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    Lee Wilson
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  • 1,825 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

The Taft Family’s Before and After - 2. Staying With Brendan and Beyond

This chapter summarizes some of what happened in The Boy on the Porch to provide a little more background on Nick before we move on to what happened later.

A man startled me awake. He asked my name, and he shared the dinner he came home with. I discovered he was Brendan. I also found out he was really nice. He wanted to send me back to my parents, but I wouldn’t tell him who they were. I did have to tell him a lot of what they did to me. He called child services, but they were closed. He let me take a bath and gave me an extra-large t-shirt to sleep in. I had to sleep on the couch though. He even washed my clothes.

After breakfast Saturday morning, he tried child services again, but they were too busy to worry about a kid who was safe, so I got to spend the rest of the weekend with him. Like I said, he was nice. He took me shopping and swimming. I had fun, he even got me Spiderman underpants, mom always insisted on boring white ones. I had started calling him Uncle Brendan, because just calling him Brendan didn’t seem right.

After swimming, he asked me more questions, and I found out he really was my uncle. I didn’t want to, but he said he wouldn’t take me back home, so I gave him our phone number. He called to talk to my mother, who at first said she didn’t know me. After they talked some more, he called her a name that rhymed with rich and hung up. Then he called the cops.

He let me have nachos for dinner. A friend of his came over, who was really nice too. When the cops arrived, we told them what had happened with my parents. He also had to tell the cops he was gay. Mom had kicked him out of the house once, too, because of that. He bought me pajamas after the police left and since I was afraid the night before, he let me fall asleep in his bed. I knew gay meant he liked boys, or I guess men, but he never did anything to me that was like that. He never even asked to see my pee-pee, like mom did.

The next morning, he woke me up and said we had to go to my house. I didn’t want to, but after he told me Jill said our parents were getting arrested and wouldn’t be there, I said okay. He talked to a lady from child services, had us all gather up clothes and other things we wanted, and he took the three of us out to breakfast.

Jill and Steven told him more things our parents did to them. We went back to his house so he could make some calls and then we went out to lunch. After lunch, we went to look at a couple houses to possibly move into with him. After a couple nights in a hotel, we actually went to live in one of them. Stayed there until we all grew up, too.

It was cool living with Uncle Brendan. The house had a pool, so we got to swim a lot. We even found out we had another uncle who was a pitcher for the Braves. Uncle Brendan took us to a game, and Uncle Rich got us a tour of the locker room and bought us ice cream after the game.

We all had to tell Uncle Brendan more things mom and dad did to us. It made things worse for them with the police. Then it got even worse when they found a body half-buried in the back yard. It creeped me out, knowing I was probably sitting and laying on top of the dead kid for the three days I was in the hole.

After the cops found the body, mom got shot by the kid's father. She didn't die right away, but I pretended she did. I hated her. Brendan went to see her at the hospital a couple times. The first time, he asked if we wanted to go. I said no. I didn't want to see her ever again. I was fourteen when she finally did die for real. Brendan made us go to the funeral, but I didn't go up front to say goodbye. We were sitting in the first row, and I heard Steven say, 'I'm glad you're dead, you f'in bitch.' I guess if I said bitch, I could say fucking too. Jill was just as mean, she said 'I wish you had suffered longer, you cu...' That word I'm not saying, but it rhymed with hunt.

A year later, dad died. None of us went to his funeral. We actually found out a couple weeks later, after he was buried in the prison's cemetery. None of us thought it was a great loss missing it. Jill was a little angry because she didn't get a final chance to tell him how much she hated him. She wrote him a letter and burned it. Apparently, some believe that’s a way to talk to the dead.

One other thing happened while I was still a kid that is worth mentioning. When I was in sixth grade, and twelve, we had a school field trip to Washington D.C. I had to go to the bathroom, and it was on a different floor of the museum we were in. The teacher let me go by myself as long as I promised to come right back. I wasn't able to go right back. There was a power failure or something and the elevator got stuck. There was a little light, I guess for an emergency, but it was still pretty dark. After some time, maybe about an hour, the light went out. I guess its battery ran out. It reminded me of being in the hole. I imagined the little boy was in the elevator with me. I was scared. By the time the power came back on, I'd been crying so long, I ran out of tears. When the doors finally opened, I was huddled in a corner, with my eyes closed tightly. If the boy did do something to me, I didn't want to see it. I've been afraid of the dark ever since. Uncle Brendan, who was my new dad by then, took me home. I couldn't sleep with the lights off anymore, either. After a few days, he brought me to a doctor who talked with me about the dark. It helped a little, but even after I grew up, I was still afraid of the dark. I had a different doctor by then too. The first one only had kid patients.

The day Uncle Brendan became my dad, Jill and Steven gave me a medal that said, 'The Bravest Boy Ever.' They said I probably saved all of our lives when I was kicked out of the house and found Uncle Brendan. Considering they killed that other boy; I suppose maybe I did.

I had met one girl in high school that I liked a lot. We dated a few times, but when she wanted to get closer, and started playing with my dick, I freaked out, thinking it was my mom who was doing that to me. She didn't understand why I wanted her to stop, and I couldn't tell her why, so she broke up with me.

Otherwise, mostly things were good growing up, other than girls, and the elevator incident and its impact on me. I graduated high school near the top of my class and even went away to college. I had a few different roommates before I finally found one who didn't care about sleeping with a light on. I guess he didn't care because by the time we went to bed, most nights he was drunk. He didn't last very long either, though. I woke up in the middle of the night one time and he was standing next to my bed. He had one hand on my dick and with the other, he was jerking himself off. I told the RA, Resident Assistant, what happened. He was expelled and I never needed to have a roommate after that. That was fine with me. Who knew what the next one might have done to me?

