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    P. E. Knapp
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  • 3,540 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature Content. There are definitely scenes that require the use of the Violence, Sensitive Content, and Sexual Content tags. Generally spread through each book, but it’s only a small part of the story, not the entire story. If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bothers you, please don't read this story.

It All Started With A Shuttle Flight - 7. Chapter 7

If depictions of MM or MF sex, abuse and bullying or graphic fight and injury scenes bother you, please don't read this story.

Mark Alexander

Low Point Station

Alexander Industrials Military Training Facility

It took me twenty minutes to change and head down to my next training. The Marines were teaching me how to use the Assault Shuttles so I get another couple of hours training in the simulators. Not the full scale simulator I was in the other day, but individual simulators that mimic the gun turrets and firing stations, as well as the other control stations. The Electronic Counter Measures suite interested me, as did the Electronic Warfare suite. More importantly, I am learning how the systems are used together, which someday will also be added onto my own ship. At least, that was the plan. To add military grade systems to my own Mining Vessel.

A young noncom met me at the main office where I was talking with Lieutenant Briggs. She introduced us and led the way through the training center. The light gray of the bulkheads with the dark-colored deck almost made me feel like I was in a tunnel of sorts. We passed several rooms that contained both single and multiple station training systems. Two were even mockups of an Assault Shuttle cockpit. One was in use as the new trainees learned the systems. I had already done that. And my performance in the life-sized trainer was admirable, considering my background and training prior to that. As the Lieutenant said, my seventy-nine point four scoring was very good, all things considered. Personally, I was unhappy with it as that is a very low score for me. Again, I guess that all stems from competing with the family legends of my great grandfather Joshua Alexander created as he built the corporation over 300 stanyears ago, as everyone is looking to me to be the next producer of the Alexander family legends.

“Try this, Sa Alexander.” Said the Sergeant shaking me out of my thoughts as I sat down at the ECM station. “With this equipment you could send out Electronic Hazing to spoof missiles and targeting systems of drones, fighters and to some extent larger ships….” He continued on as I worked my way through the system. Listening to every instruction and trying each individual setting against the A.I. training system. Asking questions and having him show me when I didn’t understand. The training session was extremely intense. As they always are. Heavy on theory and practical use as we worked through various uses of the system.


Mipshipman Janek Wojact

ANS Endeavor

My Link blipped me a message pending tone. I flipped my wrist and rolled my eyes at the sender before I excused myself from the Wardroom. Thankfully, I have to be back on duty in 15 minutes.

“Secret message?” Asked Shana Uroda. The closest friend I have here, or anywhere, for that matter.

“No, just my brother.” The expression on both her and Rory Thorp matched my own weary look as I walked out into the passageway and down to the junior officers berthing compartment. The holo came to life as I played the message. Jonasz Wojact’s image filled the view. Older, shorter and very much the extrovert to my introvert. Always having a plan. Always in some sort of trouble. Always trying to bully me to get what he wants.

Don’t think just because you don’t live here anymore that I don’t need your help. When are you going to stop training and get assigned some place that you could start sending items home? You need to get with the program and start helping me make credits. I stopped the recording, cutting his latest diatribe off. Sighing, my head dropped into my hands. No matter how far away I go. It’s never far enough. A fast massage of my temples and a few deep breaths before I stood. Back to duty. I thought as I left the compartment.

My crowning achievement in my life is my understanding of how to hide away from prying eyes. Which is what I do when I am on Watch, but not today as I standing on the Bridge as Junior Officer of the Watch. I’m running the ship under the watchful eye of one of the senior officers. Someday I hope I can command a ship of my own. Far away from my previous life on Vol-Stadt Station in the Zebarra Sector. The only thing I ever want to see from there again are my parents. I turned back to confirm our course with the Conning Officer as I double checked our location with the Navigation Officer, Midshipwoman Uroda. She was the reason I understand navigation now, as I always had trouble with the math’s involved.

I returned to my station and sat, looking out across the bow of the ship through the forward viewport as my thoughts drifted. Uroda’s first words as we left the party still rang in my head. You should have asked him to dance. Many ideas why he wouldn’t have danced with me, including the guy he called out onto the dance floor in front of everyone and then danced almost all the dances with. No. Marc Alexander wouldn’t have danced with me. He was roped into training us mere trainees.


Mark Alexander

Training Flight Thursday Morning

Shuttle Seven-Two-Eight Alpha


“The course is on your navigation screen. Return to the Station, Wojact.” I said as we completed our last run through the asteroids.

“Aye Sa. Returning to the Station.”

