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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Re-Education - 13. Chapter 13

When we were touring the building, Riva and Jones accepted my argument that, considering I had just singlehandedly killed a baron and his steward, Scott, Josh, and I could handle any threat presented by a 140-year-old tailor, his 90-year-old wife, and their five-year-old foster son. They had crossed Ross Street and settled down on a park bench where they could watch the humans coming and going from the bank while watching the entrance to Robert’s building.

When we came out of the shop, running at full vampire speed, they went into panic mode. With weapons drawn, they chased after us while scanning the shop door for whatever had inspired such an all-out retreat on our part. When we reached the Denali, I tried to open the driver’s door, but Jones quickly grabbed me and bodily shoved me into the rear, with Scott and Josh flying through the opposite door seconds later. Before we could get our seatbelts on, Jones was tearing out of the parking lot, his eyes carefully watching for a vehicular attack while Riva scanned the pedestrians for weapons.

Before their actions registered in my brain, I shouted, “Lights, Jones! Get us home NOW!”

As we shot up the ramp for 376 West, Riva turned to me, his eyes quickly scanning us for injuries, and asked, “Are you injured, My Lord? Who or what was chasing you?”

“No one was chasing us, Tony. Billy called to say that Jake needed us, then I lost the call,” I replied. His words brought their actions into focus, and I realized what they had imagined. “And I will be telling Chief Marshal McNiel of your actions today, both of you.”

“I’m sorry I manhandled you, My Lord, I—”

“You misunderstood me, Jones,” I explained. “Don’t ever apologize for doing your job. I meant that I’ll be telling Tommy of your quick reactions and selflessness. If I had any doubts about you after our first meeting, they’re long gone.”

His eyes locked on me in the mirror, and he said, “I am honored, My Lord.”

“Eyes on the road, Jones. Don’t save me from ghosts just to kill me in a crash,” I laughed.

While we had our quick conversation, Scott was busy repeatedly dialing Billy’s number and getting nothing but voicemail. I began to panic then, like earlier today, I remembered I had other ways to communicate. I opened my link to Billy, and when he didn’t reply, I did something I had never done. Rather than gently knock until he answered, I basically kicked the door in and shouted in his mind.

‘What the hell is going on?’

‘Jake is awake, trying to talk, and he won’t hold his head still.’

‘And how is that an emergency?’

‘Jenny’s scared that his neck is still healing, and he might cut his spinal cord’

‘And I can help how?’

‘By shutting up and trying to talk to him, mind-to-mind, and telling him to lay still!’

Damn. Twenty miles away, and he’s still telling me what to do. Before I could laugh about the irony, I searched my mind, trying to identify the new connection. The one that looked similar to Josh, the one to my closest brother. Finally, I found it.

Just like I had with Billy, I didn’t touch the connection and wait for Jake to accept it, I bullied my way into his mind and shouted.

‘Jake! Lay still, bro!’

Silence. Had I found the wrong connection? I sensed the connection and felt certain I had Jake, so I shouted again.

‘Jake! Stop moving your head, dude!’

Silence at first, then a sense of confusion. Finally, I heard him.


‘Yeah, Jakey, it’s Greg. I need you to hold still.’

‘I’m scared, Greg. I can’t see.’

‘I know, buddy. I’m on my way. Just lay still for Billy. Please, Jakey’

‘Okay, Greg. But stay with me?’

‘I’m with you forever, Jake. You know that.’

I got no response and got nervous.


‘I’m here, Greg. Just tired.’

‘Did you feed?’

‘Just did. I’m tired, Greg.’

‘Go to sleep, baby. I’ll be there when you wake up.’


‘Would I lie to you?’

He didn’t respond, so I assumed he had gone to sleep. Scott was on the phone with Billy, and I heard, “Good, we’ll be there in ten minutes.” He disconnected the call, and before he could speak, I did.

“He’s asleep.”

