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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Another Ordinary Guy - 5. Chapter 5

Ricky stayed the night with Larry. In the morning, sometime between orange juice and cinnamon toast, he decided to give Larry a present to show him how much the past day had meant to him.

“Larry, honey, I’ve made a decision. I want to cut another album, but this time I want every song in it to be mine.”

A piece of cinnamon toast got caught in Larry’s throat, and he started to cough. Ricky had to get up and slap him on the back.

“You do realize that you’ll have to do the talk show circuit to promote the album, which I have no doubt will be a great success. The pressure will be on you to do a concert tour as well.”

“I know.”

“When did you have a change of heart?”

“Last night, making love to you. I want to make you happy.”

“Shit, Ricky. You have to make yourself happy. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, when you’re happy, I’m happy.”

“I do know that, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. I have let the bad part of my experiences with The Sons of Song, turn me into a hermit. I have totally forgotten the fun I had. It’s time I got back on the horse.”

“This is so ironic. Now that I want you around me all the time, you’re setting yourself up for some serious travel time.”

“Are you afraid I’ll fuck my brains out on the road?” Ricky asked with a big grin on his face. Larry responded by wrapping Ricky up in his arms and kissing him passionately.

“To prove that I’m not afraid to be seen in public anymore, how about dining with me Sunday night at Cubana?” Ricky asked. “The Paparazzi are always hanging out there, because the restaurant is so popular with celebrities, at least at the moment. Having dinner with my agent should not add fuel to those nasty rumors.”

“I’ll accept your invitation if you promise me that you’ll move out of the boonies and back to Manhattan. There’s a nice two bedroom apartment available in my sister’s building. She’s just next door.”

“I guess if I’m going to face the paparazzi again, that might be a good move. Anyway I need a place big enough to put a piano in, since I’m about to start composing.”

“Oh my God!” Larry exclaimed. “I cannot believe how my life has changed in less than twenty-four hours. Let’s go right over and see the apartment before it gets rented.”

Ricky liked what he saw. The apartment was on the street level. It had one very large and another smaller bedroom, a bath and a half, a galley kitchen, living room, and dining room. There was lots of closet space; a big front hall closet and a walk in closet in both bedrooms. To sweeten the deal, the rent was only $2,200.00 a month. This was cheap for Manhattan, especially in the artsy Chelsea neighborhood in which it was located. Immediately, Ricky decided that he would make the larger bedroom into a studio, and make the smaller bedroom his sleeping quarters. The ‘studio’ had windows on two walls. It was bright and airy.

Ricky and Larry found out that the present occupants had bought a home out on Long Island. Their lease wasn’t up for another two months and they were taking their sweet time moving out.

“Perfect,” Ricky informed the rental agent. “I’m on a month to month. I’ll have enough time to give notice.” The agent was a young woman who recognized Ricky immediately. She didn’t bother to verify his financial ability to pay the rent. What would she have thought if she knew his income was only $500 a month? Ricky was going to have to make some changes there. He had nine months left before he gained control of his trust fund.

Before they left, Ricky signed a year’s lease. Larry advanced him first and last month’s rent and the security deposit. While the agent was preparing the documents, Larry took Ricky to his sister’s apartment. They missed meeting her husband, who had gone to work, but Ricky met Larry’s sister and his two year old nephew. Jeannie was a replica of Larry’s former self. She was very overweight, but Ricky looked hard at her. She would be beautiful if she lost the weight. The toddler was as cute as he was bratty. Ricky couldn’t wait to get out of there.

“I’m heading for the subway. I’ve got to go home and get ready for the theater,” Ricky said. “I’ll make the reservations for dinner Sunday evening, and would you mind if I brought my drama coach along, if he’s available, that is?”

“Yes, I mind, but what can I do? I’ll accept a third party as long as I’m with you. By the way have you considered that dinner for three at Cubana is going to cost more than your weekly allowance?”

“Not a problem! Didn’t I tell you that dinner is on you?”

Before he got on the subway for Queens, Ricky called his parents in Red Bank. He told his mother everything that had transpired that day, except the tiny little insignificant fact that he had made love to Larry. She was not all that thrilled with his decision.

“But you love acting,” she protested, “and you are so good at it.”

“Yes Mama, but this is an opportunity to write my own songs and have them heard. That’s something I’ve always wanted to do. You remember what a hit ‘Apple Pie’ was, don’t you?”

“So I guess you’re good at song writing too. You’re good at everything you do, son. You know, you would make a wonderful husband and father.”


“I know. I’ll shut up. You think I’m a pain in the ass.”

“No I don’t Mama. I just don’t want you to talk to me about getting involved. Anyway, the reason I called is that I need to have my allowance raised. Manhattan is not Queens. Could we up it to $3500?”

“You live too high and mighty, Mr. Big Shot, You’ll squander all the money I’ve been putting away for you, before you get it.”

“I’ll make more, Mama. I also have to repay Larry $6600. Would you put that much in my checking account today, please.”