Minutes later, the soothing hum of the shuttle’s systems was disturbed as my tablet chimed while I was working on evaluations. Letting out a loud exhale before checking. Shaking my head, I entered the commands, glancing at the alternative course. Doing the math in my head. Sighing again, tired of being a shuttle service for these three and my arrival on station delayed by two hours or more, I thought to myself while reaching out and taking the controls before speaking.

“I have the Helm. Uroda swap with Wojact and take us to the Endeavor.

“Aye Sa. Rendezvous with Endeavor.”

Seventeen minutes later, we headed around one of the system’s planets to the 4th moon’s orbit. Looking out the forward viewport at the large cruiser. Occasionally, a flash could be seen from her starboard side as she fired kinetic projectiles down onto the surface. Kicking up a large plum of debris in the moon’s lower gravitation after the impact. ANS Endeavor was practicing their gunnery skills.

Uroda Comm’d the ship for landing clearance. I waited until we got closer and confirmed that she was following the proper procedure. Letting her continue across the threshold to the designated pad.

I didn’t even step onto the hanger deck when I heard my sister. “I thought it would be better to bring them here in case there were any stomach issues to be dealt with.”

“No. I think they learned their lesson.” I said as I hugged her. “Is lunch ready?”

“Yes. So is the training room for your post-flight debrief,” Caitlin said as we walked towards the passageway.

“When will Dad be done?”

While laughing, Caitlin mentioned the same time. “How is Byran doing?”

I smirked. “Good. I guess.”

“I assumed you two were dating after that display at the party.” I tilted my head, looking at her.

“Display? You mean when I had to call him out onto the dance floor to ask a question that I couldn’t ask earlier because Mom sent our cousin Priscilla to get me? That display?”

She raised her eyebrows at me. “Yes. That display.”

“Huh.” Shaking my head no. “Nope. Not dating. Maybe we will in the future, but I doubt it.” I replied ambiguously.

My peripheral vision caught Uroda elbowing Wojact. Who shook his head and blushed? Thoughts raced as I remembered the party. Midshipman Janek Wojact stood with a pleasant smile. His dark hair set on a strong face. Sharp jaw line and high cheekbones with dimples when he smiled, all the way to his green eyes. Although he was lacking some self-confidence and tried to hide in the background. Which, I figure, comes from living on the base he was on. It has a reputation for being rough, after all. His dress uniform fit his stocky body well and left me needing to imagine only certain parts of his anatomy. Once he relaxed after I greeted them, he was one of the better dancers on the dance floor. And every time I smiled at him, he blushed. Sadly, I didn’t ask him to dance, but then, nor had he asked me.

Shaking my head for the umpteenth time to clear the thoughts. Which has become a common occurrence when I am around Midshipman Janek Wojact. Recognizing the absence of gossip, Caitlin promptly changed the topic as we entered the Wardroom. The other officers nodded as I took my seat, waiting for Dad and the Captain to arrive.

“How was the Assault Shuttle training? Caitlin asked, which garnered the attention of the other officers.

“It was interesting.” I said with a shrug, “Sergeant Major Lei said I did better in the simulation than most newbies coming out of the Academy.” A few eyebrows raised around the table, but our conversation was cut short by my father's arrival.



Dad occupied one of the rear shuttle seats on a Link with the office, creating a muted atmosphere during the flight back to the station. We had a twenty-seven minute flight back, so I could understand it. I was going over my debrief in my head, working out my next training session. Dropping us down on the assigned slot in the shuttle hangar just as my father disconnected his Link, walking off after I shut the systems down.

“What’s the story with Byran.” Dad asked.

“Wow.” Disbelief colored my tone. Again. “No story Dad.” I was getting a little aggravated with everyone asking about Byran. If there was something going on, I would have told them.

“Well, he’s here. Looking at us.”

My head shot around. Certain I heard bones snap in my neck as my eyes searched the hangar and locked on Byran’s. He smiled and waved to us as he approached.

“Hi.” Byran said as he closed with us, then his eyes snapped to my Dad. “Hi Sa Alexander. I thought I would meet Marc when he landed.”

Frozen in place, my chin dropped, leaving my mouth open as he shook hands with my dad before he turned and hugged me.

“Hi Byran.” I stuttered. Dad smiled at us and continued walking away. “What are you doing here?” Taken aback by his forwardness.

“Thought I would invite you to my quarters for some private time. I figured you would want to use the fresher after being in your armor all morning.” Byran said seductively.

He shocked me, to say the least, as he released me from the hug with another brush of our lips. Next, I knew. Byran had my hand and was pulling me into the lifts. Minutes later, we were entering his family’s quarters and into his bedroom. Byran turned to take my armor off.

