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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,066 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 5. Chapter 5

Hello everyone. It's been a busy 8 days thanks to nature being cranky. I personally prefer to shovel the white stuff then have to deal with the issues wind and water causes. But I digress, back to business. Chapter 5 is now live!
If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

“Hey Marc, what’s the word?” asked Tom, involved working on something off screen.

“What are you doing Friday?” I asked. Trying to hide the smile forming on my face.

“Nothing. What did you have in mind?”

“A 12 hour rental of one of the mining shuttles.” I said as my grin slipped onto my face. Tom’s head perked up from whatever he was doing.

“Really? You found the funds?”

I gave him a waggle of my hand. “Sort of kinda. I am helping my family train a few pilots and I am getting paid for it. That gets me onto a mining shuttle for twelve hours. A solid 8 hours of mining and there should be enough funds to do it for a full 48 hours after that. Plus, I have two more weeks of pay coming.”

“Nice. We could pop over to the section 3 for a fast run, maybe get a full 9 or 10 hours in, if we are fast.” Tom said, thinking about it as he spoke.

“I’m happy with 8 hours. Anything else is icing on the cake.” I decided.

“Works for me. Are you going to be in classes tomorrow?”

“No. Wednesday. And you’re coming tonight, right?” I asked hopefully.

“I am. So is Rachel, Hugo, Val, Byran and a few others.” He spoke.

“You’re sure Byran is coming.” I asked hopefully. Tom gave me the look.

“Yes…” He tilted his head as he studied my face. “Something going on I should know about.”

“Possibly. I don’t know for sure myself yet. I am hoping there will be something going on tonight.”

“OK. Well, good luck then. He’s a nice guy.”

We disconnected, and I sat down to work out a mining plan. Several mining plans for different time lengths. Pulling up the corporation's latest information on the belts close enough to use, including the posted warnings. I swiftly checked those first, to find that we are having pirate activity again in two areas of the sector and an event in another that is causing rogues. A rogue in the asteroid belts results from a collision of some sort. Chunks end up flying in all directions, creating an unknown hazard until gravity catches them. Causing them to settle down into orbit with the rest of the asteroid belts. Takes years, sometimes decades. Unfortunately, I only had time to work out one idea before I needed to change.

As I entered Felicity Fabrique with three wrapped packages, my parents turned towards our area of the establishment. This is always my favorite place to hold a party. Besides having separate rooms for parties like ours, they also offer differently themed rooms for the regular patrons. With my family, there will be almost 300 people here tonight. Basically, it’s a combination party for myself and three of my cousins. All younger than me. Meaning that I get to choose the first dance and one other. My cousins only get to choose one each. The music was playing. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres are already available. I smiled at all the giant balloons, exclaiming Happy Birthingday with our individual names on them. With festive lighting and streamers hanging down from the overhead, my feet were all ready to dance with the rest of the crowd while watching several younger kids playing on the dance floor.

“Happy Birthingday, Marc. What’s the first dance going to be?” asked Celina, the ten stanyears old girl that just jumped into my arms. We hugged as I spun her around before shifting her to a comfortable carrying position as I drifted around in a circle to allow the both of us to view everyone else in the room.

I kissed the top of her head. “Happy Birthingday to you Celina. I haven’t decided yet. What do you think I should choose?” Her eyes went wide as I held her, raising my arm with the packages. Then I could see the idea pop into her head, and she whispered into my ear. I gave her a smile with a slight tilt of my head in consideration as I thought about it.

“Excellent suggestion Celina. I will think about it as I have time yet. In the meantime, pick yours out of these.” I said as I shifted my arm with the packages.

Placing her down, I made my rounds, greeting the other guest. Celina is at my side. Soon to be joined by our other cousins, Allena, at 11 stanyears old and Kendal, at 12 stanyears old. After 30 minutes, we had talked to most of the people we needed to, and I turned to make my way to my table after telling my cousins to have fun with their friends as I handed them their gifts. Kendall didn’t seem to want to end our hug. Finally, going on his way as I turned to search for Byran. Who was already with my group of friends? Tom and Rachel were making sure he was part of the group. I was approaching the laughter as Hugo had just finished speaking. Jumping up to hug me first. Which was funny, as his blond head didn’t even reach my shoulders. It looked like I was the parent comforting a child. The gang always thought he was my younger brother. His parents keep promising him he is going to grow more. He was just a late bloomer.

