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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>

The Seducer: A Gone From Daylight Inspired Story - 21. William Harker’s Journal: Entry 21

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Friday, October 5, 1989

I’ve never seen a guy so excited about a place in my life! I mean, Jake was positively giddy when we entered the Salon Rouge for his first time.

“My God! This is like a dream come true!” He’d said as we made our way inside.

Dr. V insisted on taking us and we made these arrangements on Wednesday when I’d (reluctantly) spent a day at his place for my Romanian lessons. Devin bun la română - or translated, ‘I’m getting good at Romanian!’ It is a beautiful language!

The language isn’t the only thing getting more…beautiful, if I can even use that word to describe him. Dr. V seems to be looking more youthful lately. He must be undergoing some kind of makeover because it’s like he’s lost twenty years over the past week! He was handsome before, but…now! Now, I don’t know how to feel about him!

Something in me is, like, wanting him! I don’t know how to feel about that. I’ve never considered myself gay before, but then…I’ve never really had a girlfriend either, so…

In any case, Jake was a little ‘weirded out’ by a professor being the one to take us to a ‘goth’ club, but I assured him that this was not anything like what he described as a goth club. Having never been to a ‘goth’ club before, I really have no point of reference there, but whatever it was Jake was expecting, Salon Rouge surpassed it.

I suppose Dr. V wanted to chaperone us, but he also had the need to get away from whatever troubles he seemed to still be having after the party. Despite what he told me about all things being well in the world and Ambrosio being found fine, etc., Dr. V still seemed on edge!

We weren’t long in the Salon Rouge before Jake was taken away from us. Dr. V seemed unconcerned about this as he was more interested that I stick by him rather than that Jake should. Hence, another indication that Dr. V is still on edge!

As it turned out, I didn’t see Jake again tonight after he was taken away by a lovely couple to dance. He never came home!

Dr. V and I spent our time sitting in the lounge with me sipping a soft drink and him scouring the crowd with the most intense stare…like he was looking for someone in particular. We barely talked until he finally asked me, “Do you know how to dance?”

It was such a weird question from out of the blue that, by reflex, I blurted out the truth about one of my many weaknesses, “No. Not really.”

He then rose in front of me with a kind of light grace and a poise I’d never seen before. It was like he was made of feathers! Then, with one hand behind his back and one extended to me, he asked me, “Then will you allow me to teach you?”

I felt a lump in my throat and a compelling and overwhelming desire to answer ‘yes, please’! This then took me to another world!

Somehow, someway, by some miracle…Dr. V had me whirling and spinning in perfect synch with him as we danced together! It was like I just knew what to do! I wasn’t self-conscious, even when the crowd cleared for our dance together. Not even when there were applause! The music from the DJ was perfect, almost like Dr. V had personally selected each song! The intensity of his gaze, the gentleness of his touch, the joy the dancing brought me…these things will never leave me!

I am overwhelmed at this moment! I have no words! It’s not even that I had such an experience with a man! That doesn’t seem to matter in the least! I just don’t care about that anymore! I just want to dance like that again! I can’t wait until I can and, preferably, with Dr. V - though, supposedly, he was only teaching me how to dance.

But, it felt like so much more than that! Like he and I met on some whole other level! What could this mean and why? If the answer is that I’m falling in love, why does that not bother me in the least?

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Saturday, October 6, 1989

Well, Jake hasn’t gotten back. I’d thought he’d be back by now, but I guess not. That couple must have been really entertaining for him. I wonder where he went and what he got up to? Should I even ask? Something tells me Jake is into some pretty weird shit! It will probably be TMI.

I guess, I’ll find out later whether I like it or not. I’ve found that Jake is a talker and just loves going into details about things. It can be a little tiring, to be honest.

In any case, I visited Mike’s new pad today. He had some of his friends over and they were drinking beer and watching a football game. It was a nice afternoon. A nice change of pace from my strange nocturnal activities. You don’t know how much you miss ‘normal’ until you don’t have much of it in your life anymore!

Abnormal or not, though, Dr. V’s dance with me has never left my mind! The more I think about it the more amazed I become that it really happened! I wonder if I’ll be able to look at Dr. V in the same way again! Can he be just be my professor or teacher or is he growing into something far more than that?

I just don’t know yet.

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Sunday, October 7, 1989

I just woke up from the strangest dream or what I’m hoping was actually a dream!

It seemed so real!

I don’t know if it was from some leftover homoerotic feelings brought on by Dr. V’s dancing with me Friday night or something else, but it was exciting and, also, terribly frightening all at once!