“Your wish is my command, oh high and mighty. I might as well put in ten grand. I’ll do it after lunch.”

“Thanks, Mama. You’re the best.”

“Yeah! Yeah! Flattery will get you everything. When can Papa and I come to see the new apartment?”

“After I move in. In about two months.


Dinner reservations were for eight o’clock. As soon as Ricky introduced Red and Larry, he could feel swords and daggers flying through the air. Instinctively they both knew that he had slept with both of them, and they were very jealous, even though nobody had made a commitment to anyone. Ricky was glad that when he would start his concert tour, he wouldn’t have to see either one of them for awhile. He had intended on telling Red about his decision to write music, and to cut an album, at dinner that evening, but given the animosity he was feeling from both dinner companions, he decided to do it privately at home, preferably while they were in bed together.

Actually by the time they were served dessert, Larry and Red had warmed up considerably. They liked each other, and if they had to share Ricky, they were willing to sacrifice. Red wondered if Ricky and Larry would consider a threesome.

Much to Larry’s dismay, Ricky went home with Red that evening. “I’ve got to start packing for my move,” he explained. That was a joke. He had precious little to pack in the tiny furnished apartment, but he wanted to be alone with Red. Red wondered what Ricky meant about packing. He had no idea yet that Ricky was moving to Manhattan. On their way home he determined to ask Ricky what was going on.

Ricky wondered why he was so reluctant to break all the news to Red. It was all good news from his perspective.

When the check came, Ricky grabbed it.

“I thought I was paying.” Larry said.

“If you remember, I invited you to dinner. I was only kidding about you picking up the tab.”

“I’ll get it next time.” He looked at Red. “I hope you’ll be able to join us.”

“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot,” Red beamed at Larry.

At that moment in time, looking at his two friends and lovers shaking hands goodbye, Ricky could see sparks flying instead of weapons. These two guys were made for each other, he thought. They can give each other something that I never can; their full attention, love and companionship. He began to think that he might not be a good match for anyone in his chosen profession, and he got a sinking feeling in his stomach.

On the way out, as expected, they were attacked by the paparazzi. Instinctively, to protect his client, Larry put his arm around Ricky’s shoulder.

“Are you two an item?” a member of the attackers yelled.

“Stop and do your homework, gents,” Ricky instructed them. “This is my agent, Larry Merkin, and this is my drama coach, Redmond Walters. This was strictly a working dinner.”

“Are you planning on doing a new album or a new show?” another predator yelled.

Ricky didn’t answer. The three men just pushed their way to a limousine that was waiting for them in front of the restaurant. As soon as they were out of sight of the paparazzi, Larry instructed the driver to drop his two friends at the subway station.


Ricky made sure that the three of them had dinner together every Sunday when he was not on stage, until finally it happened. Larry, who was aching to have sex with Red, suggested a three way. They were all in agreement and planned for the following Sunday. Instead of eating out, they would send out for a pizza, eat at Larry’s and then do what each one was yearning to do to everyone else.

The three of them were in an exceptionally good mood all week. Ricky burst the bubble when Red came to pick him up to go to Manhattan. “I’ve got to go to Red Bank. Mama broke her leg in a fall. She’s in a cast, and I promised Papa I’d help get her settled until the nurse comes tomorrow morning. I’ll ride as far as The Port Authority in Manhattan with you, and then I’ll be off to Red Bank.

Red looked like Ricky had just slapped him in the face. “Please,” Ricky said, “this doesn’t change anything. You and Larry go have fun. It’s an order.”

“You don’t mind?”

“Why should I mind? You yourself told me not to fall in love yet, and I haven’t. You’re both my favorite fuck buddies.” Ricky winked at Red.

“Well, as long as you don’t mind, I guess it’s OK. What do you mean that we’re your favorite fuck buddies? Who else is there?”

“You’re very nosy, but if you must know, I’m making it with the stage manager, and with John Thornton, who plays my employer in the show.” That was a huge whopper. Both the men he described were straight arrows, with large families. John’s six kids had shown up after a matinee one day, and Ricky fell in love with them. They were as beautiful as their father. John’s eldest was Ricky’s age, and he was certain he caught a vibe.

“Shut up! John is really hot. For what? About fifty? Can you fix me up with him?”

“Don’t be a slut. You and Larry are a much better fit.” There he said it. He planted a seed which he hoped would give rise to a thought, which could change Larry and Red’s lives…for the better.

“If you think so,” Red answered back. “I guess I might find out about that tonight.”

On the subway, they talked mostly about Larry. Whispering, Ricky described his physical attributes. When Ricky described Larry’s cock, Red rolled his eyes.

“Please stop now or I won’t be able to get out at the terminal, unless you shield my crotch.”

Having lied to Red, Ricky didn’t dare go home to his apartment until sometime tomorrow, so he decided to pay a surprise visit to his parents anyway. He headed to the ticket booths to buy a ticket to his home town, and Red took a cab to Larry’s apartment.