“Hey. Happy Birthingday.” Hugo said as he squeezed me tight.

“Thanks H. Sorry I didn’t make it to the pool. Dad had me take him to Aris on the way back.” I said as I kissed the top of his head, which made him giggle before he stretched up and kissed my cheek. Hugo and I have a special relationship. We kiss each other occasionally and have sucked each other off. We love each other, but it’s not in a sexual or romantic way. I know if it came down to it, he’d have my back, just as I have his. Even though we are the same age, he calls me his big brother by another mother. Which always makes us laugh.

Festive occasion that this was, Rachel practically blasted my eardrums, yelling Happy Birthingday to me as she wrapped me in a tight hug when I separated from Hugo. Many hands smacked my back and pumped my hand. And then there was Byran. His smile lit his face as he wished me a Happy Birthingday. I thanked him and asked if he would dance with me later. His cheeks colored as he dipped his head.

“Yes Marc. I will dance with you later.” He said softly before we were separated, and my cousin Priscilla dragged me to my table. Which caused him to laugh at my distress. Thankfully. I thought as I sighed internally. No reason to be mad at her. I am sure my mom sent her to reel me in. Mom even had a plate with my favorite appetizers at my seat when I arrived.

Janek Wojact

Commander Alexander and her guest sat at a twelve-person table with us just two tables away from the main table Marc sat at. I watched as the younger girl jumped into his waiting arm and he lifted her. Spinning around until he placed her down. Leading the group of three other children around to greet everyone. Uroda elbowed me as he moved in our direction. The table’s occupants stood as he approached. As the Birthingdays greetings passed and Marc moved to the next table, Shana Uroda spoke.

“Rory thinks we are the only people at this table that aren’t related to Sa Alexander.”

“Thorp is correct. If I heard the young girl, Celina, correctly. Everyone here is a cousin.” I replied to Uroda, and she nodded.

“You should ask him to dance later and talk to him on the dance floor.” She said. As Rory leaned around to add. “You should have asked him to dance when you were shaking hands. I’m sure he would have said yes. Even if just to be polite in front of his family.” Uroda frowned and elbowed him.

“What Uroda? Do you think Sa Marc hasn’t noticed Wojact blushes every time he smiles at him?” I sighed as I had blushed when he smiled. He would likely dance with me just to save face and then I would not have seen him the rest of the night. We also can’t leave until the Commander does or it would seem rude. One of the cousins explained the seating to us. Each of the celebrants have their table with their parents, brothers, sisters, and maybe grandparents. Then the farther away from the table, the less likely you are related. In Marc’s case. The two round tables to each side and the three round tables behind are all family. The third table off the sides is close friends and so on until the next child’s guests begin. The bulk here tonight are Marc’s family and friends, which is why they have the other three join the party. Makes them feel better having a large party and Marc escorting them around.

Marc Alexander

The chilled shrimp with its spicy sauce and squid dipped in a seasoned batter and fried in a special oil blend made my mouth water before I even tasted them. Courtesy of the staff that is assigned to each of the Birthingday Children. To make sure they have what they want from the kitchen. Everyone else must use the banquet line. For just this evening. I am the King of my domain, and my cousins are the prince and princesses. Smiling widely as I surveyed my celebrating kingdom. For about 3 more hours, anyway. I thought to myself.

“Marc, it’s nearly time.” Said Mom. “Did you choose your two dances?”

“Not really. My two will be slow dances. Celina has an idea I am contemplating. I think I will handle this differently this year, though.” I said as I stood.

Motioning for my wait staff. Mom’s eyebrows rose at my decision to take control of the party as she turned to my dad and whispered something. Soon they were both looking towards me. The staffer nodded at my request and disappeared for a minute to return to me with an earbud. I placed it in my ear and tapped it twice, then thrice before I felt it activate. Reaching out, I grabbed a knife and tapped my glass once that sent the pitched tone throughout the room’s sound system via my earbud. Everyone quieted down as they turned to look at me.

