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    Lee Wilson
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  • 2,140 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

Manny Needs a Nanny - 6. More Getting Acclimated, and Then Some

Sex finally arrives in the form of voyeuristic masturbation.
I'm quite a few chapters ahead in writing, so I decided to shrink this posting interval because I'll be away the second half of next week so posting on Monday would cause a longer interval for the next-plus-one chapter. I doubt anyone minds seeing this earlier. Chapter 7 should arrive Wednesday, 8 either the following Sunday night or sometime Monday the 18th.

The Talbot/Tanner household began to get into a routine after the excitement early Sunday morning and the ensuing news about the arrests the next day. Sunday and Monday were Manny's nights off. As Rocky told Ms. Callahan, Monday evenings he and Manny had tennis lessons. Manny was slowly getting the hang of it. He'd never become a Novak Djokovic, nor even a Liam Broady, who was ranked 150th. Manny's tennis goal was to not lose every game to Rocky without scoring a point. As he'd said before, not enough ambition to set a lofty goal, like actually beating Rocky in a game. Winning just a set wasn't something that would ever happen, either.

Saturdays were Karate days. With Manny's schedule and school upcoming, even mid-to-late weekday afternoons would be tricky. Manny would accompany Bass and Rocky to the shooting range on Thursdays. Once school began, that would become just Manny and Bass.

Manny brought Rocky to the bar on the Wednesday following the failed kidnap attempt. Charles didn't want to risk having a minor in the bar, so he went outside.

"Charles Browne, this is Rocky Tanner. And the other gentleman is the chauffeur, Patrick Starr."

"Pleased to meet you all. So, this is your new kid, huh, Manny?"


"How do you like living with Mr. Talbot, Rocky?"

"He lives at my house, but Manny's been pretty cool."

"I guess, that lessens the shock of having a foster father." Charles followed that up with a smile holding back laughter. It was still difficult for him to believe Manny's new responsibility, even with the proof of it standing right in front of him.

"Yeah. But it's not like we don't have a room for him. There are nine bedrooms. Are you really a Charlie Brown?"

"I use Charles, so that mistake isn't made too often. Unfortunately, I gotta get back in. When the boss is away, there's no telling what might happen. I hope everything works out for you, Rocky. See you later, Manny."


Another thing of note occurred as Manny and Rocky were heading to the pool the following Monday. They saw Patrick leaving Linda's room. Patrick looked scared, but Manny simply nodded a ‘hello’, then queried Rocky to see what he knew.

"What's that all about, Patrick and Linda? I could see him and Sandy talking, he takes her shopping, but Linda?

"Oh, that started happening almost as soon as Patrick started working here. I think he's doing both of them, but for sure, he's playing hide the salami with Linda."

"Hide the salami? Aren't you a little young to know about those things?"

"Manny, it's 2024, not 1924. Kids know a lot these days. Besides, I heard Bass saying that to Patrick once."

"Oh, what else did he say about it?"

"Just that if he was going to play hide the salami with Linda, they should avoid me knowing about it. Bass blew that one, not knowing I was within hearing range. After you arrived, he warned Patrick about you seeing it, too. That's why Patrick looked so scared just now."

"If Patrick wasn't supposed to let me know, why did you spill it?"

"I'm not Patrick. Nobody ever told me not to say anything." Rocky laughed a little after stating this.

Manny shook his head, "Cute. I don't know why Bass would think, I cared."

"Really? If you knew and did have a problem with it, he and you would probably never hook up."

"And what makes you think, we would?"

"You're both gay. Why wouldn't you?"

"Just because we're gay, that doesn't mean, we're going to 'hook up' with just any other gay man."

"Really? I heard gay guys were all, like, the boy version of a slut."

"Whoever you heard that from, they were wrong."

"Mom used to say stuff like that to Dad all the time. He liked men and women. Mom didn't want him 'fucking the whole Elk's club.'"

"Watch the language. But she was okay with him being with another man?"

"I was just quoting her. But, yeah. I think she knew he was a bicycle even before they got married."

"A bicycle?"

"Yeah, someone who likes both men and women."

Manny giggled, "Well, since you already know about hiding the salami, the term is bisexual."

Rocky slapped his forehead, "Oh, geez. I'm so stupid. That makes a lot more sense than bicycle."

Manny and Rocky had a good laugh about that. They got to the cabana, changed into their swimsuits, and hit the water. Rocky was getting more used to Manny and was no longer hesitant to change in front of him.

Meanwhile, Bass was in the study, going over the house bills, so he could send Brewster James the weekly financial report. He passed on joining the other two swimming, using that as an excuse. He had another reason, though.

Once the report was taken care of, Bass concentrated on the cameras around the pool. Whenever the angle was right, he would zoom in on Manny's ass. For a fairly large man, Manny had a small, tight ass. Manny had put on one of Boris' Speedos today, further exciting Bass. So much so, that Bass got up to lock the door. He sat back behind the desk and continued manipulating the pool cameras with the mouse in his right hand, rubbing his nipples when Manny stayed still for a bit. He was also manipulating his cock with his left hand. Since he was focusing on Manny, he didn't notice that Rocky was looking at the cameras.

Rocky laughed to himself.

"What's funny?"

"I don't think, I should tell you."

"Are you laughing at me?"

"No. Well, not exactly."

"Not exactly? Start explaining Rocky, or pool time is over."

"Shit. That sucks."


"If I don't tell you, pool time is over. If I do tell you, pool time is also probably over."

"Well, then, I guess, you'll just have to risk it."

"Damn. Okay. Don't bother looking because it won't keep happening if you do, but the closest camera behind you is always following you."

"Camera? What?"