Well, I’ll jot this down in this diary of mine. I’m not proud of it, mind you, but I just feel like it’s something I need to get off my chest. This seems the only way I have to do that. Lord help me if one of my parents or a future wife ever reads this volume!


I had been sleeping soundly and must have been having some kind of sex dream most of which I can’t remember. In this first dream, things must have been getting pretty hot because I do remember the intensity of the coming climax in the dream rather than what it was about. Whatever was happening in that pre-dream must have been full blown sex because I found myself ‘waking up’ just as I was going over the edge!

Only, when I ‘woke up’, the feelings were even more intense! I felt myself tensed, tightened, arched, grabbing my sheets, moaning, and thrusting myself into some hot wet gulping warmth and spilling profusely into this place!

When I had recovered from this mind-blowing climax and had relaxed, I found myself looking down to see into what I’d just had this ‘wet dream’. I saw a head in the shadows still bobbing and moving from side to side as it seemed to be cleaning me off. I could feel the wetness of a tongue and the cool air on my wet and softening member.

This shadow between my legs was humming and making yummy noises! It’s then that the face of the person looked up and I saw two glowing yellow eyes staring up at me! Instantly, I became absolutely petrified!

I moved not a muscle as the person moved up over my body. I could feel that the person was naked and that they were male because he was dragging himself across me and I could feel his thing on mine, if you catch my drift! Despite myself, I felt myself getting hard again. I swear that thing has a mind of its own that’s disconnected from my brain or from whatever dangerous situation I might find myself!

As the face hovered over mine, I could see that it was Jake and his yellow eyes never left mine! I was entirely hypnotized by them and I couldn’t move!

“You’re absolutely delicious, Willy! You know that right? Now, I’m gonna eat you all up!” Jake’s yellow glowing eyes closed and I felt him slowly lower his mouth down to my neck where I thought he was going to kiss me! I could feel his hot breath on my neck and part of me couldn’t wait to feel his lips there. The fear, the nakedness, and the excitement of the situation made me incredibly aroused and Jake could feel this and he ground himself into me to increase the…distraction! The distraction from having his sharp teeth suddenly grazing my neck!

But then, with a lurching suddenness, Jake was ripped off of me! It was like some incredibly strong person or force had grabbed him and yanked him away from me! I heard Jake’s body impact on the wall opposite my bed and then drop to the floor. I then heard Jake pleading with someone, “Please, Lord! Please, no! I’m sorry! I didn’t know…”

Around me, filling my room, was a green glowing mist! The mist seemed thickest around where, I figured, Jake must have been lying. I couldn’t see clearly because of the dark and the mist. But, then I did see Jake and I saw him being lifted up in the mist and hauled out of the open window. Along with Jake went the mist and then, there I was, all alone, with my underwear off, and half-naked.

I must have, somehow, drifted back to sleep, fainted, or went back into the less lucid part of my dream because all I remember next was my waking up and the sun shining through my still open window.

Still open window?

Wait a minute…my underwear is off! I never sleep like this!

I need to check on something…


Oh my God!

There’s an impact mark on the wall opposite my bed right where Jake hit last night in my ‘dream’!

That was no dream!


© 1998-2022 Comicality; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2020 MrM; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
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Chapter Comments

24 minutes ago, JCtoGO2 said:

WOW, what a great chapter. I don’t know how but each new one is better than the last one. 

Yay! Things should start taking off now!

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Now we’re starting to get a bit more interesting. Dr V is definitely protecting William, but why?? I’m guessing Dr V is waiting for the “right” time, but then how much of Dr V is influencing William, his thoughts & actions?

Edited by cjc1959au
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1 hour ago, cjc1959au said:

Now we’re starting to get a bit more interesting. Dr V is definitely protecting William, but why?? I’m guessing Dr V is waiting for the “right” time, but then how much of Dr V is influencing William, his thoughts & actions?

There’s an entire world out there that William knows nothing about…but maybe he’s learning!

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On 9/24/2022 at 12:42 PM, MrM said:

There’s an entire world out there that William knows nothing about…but maybe he’s learning!

I’m not real sure William is learning or understand. He’s definitely experiencing that world, which we would all like to do, but he’s not understanding it in any way. None of the “hints” are sinking in. That may be because he’s young, but I’m wondering if there’s something else causing the lack of comprehension?? Maybe he’s a few sandwiches short of a picnic?? Maybe not. Unsure at this stage why he’s not seeing all the obvious hints……

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