“My apologies everyone. False alarm. I just needed to get my cousin’s attention.” I spoke. Rounding the table, and stepped down onto the dance floor. Looking at my cousins individually as I called them, “Celina, Allena and Kendell. Please join me for a moment.” Tapping off the earbud as I watched to see they were coming before I turned again and held my hand out to Byran. Motioning for him to come down as the tables were set on multiple levels. The first one step higher than the dance floor. Each level one step above the last, creating the bowl effect, allowing everyone to see the dance floor for events. Byran’s face colored again as he realized I wanted him to join us. My cousins had arrived, as my parents were straining to see who I had called out from the audience. I spoke in hushed tones to the three of them as I lowered down on one knee and had Celina sit on my bent knee.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Byran approaching us gradually. My head turned and smiled at him as I motioned him to come closer as my eyes ran up and down his body. He was wearing a formfitting suit that accented his body. He smiled as I spoke.

“I didn’t have time to ask you before. Do you like slow dancing, or would you prefer a fast dance?” I asked curiously, as I didn’t truly know.

“Whatever you want Marc.” He mumbled. To which I shook my head no.

“No. I am asking you because I get two songs. So, fast or slow?” I asked again as my cousins waited.

Byran looked at me. Trying to read my expression. To figure out what I wanted? “Slow.” He said.

“And so shall it be. Thank you Byran.” I said, as I gave him a dip of my head before returning to my cousins. Reaching out a hand and took his so he wouldn’t leave until I was done. I felt him tense but ignored it as I worked out the songs and order with my cousins. I had to release his hand to tap out the information on my Link. A few more minutes and my cousins hugged me before they returned to their seats.

“I apologize if I made you feel embarrassed, but I wanted to ask you and couldn’t do it earlier because someone pulled me away.”

Byran smiled, “I am fine. I will see you on the dance floor, Marc.” He said as he returned to his seat, and I returned to mine. The sounds of hundreds of conversations picked up again as I stepped off the dance floor.

Mom gave me the look. Her eyes focusing on Byran at the table, three down, from ours and back to me.

“Anything we should know about?”

“Interestingly enough. You’re the second person to ask me that about Byran, today. My answer is still the same. I don’t know yet. Maybe tonight I will.” I said as I accepted my plate of food from the staff member, thanking them. Mom smiled as she went back to talking with other family members. I carefully made the first cut into the sirloin from the Armbrewster beef. Mouthwatering, I thought, bit by bit savoring every bite.

I tapped on my earbud and watched the time. Almost time again as people were finishing their meals. I stood and looked at each cousin in turn and nodded. They, in turn, told their respective parents it was almost time. Several eyes turned my way as I remained standing. Taking one last look around the room before turning to the Master of Ceremonies and nodding. Circling the table to work my way to the center of the dance floor.

“Family, friends and invited guests. Today we celebrate the Birthingday of several cousins at once. Marc, Kendall, Allena and Celina. At this time, would you all join in singing Happy Birthingday?” He asked as the lights dimmed while the music started, and staff brought out the large cake with 47 candles blazing. Precisely the number of candles to represent our combined number of stanyears of life. My cousins ran to join me on the dance floor near the cake. Where I pulled them into a four-way hug slash huddle.

“Remember. Make your wish and then, together, we blow out the candles.” I said as they all hugged me tight.

Timing my words to the last of the singing “One, two, three. Blow” I called out and then we all blew across the candles. I held back to make sure I took care of the ones they missed. All to the applause of the assembled guests.

Tapping my earbud back to life as I pulled my cousins in close. “Our dear family, friends and invited guests.” I started as I slowly turned my cousins in a full circle to view all our guests as my voice sounded throughout the room. “We thank you for that group rendition of Happy Birthingday.” I paused as my cousins said thank you. Which was picked up and projected to the sound system by my earbud. “After we finish our dessert, my cousins and I would like to extend an invitation to join us on the dance floor. We have already determined the five songs and their order. Starting with an Alexander family favorite in both the first and third positions. The first being the extended version to allow the teaching of those who wish to learn. The fifth song will also be a slow dance. As is fitting for our last dance pick. The second and fourth will be fast dance songs. One of which is from old Mars.” Allena smiled at me as that was her pick. “Now. I will let you finish your dessert, as will my cousins, before we start the Birthingday dances.” I tapped off the earbud when I finished speaking and grabbed my cousins for one more hug before the staff handed us our cake and we returned to our seats.

