quits.

Mother Nature’s timing was impeccable. As soon as I stood, the dark clouds overhead let go. Fat raindrops lashed at us, and visibility was almost nonexistent; it was definitely time to head in. We could see lightning strikes further out at sea, and thunder reached our ears moments later. Riding the swell towards shore, I did not see the rock until it was nearly too late. With a grunt, I bent my body to swerve around it. I rode the swell until it petered out, whooping and hollering the rest of the way.

“Man, that was in sane! I love these late summer storms. Best surfing in New Jersey!” I shouted while collapsing onto the wet sand with water lapping at my feet. Rolling over on my stomach, I stared at my cousin. “You ready to go in?”

“Hell, yeah! Wind and waves I can deal with, lightning scares the crap out of me.” This was new. Dante was a couple of inches shorter than I but outweighed me by about twenty pounds. My fireplug of a cousin often crowed about his fearlessness, and I had never heard him admit he was scared.


“Yeah, well. I’m not the one who spreads his legs for other guys. I’d say you’re more pussy than I am.” Laughing, he grabbed his board and ran towards the house.

We had spent Labor Day Weekend with the Martellini family at our grandfather’s beach house on the Jersey Shore. Dante and I remained behind when the others left Tuesday morning. Days we spent riding waves, nights we partied at the bars lining the boardwalk. Unfortunately, we would miss the Friday night crowds today. Grandpa had summoned us. When Don Vittorio Martellini invited you to lunch, you showed up. And you did so on time. Maybe Dante and I could hit a club in Chelsea or Brooklyn for happy hour after we were done.

Behind the privacy lattice enclosure, we stripped and rinsed off under the cold, outdoor shower. One of our grandfather’s idiosyncrasies; Grandpa refused to connect the damn thing to the water heater. Something about cold water building character. Always sounded like bullshit to me.

After hosing down and storing our boards, we made a mad dash inside. The clouds had kept temperatures down, and the wind was making it feel downright chilly. “What time are we supposed to be there?”

“Late. He’s meeting us at the restaurant at two. He said his driver would take us around afterwards.” Dante was the one who had spoken to our grandfather.

“Then we better get going, the drive into the city shouldn’t be bad, but I don’ want to risk it. Let’s share the shower.” Large enough to accommodate both of us; dual heads pelted our bodies with hot water. I stood under it with my eyes closed and sighed as the cold seeped from my body. “Damn, that feels good. Wash my back?”

“Fuck off! I ain’t putting my hands on you. You’d probably molest me. Anyway, I’m done. I soaped up and rinsed while you daydreamed.”

As Dante stepped out and reached for a towel, I luxuriated under the warm spray. I shouted so he could hear me. “Just enjoying the heat. You know damn well if I molested you, it would be the best piece of ass you ever had.”

“Spare me.”

Dante’s heterosexuality did not prevent him from claiming me as his favorite cousin, gay or not. We had grown up together, and I thought of him as a brother. One night, when one of his friends made a homophobic remark, Dante stood up to him on my behalf. “You better watch what you say, asshole. My favorite cousin’s gay and if you have a problem with him, you have a problem with me.”

We often joked my cousin was not the brightest bulb in the family chandelier, but he was a good, solid, dependable guy. He always had my back. Until I hit a growth spurt late in high school, I was a small kid hanging out with older ones; Dante made sure no one picked on me.

Standing next to him in front of the mirror while shaving, I could not help smiling when I looked at our naked bodies together. Even though there was a family resemblance, he was older, stockier, shorter, and hairier.

My cousin was a hot man, with a carpet of hair on his chest, and a line of the same dark fur running between lightly defined abs. His treasure trail ended in a thick bush, above an above average-sized endowment. I had as much interest in him sexually as I had in women―none. He was the older sibling I never had, and most importantly, he was not my type. I drool over blondes. If a golden-haired muscle boy crossed my path, chances were I would chub up or spring a full boner.

He stared at me when I ran the razor over my chest. “Jesus! Why do you do that? Why do you shave your body? I’m only doing my face because of Grandpa. If we’re not clean shaven, he’ll give us shit.”

“Summer.” My one word reply did not suffice; he looked confused. “I only do it during the hot months, cuz. This time of year, if I don’t, I’m always hot and sweaty. Not to say anything about the sand stuck in the hairs when I’m at the beach.”

“You gay boys are too damn high maintenance.” Done patting his face dry, he tossed the used towel at me. “Hurry up already. Damn rain hasn’t stopped, and traffic’s probably gonna be a bitch now.”

Thank you for reading. Your feedback's welcome and encouraged.
Copyright © 2020 Carlos Hazday; All Rights Reserved.
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My thanks to @Kitt and @Defiance19 for their assistance with the story. Without their help, this would be a mess. :P
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

24 minutes ago, Will Hawkins said:

The English language has absorbed words from so many languages that almost  anything you want to say has been used before. Go ahead, be creative, if you sep over the line, some grammarian out there will shit all over you. Just ignore them and cherish your language creativity. I have developed the reputation derived from years of teaching foreign born kids the ins and outs of English to have become MUCH more accepting in my old age Hey, if it feels good, do it!
Mister Will

Muito obrigado.

I'm always open to corrections and learning. Errors are bound to happen when you have amateur authors and editors, but I'm pleased so few are usually found in my work. The English language is broad, but the average vocabulary of most of us isn't quite as varied. Using esoteric words now and then helps keep us on our toes. :P


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I'm interested in finding out what the rich, formal Grandfather has in mind for our two relative youngsters. ("When Don Vittorio Martellini invited you to lunch, you showed up. And you did so on time.")  Clearly, he wants them for a specific purpose and not just for family chit-chat.

