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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Another Ordinary Guy - 10. Chapter 10

In preparation for Ricky’s grand tour of North and South America, New Zealand and Australia, Larry and he put together a four piece band, three back-up singers, and eight dancers; four male and four female. In addition, the entourage included a base staff of ten men to carry props and equipment, to set it all up, and break it all down. When they reached a new location, the head stage hand called the local union and picked up additional help. The permanent staff of the tour numbered twenty-five, but all told dozens of other people would get involved on site.

The twenty-five performers became a close, tight-knit family. They performed together, travelled together, ate together, and some of them even slept together. Two of the male dancers, Nick and Scott, shared a room, and since they were both gay, it was inevitable that they should eventually make it together, and they kept right on doing it.

One night after a performance in Los Angeles, Nick and Scott asked Ricky if he would have a late supper with them at a local restaurant they had heard about, and which came highly recommended. The restaurant was in West Hollywood and turned out to be a gay bar and grill. Ricky agreed to join them after he called Joey. It was three hours later in New York and he caught Joey getting ready for bed. They chatted a little, assured each other how much they loved each other, and said goodnight.

Ricky never drank, but admiring patrons kept sending drinks over to their table. Nick and Scott were taking advantage of the free booze, and they were beginning to float on air. After dinner, Ricky called for a taxi and he took them back to their hotel. The two dancers could hardly walk so Ricky helped them to their room. When he got them inside, he started to leave, but they both grabbed him and begged him to stay.

Nick grabbed Ricky’s crotch. “I think you need to play a little. You know, all work and no play will make you dull. Come on, Ricky, let’s have fun.”

Ricky should not have, but he allowed Nick to continue to fondle him. It felt so good. When Nick started to kiss him, it felt even better and he permitted it to continue. Then Scott joined in. The whole thing was a blur, but before he knew what hit him, the three men were naked and romping in bed. There wasn’t a whole lot of love making going on, but there was an awful lot of sex play. They laughed and giggled and teased each other. When one of them was having his cock sucked, he was never sure who was doing it. That was also true for when one of them was being fucked, but at least they had the sense to use condoms.

Nick and Scott were pretty drunk and eventually they fell asleep. Ricky grabbed his clothes and went back to his room. He showered and went to bed. Lying in bed, he tried to examine his emotions. He should have been filled with guilt, but the only guilt he felt was the fact that he didn’t feel guilty about having sex with the two dancers. It didn’t mean a fucking thing, anymore than a game of checkers. Nevertheless it disturbed him that he didn’t feel that he had done anything wrong. But at the same time, he prayed silently that Joey would play a little himself, just in case guilt should eventually set in. It was going to be a very long tour.


Joey’s best friend, among his fellow law students, was a real cracker from North Florida’s Panhandle. He talked and acted like he was right off the farm. Joey couldn’t explain why, but he took Bill Wharton under his wing, determined to urbanize him. Bill was lonely in New York, and he was delighted to be Joey’s friend. Bill had no idea that Joey was gay, or that he was partnered with the famous Ricky Albert.

Bill lived in a dorm room. He knew that Joey went home every night, and he envied him. Joey was aware of Bill’s envy, but he wasn’t quite sure what to do about it. They had dinner together every Friday night, but Joey never asked Brett and Sven or Larry and Red to join them. That might make Bill suspicious about Joey’s sexual orientation, and Joey wasn’t sure how Bill would take it. He didn’t want to risk destroying their friendship.

Occasionally they went to a movie together. One night after a movie, they stopped at one of New York’s many diners for an ice cream soda. Joey had no way to know, but it was the very place Red and Ricky had shared a soda, the day Ricky had visited him in school.

“Do you live far from here?” Bill asked.

“Not far at all. We could walk if we wanted to.”

“I’d love to see it sometime. I’m so tired of spendin’ all my time in that tiny dorm room.”

“Maybe you’d like to spend next weekend with me in my apartment.” Joey could have kicked himself after he said that. There was only one bedroom after all.

“I would absolutely love that,” Bill answered.

“I only have one bedroom. Would you mind sleeping on the couch? It’s been used before.” He thought of that awful night with Randy.

“I wouldn’t mind at all. I have a sleepin’ bag. I could use that, if it’s OK with you.”

“Sure whatever suits you. Is there anything special you would like to do over the weekend. Let’s make it into a mini vacation.”

“I’d love to go to the theater and see ‘Another Kind of Love,’ but I hear tickets are hard to get.”

“If you really want to see it, I can get us tickets, but you do know that it’s a gay love story.”

