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Silent Heartbeats - 17. Chapter 17: Danger is close. Will Carter and Jeremy escape?

Thank you so much for following along with the story! Your support means the world to me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to drop a comment—I'll be interacting and can’t wait to chat with you all!
Feel the passion 🥰

Lopez stopped in his tracks, his sharp eyes catching sight of something on the ground.

“Hold up,” he ordered, raising a hand to signal his men to stop.

His gaze was fixed on a bear trap lying in the dirt, its metal teeth stained dark with blood. He stepped closer, kneeling down to examine it more closely. His eyes narrowed as he reached out, fingers brushing against the still-wet blood on the trap's teeth.

He rubbed his fingers together, feeling the slickness of the fresh blood, and looked up at his henchmen.

“This blood is fresh,” he said, his voice low and calculating. “Whoever got caught in this is hurt bad. They must be close by.”

One of the men, scanning the area, suddenly shouted, “There are drops of blood on the leaves here!” He pointed to a series of red splotches on the ground and foliage, leading away from the trap.

Lopez stood quickly, his eyes following the trail.

“Let’s go!” he barked, rushing in the direction the blood led. “We need to catch Carter at all costs!”

Lopez and his men moved swiftly, sprinting through the underbrush, their footsteps heavy and urgent. They followed the blood trail as it wound through the jungle, growing fainter with each passing step. The chase was relentless, driven by the scent of fear and desperation in the air.

Suddenly, the trail stopped. Lopez skidded to a halt, throwing up a hand to signal his men to do the same. He looked around, frustration flickering across his face.

“The trail ends here,” he muttered, scanning the area intently. “I don’t see any more blood.”

He took a moment to survey the surroundings, his eyes narrowing as he noticed the terrain becoming more rugged and slightly mountainous. The jungle was dense, but his instincts told him Carter was nearby, hiding, waiting.

“Search the area!” Lopez commanded, gesturing with his gun. “He’s around here somewhere. I can feel it.”

His men began to spread out, combing through the foliage and undergrowth. Lopez cocked his gun, moving slowly and cautiously. He approached an area where the ground seemed to slope downward slightly. His boot came down on a large log, pressing down with just enough weight to make it shift slightly.

Underneath the log, Jeremy and Carter lay hidden in a small hollow. Jeremy’s heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in shallow, controlled bursts as he tried to stay as quiet as possible. Carter lay on top of him, his face buried against Jeremy’s chest, trembling with fear. Jeremy’s arms were wrapped tightly around him, holding him close.

Every nerve in Jeremy’s body was on high alert. He glanced upwards, eyes wide with dread as he saw the log move slightly above them. They both knew that if Lopez stepped over the log and looked down, he would see them.

The world seemed to narrow down to this moment, every sound amplified in their ears. The crackle of leaves underfoot, the distant calls of birds, the soft whisper of the wind through the trees—all of it faded into the background, replaced by the sound of Lopez’s breathing, the click of his gun as he moved slowly, carefully.

Lopez’s senses were on high alert, his eyes scanning the terrain for any sign of movement. He placed one foot over the log, the wood creaking slightly under his weight. Jeremy’s eyes were locked on the boot, every muscle tensed in anticipation. He held his breath, praying that Lopez wouldn’t look down, wouldn’t see them.

Lopez paused, his head swiveling from side to side as he searched the jungle. The air was thick with tension, every second stretching into an eternity. Carter clung to Jeremy, his heart hammering against Jeremy’s chest, his breath hot and ragged.

Jeremy’s eyes were fixed on Lopez’s foot, his heart in his throat. He knew that any moment now, Lopez could take another step, could glance down and see them hiding in the hollow beneath the log. He squeezed Carter tighter, willing him to stay still, to stay quiet, as they waited for whatever would come next.

Lopez was just about to take another step over the log, the tension crackling in the air like a live wire, when a sudden rustling sound came from nearby. He froze, his body turning sharply toward the noise. His instincts kicked in, his senses heightened. He whipped his head around, eyes scanning the dense foliage.

"Over there!" he shouted to his men, his voice cutting through the stillness of the jungle. "I heard something! It’s probably Carter trying to escape. Move, now!"

His men reacted instantly, leaping into action. They sprinted toward the sound, the underbrush crunching beneath their boots as they ran. The jungle erupted into chaos as they chased after the elusive sound, the air filled with the noise of their frantic pursuit.

Underneath the log, Jeremy and Carter lay still as stone, listening to the rapid footsteps thundering away. The sound grew fainter with each passing second, the men’s shouts and rustling growing distant, until there was nothing but the natural sounds of the jungle once more.

