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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Take me to Your Leader - 8. Take Me Chapter 8

“Now you can bow,” I whispered to him, which he did. “You informed Ghuh Sua of his new position and duties?” the Grand Duke asked me as I too gave a bow, “I have done so Your Grace, but not about the additional training he is about to go through,” I said in reply, and I saw Hugh’s look of shock and surprise on his face and I just smiled, “Very well, I will see you back at Tethys before you return home,” the Grand Duke said before walking away.

During the next four days, I didn’t see much of Hugh, as he was doing some intensive training, and he too now has a uniform and some of the advanced gadgets that I have, including the watch, but he didn’t have the telepathic abilities that I have, which in a way was good. We spoke briefly each evening, during dinner, but soon after, Hugh would retire to his quarters to get some sleep, and he was always up early the next day.

During this time, I was kept busy attending diplomatic briefings and additional meetings, discussing ideas on how to address some matters with the authorities on Earth, and I suggested that we do this by going directly to the United Nations Security Council. When the morning of our return journey to Tethys arrived, Hugh joined me for breakfast, “Good Morning Sir, all ready for the trip back to Tethys?” Hugh asked me, as he sat down with his meal, “Good morning my friend. Yes, all packed and ready to go. I have spoken to my Co-pilot, and he is prepared and ready to go as well.” I replied as we ate our meal.

Sometime later, we walked into the Shuttle Bay, with me carrying an additional suitcase, which contained all my additional clothing and uniforms, while Hugh carried my business briefcase which contained all the documents and information that I needed to take back to Earth with me. Once we were cruising in space and Mit was in charge of the cockpit, I headed back to the passenger area, where Hunter was gazing out the window.

“See anything interesting out there?” I asked, “No, just a heck of a lot of space. I was just wondering how lucky I got to become friends with you and end up here on an advanced space shuttle travelling in space in our solar system,” Hugh said in reply, and I chuckled at this, “Just pure luck I guess,” I answered him as I reached for my business briefcase and opened it and found what I was looking for.

Over the next two hours, Hugh and I were discussing plans on what to do on Earth once we return in a few days, as my new duties to the Domain would have a big effect on my studies at university. Eventually, I decided that I would keep up my studies as best as I could since I was already halfway through my second year in a 4-year degree, but Hugh did suggest that we share a house or apartment off campus once I had completed my second year so that we had a bit more privacy, and that I didn’t need to worry about the costs, as he would cover it all.

I wondered if he already had a place in mind, but I didn’t bother to ask him about it, as I knew I would soon find out about it. Once we were back at Tethys we only had a short time to pack the rest of our belongings and make a short visit to the Gand Duke, before we were onboard the Cruiser and heading back towards Earth, where hidden behind the Moon, we would teleport back to our holiday accommodation on Norfolk Island, where we had just over a day left of our holidays, before we fly back to the mainland.

“So much for a relaxing holiday,” Hugh complained as we arrived at Sydney Airport, where a car was waiting to collect us. “Did you have a good holiday gentlemen?” our driver asked as we left the airport, “Yes thank you, it was very enjoyable indeed,” I responded before Hugh could say anything, and he gave me a smirked look. As we travelled on the M1 northwards and turned off on Darcey Ave as expected, it was after we turned north instead of south onto Anzac Parade that I realised that we had passed the turnoff to go to the University and heading the wrong way.

I was about to say something, but Hugh beat me to it, “Not to worry, we will be back on campus a little bit later, I have something to show you first,” he said to me smiling. “Let me guess, something to do with our future residence?” I asked, and Hugh chuckled at this comment. As we approached soon turned onto Victoria Road and I knew that we were close to the bottom end of the harbour.

When we started to slow down, I looked towards Hugh who was smiling. “This is where I grew up, and the Scots College on your right is where I attended senior school,” Hugh informed me, as we crossed over a junction before the car soon slowed right down and began to turn left, as I saw a dark brown brick wall and lots of very large trees until I eventually saw a large house.

“Wow, this is a huge place, and you grew up here?” I asked, “Yes, and it was a real pain living so close to the school. The family is away overseas at the moment, so it is just the staff, a husband and wife team that have quarters in the attic. The house has five bedrooms on the first floor of the main house, and upstairs in the garage area, there is another two-bedroom apartment, which is where I live when not at University, and where you are welcome to share with me if you wish, as it has already been approved by my folks,” Hugh said to me. “How far is it from here to the campus?” I asked.

“Just under seven kilometres, so not that far, and there is a bus from Victoria Street where we are now, that heads to Old South Head Rd, and onto Carrington Rd, and a few roads after it arrives at the Campus,” Hugh informed me. Walking around to the side of the garage, Hugh unlocked the double doors and stepped inside and I followed him as we entered a games room, with a billiards table in the centre, and a lounge suite against one wall. Backtracking a little, we went through a narrow passage and up some stairs, where Hugh showed me the two-bedroom and two-bathroom apartment, which includes a small kitchen, dining and lounge room.