Scott nodded. I recounted my conversation with Jake, and we debated possible causes of his blindness, then we debated solutions. The sad part is, between us, we had seven years of experience as vampires. All our theories were pure speculation, like kindergarteners debating string theory. During our debate, we slowly realized that Josh hadn’t joined in. We both turned to see him sitting, staring forward, nearly catatonic. We both reached back and touched his leg. “Hey bud,” I said.

He didn’t move.

“Joshua,” Scott said, a bit louder.

No response.

If I learned anything as a baron, I learned that subordinates respond to my voice when I add my beast. I recently started calling it my ‘alpha voice.’ I turned to face Josh, let a bit of my beast out, and shouted, “Joshua!!” so loud I heard the windows vibrate in their frames.

It worked. He jumped, then stared at me, “Greg?” he asked, seeming confused.

“Yeah, Josh, it’s Greg. Are you okay?” I asked gently.

“Yeah, sorry, I was talking to Jake,” he replied.

Scott and I turned to stare at each other for a minute, then I turned back and asked, “You were what?”

“I was talking to Jake, mind-to-mind, like you and me do.”

Scott quickly sent, ‘Twin bond?’

I shrugged. “What did he say?”

“He said he can’t see, and he’s scared. I told him we’d be there soon, and if he can’t see, I’ll be his eyes.”

Again, Scott and I exchanged a long look. ‘Maybe he heard you and absorbed it in his shock?’

‘Or maybe he did talk with him.’

We all remained silent as Scott and I tried to work this out. Josh, well, I have no idea what was going on in his mind, but he was silent as well. I glanced up to see the outer gates swinging open well in advance of the Denali to allow for our faster-than-normal approach. Jones’s driving impressed me, or his luck, as the mirrors missed the gates by mere inches. I looked ahead to see the Suburban being moved and the inner gates swinging open wide as well. The wheels had barely stopped when I pushed the door open and ran for my bedroom. I didn’t need to wonder if Scott and Josh were following; I could hear their footfalls right behind me.

When I entered the room, I saw Jake was still where he had fallen. When I asked why they hadn’t moved him to the bed, Jenny explained that with a spinal injury, she was afraid to move him and risk damage. Part of me understood, but a larger part of me didn’t like it. The majority won, and I gently slipped my arm under his back, then worked my way until my elbow was between his shoulder blades and my hand was supporting his head. I slid my other arm under his hips, carefully picked him up, and gently laid him on the bed.

“There, that was easy enough,” I said, challenging anyone to argue. No one did.

Josh gently climbed onto the bed beside his twin and ever so carefully worked his arm around so he could cuddle him, vowing not to move until Jake was on his feet. Again, no one argued. As I looked at the gathered faces, I realized several things. One, Jenny and the boys were here. Two, there were far too many in this room. And three, I agreed with Josh. I would not leave Jake’s side until he was on his feet or even longer.

“Jenny, when and why did you bring my children here?” I asked.

“She called me, Greg,” Billy said in her defense. “She asked if it was safe, and I decided it was probably safer here than at the farm with just two Marshals.”

I thought about this and agreed. “You were right, as always, Billy. Jenny, I’m sorry if I questioned your judgment.”

“It’s fine, Greg. Would you like to feed Charlie while you sit with Jake?” she asked.

“As soon as he wakes, yes, please. Where is his room, anyway?”

She pointed at a door. “There’s a smaller chamber through there, almost as if it was designed as a nursery.”

“I’ll have to explore this place when things slow down. Until then, I guess I’ll stumble around blind,” I said, then realized my poor choice of words as I saw Josh flinch.

“Jenny is our resident medical advisor; unless she disagrees with me, I think there are far too many people in here.” I glanced at her, and she nodded. “I’m sure we all are concerned about Jake, but he needs peace, so everyone except for myself, Scott, Billy, Jenny, and Josh, please leave us. Someone send Tommy and Andrew in.”

Everyone nodded, and the room slowly emptied. I looked at Josh and asked, “Do you want Craig to come be with you?”

He slowly turned to look at me as if in a trance and said, “Jake says yes.”

I heard a soft knock and looked up to see Andrew and Tommy standing in the doorway.