Jeremy exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding, whispering, “I think they’re gone.”

They stayed there for a long while, the minutes stretching into what felt like hours, waiting, listening, making sure the danger had passed. Only when they were absolutely certain did Jeremy carefully maneuver them out from under the log. He held Carter gently, ensuring the boy didn’t put any weight on his injured foot.

As Carter emerged from the hollow, he nearly lost his balance, his weakened leg threatening to give out. Jeremy reacted instantly, pulling him close and holding him tightly, steadying him. Their faces were just inches apart, their breaths mingling in the humid jungle air. Time seemed to stand still, and for a brief moment, they were the only two people in the world.

“Be careful,” Jeremy murmured, his voice low and filled with concern.

Carter nodded, his gaze locked with Jeremy’s. “We need to get out of here,” he whispered back, urgency lacing his words.

Jeremy glanced at Carter’s wound, noticing the blood was beginning to clot but still looking fresh and painful. “We need to clean your wound,” he said, his tone firm.

Carter shook his head, determination in his eyes. “We’ll do that when we’re far away from Lopez. It can wait. We need to find a way to get down first.”

Jeremy sighed, a look of reluctant agreement crossing his face. “Alright,” he conceded. “But once we’re down, we’re taking care of that leg.”

Carter nodded, ready to move, but before he could take a step, Jeremy wrapped his arms around him and lifted him up in one swift motion.

Carter gasped in surprise. “What are you doing?”

Jeremy looked down at him, a small, teasing smile playing at his lips. “You didn’t think I was going to let you walk on that injured foot, did you?”

Carter blinked, his cheeks flushing slightly. “I could try to walk…”

Jeremy shook his head, cutting him off. “No way. I can carry you, and you’re not saying another word against it. Now, hold on tight.”

Reluctantly, Carter wrapped his arms around Jeremy’s neck, holding onto him as they moved away from where Lopez and his men had gone, searching for a safer path down the incline. Jeremy walked carefully, his steps deliberate and sure, navigating the uneven terrain with ease despite the added weight of carrying Carter.

They trekked for what felt like a long time, the jungle thick and unyielding around them. Finally, Jeremy found a place that looked like a manageable path down—a narrow trail that wound down the side of the slope, less steep and covered in soft foliage.

“Hold on,” Jeremy said softly as he began the descent, his movements slow and cautious to avoid slipping.

Carter stared up at Jeremy, his mind racing. How had this man, who had once been so cold and distant, become so gentle and caring? There was a warmth in Jeremy’s actions, a kindness that made Carter’s heart ache with an emotion he couldn’t quite place. He was so lost in thought, so absorbed in Jeremy’s presence, that he didn’t even notice when they reached the bottom of the slope.

He was only brought back to reality by Jeremy’s excited voice. “Look, there’s water!”

Carter followed Jeremy’s gaze to see a small stream trickling through the rocks nearby. Relief washed over him as Jeremy quickly made his way to the stream, still holding Carter securely in his arms. The sound of the running water was like music to his ears, a promise of respite and a moment to catch their breath.

Jeremy carefully set Carter down on a flat rock near the edge of the stream. The sunlight dappled through the leaves above, casting a warm glow over them. Jeremy knelt in front of Carter, his expression serious and focused. "We need to look at your wound," he said softly.

Carter nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. Jeremy gently lifted Carter's leg, examining the wound on his foot. It was swollen and red, but thankfully, the bleeding had slowed. As Jeremy touched the wound lightly, Carter held his breath, pain shooting through his leg. His eyes squeezed shut, his face contorting in discomfort.

Seeing the pain in Carter's eyes, Jeremy felt a pang of empathy.

“I know it hurts, but we need to clean it,” he said. Before Carter could respond, Jeremy ripped a small strip from his own shirt. The fabric tore with a sharp sound, revealing a glimpse of his toned abdomen. Carter’s eyes widened in surprise, but he didn’t say anything.

Jeremy rolled the cloth into a makeshift pad and dipped it into the cool water. He squeezed out the excess, then gently pressed it against Carter's wound, cleaning away the dirt and dried blood. Carter flinched, a small groan escaping his lips. Jeremy knew he needed to distract him from the pain.

As he dipped the cloth back into the stream, Jeremy glanced up at Carter.

“Tell me about your father,” he said, his voice soft and encouraging. “What was life like growing up with him?”

Carter stared at Jeremy for a moment, surprised by the question. Then a small smile broke across his face as he started to speak. “Life with my father was… well, it was the easiest if I could describe it simply,” he began.

