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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Another Ordinary Guy - 11. Chapter 11

Bill’s education not only continued the next day, but it exploded in the days that followed. Joey introduced him to anal sex the next day. They had breakfast out, and Joey bought condoms on the way back home. They spent the morning in bed, and the afternoon studying law together. Before they went to the theater to see ‘Another Kind of Love,’ they showered and dressed, but they did not have dinner. After the show, they went back stage, and Joey introduced Bill to Red. When they left the theater, Larry was just arriving at the stage door, and the four of them went out for a late dinner. Then they went back to Larry’s apartment for a couple of night caps.

When Bill went into the bathroom for a few minutes, Joey whispered something in Larry’s ear, and then he left before Bill got out of the bathroom. Bill didn’t notice immediately that Joey had left. He sat down on the couch and resumed sipping his drink.

“Don’t you find it hot in here?” Larry asked, and he started to take off his shirt.

“You’re so right,” Red agreed, and he started to strip also.

Finally Bill realized that Joey was gone, and he started to panic. “What’s goin’ on? What are y’all doin’?”

“We are doing something that is going to make you very, very happy. Joey has asked us to continue your education in the art of gay sex, because he knows we are both experts.”

“How would he know that?”

“Because Ricky has been with us both, and he extolled our virtues to Joey.”

Bill thought: The famous Ricky Albert slept with these two guys. If I do it also, it wouldn’t be a lie if I boasted that I slept with two guys who slept with Ricky Albert, and one of them is a Broadway star, no less.

“What did y’all have in mind?” Bill asked timidly.

A threesome, of course,” Larry answered, “and you don’t have to do a thing. Red and I will do all the work, and we are going to make you the happiest cracker in the United States.”

Red went over and started to remove Bill’s shirt. Bill’s cock had begun its rise and so he helped Red along. When all three were naked, Bill gawked. In his whole life he had only seen one other cut cock. It was in the dorm shower. He had gotten a brief look, and concluded that his eyes had deceived him.

“What’s wrong with y’all’s cocks?” he asked ingenuously.

Larry got Bill’s meaning immediately, and answered, “We’re both circumcised. Haven’t you ever seen a cut cock before?”

“Not really, but I have read about it in the Old Testament. Are you two Jewish?”

Larry is, but I’m not.” Red answered.

“I didn’t know that non-Jews got circumcised.”

“You need more than a sex education, counselor, but don’t give it a second thought,” Red added. “When we’re hard, you won’t be able to tell the difference. You just concentrate on having fun. Tonight you are going to be Lucky Pierre.”

“My name’s Bill,” Bill corrected him. Larry and Red were enchanted by Bill’s naivety.

“We’ll explain later,” Larry said. “Now before we get started, let’s get you nice and clean underneath that delicious, nibbly foreskin.”

Back in his apartment, Joey was wondering if he had done the right thing. He rationalized that it was best for Bill. He didn’t want Bill to fall in love with him or become possessive, and then want to be solely with him. He concluded that it was the proper thing to do, and certainly harmless to Bill. Larry and Red made it quite clear to everyone that they never cheated on each other behind their backs, but that they welcomed third parties into their bed when the occasion presented itself. They were open and honest about it, so Joey had asked if they would mind taking Bill to bed with them. Hell no!! They didn’t mind at all.

Early the next morning, Bill rang Joey’s bell. Joey buzzed him in. Bill needed a shave and a shower.

“I hope you don’t mind, but all my stuff is here.”“I don’t mind at all,” Joey said, but it’s too fucking early. Why don’t you park your ass in my bed?” Bill smiled, stripped quickly and hunkered up to Joey. They both dozed off.

In his sleep Joey felt Bill sucking his cock. Randy, he thought, and snapped to attention. He relaxed when he saw that it was indeed Bill doing the honors.

“I take it you like the kind of sex you were introduced to.”

“Yup,” Bill answered between slurps. “I have finally and definitely decided that I’m gay, and I don’t mind at all, not with friends like you.

Joey was coming close to the end, but he decided not to tell Bill. He wanted to see if his student would recognize that he was cumming. He must have, because as Joey’s climax was reaching a crescendo, Bill sucked harder. He swallowed what he could, and licked up the rest.

“What a wonderful way to start the day,” Joey mumbled. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you. If it wasn’t for you, I would never have known the real me. When Ricky gets home, do you think sometime we could…?” His voice trailed off.

“We’ll see, we’ll see. But I don’t want you to be shy. I want you to go out there. Meet other gay men, and don’t be afraid to let them know that you are ready for sex. Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. You’re not going to have any trouble. I think life is just beginning for you. Now let’s shower, get dressed and go have brunch. There isn’t a restaurant in New York that doesn’t serve a superb Sunday brunch.”

Joey had a thought. It was OK now for Bill to meet his other gay friends. He called Sven and Brett, and caught them just coming out of the shower. They agreed to meet him and Bill for brunch.

“Did you fuck him?” Brett asked bluntly.

“More than that. I took his virginity.”

“You devil, you.”


Ricky and his crew were in a bus, headed for San Diego. From there they would travel to Mexico and Central and South America. Ricky stared out the window as the bus made its way down the Pacific Coast Highway. Damn, he thought, I sure wish I was in New York for a good old Sunday brunch.


