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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>

The Seducer: A Gone From Daylight Inspired Story - 3. William Harker's Journal: Entry 3

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Saturday, September 1, 1989

Hehehe . . . so this must be what 'College Life' is all about!

Yeah, I'm only admitting this because I want to save this journal for when I'm older, but . . . I got totally WASTED last night! Mike took me to a bar/pub place called '42nd Street' in the Palo Alto downtown area. I'd only been into drinking establishments a couple of times with my uncle and the Barkeep would always make me sit in the back booth with a 'Shirley Temple' and a 'stay out of trouble'! Like I could ever do anything even a little bit 'troublesome'! I was way too boring to be 'troublesome', even at 16!

Honestly, I only had a couple of beers before the wine. It was enough to give me a buzz, but, what wasted me was that stupid glass of wine! I didn’t think wine was supposed to pack that kind of punch! It was this cherry red color rather than burgundy red which should have clued me into there being something ‘off’ about this vintage. Maybe Mike had Jerry, the cute Bartender, spike it with something extra! He might of or maybe it was that strange guy who came to hang with us while we were sitting in a back booth away from the bar.

I don’t remember too much after that wine. I vaguely remember someone dancing with me like a joke and then Mike helping me into a car that must have driven us to, um . . . where I ended up! It must have been a friend of Mike’s place because it wasn’t the dorm. Mike explained the ‘House Mom’ for the dorm would have raised hell if she’d caught us coming back drunk, particularly me coming back that way since she knows I’m still underage.

It was a nice place! I woke up on a luxurious ‘modern looking’ couch in a living room that was full of designer glass furniture and color coordinated carpet, drapes, upholstery, etc. It was immaculate in the room and I felt kind of bad that Mike had to have desecrated the couch with my sloppy self. I’m lucky I didn’t throw up on it, I think.

What was weird was that I didn’t feel crappy! When I woke up I felt like I’d just had a mug of that industrial strength coffee they serve at the college commons but without the jitters! It wasn’t like I was wired. It was more like I had more energy, somehow. Like, maybe the energy I had when I was a little kid! I felt renewed somehow . . .


The feeling is still with me though not to the same extent. I gotta get me a bottle of that wine! It really is incredible stuff!

Later on we walked back to 42nd Street and got Mike’s car. He had me drive since I obviously had more energy than he had. He was the one with the horrible hangover, but then he seemed to stick with the beer and then whisky shots after that. How he managed that and not pass out, I’ll never know!

I found it strange that the owner of the place we ended up never got up with us this morning, because we got up quite late. The ‘crack of noon’ almost. It was, basically, lunch time when we had to make our way back to Mike’s car. I asked Mike who’s place we had ended up and he said it had been the place of the guy we met at the bar. The very one that introduced me to that amazing wine.

“Yeah, his name’s Louis! I’ve only met him in there a couple of times, but he’s really generous like that. If he drinks with folks, he usually does so in moderation so that he can ‘designate’ himself the driver to get folks home or so they can crash at his place. He’s a night owl so the couple of times before this that I’ve crashed at his place I’ve never seen him in the morning. You’ll find a lot of people like that in these parts, especially in the City.” Mike said referring to San Francisco.

Come to think of it, Louis does tend to look like a ‘night person’. He’s not like those weirdo Cure fans or whatever, but he definitely looks like he could get some sunshine! His skin is practically white! I mean white like paper, not pink like ‘white’ people. He does seem to like to do that gender-bender bit because his eyes were really heavily lined and shadowed. That must be what make them look so luminous, I guess. They were green, but I could really see them stand out, even in the darkness of the bar. Really . . . mesmerizing!

To be honest, Louis is quite . . . beautiful, if I can even use that word to describe another guy. I am starting to sound gay, though. I have to watch that.

So, that was my big Friday/Saturday adventure. Pretty interesting the kinds of folks that are out there. You never know who you’ll meet! I’d be interested in going back to that pub again! I’d like to get my hands on that wine! I have a feeling it could come in handy during midterms!

I’d also be interested in meeting up with Louis again!

He’s really . . . interesting.

§ §

Wow! I just had the strangest dream!

I was the prize in a tug of war between two, um, people . . . I guess that’s what they were!

Now get this: one was that Louis character and the other . . . the other was Dr. V himself! It should have been a nightmare, but, I felt way too much of a prize for that! I felt good being the object of so much strife! It, actually, got me a little horny, to be honest. I woke up and needed to take care of things a bit after the dream.

It should have disturbed me that they were both guys I knew and that they were fully clothed where I was naked and, like, stretched out on this Roman couch quite comfy-looking!

Things, though, got really weird when Dr. V transformed into this . . . darkness! That was the scariest thing in this dream-mare. It was like he suddenly turned into not a bat, but the shadow of a bat with two glowing red eyes and black smoke and mist for wings! When he did this, Louis just dropped the rope they were tugging (which I later saw was attached to my couch somehow), fell on his knees and then on his face like he was worshipping Dr. V! To be honest, I felt like doing the same thing just to make him turn back into a normal human being instead of a freaky bat-thing!

Instead, the bat-thing turned to me! I then, distinctly, heard a voice in my head saying: “You are mine!” With that, I woke up shaken, stirred up, sweaty, and wondering if I was still sleeping off the effects of that wine!

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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
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OK,  that is different way to wake up from your first binge drinking and with beer and wine.  Energized?  Not what I would have called it.   Something is happening with Willaim I venture.

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