“Really? I honestly had no idea. What the fuck. I’ve heard the music, and I really want to see it. How can you get us tickets?”

“A friend of mine is in the cast, and I’m sure he can get us some house seats.”

“You really know someone in the cast? You’re a real New Yorker, Joey. I am so glad I met you.”

Joey got tickets for the Saturday evening performance.

After class on Friday, Joey and Bill went to Bill’s dorm. He packed an overnight bag, and started to leave.

“What about the sleeping bag?” Joey asked.

“I like to travel light. I think I’ll go for the couch.”

They took a cab to the apartment, and when they walked in, Joey said, “Let’s shower and shave, and we’ll go out for our Friday evening dinner.”

“Great,” Bill said. “You go first.”

While Joey was showering, Bill looked around the apartment. Wherever he looked, he saw pictures of the famous Ricky Albert. There were even pictures of Ricky and Joey with their arms around each other’s shoulders. He was confused. On the piano, he found two more framed pictures. One was of two handsome young men, and one was of two handsome older men. There was also an assortment of what appeared to be family pictures. Joey was in some, Ricky was in others, and both of them were in others. Bill resolved to ask Joey who all the people were in those pictures after he showered.

Joey came out of the shower, with a large towel wrapped around his waist. “Your turn,” he said, and he went into the bedroom to dress.

By the time Bill finished his shower, Joey was fully dressed and sitting in the living room. Bill opened his overnight bag, which he had left next to the couch. As he leaned over, his towel slipped and he was bare ass naked. It didn’t seem to bother him at all. In the dorms, the guys were often caught in this position. He retrieved a pair of jockey shorts and started to put them on.

Joey flipped. Bill was almost as huge as Randy. Like Randy, he was uncut. Joey wanted to comment, but decided to keep his mouth shut. He liked the rest of Bill too. He was even taller than himself. He was muscular from working on the farm, not from working out at the gym. Joey decided that both activities produced muscles, but that there was a definite difference in muscles produced by hard labor. He was very turned on by Bill’s ripped chest. Bill had straight black hair, which he wore long, just like Ricky. But unlike Ricky’s clear blue eyes, Bill’s eyes were brown and sensual. Joey didn’t know why, but Bill’s eyes reminded him of a basset hound. He wanted to pet him.

When Bill was fully dressed, Joey asked if he would like a drink.

“Yes, please. Do you have a coke?”

“I’ll get us both one.”

“Joey, who are all the people in these pictures?”

Joey handed Bill his drink, and then he started to tell Bill who was who. He identified all of his family and Ricky’s, Brett and Sven, Larry and Red, and finally Ricky.

“Good God, man. How do you know Ricky Albert? He’s so famous.”

“Bill, you might as well know the truth. I’m gay, and Ricky is my partner. We’re thinking about getting married after his present concert tour. Feel free to leave at any time.”

“Why would I leave? Won’t you still be my friend after you get married?”

“I’d like always to be your friend. It’s just that you’re a Baptist from The Bible Belt, and I haven’t met too many understanding people of that ilk, who don’t despise my life style.”

“I see we are into confession time, so here goes. I’m a virgin, Joey, and not by choice. I just can’t seem to get excited with a woman. I failed the first three times, and I have given up in shame. It has never occurred to me to try a different route, until just now.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think I might be gay, Joey?”

Joey couldn’t answer. Ricky had told him a thousand times, word for word, every last detail, of the events leading up to his first homosexual encounter with Red. He wondered if Ricky would mind it he allowed Bill to “try it out” with him. Ricky had given permission, he reasoned, and besides he was getting a boner that threatened to split his pants. He decided to recreate Ricky’s first encounter as best he could.

“Would you like to test the waters, right now, right here, with me?” he asked Bill.

“You mean have sex with you?” Bill’s eyes opened as wide as saucers.

“Yes, but only if you allow me to take you out to a five star restaurant, as a prelude to what I hope will be a wonderful evening.”

“How could I refuse?”

“There’s one other thing. You have to promise me that you won’t fall in love with me. A guy always falls in love with the guy who takes his cherry. Remember I’m merely acting as a teacher and a mentor, not a lover. Most important, I love Ricky to death. I have loved him since we were babies. If you enjoy the experience, and want to take it further, I have lots of friends that would just love to date a good looking guy like you.”

Ricky and Joey always ran a tab at The Plaza. He wanted to take Bill there, but none of his jackets would fit the larger man, so Joey called the restaurant. The maitre d’ got on the phone immediately, and said not to worry. He would provide a tie and jacket to fit any size.