I found another girlfriend after college graduation. I had gotten a job as a teacher's assistant by then, with the idea of being a full-fledged teacher after a year. I got a little further with that one. I got past my issue of her playing with my dick, but when she wanted us to give each other oral sex, I couldn't and broke it off with her. Mom wanted to suck me, but didn't because she said I was too small. I guess I wasn't too small for Denise, but I couldn't go though with it. That pretty much was the stopping point a few more times before I finally gave up. I didn't like guys, like Uncle Brendan, so I stayed single.

After I finished my time as a teacher's assistant, I moved on to being a teacher of seventh-grade students. I was always really good at math, so I had a number of different classes, two each of basic math, for the kids that needed a little extra help, algebra and geometry. I guess the kids liked me. The first full year, I was voted favorite teacher by the seventh-grade students. After that, the awards kept coming, both from the students and the school district. I enjoyed teaching the kids. After eight years teaching middle school kids, by then it was seventh and eighth graders, I took a job at the high school. I didn't have the basic math classes anymore, but they were replaced by trigonometry.

A year into my high school career, I met a woman that I wasn't as afraid to be with. She had been married once before and had a son who was five. Her first husband was a complete asshole, her words, so she didn't want to marry again. I was okay with that, thinking if I did get freaked out at some point, it would be easier to break up. That didn't happen though. I was finally able to be intimate with a woman, something I had resigned myself to think would never happen. We gave Jimmy a half-sister three years into our relationship. It was tricky, but Tamara got her ex to give up parental rights and I adopted Jimmy. Once the asshole realized he didn't have to pay child support any longer, he gladly signed away his rights. We had to put Jimmy into therapy for a little while, he still loved his dad, although the feeling wasn't mutual. In time, he grew to accept me and was willing to get adopted. We named our daughter Jillian. Jill, for short. I purposely used a different spelling than my sister's.

Next Up - “Introducing Jill Taft”

Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

56 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

Very pleasing to read Nick's life progressed further from that detailed in the epilogue @Lee Wilson.

Steven and Jill's parting words to the incubator were befitting; they described my attitude towards her perfectly. A complete ducking hunt (another despicable practice).


Glad you liked it. You'll hear from Jill, Steven, and a whole boatload of sh-- on Abel and Kathy before this story ends.

Agreed on her personality. There will be more proof of her ducking hunt-ness starting in chapter 5.

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11 minutes ago, pvtguy said:

Great beginning.  It's great to be back with Nick and the family. 

Good. I hope you enjoy this ride.

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47 minutes ago, chris191070 said:

It's great to read Nick's story.

I look forward to Jill's version of events and her story.

Glad you enjoyed it. Jill's will be a little eye-opening, to be sure.

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4 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

A complete ducking hunt (another despicable practice).


I see Nick's way with words has rubbed off on you

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2 hours ago, chris191070 said:


I look forward to Jill's version of events and her story.

Care to have a little betting pool. We can all guess how many guys Jill kneed in the groin growing up..........Oh wait @Lee Wilson will make sure he wins

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I was fourteen when she finally did die for real. Until I read that line I thought Nick's narration what that of a younger kid then I realized this was Nick as a adult and he's still censors himself as if his hand is going to get burned if he cusses.Don't get me wrong not cussing is a good thing but it's extreme with Nick .There is also how he freaked out if a girl touches him. His POS parent have long ago died but the damage they did lives on

Jill and Steven gave me a medal that said, 'The Bravest Boy Ever.' That was an incredible gesture on their part . Bravo Jill and Steve❤️

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1 hour ago, weinerdog said:

Care to have a little betting pool. We can all guess how many guys Jill kneed in the groin growing up..........Oh wait @Lee Wilson will make sure he wins

That's actually pretty funny. I'll quote a line from chapter 3 that won't be much of a surprise:

"I should have kicked him in the nuts right then and there"

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1 hour ago, weinerdog said:

I was fourteen when she finally did die for real. Until I read that line I thought Nick's narration what that of a younger kid then I realized this was Nick as a adult and he's still censors himself as if his hand is going to get burned if he cusses.Don't get me wrong not cussing is a good thing but it's extreme with Nick .There is also how he freaked out if a girl touches him. His POS parent have long ago died but the damage they did lives on

Jill and Steven gave me a medal that said, 'The Bravest Boy Ever.' That was an incredible gesture on their part . Bravo Jill and Steve❤️

Yes, damage done young is slow to heal, if ever.

Another minor spoiler from chapter 4 this time. Steve was led to believe Nick ran away. He was proud of him for having the guts to do that. He did find out the truth, obviously.

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God I am so angry, I'm not sure if anyone knows, but in many ways Nick's story was ripped right from the pages of the Boston Globe and the sad, and I'm not sure sad is the correct word to use but...I digress, story of Elijah Lewis, a 5 year-old boy killed by his mother and boyfriend...who weighed 19 lbs when the autopsy was conducted...

I was watching the news before reading this and a segment came on about the sentencing of the mother and my blood was boiling mad...

if anyone would like to know the particulars the following would be instructive...

Mother of Elijah Lewis pleads guilty to 5-year-old's murder (bostonglobe.com) 

Nick, truly the bravest boy ever!!!

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