“What are you doing?”

Byran chuckled before he spoke, “I’m going to bathe you and then take you to bed.” My head. Tilted. Looking at him.

“You want to have sex?” I asked, shocked, and I was. This was out of character for him.

“Yeah. That’s what you want, right? To have sex with me?” Byran asked, confused. I thought about it as I popped the releases on my armor before he slipped it over my head. Placing a kiss against my lips which I returned.

“Only interested in friends with benefits, but definitely open to sex.” I said with a mix of confused desire.

Byran smiled as he stepped back. Pulling off his shipsuit as I pulled off my undersuit. Our underwear came next, before he grabbed all of it up and dropped it into the clothing fresher shoot.

“That should be clean before we get out of the fresher.” Stepping back, he examined me thoroughly, from head to toe and back. Settling in on me, standing at full hardness. He was just a little shorter as I looked him over with a hungry grin.

Stepping in and I took him in my arms, smashing my lips against his. He returned the kiss as he moved us to the head. Minutes later, he had us under the spraying warm water using a washcloth to wash my body. He spent enough time on my privates that I hardened before he rinsed me off and I felt the warmth of his mouth on me. Tongue licking, throat swallowing and choking sounds when he took me too deep. My body responded as I grabbed his head while shooting my load into his throat. He was smiling around my dick as he finished swallowing, as I leaned against the fresher bulkhead. He stood, wrapping me in a hug, placing his lips on mine. Allowing me to taste my own fluids from his mouth. My hands shifted down to his ass as I kneaded those muscular globes as he humped me with his dick. Sliding down the wall, took him into my mouth. He moaned as I worked his dick, with my hand massaging his balls. I knew when he rammed into my mouth that his orgasm was next. He pushed back off before I finished swallowing, pulling me up for a kiss. Byran’s mouth opened to mine, his tongue entered me. Kissing and holding me tight before a Link chimed. A different tone than I am used to. His eyes went wide.

“Come on. We need to get dressed. My parents are coming.” He said, as a sense of unease settled around us. I couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding information from me.

Byran pushed me under the spray, and we rinsed fast. Jumping out of the fresher to dry, before we raced into his room and dressed. Byran just needed a shipsuit, while I had to don my armor again, starting with my undersuit. He held my armor up as I ducked and pushed my arms as he lowered it over my head. Fingers brushed my hair as I pulled on my lower body armor. I had just closed the latches on the armor before we heard the front hatch open. I sighed softly as he smiled apologetically at me as he led me out of the room.

He introduced me to his parents before he escorted me to the hatch. Another apologetic smile as he said, Thanks for the help in Astro-navigation, before he opened the hatch for me and I left. Within minutes of stepping out of the fresher, I was out of their quarters and headed back to mine. Tablet in hand, wondering just what happened, feeling a mix of shock, disappointment and anger.

* * *

“Say that again?” Tom asked in disbelief.

“Byran met me at the shuttle hanger. Dragged me up to his quarters. Undressed me. Bathed me. We felt each other up and traded blow jobs in the fresher. His Link sounded a warning tone, and he rushed us out of the fresher. Dressed and smiled apologetically as he introduced me to his parents, thanked me for the help with a class, which we didn’t work on, much less even discussed, and showed me out the hatch.”

“That’s what I thought you said. Really?!”

“Yeah. I don’t even want to talk to him again. I don’t want to hide when I am with someone. I don't appreciate people lying about our connection. And shoving me out of the hatch without even saying goodbye. What’s his deal?”

“I don’t know. We can always check.”

“Honestly, I really don’t care. He’s done in my book.” I said with the finality of an Alexander. We are known for our long memories and tempers. Tom gave me a sharp nod in agreement before he changed the subject.

“Ready for Friday night?” Tom asked.

“Absolutely. I ordered a three-day food pack for the galley. Anything special you want to drink?”

“Standard drink package is good. Thanks for asking.”

“I take care of my crew. Besides. I want to eat well too.”

Tom laughed as we continued on with class schedules and how far we were ahead. Valerie came up in conversation, and she was finally talking to him. Which is good as I think they would be good together. Signing off after we decided to depart from the station at Eighteen-Hundred hours, earlier than planned.

* * *

I was working on my course work while watching over the mining shuttle’s systems as Tom slept. Tones sounded before I tapped off on the confirmation. I watched the numbers tick up as the disposable ore can filled. Another two percent, just to top it off, and I’ll shift to the next after I drop this one for pick up. Tapping out the commands, then hitting the deploy tab. I felt the shuttle lurch as the cannister broke away and the new one inflated in its place. Double checking that we had good separation and deployment of the new cannister, I tapped the controls to allow the Mining Laser to fire again. Tom rolled on the rack.