Jeremy continued to clean the wound carefully, focusing on removing every bit of dirt and dried blood. Carter's voice became steadier as he continued, the distraction helping him cope with the pain.

“He was an events planner,” Carter said, his voice filled with warmth. “He was so dedicated to his work. He provided everything for me, whatever I asked for. He always made time for me, no matter how busy he was.”

Carter chuckled softly, biting back a wince as Jeremy gently cleaned around the deeper parts of the wound. “He used to take me to play, to school, and every night, he'd read me bedtime stories. He treated me like a prince, even though we weren't that rich. Life with him was like a fairytale.”

As he spoke, Carter's smile faded slightly, the happy memories overshadowed by the pain of loss. His eyes became distant, his voice softer.

“But… maybe if I hadn't done what I did, my father would still be alive. I wasn't even allowed to say goodbye to him because of what happened.”

Jeremy paused, looking up at Carter with understanding in his eyes.

“You don’t need to blame yourself for what happened,” he said gently. “I’m sure your father understood and loved you very much.”

Carter nodded, his gaze dropping to his hands. “He did. He loved me till his very last breath,” he whispered.

Jeremy looked back at the wound, satisfied with how clean it was but knowing it needed to be covered.

“It’s deep, but it looks like it didn’t damage anything major, and there’s no bone involvement,” he observed. “We need to cover it with something.” He ripped another strip from his shirt, preparing to make a bandage.

Carter smiled suddenly, his eyes lighting up as he spotted some leaves nearby. “Those leaves… they look familiar,” he said. “My father told me they help with healing and reduce pain. Can you get them and roll them up?”

Without hesitation, Jeremy grabbed a handful of the leaves and crushed them between his palms, releasing their natural juices. He gently pressed the leaves onto Carter's wound, causing the boy to flinch from the sting. Jeremy quickly began tying the strip of cloth around Carter's foot, doing his best to secure it tightly without causing more pain.

As Jeremy worked, Carter sighed, his voice heavy with emotion.

“After the accident, when I gained consciousness, I left the hospital and went far away,” he said quietly. “But I still kept tabs on my father. I came back when I heard he’d had a stroke and a heart attack, but… it was too late.”

Jeremy finished tying the makeshift bandage, his heart aching for Carter. “I’m so sorry," he said softly. "I had no idea you’d been through so much, and yet you keep on smiling.”

Carter gave a small, sad smile. “My father always told me to keep smiling because it was the start of healing. It’s helped me a lot.”

Jeremy smiled back, a faint sadness in his eyes. “Ethan told me the same thing, but I never listened.”

Carter's smile widened, his eyes twinkling as he looked up at Jeremy. “You should take that advice. You look better with a smile on.”

Jeremy stared at Carter, his heart pounding in his chest. Those eyes—so full of life and warmth—held him captive, making his pulse race. For a moment, the world around them faded away, and all he could see was Carter, his presence filling Jeremy with an inexplicable sense of peace and connection.

Jeremy cleared his throat, pulling himself out of the intense gaze they had just shared.

“Alright, I’m done,” he said, his voice a bit rough around the edges. He stepped back slightly, giving Carter some space.

Carter looked down at his foot, now bandaged and somewhat protected. A small smile played on his lips as he carefully moved his leg, testing the stability of Jeremy’s work.

“You’re really good at this,” he said with genuine admiration. “Have you done something like this before?”

Jeremy chuckled, his lips curling into a modest smile.

“Yeah, a few times,” he replied. “Ethan had to dress my wounds more than once on our adventures. I always seemed to end up with one injury or another.”

Carter smiled back, warmth in his eyes.

“Sounds like you were quite the adventurous guy.”

Jeremy nodded, his smile fading slightly as memories of those times surfaced, bittersweet and sharp.

“Yeah, I used to be,” he admitted, his voice softer.

The recollections of his past adventures with Ethan nipped at his mind, bringing a sudden wave of sadness that washed over him, turning his expression somber. For a moment, he seemed lost in thought, his gaze distant and unfocused.

After a brief silence, Jeremy shook his head slightly and rose to his feet.

“I’m going to find some food for us,” he said, trying to sound more upbeat, though a hint of his earlier sadness lingered in his voice.

Before he could turn away, Carter quickly reached out, gripping Jeremy's hand with surprising strength. The suddenness of the gesture made Jeremy pause and look back down at him.

“Please,” Carter whispered, his voice trembling with urgency, “don’t leave me.”

Jeremy met his eyes and gave him a reassuring smile, trying to ease the fear he saw reflected there.

“I’ll be back soon, I promise,” he said gently. He squeezed Carter’s hand before letting go, giving him a final, comforting look.