“You have a tennis court?” I asked sounding surprised when I saw it through the window from the lounge room, and Hugh chuckled, “Yes and a swimming pool too. We are about halfway between Bellamy Beach at Rose Bay, and Double Bay Beach, so we can easily catch a ferry to the city from either Ferry terminal,” he replied. “Wow, you are quite rich then… I’m just an average lower middle-class guy, with not much although I do have my own vehicle back home, and a camper trailer too,” I responded.

Hugh showed me the tennis court, swimming pool and gardens, before going into the main house, where I met Angela, the housekeeper and her husband Giles, who is the gardener. Hugh called for a call to take them back to the university, and we arrived less than twenty minutes later as we took a slight detour to check out the nearby beach. Once settled back in my campus room, I sent a message to my parents, to let them know that I was back on campus and that I had an interesting and enjoyable holiday.

“Hello brother, we miss you very much, please come home for Christmas. Anita, Kristy and Miles,” was the unexpected response back, and I smiled when I read this. “Hey little sisters and bro, yes I will be back for Christmas, but not for the whole holidays as I have part-time work now, so it will be just for two weeks, leading up to Christmas and just after New Year. Love, Brett,” I texted back to them.

I had three days rest until I recommenced my studies, and I decided to do some refresher reading during this time, so to get my mind into the correct mind frame as I had just a few weeks of studies remaining to complete my commercial pilot training, not that I need it any more considering that I was now making regular trips into space, and I have completed space flight training at Tethys, and this also made me think about changing my studies, also because of my current situation with the Amixorpian’s, and I decided to speak to Hugh about this.

“What's up mate, having trouble adjusting to life back on Earth?” he asked me as we sat down at a café off campus a few days later, and I chuckled at this comment, “Yeah, it is hard to deal with so many differences between the two places, that is for sure. I have a few things I need to discuss and also to get your advice on, firstly because of our very unique situation, I am wondering if I should continue with my studies in the field of Aerospace Engineering, and maybe change to something else similar.

Secondly, is there someone in your family who would know of or have contact with the Australian Foreign Minister, as I need a way to get my foot in to speak to the members of the UN Security Council, thirdly, I think you are an awesome friend to be handling this strange and unique situation about knowing aliens and travelling to space less traditionally,” I said quietly smiling, and Hugh laughed at this.

“I knew the moment that I first met you, that there was something special about you and that I should get to know you better, and boy was I so right about that. As it happens, my Godmother - Aunty Joyce, who is one of my Mum’s best friends, is the CoS – Chief of Staff for the Foreign Minister of Australia, so I am fairly sure that I could get a meeting with her since her Wentworth electorate covers where we live and her electorate office is in Edgecliff. Now regarding your future studies, may I suggest that we get through the rest of this year and make a decision once you have completed your second year, and see how you feel once that is achieved,” Hugh replied.

A week after recommencing my studies, Hugh announced that I could move over to his place whenever I’mm ready, but I decided that I would stay on campus for the rest of the year, only because I am so close to everything and I wouldn’t have to do any travelling each day. A week later, Hugh announced that I had an appointment with his Godmother – Angela and her boss – the Australian Foreign Minister at his family home for a light dinner.

Although I was a little surprised at this announcement, I was glad that I would be meeting the Foreign Minister in a more social environment. I had been planning how I would approach the subject of Aliens being on Earth on and off for thousands of years, and Hugh has said to me that he had mentioned to his parents regarding the unusual discussion that we had earlier in the years during tutorial about if there were Aliens in existence or not and Hugh has suggested that this subject be brought up during dinner, and later during a private meeting in the library, I make my appearance.

As we had planned, Hugh escorted his Godmother and the Minister out to the Games and entertainment room in the other building, while I remained in the main house with Hugh’s parents for a short while, assisting them with clearing away the table and loading up the dishwasher, and when done, I felt my watch vibrate and I excused myself and headed to the bathroom just around the corner, where I used the watch to assist me to do a short teleport hop over to the other building, appearing before Hugh and his two guests, who shrieked when they saw me appear before them in a bright light. “Please do not worry, I will not harm you in any way, please sit and let me explain,” I said to the two guests, while Hugh went back to the house to keep his parents distracted for a while.

Over the next twenty minutes, I explained to the Foreign Minister that I was born in Adelaide and lived in South Australia all my life until I moved to Sydney to study Engineering at the University of New South Wales. I explained that I had always done very well in my high school education and had managed to complete my schooling two years ahead of usual, and entered university the following year. I mentioned that I was unexpectedly taken away to an unknown place which I learnt later to be a spacecraft that was deep in space in our solar system and that I was introduced to aliens who looked exactly like us here on Earth, and I was informed that I, like many others before me, had been closely watched and it was now that they feel was the best time for them to make a more direct contact with us on Earth, and that is why I am speaking to you today.