“Until further notice, those you see here will take our meals in this room. I want a footman and a Marshal at that door and no one enters without my permission.”

They both said, “Yes, My Lord.”

“I want to explore increasing security by arming the footman. I’m not insisting; I’m asking for opinions,” I said.

They looked at each other, and after Andrew nodded, Tommy said, “I have no issue with having the footmen trained with firearms as well as hand-to-hand combat, My Lord.”

“And I agree with that, with the provision that, if any object, they may be used in duties that are, I don’t know how to say it, My Lord, less in the line of fire? Serving meals, valet service, those types of duties,” Andrew explained.

“Your mention of valet reminds me, who was the late baron’s valet?”

“He left this morning before sunrise, My Lord.”

I nodded, remembering the one footman had left. “For now, assign three footmen to valet Scott, Billy, and myself. If they’re acceptable, you can find footmen, and if they’re not, you can find valets.”

“If I may, My Lord?” Tommy said. I nodded, so he said, “I would like to use Marshals in those roles. I may be wrong, but it’s easier to train a Marshal to be a valet than the reverse.”

I looked at Andrew and waited. He said, “If it were one hundred years ago I might disagree, My Lord, but a modern valet doesn’t need to sew and maintain the wardrobe as those in the past. I feel any Marshal with the sense to properly hang and fold, monitor laundry, and assist His Lordship with choosing an appropriate garb can fulfill the responsibilities. If, of course, one knows how to speak properly.”

I smiled at Andrew and said, “Someday soon, you and I are going to sit down, and you can tell me your history, Andrew. I imagine you’ve seen quite a lot. Anyway, Tommy, would a Marshal see such an assignment as below them? Or insulting? Having to serve as, no offense, Andrew, a common house servant?”

“Like most things in life, My Lord,” Tommy replied. “It all depends on how one sells it. If I ask for valets who will act as bodyguards, they might balk. If I ask for volunteers to act as personal Marshals to work undercover as a valet, I think most would jump at the job.”

We all laughed, including Andrew, and in our short time together, I knew that was an achievement. “Alright, gentlemen, you have your marching orders, so to speak. If I had a choice, I would like to try Riva and Jones in the role unless that conflicts with your needs or opinions, Tommy?”

“Not at all, My Lord. I had both in mind already. Would it be acceptable for them to serve as your drivers as well?”

I thought for a moment, and while I did, Scott said, “We should consider paying those footmen who are trained as, what would you call them, additional security? Deputy Marshals? Anyway, those who are serving a dual role should be compensated, Andrew. Please work with Tommy and come up with a title and appropriate pay.”

“Please have at least two of these dual-role footmen assigned to Greg’s office, this room, and any bedroom our children sleep in,” Billy said.

“Forgive me, My Lord, but I feel that, so fresh after the events of this morning, you are being overly cautious,” Tommy suggested.

“Time will tell, Chief McNiel,” Billy said. “But I would feel safer if you could make it happen, with the understanding that those with Chipper will follow him room to room rather than be stationary.”

“Billy,” Jenny said timidly. “Did I fail to tell you that I’m a qualified Marshal? I carry a handgun at all times, most times two.”

When we all turned to stare, she asked, “Did I not make it clear that I take the safety of the children in my care extremely seriously?”

I started to laugh, and soon, everyone joined me. “If you can spare the men, someone at the boy’s rooms would be nice, but we may have that under control.”

I was about to ask Jenny about the nursery when there was a knock. I looked up to see Chris and Brian, each with a stack of papers in their hands. “Thank you, Andrew, Tommy, I’m sure we’ll be making adjustments for months as we settle in. I appreciate your efforts and thank you in advance for your patience.”

Andrew bowed, said, “Certainly, My Lord,” and left us.

Tommy asked, “When would you like to speak with Riva and Jones, My Lord?”

I looked at Billy and Scott for input. They both shrugged, so I looked at Chris and asked, “What is it Chris? We asked not to be disturbed.”