Red rang the security bell in the lobby, and without asking who it was, Larry buzzed him right in. When Larry opened the front door, he looked over Red’s shoulder wondering where Ricky was.

“Ricky’s not coming. His mother had some kind of a fall and he’s gone to Red Bank.”

Larry didn’t move.

“Well, can I come in?”

“Shit. Of course, come in. I’m sorry, but I’m a little stunned.”

“I can leave if you want me to.”

Larry started to laugh. “In a way I’m kind of glad Ricky didn’t come. This way, you and I can really get to know each other.”

“You know Larry,” Red said, feeling very relieved, “something Ricky said to me makes me think that this business with his mother might be a set up for us to be alone together.”

“And what was that?”

“I can’t tell you now, but if it comes true, I’ll let you know. Do you think I could have a drink?”

“Sure, but I charge for a drink.”

“Oh, and what might the cost be.”

“Real easy. A smile and a kiss.”


Larry went to his wet bar and asked, “What will it be?”

“How about a vodka tonic.”

“No problem.”

Larry mixed drinks for both of them, and when he turned around Red was as naked as a newborn baby.

Larry was not surprised. “Damn, you’re pretty,” he said. He put both drinks on the coffee table, and grabbed Red in a bear hug. Then he began to kiss him passionately. Their erect cocks met in a dance of passion. The cocktails were forgotten and their cocks took top priority. In minutes Larry was naked too, and they were in the bedroom playing a mean game of sixty-nine.

They came pretty much together. While they were recuperating, they had their drinks. In between sips, they kissed passionately. “I’m glad you’re cut,” Red said. “I much prefer it that way.”

“I’m glad you’re glad,” Larry said, “because we Jews usually are cut.”

“Are you feeling something here?” Red had the courage to ask.

“Most definitely! I want to be with you, Red. I want to be with you a lot.”

“Fuck me, Larry. That’s when a guy really finds out what he feels about another guy.”

“Yes, let’s fuck each other. I want to be inside of you, and I want you inside of me.”

Once again they put their drinks down. Larry took condoms and lube from his night stand, and rolled a condom down Red’s cock. Then he lubed Red’s rod and his ass.

“How do you want it?” he asked.

“Sit on me.”

And that began a long night of love making.

The next morning Larry made breakfast for them. As he poured the juice, he said, rather casually, “When Ricky moves out of Queens, it’s going to be pretty lonely for you. You’re so used to having his company when he’s not working. It’s pretty lonely for me here too. You wouldn’t consider moving in with me, would you? You’d be a hell of a lot closer to work.”

“You want me to move here for my convenience?”

“No shithead. I want you to move here because I have loved you from about an hour after we met. I was too jealous of you the first hour. So sue me if it wasn’t love at first sight.”

“I feel the same way, but what about Ricky?”

“Ricky is embarking on a new phase of his career. He’s going to be a great recording artist. He’ll be touring all over the world, just like when he was with The Sons of Song. I love Ricky, but he’ll never be good husband material.”

“That’s too bad,” Red observed, “because all he wants is to be an ordinary guy. I wish him luck. He’ll never be ordinary.”

“Forget about Ricky. It’s our time,” Larry shouted.

Breakfast and Ricky were forgotten, as the two men rushed back to the bedroom. Red missed his first class that morning, feigning a terribly upset stomach.

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

4 minutes ago, Paladin said:

So Ricky took Red's advice about who not to fall in love with and neatly set up Red with Larry. I think that Red is right that Ricky will never be ordinary and disagree with Larry that Ricky will never be husband material. He just needs some time and the right guy; maybe John's eldest son. I like that Ricky is wanting to do what likes to do. Mama might control the money but she's not stingy with it.

Mama knows best, she wants Ricky to be happy.

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Just now, akascrubber said:

Ricky really is playing the field.  He has at least 4 fuck buddies-not bf or friends with benefits. He took care of Red and Larry who are central to him. He engineered them getting together and then becoming an item. He will not have time for them when he is on an extended tour.

He has decided to compose and prepare an album and be ready to tour. He is so happy with his new career move and is helping his two good friends find each other as a partner. 

Lett us see  after sowing his oats , if Ricky finds his real boy friend while singing.

Season 2 Episode 3 GIF by The Roku Channel

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1 hour ago, chris191070 said:

Mama knows best, she wants Ricky to be happy.

But does Ricky know???

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7 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

But does Ricky know???

Ricky just wants to sow his oats.

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2 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

Ricky just wants to sow his oats.

What! Just ordinary, not wild ones. Such a pity :(

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Posted (edited)

46 minutes ago, Paladin said:

What! Just ordinary, not wild ones. Such a pity :(

Oh, I think Ricky’s oats are pretty wild.

Just ask Red, Lenny and his fellow cast members.

Edited by chris191070
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Hmm Lared... I like them together. They both in their own ways want what's best for Ricky. 

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1 hour ago, Ticklishboy30 said:

Hmm Lared... I like them together. They both in their own ways want what's best for Ricky. 

Lenny and Red are protective of Ricky.

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