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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Love Of Family (2024 Revision) - 11. Family Weekend pt. 1

Jaycen and Troy started stirring from their peaceful slumber to the crowing roosters in the distance.

"Nature's alarm clock with no snooze button. Ya gotta love 'em," Jaycen muttered as he grunted and stretched. He smiled when his husband's lips wrapped around his early morning stiff manhood, then squirmed and softly giggled as fingertips lightly tickled his balls and crotch to hasten the release of the liquid stored in his bladder.

Troy's mouth filled with his mate's warm piss, and he greedily swallowed every bit until the well ran dry. He laid back, closed his eyes, and got lost in complete ecstasy when Jaycen returned the loving gesture and drank from his spout until there was nothing left.

"Love ya, babe," they said with matching smiles before sharing a love-filled kiss.

When his brunette-haired man started to get up, he wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller waist and pulled his mate back down. "No, I need my Troy-Pup blankie," Jaycen playfully whined.

Troy giggled as he struggled for freedom and said, "C'mon, ya big baby, you know we've got responsibilities. Also, don't forget, it's Reenie's eighth anniversary as pastor tomorrow, and there'll be hell to pay if we don't show up."

"Nope, not gonna let you leave me."

Troy tickled Jaycen's stomach, causing his loving captor's laughter. After escaping, he quickly grabbed one end of the blanket, pulled it over the protesting redhead, turned his husband into a squirming fruit roll-up, and straddled the animated legs.

"Oh, you're sooo gonna get tied down and tickled for this, Baby Boy."

Jaycen’s emerald eyes brightly sparkled before they squeezed shut as boisterous, screeching laughter poured from him the second he felt ten fingernails lightly scribbling on the entire surface of his soft, bare soles. His head bobbed and bounced up and down, his toes scrunched, and his feet arched, creating wrinkles for his tickler to explore. Troy loved hearing his lover's wild cackling. He leaned forward, nibbling on the tip of every toe, causing his man to buck like a bronco at a rodeo and silently laugh. After another minute, the tickling ceased, and the husbands held each other. They shared a long, passionate kiss before gathering their things, getting dressed, and jumping into the Eagle to drive back to the house for breakfast.

"I'll call Lev and see if he's gonna be up for church tomorrow," Troy said after he and Jaycen cleared the plates from the table, placed them in the dishwasher, and turned it on.

"I’ll be outside checking on everyone, and getting everything ready for the riding lessons."

Jaycen was almost to the staircase when he jumped and yelped because his grinning husband pinched his right asscheek. He turned, playfully growled at Troy, grabbed his mate around his waist, and hoisted the squirming man over his shoulder.

"Hey, I only smacked ya to get yer attention, ya big lug," Troy said between his boyish giggles. He squealed as his legs kicked, and his toned body rocked back and forth while Jaycen exploited his secret ticklish spot.

"Ya coulda called me," Jaycen said. He chuckled and set his giggly mate back on his sock-clad soles.

"Now, where's the fun in that?"

Troy pulled the taller redhead against him, then gently nibbled, licked, and sucked the pinkish-stiff nipples. While his mouth was busy with his mate's upper body, his hands slipped between the waistbands of the jeans and underwear. He lovingly caressed and cupped the firm, taut bare asscheeks as his middle finger slid up and down the hot, sweaty crevice and massaged the rim of the hole.

Jaycen's eyes widened. He created a strange sound between a squeal and a gasp while his lower body wriggled and squirmed as his manhood stiffened. A wet spot formed in the middle of his blue jeans where his cockhead was outlined. "Troy," he breathily moaned.

"Don't forget to brush your teeth, Jayce-Bear," Troy whispered. He released his turned-on husband and giggled as he ran to the kitchen.

"You're sooo dead, Troy-Pup," Jaycen playfully threatened as he shook his head and went upstairs.


"Wonder how Mom and Lev are doing," Greg asked.

Brandon grinned as he crept up behind his dark-haired brother, and when he stretched, he tickled the exposed hairy pit hollows.

"No fair, Bran," Greg whined before dissolving into hysterical boyish laughter as his arms flew down to protect his sides, and his upper body squirmed and lurched forward.

"Of course it is, Greg," Brandon teased.

Tom grinned at the boys' playfulness and said, "I'm sure they're fine, Greg."

"Yeah, Bro, don't worry."