“Yes, My Lord but this is… Well, give us ten minutes, and if you don’t agree that it is critical, we will beg your forgiveness and leave,” he replied with an urgency that piqued my curiosity.

“Have Riva and Jones come to us after they have dinner, Tommy. And before I forget, I’d like you to put a letter in their files or give them a commendation or whatever.” I saw Chris getting antsy, “I’ll give you details later, but they both performed exceedingly well today.”

With a confused expression, Tommy bowed and left us.

I turned and looked at Jake, still peacefully sleeping, then at Josh, cuddled up to his twin’s side, stroking his face. I heard another knock and was about to snap at someone when Scott said, “Come in, Craig. Daddy thought Uncle Jake would like you to visit with them some. Why don’t you get up there with your dad? Don’t shake the bed too much.”

I watched as Craig gingerly climbed onto the bed, then laid across Josh’s body so he could rest his hand on his Uncle Jake. I was still smiling when I turned to Chris. “Now, what’s so important?”

Chris looked at Jenny and hesitated. I immediately understood. “Due to their duties, Chris, there are going to be certain, forgive me, Jenny, certain servants who will hear and see things that have nothing to do with their duties. I trust Jenny with the lives of my sons; that should be enough of an endorsement.”

“Sorry, My Lord,” Chris said.

“And I’ve been ‘My Lorded’ to death today. Can I please be Greg in my own bedroom?” I whined.

Everyone laughed and said, “Yes, My Lord.”

I rolled my eyes, “Now, what do you have?”

Chris handed me an old, typewritten document with the Seal of Dracul embossed into the paper over two signatures. As I read it, I became increasingly shocked. I looked at Chris and asked, “Is this genuine?”

“I believe it is, Greg,” Chris stated. “You will note the signatures and seals and then the date.”

I offered it to Scott, but he said, “Just read it out loud, Greg.”

I cleared my throat and read:

I, Padrig Gareth Evans, of the Barony of Pittsburgh, in County Boston, of The Nation of Dracul, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do hereby declare this to be my Last Will and Testament, revoking all former wills and codicils heretofore made by me.

I, Padrig Gareth Evans, ruler of the Barony of Pittsburgh, in accordance with the laws and customs of The Nation of Dracul, do hereby appoint the rightful successor to my office as executor of this, my Last Will and Testament. It is my will and decree that the rightful successor to my office shall undertake the solemn duty of administering my estate and fulfilling the provisions herein upon my passing. As the rightful successor to my office shall wield the authority and responsibility entrusted to them with diligence, loyalty, and honor, ensuring the proper execution of my final wishes. May they discharge this duty faithfully and with the utmost respect for our noble nation’s traditions.

I, Padrig Gareth Evans, by the authority vested in me as the rightful ruler of Barony of Pittsburgh, do hereby bequeath all my worldly possessions, properties, titles, and rights pertaining to my office as baron to my rightful successor. It is my solemn wish that the rightful successor to my office shall inherit and hold in perpetuity all that is rightfully mine to govern, protect, and uphold the honor and prosperity of our noble house. May they carry out their duties with wisdom, strength, and unwavering dedication to our lineage and the well-being of our people.

Signed this 12th day of September, 1938,

Padrig Gareth Evans

“His signature has the seal of the Barony. It is also signed by Count Morrison of Boston and Prince George Hamilton as witnesses,” I said as I finished reading it aloud.

Chris then handed me two letters dated the same day. One by Count Morrison and the other by Prince George, attesting to the validity of the accompanying will and the signatures thereof.

I looked at Chris and asked, “You’re shitting me?”

Chris shook his head, and then Brian said, “You haven’t seen the… I don’t know if it’s worst, best, or simply most incredible, Greg. Look at these ledgers.”

I scanned through the pages, and I could feel my jaw dropping as I looked at page after page listing bank accounts, investment accounts, lists of properties, and businesses. I stared at Brian as I absently handed the ledgers to Scott.

“I didn’t even add up half, and I came up with tens of millions of dollars, Chris,” I struggled to say, my mind reeling.

