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    Lee Wilson
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  • 2,187 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

The Taft Family’s Before and After - 5. Abel and Kathy's Beginnings

We’re taking a break from the POV format this time, narrating the bitch and bastard’s stories. No child abuse this chapter, but some male-female sex occurs.

Abel Taft was a pimply-faced, overweight, seventeen-year-old boy when he first met Kathy Nelson on a Friday afternoon. Kathy was no Hollywood starlet either. She was also a little overweight, with a fairly plain face, but still attractive in many ways. When she walked into the convenience store he was working at, he didn't really pay a lot of attention to her. That changed when she checked out with her Mountain Dew, Kit-Kat bars, and Raspberry Zingers.

Not the smoothest talker, he opened with, "I love those things."


"All three, actually."

"You're probably going to say a fat girl like me shouldn't eat that stuff."

"I'd never say that, and you're not fat. Geez, I'm closer to being fat than you are. I think you have a nice body."

"Yeah, you're just saying that."

"No, I mean it. I don't mind a few extra pounds. Hell, I'm probably thirty pounds overweight. I'd say you can't be more than ten."

He was apparently smoothing up as he went. It was more like forty and twenty.

"I try to eat better, but sometimes you just need something, you know?"

"I know. I've eaten my fair share of junk food in my life. Here's your change."

Kathy said, "Thank you," and slowly turned to leave. The boys never really noticed her, but this one seemed different. She hesitated, then turned back around. It was time for her to take a risk.

"You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"

Abel snorted, "No. None of them would want to go out with a fat tub of lard like me."

"You're not fat. And I would go out with you."


"Yeah, you seem nice. Maybe you can take me out for pizza and a movie some time?"

Abel couldn't believe his luck. A girl who was actually interested in him. "Yeah, that'd be nice. What's your name?"

"Kathy. Kathy Nelson."

"I'm Abel Taft. If it's not too soon, I get off work at six, would tonight be okay?"

"Um, yeah. I guess so. I don't have any plans. I have to make sure I won't need to baby-sit my brothers, though. Can you call me after you get done here?"


They exchanged numbers. Kathy had just turned eighteen, her brothers were fourteen and ten. Fortunately for her, their parents weren't going out that night. It became unfortunate in the long run. Abel pulled up to her house at seven o'clock in his twenty-year-old Honda Accord and hoped Kathy wouldn't be too upset about him having an old car. She wasn’t. He walked up to the door, rang the bell, and was greeted by Kathy's father. Travis Nelson was an imposing figure. Six-foot three, two-hundred and thirty pounds of hard body.

"Come in. You must be Abel."

"I am. Thanks, um, thank you."

"Kathy's finishing getting ready. Would you like a beer?"

Abel paused, almost in shock, "No. I don't drink, and I'm only seventeen."

"Good answer. You'd be out the door if you accepted. Have a seat. You know women, they take so much longer than we do to get ready to go out."

Abel thought this might be another test, so he responded, "I don't mind waiting. I think she'll be worth the wait."

"Perhaps. But would you like a water, or a soda?"

"No, thank you."

Kathy came down the stairs at that moment, "You're not embarrassing him, are you, daddy?"

"Not at all. I'll wait for your second date to do that." Travis chuckled.

"Well, I guess we should go, Abel?"

"You're the boss."

With that, she kissed her daddy on the cheek and left. They split a small pizza, sausage and peppers, both of their favorite kind, and headed to the movie theater.

"Can we sit in the back row?"

"Anywhere you want, Kathy."

The theater wasn't very crowded, and there was nobody sitting within ten seats of them. Kathy hadn't had many dates, two to be exact, and neither one of them amounted to anything. That was two more than Abel. She wasn't about to let this one get away. She grabbed Abel's hand as the movie started and slowly moved it toward her crotch. Abel couldn't believe his luck. Overweight and pimply, he was still a virgin. If she was going to let him touch her, he wasn't about to complain.

Kathy let go of his hand and put her hand on Abel's crotch, looking at him to see his reaction. He smiled nervously. That was enough for Kathy. She started rubbing his penis through his pants, and was pleased when it started hardening. Abel got brave and rubbed Kathy. They turned to look at each other and their faces moved together, to meet in a kiss. Kathy stopped rubbing for a moment and reached for the button on Abel's jeans. He almost came right then and there, but was able to hold back.