Greg grunted when his giggly brother landed on his lap. He smiled as he received a double-sided hug from Tom and Brandon. When Levie's phone rang, he picked it up, saw it was Troy, and answered.

"Hey, Troypop, it's Greg. You're on speaker."

"Morning, Troy," Tom and Brandon said.

"Mornin' guys, how are things there this morning?"

"Levie gave Bran and me a ticklish wake-up just before dawn so that he could teach us to cook an almost traditional country breakfast."

"Let me guess, he said because everything came from a store, that it wasn't actually traditional."

"Yep," Greg answered as he, Tom, and Brandon chuckled.

"He picked that up from his Mama and Mam-Maw," Troy said while giggling. "How's his wound?"

"It looked fine this morning when I helped him change the dressing," Brandon said.

"Thank Goddess. Neither Jayce nor I would know what to do without our baby boy."

"How are you feeling, Troy," Tom asked.

"Much better, thanks Tom. Is Lev around?"

"Not at the moment, he's taking a walk around the pond with Mama," Brandon said.

"I called to remind him that tomorrow's Reenie's eighth anniversary at the church and to see if he thinks he'll feel up to singing with Mama and Jayce as planned. Oh, you're more than welcome to attend. Reenie's always up for seeing more faces in the pews."

"Levie can sing," Greg and Brandon asked in unison.

Tom and Troy giggled at the brothers' response.

"What can't my new brother do?"

"Well, Bran, Lev can't dance, and he can't block his ticklishness."

"That's for sure," Greg said while laughing.

"I'll mention the anniversary to Linda when she and Lev return," Tom said. "I'm sure even if Levie doesn't feel up to attending, Linda and I would love to go. I've heard great things about her energetic preaching style."

"We'll go too, as long as my Prince can."

Troy chuckled and said, "That's a cute name for my boy, Greg."

Brandon snapped his fingers and asked, "Troypop, do you think you and Jaycepop might want to come over this evening for dinner so we can spend some more time together?"

"That sounds awesome, Bran. I'll talk to Jayce, and unless one of us calls to cancel, you can plan on us being there around four-thirty or five."

"I'll let Lev know you called and that y'all will be here this evening," Greg confirmed.

"Lev doesn't have to call back unless he wants to. Y'all be safe, love ya guys," Troy said.

"We will, and love ya too."

When Levie and Linda returned, they were told about Troy's call. Everyone giggled when Levie smacked his forehead and said he'd totally forgotten because of everything that happened. Then he got excited that his dads were coming over.

Greg stood with his arms around his brother and his chin resting on the younger male's shoulder. He smiled, kissed Brandon's cheek, and said, "I think you should tell Mama and Papa whatever you've decided about the move, Bro."

Brandon sighed and hung his head as he replied, "I know, and I might as well get it over with. "Will you and Lev stay with me?" He jumped, then squealed and boyishly giggled when unseen fingers lightly tickled back and forth along his lower back. When he turned around, he saw Levie's innocently smiling face and sparkling, mischief-filled eyes. "I'm sooo tickling your feet later, my adorable Bro," he playfully threatened.

"Greg'll protect me," Levie said before blowing a raspberry at his newly acquired blonde brother.

"His feet can be tickled, too," Brandon shot back with a smirk.

Greg giggled as he watched the juvenile back and forth and said, "I'm sooo dead now that you two have found each other." He smiled and embraced Levie and Brandon when they chuckled and kissed his cheeks.

"Oh, to answer your question, Bro," Levie said, "Greg and I will always support and love you."

Brandon smiled and hugged his brothers, saying, 'Thanks, Bros. I love you guys."

Greg walked into the kitchen and returned carrying three bottles of O'Doul's and two bottles of Bud Lite. He handed everyone a bottle, then sat on the sofa with Levie in his lap.

Brandon sipped from his bottle and took a minute to collect his thoughts and courage. "Mom, Dad, I made a decision about the new business venture." He paused and gazed at everyone's love-filled eyes, then continued. "I'm not gonna join you at the grocery store. I'm really sorry, and I know you were counting on at least one of your kids being with you, but I need and want to be here with my brothers and our new family members."

The room was silent as everyone got lost in their thoughts on what to say or suggest.

"Well, Linda," Tom said. "Time to pay up."

Suddenly, the Wilmont elders burst into laughter, which increased when they saw the confused look on the faces of the three young men staring at them like they'd grown two heads on their shoulders.