“All good?”

“Yeah. Just the drop and switch. Calling in the Hauler now.”

“OK. Jump in for an hour if you need to.”

“I should be OK. Thanks for the thought.” I said. Tom rolled back over. Rachel and Tom are members of a tiny group that knows about my sleeping issues and the need to be held. Both have supported me during sleep in the past.

While tapping out a physics report, I read a message from Caitlin. Shooting up in my seat as I opened a Link to the ANS Endeavor.

“Good evening Endeavor. This is Marc Alexander and I would like to speak with Commander Alexander please.

“Aye Sa. Please wait one.” The Holo shifted to the ANS Endeavor’s Crest with Stand By scrolling across the bottom for almost 10 seconds.

“Thanks for Comm’ng Marc.” Said Caitlin as her image popped up in the Holo.

“What’s going on with Wojact?”

Caitlin sighed and sat back. “He’s having some issues. We have him in a sickbay now. Doctor Nishimura has him sedated at the moment.”

“OK.” I said slowly, as I was confused. “What does that have to do with me?”

“Evidently, his depression stems from his infatuation for you and his insecurities about himself.” She said.

Sitting back as my hand ran back through my hair. “How old is Janek Wojact and what are my options?”

“Define options.” Caitlin asked.

“He’s cute. I could date him, but I only do friends with benefits. Is that an option? He has issues that the tests didn’t pick up, I assume.”

“He is sixteen stanyears old. Issues…” She paused in thought, “Yeah, it looks that way.”

“Where are you? Send me navigation for,” I paused as I looked at the time and our progress, “Your location at O-Six Hundred hours tomorrow morning, plus or minus thirty minutes.”

“You’re out mining?”


She turned and looked at another screen, and I heard the tapping over the Link. She obviously wasn’t liking what she was seeing as she huffed and made some changes before, she looked back at me. My navigation pinged and a fresh course showed on the secondary navigation screen that I leaned in to look at.

Endeavor is a little far out now. You might want to proceed back to the station and grab a shuttle with long range jump capacity if you are coming out.

I looked at it and it would push my range with this shuttle. Since we’ve been burning reactant to power the Mining Laser and Capture Streams, but with Shuttle Seven-Two-Eight Alpha, it would be no trouble. But it would also mean cutting my mining short. That will not make myself or Tom any credits and I’ll have to get him something out of this.

“OK. I’ll cut us short and grab Seven-Two-Eight Alpha for a flight out. He’s in an Autodoc pod?”

“The Doctor wanted to clean out the alcohol. Figured they would run a full workup on him. His background is from Vol-Stadt Station. Not the best childhood.” I listened as I used my personal codes to unlock his personnel jacket. My perusal was fast as I picked out the highlights. Zebarra Sector. That explains a few issues, I thought as I settled back in my seat. And do I actually want to get involved in this? My hand ran through my hair before I made my decision.

“Right then Sis. I’ll be over in the morning to talk to him. Can Tom hang out in engineering?”

“That’s fine. I’ll clear it with the Captain. See you in the morning. Thanks Marc.” I nodded as she disconnected.

I sat thinking for a few minutes before I lifted my Link and tapped out a request to my Aunt Gloria. If anyone could find the information I was looking for, it would be Aunt Gloria and Uncle Fran. The Campbell family oversees the corporation's intelligence interests and our research interests, respectively.

As always. Thank you for reading! Comments are always welcomed and appreciated. I also have a post over in the Forums under Editor looking for Beta Readers and Editors.
Copyright © 2024 P. E. Knapp; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Bryan's strange behavior and rudeness makes him history to Marc. But, now he learns Janek is being treated for problems in part because of an infatution with him.

In the end Marc cuts his mining effort short to travel to Janek . He is concerned. Does Marc really want to be involved with Jakek's issues? He really only wants a friend with benefits. He is going to investigate him more to learn more about Janek.

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Troubles ahead and troubles behind...

Don’t think just because you don’t live here anymore that I don’t need your help. When are you going to stop training and get assigned some place that you could start sending items home? You need to get with the program and start helping me make credits. I stopped the recording, cutting his latest diatribe off. Sighing, my head dropped into my hands. No matter how far away I go. It’s never far enough.

Bryan is a putz, a world class a-hole...what would he have done if the parents returned earlier...

Let's see what happens with Janek...and will Janek be honest about his past and his older brother???

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Perhaps Marc cares more about Janek more than he thinks he does.  Let's hope Gloria and Fran can find out the info Marc -- and others -- need to know.

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