Kathy whispered, "You can undo my pants too. If you want."

Abel fumbled a little, but finally got her pants unbuttoned. They pulled each other's zippers down, Abel completing the task slightly after Kathy. When Kathy put her hand inside Abel's underwear, he moaned. Kathy spread her legs a bit, sending Abel a signal to hopefully reach in. He got the message and touched a real live pussy for the first time in his life.

Shortly after reaching inside Kathy's panties, Abel felt that familiar feeling, "You'd better stop. I'm gonna, you know..."

Kathy didn't stop. She looked around, saw that nobody was paying attention to them, and leaned down into Abel's lap. Her lips weren't around Abel's penis more than ten seconds before he started spurting into her willing mouth. Fortunately for Abel, there was a jump scare at that moment, so his exclamation of pleasure was drowned out by others gasping. Kathy made sure she got every drop before she raised her head, licking her lips and smiling.

After another kiss, Kathy went in for the kill, "Let's go somewhere else. We can do more."

They left the theater, barely halfway through the show, but they had better things to do. Abel couldn't believe his luck. Okay, she wasn't very pretty, but pretty enough. That, and she excited him in ways he never felt before. They drove around a bit and found an abandoned house with a carport that was not very visible from the street. Abel pulled in.

"Let's get in the back Abel. If you can get hard again, we can do it."

Abel dimmed the inside light and they opened their doors to get into the back seat.

"Let's undress before we get back in the car, we'll have more room."

"Good idea, Kathy."

Kathy really just wanted to get a good look at Abel naked under the nearly full moon, which she did. Abel was equally satisfied seeing his first live naked girl. They climbed in the back seat.

"Will you lick me, Abel?"

Obviously, Abel had never done anything like this before, but was definitely willing to try. He was apparently pretty good at it, because Kathy was moaning.

"Put it in. Hurry. I want to cum the same time you do."

Abel was lost in a sexual haze. All thoughts of caution vacated his mind. He climbed on top of Kathy, and entered her. She moaned. He moaned. Since he'd cum only a short time before, he lasted a little longer this time. Just as he reached his climax and started filling Kathy's womb with his seed, the light came on in the carport. It seemed the house wasn't abandoned after all.

Two teen aged boys, around their age looked in.

"Hey, look Jason. Two fat people fucking. Yo, dude, get out of there and let me have a crack at that crack."

"You really want to fuck that pig, Dave?"

"Hey, a pussy is a pussy."

Dave pulled out a knife, "Get out of there fat boy."

Abel looked at the knife, then Kathy, "Sorry, Kathy."

He got out of the car. In doing so, it momentarily exposed Kathy.

"Oh, God. She's leaking his cum. Gross. I ain't getting anywhere near that. You two, get the fuck out of here before we call the cops on you."

Abel got back into the front seat, started the car, and pulled away.

"Oh, God. I'm glad they told us to leave. Are you okay, Kathy?"

"Yeah. No harm done. So two assholes saw me naked. I'll live. Can we go get something to drink?"

Abel drove them to a Wendy's. He went through the drive-through and bought them each a single cheeseburger, fries, and a drink.

"I thought that guy was going to cut you when I saw the knife."

"I almost knew he would. But what could I do? He called me fat boy and I was scared and naked."

"Oh, I'm not blaming you. Can we go somewhere else to calm down, maybe relax for a while?"

Abel had a room over the garage at his parent's house. He felt they could sneak in and relax there for a while. They sat on the couch he had in there, and Kathy looked at him in the eyes.

She whispered, "Are you sorry we did it?"

"No. I mean, not unless you are."

"No. I've been waiting years to be able to get the chance. It was wonderful."

He agreed. She leaned in to kiss him and they began a long make-out session. Abel was seventeen and filled with stamina. When Kathy realized he was hard again, she asked, "Can we have sex again, on your bed this time?"

Abel was having the best night of his life, and it just kept getting better. No way in hell could he have said no. They undressed again, but this time, their actions weren't rushed. While they lay there, cuddling in post-coital bliss, Kathy noticed the clock.