Reluctantly, Carter released Jeremy’s hand, his gaze following him as he moved away. Jeremy's clothes were still stained with blood from carrying Carter, but despite that, he looked calm and composed, his movements purposeful. Carter watched him disappear, the sound of his footsteps fading into the rustling leaves.

Left alone, Carter’s mind went on high alert. He looked around cautiously, his heart beating a little faster with each passing second. The forest seemed eerily quiet, the usual sounds of nature muted as if the world were holding its breath. Every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig made him flinch, his eyes darting around, searching for any sign of danger.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves.

Jeremy will be back soon’, he reminded himself, clinging to that thought as he scanned the surroundings again, making sure he was safe.


Laura paced the grand hall of Jeremy's mansion, her heart pounding in her chest as if it might burst through her ribs. Fear clawed at her, wrapping its icy fingers around her mind, squeezing tighter with each passing minute that the door remained closed. She kept her eyes fixed on it, willing it to open, for Jeremy to walk through and reassure her that everything was fine. But the door stayed stubbornly shut, and the gnawing worry inside her only grew.

Her breath came in shallow, panicked gasps as she wrung her hands, the fear that something terrible had happened to her son overwhelming every rational thought. Where is he? The question echoed in her mind, over and over, driving her to the brink of despair. Just when she thought she might collapse from the weight of her anxiety, she heard footsteps approaching rapidly.

She spun around, her heart leaping into her throat, and saw Dexter rushing toward her. His face was tense, his usually composed demeanor cracked with concern.

“Dexter!” she cried out, her voice trembling. “Have you heard anything? Please, tell me something!”

Dexter shook his head, his expression grim.

“I just got off the phone with Jeff,” he said, his tone serious. “But the call cut off. He was on his way to where they found Jeremy's car. He and Elena are with the police, helping with the search.”

The mention of Elena seemed to ignite something deep within Laura.

“It should be me out there looking for my son!” she screamed, her voice raw with emotion. “Not Elena!”

Dexter reached out and grabbed her shoulders, holding her steady as her emotions threatened to spiral out of control.

“Laura, listen to me,” he said firmly, though his voice was gentle. “You need to stay here, in case Jeremy comes home. You need to be the first person he sees, to embrace him, to tell him everything will be alright.”

“But why Elena?” Laura sobbed, her tears flowing freely now. “Why does she get to be the one out there looking for him? She’s the one to blame for all of this!”

Dexter’s eyes darkened with a flicker of something unreadable, but he kept his voice steady.

“Because if anyone is to blame, then yes, it should be her out there, searching. But you…” He softened, pulling her into a tight embrace. “You need to be strong. Jeremy needs to come home to a place that feels safe, and that means you have to hold it together.”

Laura's tears soaked into Dexter’s shirt as she cried into his shoulder, her body trembling with the force of her emotions.

“I’m so scared of losing him,” she whispered, her voice broken with despair. “I can’t lose him, Dexter.”

“You won’t,” Dexter murmured, stroking her hair in a soothing gesture. “You won’t lose him, I promise. I’m here, and I’ll make sure everything turns out okay. But right now, you have to be strong. The twins are wondering where their dad is. If they see you like this, they won’t believe the story about him being on a business trip.”

Laura pulled back slightly, wiping at her tear-streaked face with trembling hands.

“I can’t help it,” she admitted, her voice choked with emotion. “It’s too much.”

Dexter cupped her face gently, his eyes meeting hers with a reassuring intensity.

“I know,” he said softly. “But you have to try, for Jeremy, and for the twins. We’ll get through this together.”

He pulled her back into a hug, holding her tightly as she clung to him, trying to draw strength from his presence. Dexter’s expression was one of deep concern, his worry evident in the way his brow furrowed and his jaw tightened. He knew this was more than just a mother’s fear—it was a mother’s worst nightmare, and he was determined to keep it from becoming a reality.

As they stood there, locked in a tight embrace, the house around them felt eerily quiet, as if holding its breath, waiting for the moment when Jeremy would finally come home.


Carter sat on a rock, a small pile of wild fruits in his lap, each one glistening with the juice that oozed from its bright red and orange flesh. He took a bite of one—a small, round fruit that resembled a miniature peach, with a tart, sweet flavor that made his taste buds tingle. The other fruits were a mix of various berries, some dark blue, others golden yellow, and a few deep purple, all of which added a burst of flavor to his mouth. He smiled as he chewed, looking over at Jeremy, who was also enjoying the fruits.

“How did you know these fruits were edible?” Carter asked, curiosity in his voice. “You're a town boy. I thought you wouldn't know about this stuff.”