I looked around while taking my position on the dance floor with a loud clap of my hands and smiled as Kendall led my two other cousins towards me. Eager to dance, as I had let him also choose one of my favorite dances. Rachel was leading our group of friends out to the dance floor as more family members joined us. Looking around the room and pointing, I motioned for the Middies to join us as well. Wojact looked like he was enjoying himself. I thought I even saw a few glances my way and when I smiled at him, he blushed. His cheeks colored just the perfect amount to look absolutely cute. The spell broken as Celina ran up to me. I loved the classics and the first dance, from old Greece on Earth, was fun and engaging. To novices and experienced alike.

“You promise it’s easy to learn?” asked Celina. Looking up with hopeful eyes.

“I do.” I said as Kendall added, “It’s fun, Cely.”

We lined up, and I stepped forward and turned to face Celina, making the slow movements of the dance as the music started. My grandparents from the Alexander side moved alongside me with a few more people as we showed the easy steps to Celina and others, with Kendall and Allena on opposite sides helping her. By the time we finished, she was dancing like a professional and clapping to the beat with the rest of us. At the end I bowed formally to Celina before she hug tackled me.

“Thanks Marc. That was fun.”

“You’re welcome kiddo. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to dance with someone.”

“Is he your boyfriend?”

“Don’t know yet, kiddo.”

Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

So Marc has asked Bryan to dance with him at the joint birtingday party. Bryan selected a slow dance which will be last. He wonders if Bryan is willing to be his boyfriend.

Marc noticed Wojact looking at him and blushing. He thought Wojac acted totally cutely. Is he going to ask Wojact for a dance as a friendly offer? He has time before he dances with Bryan. Will Marc discover he finds Wojact very interesting?

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Well, Janek has some competition, but is it really a competition or just figuring out who really belongs together.

Sounds like a great party and a great family tradition.  

Glad to see that Marc and friends will be able to do some mining for themselves.  We already had one run in with pirates, we don't need another this soon.  LOL.  

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10 hours ago, akascrubber said:

So Marc has asked Bryan to dance with him at the joint birtingday party. Bryan selected a slow dance which will be last. He wonders if Bryan is willing to be his boyfriend.

Marc noticed Wojact looking at him and blushing. He thought Wojac acted totally cutely. Is he going to ask Wojact for a dance as a friendly offer? He has time before he dances with Bryan. Will Marc discover he finds Wojact very interesting?

Thanks for the comment akascrubber!

Hmmm...teens and relationships.... I still remember how stupid I was back then. I wonder if these three will fare any better?

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2 hours ago, centexhairysub said:

Well, Janek has some competition, but is it really a competition or just figuring out who really belongs together.

Sounds like a great party and a great family tradition.  

Glad to see that Marc and friends will be able to do some mining for themselves.  We already had one run in with pirates, we don't need another this soon.  LOL.  

Thanks for the comment centexhairysub!

I always love a good party and still believe it isn't one until someone *gigglesnorts* their drink. If I remember correctly, I won first snort at last year's Labor Day picnic by simply asking my friend Jay, who was carrying an opened pack of hotdogs to the grill, if his boyfriend knew he was walking around with his wiener hanging out. I got three snorts for the price of one out of that. 😂 

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Teenagers suffering from DSB,(deadly semen backup) are the bane of civilizations everywhere....

I do wonder and remain a bit worried about the following...

Pulling up the corporation's latest information on the belts close enough to use, including the posted warnings. I swiftly checked those first, to find that we are having pirate activity again in two areas of the sector and an event in another that is causing rogues. A rogue in the asteroid belts results from a collision of some sort. Chunks end up flying in all directions,

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6 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Teenagers suffering from DSB,(deadly semen backup) are the bane of civilizations everywhere....

I do wonder and remain a bit worried about the following...

Pulling up the corporation's latest information on the belts close enough to use, including the posted warnings. I swiftly checked those first, to find that we are having pirate activity again in two areas of the sector and an event in another that is causing rogues. A rogue in the asteroid belts results from a collision of some sort. Chunks end up flying in all directions,

Thanks for the comment drsawzall! 

Think of it like looking at the morning weather and traffic report. Nothing you can do about it, so you shrug and plan accordingly. It's probably wrong anyway as somebody forgot to look out a viewport. 😇

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