Chris laughed, “Greg, that’s not even a third of one percent. I don’t have accurate values on the properties, and some of the businesses haven’t been examined in decades, but I checked Forbes, and if my estimates are right, you’re tied with two other people for number 177, though you’ll never actually be listed.”

Scott gasped. “Greg, no one in the top two hundred is worth less than $5B.”

“And this is Barony money, right?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

Chris shook his head. “This is what you just inherited, per-son-all-y,” He said, emphasizing each syllable.

Billy said, “Well, I guess you can afford to remodel then.”

Every head slowly turned to stare at him, then, slowly at first but increasing as it went, we started to laugh—at the absurdity of it, at the shock of it, at the overwhelming responsibility of it. Then I remembered a page in the oldest ledger. I reached over and took it off Billy’s lap and read. I was right.

Without thinking about what I was doing, I sent a mind-to-mind message to Tommy, Andrew, Marshals Jones, and Riva, telling them to join us immediately. I realized I should have been a bit less emphatic about saying immediately when Tommy and the Marshals came running with weapons in their hands, followed by Andrew, attempting to run while maintaining his grace.

“Close the door, Sergeant, and guard it, but listen to the conversation,” I ordered.

Tony gently closed the door, then stood with his back to it, in what I’d learned was called ‘parade rest.’

“Marshal Jones, we have known each other for just over twelve hours, yet I feel I can trust you. Can I?”

“Yes, My Lord,” he quickly replied.

“You and Andrew will forgive me, but I am about to include the four of you into my innermost circle of trust, to steal a line from a great movie. Let me demonstrate.” I said, then turned to Tommy, “Tommy, when would you reveal anything you know about me to another soul, vampire or human?”

“If you plotted treason against the Nation of Dracul? As soon as possible. If you, for example, fed from an unwilling human? I would take it to my grave, My Lord,” Tommy quickly replied.

“And if, for example, I held humans for torture? Possessed tons and tons of Spanish gold in chests?” I noted Andrew and Jones’ react momentarily when I said gold.

“As the torture, while illegal, isn’t an act against our Nation, I would hold those facts to my dying breath, My Lord,” he quickly replied.

“What about my dying day, Tommy? If I had immense treasure, would you reveal that on my death?” I asked, keeping my eyes on Andrew and Jones.

“That would depend, My Lord.” I raised an eyebrow, so he explained, “If you had given me instructions prior to your death or had a valid will that spelled out what is to be done, my oath would be satisfied. I would be honor bound to respect your wishes and bring this treasure to Scott, or Billy, or your sons, as you directed.”

“Now, Marshal Jones, do you now feel yourself honor bound to me and mine in such a way?”

“I do, My Lord,” he replied without hesitation.

“Andrew, same question.”

“Without reservation, My Lord,” Andrew quickly replied.

“But there is a reservation, isn’t there, Andrew?” I asked, leading him on.

Holding his head high, he replied, “The same I hold to you, My Lord. Regardless of my feelings for him, my honor requires that I maintain those oaths that do not conflict with my oath to you.”

I looked at Jones, and he said essentially the same thing. I looked at them for over a minute and they remained steady, confident in the justice of their position.

I nodded and said, “And I trust that the two of you will tell my successor exactly what you told me. You will forgive my theatrics after you read this,” I raised the will so they could see. I could tell neither knew what it said. “This document falls under your oath to me; although I will be sharing it with Count Morrison and Prince George in the near future, it is for me to decide whom and when I share it with. Are we clear?”

All four said, “Yes, My Lord.”

I offered the will to Andrew and told them all to relax, except Riva, and to tell me what they thought after all four had read it. As I watched them read, I saw their expression change from shock to pure amazement. Of the four, Jones was the weakest reader. I made a mental note to see what we could do about that. When Riva passed the will back to me, I held up the ledgers.

“These ledgers list all the worldly possessions of Padrig Gareth Evans. There are bank accounts, investment accounts, real estate, businesses, and, most noticeably, physical precious metals and gems. Honoring your oaths, having read that document, do you—”

Scott interrupted me. “Do any of you have the slightest doubt as to the authenticity of that will?”