Jeremy laughed, popping another fruit into his mouth. “I just found them lying around,” he said with a grin. “They smelled nice, so I figured, why not give them a try?”

Carter chuckled, shaking his head. “So, if I didn't know much about wild fruits, we might have been poisoned by now?” he teased.

Jeremy laughed heartily.

“Thank God you do know, then. Thanks to your expertise, we’re still here, safe and sound.”

They continued eating, the tension from earlier easing with each sweet bite. When they finally felt full, Carter wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked up at the sky.

“We should probably keep moving,” he suggested, glancing at Jeremy. “Before it gets too late.”

Jeremy nodded in agreement. He got up, dusting off his hands, and walked over to Carter. But before he could offer any help, Carter held up a hand.

“You’ve helped me enough,” Carter said, smiling. “I think it’s time I try to move on my own.”

He reached for a long stick lying nearby and used it to push himself up, testing its strength as a makeshift walking stick.

Jeremy raised an eyebrow, both surprised and impressed.

“You don’t want me to carry you until we find help?” he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

Carter laughed, shaking his head. “I think you’ve done more than enough heavy lifting today.”

He took a few tentative steps, carefully avoiding putting too much weight on his injured foot, using the stick for support.

Jeremy watched him, his face a mix of concern and admiration.

“Alright,” he said, falling into step beside Carter. “But I’m staying close, just in case.”

As they moved together, they kept the conversation light, talking about anything that came to mind—their favorite foods, funny memories from their pasts, and even silly jokes. The sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a warm orange glow over everything, turning the world into a canvas of fiery hues.

Just as the sun kissed the horizon, Carter gasped.

“Look!” he exclaimed, pointing ahead with excitement.

Jeremy followed his gaze and saw a narrow path leading down a mountainous slope. His brows furrowed in confusion.

“What are you so excited about?” he asked.

Carter smiled broadly and pointed further out.

“Look over there,” he said. “A corn farm. Do you see it?”

Jeremy squinted, then his eyes widened as he spotted the neatly arranged rows of corn in the distance.

“Yeah, I see it,” he said, his voice tinged with excitement. “But what does it mean?”

“It means people,” Carter explained, his face lighting up. “If there’s corn growing, there must be someone taking care of it. There’s got to be a village or something nearby.”

Jeremy’s heart surged with hope.

“You’re right,” he said, excitement bubbling in his chest. “We might be close to getting back to safety.”

Carter nodded. “We don’t have much time. Let’s get moving before it gets dark.”

Just as they began to move down the path, a sudden, sharp crack echoed through the air. A gunshot. They both froze, the blood draining from their faces. Fear gripped them, sending a chill down their spines.

Slowly, they turned around, dread pooling in their stomachs. There, standing not too far behind them, was Lopez. He was grinning, an evil, triumphant look in his eyes, his gun held high in the air. The sun's dying light cast long shadows across his face, highlighting the sinister delight etched into his features.

“Going somewhere?” Lopez sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

Carter’s heart pounded in his chest as he locked eyes with Lopez. The sinister gleam in the man’s eyes sent a shiver down his spine, paralyzing him with fear. His breathing grew ragged, and he could feel his body trembling uncontrollably. His eyes became glassy with tears, his vision blurring as he struggled to process the terror unfolding before him. The memories of his past, the guilt, the fear—they all came rushing back, crashing over him like a tidal wave. He felt as if he was drowning, unable to move or even think clearly.

Jeremy, standing beside Carter, felt a cold sweat break out across his skin. He’d never seen this man before, but there was something utterly terrifying about him. The way Lopez grinned, the malicious intent in his eyes—it was like looking into the eyes of a predator, one that had just cornered its prey. Jeremy’s stomach churned with a mixture of fear and anger. He could feel his pulse racing, his muscles tensing as he instinctively moved closer to Carter, trying to shield him from whatever was coming.

Lopez smirked, his eyes never leaving the two of them. He dropped the barrel of the gun, pointing it directly at them.

“Checkmate,” he said, his voice oozing with satisfaction. “I've tracked you down. There's no escaping now.”

Carter's breath hitched, his eyes wide and filled with tears. His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. He couldn't move, couldn't speak. All he could do was stare at Lopez, his body frozen in place.

Lopez gasped in mock astonishment, his gaze shifting between Carter and Jeremy.

“Oh, pardon my manners,” he sneered, his eyes settling on Jeremy with an evil grin. “And who’s the pretty boy?”

Jeremy clenched his fists, his jaw tightening. The man was playing games, taunting them. But before he could respond, Lopez's eyes lit up with fake realization. He touched his head, pretending to think.