"Somebody's checking out your ass. There are cameras here. Mostly they were added so mom or dad could keep an eye on me whenever I was in here with Bass. They knew, he was gay, but mom wasn't so sure he wouldn't try doing something to me. Dad and I knew that he wouldn't, but you know how moms are, protecting their babies."

"And who would be spying, and from where?"

"Duh! Bass. The cameras are Wi-Fi, Dad's computer in the study is linked to them. Bass is the only one allowed in there."

'He did imply that he thought I was good-looking.'

"Hmmm. I want to play a joke on him. Pretend you're getting out to go to the bathroom."

"What are you going to do?"

"Never mind. Just get in the bathroom and stay there for a minute."

"I know what you're gonna do, and I'd want to be in the bathroom for it anyway. I don't need to see you mooning him, or worse."

"Fine, smarty pants. If I get out of the pool, where would he have the best view?"

"If you climb up the ladder in the deep end, there will be a camera almost directly behind you."

"Okay. Remember, stay in there at least a minute. I don't want to get into any trouble if he's looking at multiple cameras and sees you in here when I flash him."

"Okay. But I get to say something about it first later."

"I don't know…"

"Then I'm not leaving."

Manny sighed, "Okay, you can razz him first."

Rocky smiled and headed for the low end and the bathroom while Manny swam to the ladder. As soon as his ass was above the water line, he climbed the rest of the way slowly. After he reached the top and left the pool, he looked toward the bathroom to make sure Rocky wasn't watching. Satisfied he was alone, he yanked down his Speedo and wiggled his ass toward the camera. Then, he spun around, smiling and waving at the camera, letting Bass see him in all his glory. Unfortunately, he was only semi-hard, but Bass still would definitely get a good look. Once again checking the bathroom door, he pulled the Speedo back up, slowly covering his dick. He gave it a little wiggle too, just before it disappeared behind the spandex. Manny then jumped back in the pool to wait for Rocky to come back.

It took another fifteen seconds or so, but the bathroom door opened, "Did you do it?"

"Yep. I bet he got a good look."


Back in the study, Bass definitely got a good look. He saw Manny heading toward the ladder, so he zoomed in on that camera full screen, with a small PIP (Picture-In-Picture) window facing the bathroom door. As Manny's ass came into view, he started stroking himself faster. He was shocked when Manny dropped the Speedo. When Manny turned around, Bass lost all control. He started shooting his seed onto his stomach and chest, having removed his shirt earlier. He had wanted full access to his nipples.

"Fuck! What a nice ass! Oh, my God that was a good one! But shit, Rocky must have told him, I was watching. Fuck! I could get fired over this. Shit. Shit. SHIIIIT!!!!!!!"

Bass was too consumed with the risk of losing his job to realize that if Manny had a problem with him watching, he surely wouldn't have flashed him. Bass cleaned himself up and headed out to the living room. He could say he wasn't watching, because he thought, he heard something outside and was checking all the security cameras.

After swimming a couple more minutes, Rocky was anxious to see what Bass' reaction was, so they left the pool and got dressed. They walked into the living room and saw him staring at a view on the alarm panel that looked like it was from the back wall of the house.

Manny got his attention, "What ya watching?"

"Oh, I, um, thought, I saw a noise. I mean, ‘heard a noise’, out back."

Chuckling at Bass' nervousness, Manny said, "Saw a noise?"

Manny looked at Rocky, giving him the sign to start razzing.

"So, does that mean you missed Manny's show?"

His voice trembling, "His show?"

"Yeah, I saw the cameras were following him and told him. That's why he did whatever it was he did."

"Geez, Manny. I'm sorry. I won't ever do it again. Just. Please. Don't fire me."

"Fire you? Why would I do that?"

"Because I was spying on you."

"It's okay, Bass. If I cared, do you really think, I would have flashed you?"

"Oh. I didn't know. I mean, I wasn't thinking that. I was just so scared, you'd freak out and fire me."

"It's cool. But next time, I want to be in the study watching you."

Rocky started laughing. Bass looked at Manny like he was crazy. At least until Manny couldn't contain his own laughter anymore.

Rocky was still laughing, but struggled enough to say, "Oh, man. That was so awesome. The look on your face, Bass. I've never seen you that red before. Tell me, were you jerk–" Rocky's laughter returned with a vengeance. He was literally ROTFL.

Manny caught the look of fear that crossed Bass' face. 'Yep, he was wanking over me.' He just smiled at Bass.

Later, after dinner, some TV time, and Rocky's bedtime, Bass and Manny were alone.

"Geez, Manny. I really am sorry about that this afternoon."

"It's fine, Bass. I'm not mad. Apologize again and I'll be forced to do something."

"Okay. I won't. But I'm sorr… shit."

"That's it. You need to be punished now."

"Shit. What is it?"

"You have to come to bed with me tonight."

"To bed, you mean–?"

"Yes. I haven't had a date in over three weeks. Let's help each other out. I like you. I want to get a much closer look at those muscles. And it's obvious you like me. So why not?"

"I don't know."

"Come on. If Patrick and Linda can play hide the salami, us massaging the salamis won’t be a problem."

"Hide… You know about that?"

"Yeah. Rocky and I happened to be passing Linda's room on our way to the pool, when Patrick came out her door."

"Rocky saw that too?"

"Yeah, but he already knew what was going on. I guess I should ask you if you want to. I won't make you do anything if you don't want to."

"Oh, I want to."

"Then let's kill the TV and lights and head upstairs."

And that's what they did.


Next up - "Taking that First Step"

Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
  • Like 17
  • Love 25
  • Haha 21
  • Fingers Crossed 2
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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