"Oh, shit! I need to be home in twenty minutes."

It would take that long to drive between the houses. She jumped out of bed and found her clothes. Abel got dressed just as quick. They pulled into her driveway at two minutes past one o'clock. Her father opened the door as they approached it.

"You're late."

Abel had planned for this potential outcome. "I'm sorry sir, that was my fault. I didn't realize how low on gas I was, so I had to stop and put a couple gallons in. I didn't want to run out and leave Kathy stranded on a dark road."

"Alright. I'll let you slide this time. Are you two going out again?"

They really hadn't discussed that, but Abel jumped in, "I'd really like to, Mr. Nelson. I think Kathy is great."

"And do you feel the same way, Kat?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Fine. Your curfew is thirty minutes earlier next time. Don't break it again. You'll both be sorry. I'll give you a minute to say goodnight, then inside and to bed, young lady."

Travis stepped back, and closed the door. Neither Abel nor Kathy wanted to risk his anger, so they kissed quickly, said goodnight, and Kathy went inside.

Abel and Kathy started seeing each other often. They didn't have sex on every date, but it was well more than half. Kathy caught the fever and couldn’t get enough sex. She often sucked Abel’s cock after they had sex. She was tempted to find someone else to give it to her, but felt that would piss off Abel, and she’d lose everything she was getting. She had turned into a nymphomaniac. Abel wasn’t far from being a sex addict himself.

Four weeks after their first date, Kathy said she had something serious to talk to him about. Abel picked her up and brought her back to his room.

"Abel, I'm late."

"We just got here, what are we late for?"

"Not we. Me."

"You're la... Oh, shit."

"Yeah. Oh, shit is right. I don't know what to do. If I tell daddy, he'll blow a fuse and who knows what he'll do to you. If I don't tell him, and he finds out when I start showing, that's probably worse."

"How far along are you?"

"I'd guess four weeks, since I'm two weeks late."

"Any chance it's simply late?"

Kathy reached into her purse and pulled out the pregnancy test result. Abel was going to ask if she was sure it was his, but she'd told him many times he was the first and only boy for her. He'd wrangle a paternity test somewhere along the line, and see if there was a chance he wasn't the father. He never got a chance to do that. It didn't matter. Kathy was honest about that. Abel was the only boy she'd been with.

"I'll be eighteen in a month and able to move out on my own. Although when my father finds out, I won't have to worry about my future. I won't have one."

"He'd do something like that to you?"

"I can't be sure. Probably not, but I wouldn't guarantee anything."

Next Up - “A Shotgun Wedding?”

Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

18 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

It’s times like this that make me think some folks need sterilization….

I suspect after a few more chapters, you'll be suggesting something harsher.

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Well, as much as we dispise this pair, no one can deny they were a good fit for one another's twisted selves.

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15 minutes ago, BentedWreath said:

Well, as much as we dispise this pair, no one can deny they were a good fit for one another's twisted selves.

True, if they hadn't met, two families may have been doomed.

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Just now, chris191070 said:

There are the perfect fit for each other.

See my previous comment.

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At the moment all I see is two people most would call losers and they have a low self esteem.

"I'd never say that, and you're not fat. Geez, I'm closer to being fat than you are. I think you have a nice body." That almost sounds like a nice person

Kathy's finishing getting ready. Would you like a beer?"

Abel paused, almost in shock, "No. I don't drink, and I'm only seventeen."

"Good answer. You'd be out the door if you accepted.

That shows he has a sense of right and wrong so I'm guessing there are things still to revealed in future chapters that might explain why they went in the direction these two went

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4 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

At the moment all I see is two people most would call losers and they have a low self esteem.

"I'd never say that, and you're not fat. Geez, I'm closer to being fat than you are. I think you have a nice body." That almost sounds like a nice person

Kathy's finishing getting ready. Would you like a beer?"

Abel paused, almost in shock, "No. I don't drink, and I'm only seventeen."

"Good answer. You'd be out the door if you accepted.

That shows he has a sense of right and wrong so I'm guessing there are things still to revealed in future chapters that might explain why they went in the direction these two went

You guess correctly to some extent. The biggest reason was this:


She had turned into a nymphomaniac. Abel wasn’t far from being a sex addict himself.


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