"Damnit," Linda said as she pulled twenty dollars from her jeans pocket.

"I told ya, babe. Do I know my son or what," Tom happily teased as he put the money into his pocket.

"What's going on," Levie asked.

"Tom and I had a bet on whether or not Bran would stay with his brother or go with us." Linda mockingly glared at her birth son as she playfully growled, "Ya cost me twenty dollars, kiddo."
The room erupted in laughter.

"C'mon, my sweet Prince," Greg said as he stood up. "Let's go to Kroger and get some steaks, salad mix, and potatoes for dinner."

The raven and red-haired pair kissed and hugged everyone as they walked outside.

"Hey, that looks like the old pickup one of our more recently hired ranch hands drives."

Greg turned and looked to the other side of the parking lot where Levie was pointing. "Maybe he's visiting someone here or has moved into one of the smaller units, or it's simply one that looks the same," he said.

"Could be," Levie said, shrugging his shoulders and climbing into the Toyota.

The couple climbed into the Tacoma and drove to Kroger, unaware that the Ford Levie pointed out was tailing them, always staying a couple car lengths behind. When they left the grocery store, it followed them back to the complex, but instead of turning into the lot, the driver kept going to the interstate.

Troy pulled into the complex's lot and parked his classic, two-door muscle car, a yellow Nineteen-Seventy-One Plymouth Road Runner with its black racing stripe beside Linda's Navigator. He and Jaycen got the plate of homemade fudge they made from the backseat, locked the car, and walked up to the front door.

"Hot Damn! My Dads made their blue ribbon fudge," Levie exclaimed when he opened the door.

Greg, Brandon, Linda, and Tom were leaning on the sofa and each other, hysterically laughing at the greeting Jaycen and Troy received.

"If we don't hear a hi and get a hug from our red-haired boy in the next two seconds, you're going over my knee for a spanking," Troy said while trying like hell not to giggle.

Jaycen, however, wasn't winning in his fight against the giggles. "Oh, c'mon, babe, you know how much our boy and the judges at the county fair love our homemade fudge,' he said while shaking his head.

Linda took the plate from the giggly redhead, and after he thanked her, she carried it into the kitchen.

Levie giggled and carefully hugged and kissed his Bropops. "You know I love ya more than the fudge, Dads," he said, using his most innocent boy voice.

"He gets that from you, Jayce-Bear," Troy said. He giggled while hugging and kissing the three young men, then gave the same affectionate greeting to Tom and Linda.

"How's my boys," Jaycen asked. He was almost glowing from the love coursing between him and everyone he hugged and kissed.

"We're fine," the youngest males in the room replied, causing the older ones to giggle at the unified response.

Troy and Jaycen walked with Levie over to the table, where they inspected the wound their boy received before cleaning and redressing it.

"So, that's what was on your mind at the hospital," Jaycen said after sipping his Bud Lite. While eating, he and Troy were told about Linda and Levie's talk and Brandon's decision to stay.

"Did you keep your job, Bran," Troy asked after swallowing a bite of his steak.

Tom and Linda looked at each other and groaned.

"What's wrong, guys," Jaycen asked.

Linda chuckled and said, "Well, with everything going on, we forgot to ask Bran about what he's gonna do for work and a place to live."

Levie's mind was already at work, which didn't escape his mate's and blonde-haired brother's attention.

"Ok, little Bro," Brandon said, smiling, "out with it."

"How much do you know about ranch work and animals," Levie asked after putting his fork down and wiping his mouth.


Levie's eyes sparkled as he looked at his Bropops. "What do the other two owners think," he asked with a smirk, "can we take on another ranch hand who needs complete training?"

Brandon, Tom, Linda, and Greg looked at the Stillman men.

Levie got up, put his arms around Jaycen and Troy, rested his chin on their shoulders, and said, "Pweease, Dads. Bran's your kid now also."

"You just had to teach the kid to be as adorable as you," Troy said as he giggled.

Levie smiled and kissed both Jaycen and Troy.

"Hey, I didn't make him this adorably cute. The kid added to it on his own," Jaycen said, unable to stop the boyish giggles.

By this time, everyone was laughing like crazy at the antics.

"Of course, we can bring Bran on," Jaycen said.

"Don't think there's any special treatment, Brandon," Troy stated. "We don't play favorites, and with no experience, you'll be starting at the bottom. I gotta tell ya, it's physically challenging and a dirty job. At the end of the day, you'll be sore in places you didn't know existed until your body gets used to the exertion."