“Wait, don’t tell me...” He paused dramatically, then his eyes widened in a grotesque parody of surprise. “Jeremy Rivers! The country's fashion industry king! Well, Carter, you’ve really hit the jackpot with this one, haven’t you?”

Lopez's grin widened, but then his face turned stern. He shouted, “But what would my brother say, huh? Oh, that's right... You killed him.”

Carter shook his head violently, his voice raw and strained.

“I didn’t kill Elias,” he cried out, his eyes pleading with Lopez. “You know that! After what happened, I just wanted a quiet life. The accident—it was just something I got caught in!”

Lopez laughed, looking between Carter and Jeremy with a twisted smile.

“Oh, Jeremy,” he said with mock sympathy, “I'm such a fan. Too bad we had to meet under these circumstances. And it’s too bad your involvement with this boy has caused me such a headache. Now I have no choice but to kill you.”

Carter screamed, “No!” He shook his head frantically, tears streaming down his face. “Please, Lopez, let him go! Jeremy has nothing to do with this. He’s not involved!”

Lopez's smile turned into a vicious snarl. “He got involved the moment he decided to help you,” he hissed. “And now... Now I have to silence him.”

Carter shook his head, desperation in his voice. “Please, Lopez, spare Jeremy! I’ll go with you, just... please, don’t hurt him!”

Jeremy, despite the fear gripping him, stepped forward, his voice firm.

“Carter, don’t speak for me. I’m not going to let this thug take you or do anything to you.”

Lopez laughed darkly.

“Oh, how touching,” he mocked.

And with a swift, brutal motion, he swung the butt of his gun, striking Jeremy across the face. Jeremy stumbled back, pain exploding through his cheek. He tasted the metallic tang of blood in his mouth, the world spinning around him.

Carter moved swiftly, placing himself between Jeremy and Lopez, his heart pounding in his chest. His eyes, wide with fear and desperation, locked onto the thug’s, pleading silently as he spoke.

“Lopez, please... Jeremy has nothing to do with this,” he begged, his voice trembling. He could feel the weight of guilt pressing down on him, knowing that Jeremy was in this mess because of him.

Jeremy, his face flushed with anger and fear, yelled out, “Carter, I still won’t let you go with him! I don’t care what it takes!”

Carter glanced at Jeremy, a pang of deep guilt piercing through him. He never wanted Jeremy to get involved, never wanted him to face this nightmare.

“I’ll go with you, Lopez,” Carter said, his voice breaking as he turned back to the thug. “Just... please, let him go.”

Lopez stared at Carter for a moment, a sinister grin spreading across his face before he gripped Carter’s arm with brutal force. The sudden, violent movement caused Carter to lose his balance, his walking stick falling from his hand as he stepped on his injured foot. A scream tore from his throat as pain shot up his leg like fire.

Jeremy’s heart wrenched at the sound.

“No!” he yelled, his voice filled with rage and desperation as he tried to reach out for Carter, but Lopez was quicker. The thug raised his gun, pointing it directly at Jeremy's chest, a cold warning gleaming in his eyes. “Don’t act smart,” Lopez snarled.

Carter groaned in agony, his face contorted with pain as he stared at Jeremy, tears brimming in his eyes.

“It’s okay,” Carter whispered, his voice barely audible through the pain. “I’ll go with Lopez. For your sake, Jeremy... you shouldn’t be involved.”

Jeremy’s heart raced, fear and helplessness clawing at him. His voice shook as he pleaded, “I’m not leaving you, Carter.” His eyes were wide with panic, locked onto Carter’s, searching for any sign that this nightmare could end.

Carter managed a small, sorrowful smile through his tears.

“You have a family,” he said, his voice thick with emotion. “Two beautiful sons... they still expect you to come back home. Don’t get involved anymore. Please.”

Jeremy was about to protest, his heart pounding in his chest, when Lopez stepped forward, gun still aimed at Jeremy’s chest.

“Don’t move,” Lopez hissed, his voice dripping with malice. Jeremy froze, his entire body trembling as his eyes remained fixed on Carter.

Lopez tightened his grip on Carter’s arm, twisting it behind his back with a cruel twist. Carter cried out in pain, but Lopez ignored him, his focus still on Jeremy. With slow, deliberate steps, Lopez began to drag Carter away, the gun never wavering from its target.

As they moved a short distance away, Lopez’s lips curled into a sinister grin. Without warning, he pulled the trigger. The sound of the gunshot echoed through the air like a crack of thunder.