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On 2/1/2020 at 7:40 AM, Carlos Hazday said:

I try not to use the mirror trope to describe characters, but in this case I kinda liked how it looked.

Reminds me of the Mirror of Erised! 😁

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1 hour ago, travlbug said:

I'm interested in finding out what the rich, formal Grandfather has in mind for our two relative youngsters. ("When Don Vittorio Martellini invited you to lunch, you showed up. And you did so on time.")  Clearly, he wants them for a specific purpose and not just for family chit-chat.

I noticed you read chapter 2, so you should have a better idea of what Don Martellini wants. :P


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1 minute ago, Carlos Hazday said:

I noticed you read chapter 2, so you should have a better idea of what Don Martellini wants. :P

I faithfully promise that I have not--and never will--read a succeeding chapter until posting on the former.  To do so would negate the fun of posting! ^_^

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41 minutes ago, travlbug said:

I faithfully promise that I have not--and never will--read a succeeding chapter until posting on the former.  To do so would negate the fun of posting! ^_^

I'm amazed at the reception this story's enjoying. Haven't written it yet, but I plan a companion piece about a gym owner. Let's hope Colt does as well as Tony.

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In any mention of storms on land or at sea, I bless the memory of my mother. She loved a storm, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, it made no difference to her, She once, when I was just a tad and cried during a lightning storm, explained to me that by the time you see the flash of the lightning, it has passed and struck somewhere else. It is no longer a danger to you unless it breaks a tee limb over your head, or starts a ground fire, and even then you have time to move somewhere else as it has not hit you. Bless you Mom, you have passed on to me your love of a storm.

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8 hours ago, Will Hawkins said:

In any mention of storms on land or at sea, I bless the memory of my mother. She loved a storm, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, it made no difference to her, She once, when I was just a tad and cried during a lightning storm, explained to me that by the time you see the flash of the lightning, it has passed and struck somewhere else. It is no longer a danger to you unless it breaks a tee limb over your head, or starts a ground fire, and even then you have time to move somewhere else as it has not hit you. Bless you Mom, you have passed on to me your love of a storm.

I love thunderstorms and howling winds...

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On 2/1/2020 at 10:51 AM, Carlos Hazday said:

No horses were hurt in the writing of this story. (The Godfather's fans will know what I'm talking about.)

OMG that made me giggle. :P 

Quite a different reaction after seeing that scene for the first time for a uni classic film course. :o 

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Oops. Nothing to see here. Move along....

Edited by Reader1810
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I drool over blondes. If a golden-haired muscle boy crossed my path, chances were I would chub up or spring a full boner.

I love these lines for a whole bunch of reasons. Not the least of which is visions of my favourite blonde. I know you know who I’m referring to. a just saying...

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I was doubtful raising the shutter would have improved visibility in the dark, cavernous spaces; grime coated the inside of the window.

I am triggered by this word. I wonders why... 🤔

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I have no idea how I missed your comments. I'm happy with how this turned out considering it started as a little prompt response, evolving into more once I folded Tony (and Colt) into the CJ series.

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14 hours ago, Albert1434 said:

That was a remarkably interesting beginning, this should be a great story!

This was another attempt to provide background on some of the secondary characters in the CJ series. Glad you liked it.

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7 hours ago, Carlos Hazday said:


I have no idea how I missed your comments. I'm happy with how this turned out considering it started as a little prompt response, evolving into more once I folded Tony (and Colt) into the CJ series.

You know the weird thing about this coming up now is the GF horse scene came to mind very recently. Too bad, I can’t recall the circumstances. Then again, considering the scene in question, I’m thinking that’s a good thing I don’t remember. 

As for you missing a few comments, you’ve gotten a gazillion comments over the years, so missing a few was bound to happen at some point.  

Okay, Brett parking his bike “just so” in Autumn has sprung to mind for the umpteenth time. Obsessed much… :P 

Have a good one, Carlos. 

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15 hours ago, Reader1810 said:

You know the weird thing about this coming up now is the GF horse scene came to mind very recently. Too bad, I can’t recall the circumstances. Then again, considering the scene in question, I’m thinking that’s a good thing I don’t remember. 

As for you missing a few comments, you’ve gotten a gazillion comments over the years, so missing a few was bound to happen at some point.  

Okay, Brett parking his bike “just so” in Autumn has sprung to mind for the umpteenth time. Obsessed much… :P 

Have a good one, Carlos. 

Brett's parking was such a throwaway scene but it did help define him: when in doubt, take over.

There are about half a dozen bingers of the series right now and I keep rediscovering little gems when I reply to comments. Got a new one who started Summer this week so I'm reliving the early years. LOL

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7 hours ago, Carlos Hazday said:

Brett's parking was such a throwaway scene but it did help define him: when in doubt, take over.

There are about half a dozen bingers of the series right now and I keep rediscovering little gems when I reply to comments. Got a new one who started Summer this week so I'm reliving the early years. LOL

I just thought of another. Sean checking up on CJ when he was in New York staying at the dads’ apartment. I believe that was in Autumn as well. Saved CJ from a world of hurt, he did. 

Sean coming in like brother bear was something to behold. 

Edited by Reader1810
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16 hours ago, Reader1810 said:

I just thought of another. Sean checking up on CJ when he was in New York staying at the dads’ apartment. I believe that was in Autumn as well. Saved CJ from a world of hurt, he did. 

Sean coming in like brother bear was something to behold. 

How about Ritchie punching Ethan? :P


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