Bill had no idea what most of the items on the menu were, and so Joey translated the fancy French into basic English. “Learn,” he said to Bill. “Someday you are going to be a rich New York attorney.” Then he amended his words. “Someday we’re going to be rich New York attorneys.”

“I was thinkin’ more along the lines of bein’ a successful Florida attorney.”

“Maybe after tonight you’ll change your mind. Let’s not etch the future in stone just yet. For now, just relax. I’ll order.” He ordered shrimp cocktails, filet mignon steaks, medium rare, with roasted potatoes, flan for dessert, and coffee. Before dinner, he ordered red wine for both of them. He could imagine how nervous Bill was, and he wanted to relax him. They ate slowly, enjoying every morsel of food for the same reasons Red and Ricky had eaten so slowly not that long ago.

When they got back to the apartment, Joey took Bill’s hand and led him into the bedroom. Bill pulled back.

“Joey, I have another confession.”


“Don’t laugh.”

“I promise.”

“I have no idea what two guys do together.” Joey could not believe that this farm boy, or any farm boy, could be that naïve.

“I’ve got an idea,” Joey said. “Get undressed and hop into bed with me.” Joey propped up the pillows so that the two of them were almost sitting upright, staring at a television set facing the bed. Joey pushed some buttons on a controller, which activated the TV and a DVD player. There was a male porn disc in the player and Joey started it. After only a few minutes into the film, Joey could see that Bill was as fully erect as was he. This was a good sign that Bill was more than interested in, and aroused by, male sex.

Until this point in the film, two young men had been kissing and fondling each other on a couch. Now one of them was going down on the other. Bill was stroking his hard cock. Joey figured it was time to make a move. He leaned over, pushed Bill’s hand away, and started to stroke up and down Bill’s shaft with his tongue. He wasn’t even certain that he could open wide enough to get Bill’s monster into his mouth, but he was damned sure he would try. He was determined to let Bill fuck him also.

As Joey stroked, Bill started to purr and moan alternately. Joey was playing with Bill’s balls and he felt them begin to constrict. The sex starved law student was about to blow a load, and Joey didn’t know if it wasn’t too late to stop it. Being uncertain, he did what he thought was right. He opened as wide as he could, got about half of Bill’s cock in his mouth, continued stroking, and received the full force of Mt. Vesuvius rushing down his throat. Joey held Bill’s cock in his mouth as long as possible, but his jaw began to ache.

Bill’s body was limp. I guess I am gay,” he stated.

“Not so fast, buddy. Anybody, of any sex, can do for you what I just did. Can you suck my cock? Would you allow me to fuck you also? That’s the real test.

“Shit, I can’t wait.”

“Wow! You must be gay then.”

“I want to feel what a cock tastes like,” Bill said as he pounced down on Joey. Joey could not believe how good Bill was at cock sucking. His tongue and lips did most of the work, and his teeth never came into play. Joey felt himself getting close, and he reluctantly stopped Bill from proceeding.

“What?” Bill asked.

“I want to fuck you, but I just realized that I have no condoms.”

“But we don’t need them. I’m a virgin, and you told me that you haven’t been with anyone but Ricky…until now.”

“That’s true, but I don’t want you to get used to going commando. After tonight, I have no doubt you will have other men, and no matter what is going on, protect yourself. Guys lie. How do you know I didn’t lie to you about not ever being with other guys?”

“I know you didn’t lie, but I get your point.”

“Tomorrow morning we’ll buy some rubbers, and we’ll continue your education, but for now do you think you could continue what you were doing and finish me off?”

Bill eagerly went down on Joey again.

Joey whispered, “There’s no requirement to do so, you can spit it out if you want, but it would be so nice if I came in your mouth, and you swallowed.”

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

On 8/5/2024 at 3:55 AM, Gary L said:

And what a treat!! 
Heat Wave Summer GIF by Mario + Rabbids

Speaking ONLY about this image, does it fall into "Sick Puppy" category? 😉

Edited by Anton_Cloche
  • Haha 5
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On 8/5/2024 at 8:53 AM, chris191070 said:

comedy central GIF by Corporate

And the solution is? Or are there too MANy variables? 😉

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2 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Speaking ONLY about this image, does it fall into "Sick Puppy" category? 😉

Well the tongue could be put to use in gay sex 101

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2 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

And the solution is? Or are there too MANy variables? 😉

Depends how good a pupil Bill is.

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