All four instantly replied, “None, My Lord.”

“Do you, Andrew, or you, Marshal Jones, have any knowledge that I, as the rightful Baron and rightful heir, should be made aware of?” They stared at me. I started to repeat it.

Billy cut me off, “Do any of you know where he buried the gold?”

Andrew replied, “Forgive me, My Lord, I understood the question. I was trying to think if I had any helpful information.”

“Sorry, Andrew. You looked confused, not contemplative,” Billy said.

Andrew grinned and said, “Amy says that I also look that way when I’m constipated, My Lord.”

Jake moaned and started mumbling. I assumed he was hungry, so I opened my wrist and gently held it to his lips. He instantly calmed and fed.

“What about you, Marshal Jones?” Scott asked.

“Like Andrew, I have no direct knowledge, but I have some suspicions, My Lord,” he slowly replied as he considered what he knew.

“Well, to our knowledge, the only ones aware of any of this are in this room,” I said. “Not to suggest that greed would affect your oaths in any way, but know that I am a generous employer with those that deserve it.”

“Anyway,” Billy said, “I would greatly appreciate it if, at least those in this room, while in this room, could please, for the love of gods, use our names.”

Riva set the tone by saying, “Ain’t no pool here for me to toss you into, Billy.”

Seeing Riva relax, Jones offered, “I always thought it was stupid, this big house with no pool.”

“Not even a hot tub,” Andrew said.

“Oh, we have to rectify that, Andrew,” Scott said. “We’ll walk around and see if we can find the right spot for one.”

Andrew laughed, “If it’s for the three, er, four, er,” I could sense him getting uncomfortable.

I decided to throw him a rope. First, I had to check something else. “Tommy, have you talked to Tony and… What’s your name Jones?”

“Charles, Sir, er, sorry, Greg. Charles Andrew Jones, but all my friends call me Jones or Jonesy. When I was a pup, my pa called me Chip.” He suddenly got uncomfortable as Scott, Billy, and I stared at him. I blinked away a tear.

“My fa..” my voice cracked. I cleared my throat and tried again, “My father’s name was Charles Andrew, Jonesy, and our son is Chipper. We don’t actually know his birth name.”

“I’m sorry, Greg,” he said. And I felt genuine sympathy from him. “I lost my parents in the war.”

I nudged Scott and asked, “I’ve learned to ask, which war?”

Jonesy grinned and said, “1812.”

“Anyway, before I got derailed by Jonesy’s name, Tommy, did you get to talk with these two?”

“I did, Greg, and they’re both happy to act as driver, personal security, and all-around man Friday,” Tommy replied.

Behind me, I heard, “Here, Billy, let me put him to bed,” as Jenny plucked Charlie from Billy’s arms and headed for the nursery.

“Do you have a third in mind, Tommy?”

“I don’t, Scott. I only know those we had before today, and Jonesy hasn’t gotten to know you three well enough to help with a personality match,” he replied.

“There’s another subject I need to cover with those who are going to be closest to us, and when I’m done, I ask you to be brutally honest. I would rather not make anyone uncomfortable.”

There was a knock at the door and Tony looked at me. I rolled my eyes and nodded, then he opened the door to a terrified footman.

“What is it, Paddy?” Andrew asked.

“Forgive me, Sir, Your Lordships. I know you left instructions not to be disturbed, but there is a car at the gate. The driver claims to be Deputy Chief Marshal Owen, and he says he has the human parents of Lords Jackson in his car.”

“Thank you, Paddy,” Tommy said. Then paused, “Forgive me for overstepping, Andrew.”

“Not a problem, Marshal, as he is your man,” Andrew said, giving a slight nod.

“If your Lordships will excuse me, I will go and escort them in,” Tommy said.