For the past year I have made several trips to the Amixorpian homeland in this solar system, which is one of Saturn’s Moon’s named Tethys. There I have learnt their language, heritage and culture, which isn’t much different than ours, except that they are way ahead of us in the area of technology. Their homeworld is in the neighbouring solar system of Alpha Centauri B, but they established a new homeworld in this solar system, to monitor and assist our one planet when needed, and that is why I am speaking to you today. As Earth’s representative to the Amixorpians, I need to speak to the United Nations Security Council on an urgent matter. There is a meteor, that we know will brush past Earth in a few months if something isn’t done beforehand, which is soon to happen.

The Amixorpians have spacecraft capable of nudging the meteor far enough away that it will not cause any issues or damage to Earth. The issue is that the meteor will soon be detectable by those here on Earth, and they will also notice the change of direction of the meteor, as the Amixorpian spacecraft do their job to nudge it away from Earth’s path, and I need to speak to those at the UN to let them know, so there is no major panic happening around the world.” I said to the Foreign Minister. “So this entrance display that you gave us just now is to try and convince me that there are aliens and that they do have more advanced technology than us, and they are here to help stop a catastrophic disaster from happening?” the Minister asked me.

“Yes Ma’am that is it, I am sorry if I alarmed you with my arrival, but it was the only way that I could think of to try and convince you… well there is another way, but you may not be too keen on the idea,” I responded, just as Hugh entered the room. “Hugh, have you known about all this?” his Godmother asked him, “Yes Aunty, I have known for some time and I too have been in Space, onboard one of their star cruisers, and it is an amazing sight to see Earth from up there,” Hugh responded, “Well… I am still not fully convinced,” the Minister said, just as I tapped on my watch three times, and moments later the four of us were Teleported up to the Star Cruiser, which had been sent to assist me with my task to get in touch with the UN.

“Minister Susan Henderson and Mrs Joyce Tibbet, may I introduce to you His Excellency Duke Revilo Leri, Outer Domain Ambassador who is my immediate superior on Amixorpian matters, and if you look behind you… Welcome to space,” I said to our newest guests, who looked behind them and gasped in shock and surprise, at seeing Earth from such a long distance. “Welcome to you both, I hope you will enjoy your short journey with us, and welcome back onboard Ghuh Sua,” the Ambassador said, and both Hugh and I bowed to the Ambassador.

“Thank you, Ambassador, it is a pleasure to be back in space again,” Hugh responded and I smiled on hearing this, as I saw the Ambassador smiling, before motioning us to take a seat. “We have brought you here tonight because Terb Sua, or Brett Hamilton as you know him, is having difficulties convincing you that there are other living beings in other parts of space apart from on Earth. We ask you to please consider his request very seriously, as all we are trying to do is to ensure that Earth remains as is, and that no major disruptions are caused by false information.

As you can see for yourself, you are in space viewing your home planet of Earth, and you will see the Moon shortly as well, please if you can do the right thing and assist Terb Sua with speaking to these United Nations people so that the message is known that we mean no harm and that we are working to adjust the trajectory of the meteor so that it doesn’t get too close to Earth to cause any long-lasting effects,” the Ambassador said to our guests. “Very well I will consider your request, and I will let your representative here know of my decision… now can we please be returned to Earth,” the Minister responded.

Copyright Preston Wigglesworth All Rights Reserved Aug 2024
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Wonder how big the stick up the minister's backside is...any wanna guess???

we are working to adjust the trajectory of the meteor so that it doesn’t get too close to Earth to cause any long-lasting effects,” the Ambassador said to our guests. “Very well I will consider your request, and I will let your representative here know of my decision… now can we please be returned to Earth,” the Minister responded.

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On 9/3/2024 at 1:39 PM, chris191070 said:

I don't think the Foreign Minister enjoyed his trip in space.

Ambassador Brett is gonna have a hard time convincing the authorities.

You mean aside from getting their knickers in a twist, or needing a "change" when they get back on Terra Firma?

As for getting either the entire U.N. Security Council, or just the 'Ambassadors' thereto to attend a private "in camera" meeting with an 'outsider' not accredited to U.N.  is nigh on impossible. (Based on first hand knowledge as an NGO Rep).   Brett 'beaming' in, will have guns drawn. 

Better the Amixorpians take unilateral action, perhaps with ships 'cloaked'.

I think both Brett and Hugh are going to have AFP in their lives soon. And NOT for the better.  :devil:


Edited by Anton_Cloche
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