"I'm not afraid to work hard and learn new skills, Troypop," Brandon responded.

Jaycen and Troy grunted when the excited and joyous blonde jumped onto their laps, hugging and kissing them. They grinned and tickled Brandon's sides, causing the younger male's squealing laughter as he squirmed and tried to escape.

"Is Monday too soon to start, Bran," Levie asked.

"Nope, that's perfect."

Thanks to everyone for reading, reacting, and commenting on this and other stories. 
@chris191070 @Summerabbacat @BoyLove @Greg @VBlew @Paladin @akascrubber @centexhairysub I always look forward to your comments and insights. I also love being your ticklish boy. :gikkle:
Love y'all
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

9 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

A wonderful chapter full of family, fun and tickles.

@chris191070 when I stopped writing this morning, I was shocked to see the word count was over 2700, so I decided to make it a multi part chapter and had a good start for the next chapter.

I loved how things unfolded and came together. Levie was so adorable, using his cuteness to get Brandon hired. LOL 

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AB..like how you are testing the waters… as it were.

I love the pops and this added dimension.  Its like a total commitment to their relationship.

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Another chapter full of family getting together and having fun. The threat to them is still there and close. They need to be vigilant.

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1 hour ago, Paladin said:

Another chapter full of family getting together and having fun. The threat to them is still there and close. They need to be vigilant.

I assumed it was Mad Maddox too @Paladin

That is one thing which puzzled me @Ticklishboy30. Troypop did not seem to be aware that he had been assaulted and left for dead before being found, and no one seemed to question why Maddox's whereabouts were unknown, or did I somehow miss something when I binge read the first 10 chapters?

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6 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

I assumed it was Mad Maddox too @Paladin

That is one thing which puzzled me @Ticklishboy30. Troypop did not seem to be aware that he had been assaulted and left for dead before being found, and no one seemed to question why Maddox's whereabouts were unknown, or did I somehow miss something when I binge read the first 10 chapters?

@Summerabbacat, Troy did know he got knocked out, but he's not dwelling on it. He thinks it was just a tree branch that fell after hearing a gun shot, which is common to hear.

And, as far as Maddox's whereabouts, there hasn't been time for anyone to check on that. He's not considered a threat, yet. Hehe I made a rhyme. Hehe

Edited by Ticklishboy30
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1 minute ago, Ticklishboy30 said:

@Summerabbacat, Troy did know he got knocked out, but he's not dwelling on it. He thinks it was just a tree branch that fell after hearing a gun shot, which is common to hear.

It is good to know I did not miss anything. The aftermath of the assault on Troy in the 2024 revision is so very different from what I remember in the prior edition of this story that I thought I might have somehow missed reading an entire chapter.

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7 hours ago, Greg said:

AB..like how you are testing the waters… as it were.

I love the pops and this added dimension.  Its like a total commitment to their relationship.

@Greg This was how I always saw the playful and loving relationship between Troy and Jaycen getting displayed, but didn't really have the chance to in the other versions. They really are a fun couple and have always been devoted to each other. I loved seeing Troy getting Jaycen all horned up, then leaving him hard and leaky. LOL

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7 hours ago, Paladin said:

Another chapter full of family getting together and having fun. The threat to them is still there and close. They need to be vigilant.

@Paladin Ahh, but they don't know there's a threat a as of right now. I decided to try and put some more distance between the dangers in this version maybe make it a bit longer. 

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11 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

It is good to know I did not miss anything. The aftermath of the assault on Troy in the 2024 revision is so very different from what I remember in the prior edition of this story that I thought I might have somehow missed reading an entire chapter.

@Summerabbacat Troy was checked out by Uncle Stu in chapter 6 or 7. 

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6 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

I meant what Triton did to Maddox.

Triton hasn't done anything to Maddox in this version. 

I did some tweaking and rearranging in this new version so that I can get more out of the characters and their interaction with each other. 

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On 8/18/2024 at 8:17 PM, Ticklishboy30 said:

Triton hasn't done anything to Maddox in this version. 

I did some tweaking and rearranging in this new version so that I can get more out of the characters and their interaction with each other. 

I still hope Triton gets the opportunity to kick Maddox's arse @Ticklishboy30 or some other form of punishment (and not just a little tickle either, a full on arse kicking).

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