Joey was a little bit apprehensive about Sven and Brett meeting someone he had slept with other than Ricky, but they had said they would understand if he ever did. The four young men were more than compatible. They had a ball. Before they broke up, Brett said, “You know that Sven and I work part time as interns at Franklin and Bower. There’s a guy who works there, Bill, who I think you would love to meet. He’s from Georgia somewhere, and he talks just like you.”

The fall semester ended a week before Christmas and the spring semester resumed one week after New Year’s Day. Joey planned on joining Ricky’s tour in Rio during the break. Bill had no desire to go home to the farm for the holidays, and he was not happy about Joey leaving. He contacted Brett and Sven to find out what their plans were for the holidays. Their fathers were planning a ski trip to Aspen, but they had not made any plans for themselves as yet. Bill asked if he could see them during the holidays.

“Better than that, please stay with us. We’ll have the room, with our fathers away, and it’ll give us a chance to introduce you to Teddy. The four of us will have a ball. Bill was delighted, and he accepted immediately.

On the Saturday morning that Joey was to fly to Rio, Larry planned on driving him to the airport. Red had a matinee and stayed behind, so Bill came along for the ride. They were halfway to JFK when Joey’s phone rang. He was tempted not to answer, but when he glanced at the caller ID, he saw that it was Papa.

“Hi, Papa. It’s nice to hear from you. Is everybody OK?”

“Yes, yes, Sonny, everybody is wonderful, but I have some sad news. Well, I think maybe for you it might not be so sad. Randy’s father called me about a half hour ago. There’s gong to be a funeral. Randy is dead.”

Joey was stunned. When he found his voice, he asked, “What happened, Papa?”

“It seems that Randy was gang raped in prison. Whoever did it dumped him behind a heavy piece of machinery in the machine shop. By the time he was found, he was dead. Apparently he bled to death. The warden questioned his cell mate, who told him that Randy was always coming on to him and almost everyone else in the prison, except the black guys. The men didn’t like it, and told him to buzz off, but he wouldn’t. His cell mate thinks that whoever the men were who did it; they were just trying to teach him a lesson, and had no intention of killing him.”

“I guess he learned his lesson the hard way, Papa. I’ll tell Ricky when I see him later.”

“Yes, Sonny, give him kisses from the family and tell him we love him.”

“Yes I will, Papa.”

“And Joey, we love you too. Thank you for making Ricky so happy.” Joey got choked up and couldn’t speak, so he just hung up.

“What was that about?” Larry asked. Joey told him what happened to Randy and then he had to tell Bill all about Randy, and the near disastrous marriage. That consumed a lot of time, and they found themselves pulling into the terminal as his narration ended. Joey checked his bag at curbside.

“Give Ricky a kiss for me,” Larry said before driving off. Bill was strangely quiet. He was ready to admit to himself that he was jealous.

I’ve got a lot of kisses, besides my own, to give that guy of mine, Joey thought.

“You look sad,” Larry said to Bill. “Do you wanna hang out with Red and me after the show this evening?”

“I’ll have to take a rain check, Larry. I’ve got a blind date tonight, courtesy of Brett and Sven.”

“That’s great. Go for it, Tiger.”


When Joey arrived in Rio, Ricky was performing on stage. He sent a limo driver to pick him up and take him to his hotel. The front desk was instructed to give Joey a key. When he entered the room, he immediately undressed and got into the shower. He was determined to be as sexy as possible when Ricky came in. It was summer in Rio and the air conditioning was barely adequate, so he was happy to stay naked anyway. He got into bed, and lay down on top of the covers. He fell asleep.

He was awakened to warm kisses and a warm body lying in bed with him.

“Oh Joey, you don’t know how I’ve missed you.”

“If you missed me as much as I missed you, then I do know how much.”

The elevation in Rio was much higher than New York which was at sea level. Joey’s mouth felt parched.

“I need to drink something,” he said. “Is the water safe?”

“I have some bottled water in the fridge.” Ricky went to the fridge and when his back was turned to Joey, Joey blurted out, “Ricky, I had sex with Bill Wharton.”

“Is he the good looking classmate from Florida that you’re always talking about?”

“The very same. Ricky, you know it was just physical relief. You’re the only one I love.”

“I know that honey. I’ve had some physical relief too, with two of my dancers. They’re a couple, and it was always a threesome. They’re interested in a foursome, if you are, but I told them not tonight. Do you believe me when I say that you are my one and only, and I still want to get married when the tour is over?”

Those were the last words they spoke that night. Their lips did not separate until the dawn came. The sun was high in the sky when they finally allowed themselves to reach the apex of their desires and they ejaculated in each other’s mouths. At last they fell asleep.

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

2 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Wow for the last two chapters @chris191070.

By rejecting black inmates, Randy set himself up be targeted, it was only a matter of when and how many showed him the 'train'. 

          Live For GIF by The Weeknd

But hiding his body behind machinery guaranteed he could not get medical help. Prison is unforgiving.

This chapter starts off hot and heavy. And after Bill's "Introduction to Gay Sex 101", he and Joey still found time to get into their "legal briefs". 🤔 😉 With evidence mounting. 

What evidence 🤔 

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4 hours ago, Paladin said:

Bill is certainly getting more sex now than ever before and wants to have sex with Ricky. I'm not comfortable with the "open relationship" arrangement but accept it's OK if it remains as just sex and doesn't lead to complicating emotional attachments. Fingers crossed 🤞

Can't really feel sorry for Randy. After all he was in prison for killing children while drunk driving. As well as that he was incredibly self serving and didn't show any regard for others.

I don't think anyone could feel sorry for Randy.

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