Carter's eyes flew open, staring in shock as Jeremy staggered, a look of surprise and pain frozen on his face. For a moment, everything seemed to stop. Jeremy’s hand instinctively reached for his side of the abdomen, where the bullet had struck. Blood began to seep through his fingers, slow at first, then pouring out in a dark, crimson stream.

Pain shot through Jeremy’s body like lightning, radiating out from the wound. It was an intense, searing pain that knocked the breath out of him. He felt his strength draining away, his legs growing weak beneath him. The world around him started to blur.

He clutched his side, feeling the warmth of his own blood spilling out, soaking through his shirt. His knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground, his eyes still locked onto Carter’s. The boy’s face was pale, his expression one of shock and terror, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Carter's scream tore through the air, raw and filled with anguish.

“Jeremy!” he cried, his voice breaking as he struggled against Lopez’s grip, desperate to reach the man who had tried so hard to protect him.

Carter, panic surging through him, scrambled to reach Jeremy lying on the ground, his hands trembling as he extended them toward the man he desperately wanted to save. But before he could make contact, a sharp pain shot through his scalp as Lopez gripped his hair with brutal force. Carter screamed, the pain searing through him as Lopez yanked him backward.

“This is all your fault!” Lopez spat, his voice venomous as he yanked harder, causing Carter to cry out in agony. “You got someone else involved, and now you'll pay for it” Lopez’s voice dripped with malice, the threat of long and excruciating death hanging in the air.

Carter’s vision blurred with tears, the pain from his scalp blinding him to everything but the overwhelming guilt and fear that consumed him. He barely registered as Lopez turned him around and began dragging him away by his hair, the ground scraping against his body as he cried out in both physical and emotional torment. But his cries did nothing to deter Lopez, who continued dragging him a short distance, laughing maniacally, enjoying every second of Carter's suffering.

Suddenly, with a violent shove, Carter was thrown to the ground with a bone-jarring thud. The impact knocked the wind out of him, leaving him gasping for breath. Dazed and disoriented, he tried to process what was happening when Jeremy’s weak, strained voice broke through the fog of pain.

"Run... Carter... run as fast as you can..." Jeremy’s words were barely audible, each syllable laced with agony.

Carter's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the voice. He quickly turned onto his back, his eyes wide with shock. There was Jeremy, staggering toward him, his face pale and bloodied. Lopez, who had been knocked off balance by Jeremy’s sudden attack, was groaning in anger as he pushed himself up from the ground, his eyes blazing with fury.

Before Carter could react, Lopez let out a primal scream and raised his boot, slamming it into Jeremy's face. The force of the kick sent Jeremy flying, his body crashing to the ground with a sickening thud. Jeremy groaned in pain, blood dripping from his nose, his eyes barely able to focus as they locked onto Carter.

“Run…” Jeremy whispered again, his voice barely audible, but Carter was paralyzed with fear, unable to move, his heart racing out of control.

Lopez, now seething with rage, grabbed Jeremy by the collar, lifting him partially off the ground.

“You’re going to wish you never did that!” he yelled before slamming his fist into Jeremy’s face. The blow sent Jeremy’s vision spinning, the world around him blurring as more strength drained from his body.

Lopez didn’t stop. He continued to pummel Jeremy, his fists landing with brutal force. Each hit drove the life out of Jeremy, who could only groan in pain, his body too weak to fight back. Then, Lopez delivered a savage kick to Jeremy’s abdomen, directly on the gunshot wound. The pain was unbearable, and a deafening scream tore from Jeremy's lips, the sound raw and filled with agony.

Carter watched in horror, tears streaming down his face as he witnessed the brutal assault. Lopez kept kicking Jeremy, each blow accompanied by a stream of insults and threats. Jeremy's body convulsed with each hit, blood pouring from his mouth and nose. He looked like he was on the verge of death, his eyes glazing over with pain and exhaustion.

But even in his dire state, Jeremy’s eyes found Carter’s, pleading with him, begging him to run away. The silent message was clear: save yourself. Carter’s heart shattered as he watched, frozen in place except for the tears streaming down his face.

Lopez, breathing heavily, finally paused his assault, his eyes wild with rage. He spotted a nearby stick and grabbed it, raising it high in the air, ready to deliver the final blow. But before he could bring it down, the sharp crack of a gunshot echoed through the air.

Lopez froze, the stick still raised above his head. His eyes slowly widened in shock as he turned to face Carter, who was standing a few feet away, his hands trembling as he held the gun pointed directly at him. Carter’s face was a mask of fear and desperation, but his resolve was clear.