“You will do no such thing,” Billy almost snapped. Tommy froze out of respect and in shock. “You will take Sergeant Riva with you, and he can escort the Jacksons in. You, Chief Marshal, are off duty as of the moment you see your mate. You will escort him to your quarters and spend the next twenty-four hours getting to know your daughter.”

Tommy only took a second to reply, “With respect, My Lord, we are scheduled to fly out to California in less than that.”

“Tommy,” I said as gently as I could. “Would you be angry with me if I asked you to allow someone else to escort us to the prince’s court? So you and Leonard can spend time with your daughter?”

He paused, and I thought I saw him blink back a tear. Then he said, “I will assign Captain Vega to command your detail, My Lord. I will use my time to better know the Marshals here.”

“You misheard me, Chief. You are off duty until our return. Sergeant Riva can command the detail, as we’ll also have Marshal Jones on our plane. Captain Vega, if she can be prepared in time, can take two Marshals via commercial flights.”

Tommy seemed stuck in place, then he said, “Sergeant Riva, when you return, you will inform Their Lordships of the arrangements already in place due to recent changes and our discussions with Prince George’s Chief Marshal.”

“As you command, My Lord,” Tony said.

Tommy and Tony bowed from the neck and chased the footman out of the room.

“Do you know what he’s talking about, Jonesy?”

“I do, Scott, but he told Riva to—”

“Spill it, Jonesy,” Billy teased.

Jonesy rattled off quickly, “You’re not the only ones paranoid, Greg. Tommy has already arranged for Captain Vega and six other Marshals to go by commercial flights, leaving here at 4 AM. The prince's staff informed us that, unfortunately, the prince could not host you at his home, so Tommy arranged for vehicles, hotel suites, and everything. He says he stepped all over Jake’s toes doing it but considering… Well, Jake was not able to, and everyone was busy, so he just did it. He said you wouldn’t mind once you understood.” Looking uncomfortable, he added, “My Lords.”

We stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. When we calmed down, Billy said, “Gods help us if anyone ever tortures you for information. You’ll draw them a map!”

That brought on another fit of laughter, with Andrew and, finally, Jonesy joining us. We were still laughing when Tony knocked and then opened the door. We quickly got silent. Jake was still feeding, so I didn’t move, but Scott and Billy moved out of the way so David and Wanda could come see their son.

“He looks so peaceful,” Wanda said, mimicking something usually said at a funeral.

“He looks healthy,” David said. "Much better than you did, Josh.”

“Yeah, his body was hardly injured. Just a few cuts from the flying glass,” Josh said, pointing to the window that was now covered by plywood.

“I don’t understand,” Wanda said. “If he wasn’t injured, then why—”

I looked at David and asked, “You didn’t tell her?”

“I thought she should see him first, Greg,” he replied.

I looked at Wanda and gently said, “When the Marshal came through the window, Jake was in his path. The impact snapped his neck.” She looked at me, horrified. “He’s doing a bit better now, before I… before I started to change him—”

“Before you drained him, Greg. I’m a big girl,” Wanda said firmly.

“Sorry, yeah. Before I drained him, he was conscious but couldn’t talk, couldn’t move his lips. But after feeding him a couple of times, he actually woke up, and said a few words.”

“Tell her the rest, Greg,” Josh said with a smile.

It took me a second to understand why he was smiling, then I understood. “I forget if we told you, but as their Baron, I can talk, in our heads, with the vampires in my clan. I was talking to him earlier.”

“So was I,” Josh laughed.

David looked at me, then his sons, then back to me. “I thought you said that was only between a noble and their clan or mates?”

“Or, apparently, between twins. That’s the only way I can explain it,” I replied. “But I won’t hide anything from you, not anymore. We don’t know if it’s temporary or permanent, but right now, Jake’s blind.”

Copyright © 2024 Justin4Fun, masterchief429; All Rights Reserved.
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38 minutes ago, Justin4Fun said:

I've been remiss in my writing. If I don't make you wait, you'll have a longer wait for the next several!

So, in the meme time....

Puns That Will Make You Groan (35 pics) - Izismile.com

Anything else you care to recommend???



  • Haha 5
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