Lopez dropped the stick as a crushing pain radiated through his chest, spreading through his body like wildfire. He looked down in disbelief, seeing the blood beginning to seep from his chest. Before he could react, another gunshot rang out, the force of it sending him staggering backward. He tried to maintain his balance, but his legs gave out beneath him, and he tumbled over the edge of the slope.

His body twisted violently as he fell, the rough terrain below tearing at him as he descended. His screams of agony were drowned out by the sound of his body crashing down the mountain, until finally, there was nothing but silence.

Carter limped toward the edge of the slope, every step sending jolts of pain through his injured foot. His breath came in ragged gasps, his heart pounding in his chest as he peered over the edge. Down below, Lopez's lifeless body lay twisted and broken, blood pooling around him. The sight sent a wave of nausea through Carter, and he dropped the gun from his trembling hands, the cold metal clattering against the rocky ground.

For a moment, he stood frozen, staring down at the man who had tormented them, but the sound of a faint groan behind him snapped him out of his daze. Carter’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned around, fear and hope warring in his chest. He rushed back to where Jeremy lay, his movements clumsy and desperate as he knelt beside him.

“Jeremy…” Carter's voice was choked with emotion as he carefully lifted Jeremy's head, cradling it in his lap. His hands shook as he touched Jeremy's blood-streaked face, his eyes wide with terror. “Jeremy, please… please stay with me.”

Jeremy’s eyes fluttered open, barely slits, and a weak smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

“Carter…” he whispered, his voice strained and barely audible. “You… you’re a badass…”

Carter let out a choked sob, tears streaming down his face as he looked down at the man who had risked everything to protect him.

“Jeremy, don’t talk like that… you're going to be okay…”

Jeremy’s smile wavered, his breath coming in shallow, labored gasps.

“I’m… glad… you’re safe…” he whispered, his voice growing fainter with each word. His eyelids drooped, and his head fell back, his neck going limp as he lost consciousness.

“Jeremy!” Carter screamed, his voice breaking as he shook him gently, trying to rouse him. “No, no, no… please don’t leave me… please…”

But Jeremy’s body remained still, his breathing shallow and uneven, his face pale and drained of life. Carter’s tears fell onto Jeremy's blood-stained shirt as he held him close, his heart shattering with every passing second.


To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Have I ever told you how much I hate cliffhangers😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫! Intense chapter!

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Just when they thought the were safe Lopez found them and hurt Jeremy. Distracted by trying to kill Jeremy, Carter found the gun and the courage to shoot and kill Lopez, where are the henchmen? Will the sound of the gunfire attract the search party to save them?

  • Fingers Crossed 4
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African American Reaction GIF by Black Prez

As danger arises, arises the closeness between Jeremy and Carter too. When Lopez hit Jeremy, I've been thinking - oh no, not amnesia again! 😉

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9 hours ago, starboardtack said:

Have I ever told you how much I hate cliffhangers😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫! Intense chapter!

You won't have to wait long for this particular one 😅😅😅😅 I hate cliffhangers too, by the way 

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3 hours ago, VBlew said:

Just when they thought the were safe Lopez found them and hurt Jeremy. Distracted by trying to kill Jeremy, Carter found the gun and the courage to shoot and kill Lopez, where are the henchmen? Will the sound of the gunfire attract the search party to save them?

I hope so too 🥺🥺🥺🥺

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3 hours ago, Cane23 said:

African American Reaction GIF by Black Prez

As danger arises, arises the closeness between Jeremy and Carter too. When Lopez hit Jeremy, I've been thinking - oh no, not amnesia again! 😉

Fingers crossed 🤞 🤞 🤞 🤞 

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A nicely intense chapter with some excitement. Lopez's evil and sadistic character shows through, the way he treats Carter in his injured state and beats Jeremy after shooting him, thank god for Carter picking up the dropped gun and having the balls to pull the trigger or it could have been worse. But who's attention will the gunfire attract, Lopez's henchmen or the friendly search party? 🤞

And did I detect a hint of closeness between Carter and Jeremy amid this excitement? I guess we will discover the extent of the injuries and their effects soon.

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38 minutes ago, Mancunian said:

A nicely intense chapter with some excitement. Lopez's evil and sadistic character shows through, the way he treats Carter in his injured state and beats Jeremy after shooting him, thank god for Carter picking up the dropped gun and having the balls to pull the trigger or it could have been worse. But who's attention will the gunfire attract, Lopez's henchmen or the friendly search party? 🤞

And did I detect a hint of closeness between Carter and Jeremy amid this excitement? I guess we will discover the extent of the injuries and their effects soon.

Guess we just have to wait and see lol 😂 

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