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    Lee Wilson
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  • 2,193 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2024 Lee R Wilson.

The Taft Family’s Before and After - 7. More Problems In Newberry

Minor references to child abuse and homophobic slurs occur.

Brendan left Kathy's house dejected. In just over a week, he'd lost his parents, his home, and his temporary living space. He decided he'd also lost a sister. What she did was unforgivable. She could have at least let him explain. But then he thought, 'What good would that do? Him being gay would equate to him being a pervert in her eyes forever.'

It was about an eight-mile walk to his old house in Silverstreet, and he still had his keys. He decided he'd crash there until he found something else. He arrived four hours after leaving Kathy's house; it was dark, and Brendan was tired. He'd been booted before they ate dinner, but he stopped for something on the road. Now, at almost ten o'clock, he walked up to his old house. It was still vacant, fortunately. He knew he couldn't stay there long, Kathy was going to come back and start clearing things out the following weekend. That gave him four days/five nights to figure out his next move.

Brendan was lucky. Nobody had thought to turn off the electricity, water, or cable service. The first thing he did was find some contractor bags and duct tape to black out any windows in rooms he may use at night. His bedroom and the main bathroom came first. He'd cover other windows as they became necessary. After that, he showered, said to hell with clothes since he was alone in the house, and sat down at his laptop to send an email to his brother Rich.

Dear Rich,

Long time no see, haha. As you know, after the funeral, I went to live with Kathy. Today, she caught me surfing for porn and kicked me out. Don't hate me, but it was gay porn. Yes, I believe I am gay. I hope you don't hate me for that. If you do, well, I'll figure something out. If not, you have to let me come live with you, Rich. She didn't think I can control myself and not do things with little Jill and Steven. I assume she means sexual things. So she gave me the boot. Like I'd ever do anything like that. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she wanted to save that shit for herself. Okay, that's just anger talking.

I know you have a small apartment off-campus. I can sleep on the couch, and I promise to keep the place clean, cook for you, do your laundry, whatever. I'm at the old house right now (I hope you won't rat me out), but I can't stay past Friday. Kathy will be coming back to clear the place out to sell it. I have a feeling she'll only split the proceeds two ways and leave me out of everything.

Going to bed, hope to hear from you by morning.

Love, Brendan

With nothing else to do, and tired from the walk, he went to sleep. He woke up the following morning, checked his email, and said a little prayer that Rich would be cool before opening it.


Holy hell, little bro. I can't believe she was so cruel to you. I'm not going to hate you because you're gay. I'm surprised you even thought I might. One intolerant sibling is enough, anyway. Have to share this, you were young, but I'm pretty sure Kathy trapped Abel by getting pregnant. Between me and you, her prospects of getting a man were slim otherwise, unlike her. Damn, was she fat at the funeral. But then, Abel is no Brad Pitt, either.

Anyway, I'm actually moving into a two bedroom apartment this weekend. I was going to get a roommate, but now with the money from mom and dad, I won't need to do that right away, so you've got a place to stay as long as you need it. Plus, you can come with me when the funds get split and I can make sure she doesn't cheat you out of your share. And no, I won't rat you out. We just need to figure out a way to get you here, my class and practice schedules don't easily allow for a seven-hour round trip, unfortunately.


Brendan was so happy, he cried for fifteen minutes before he could even see well enough to respond. But before responding, he checked out bus schedules. If he could get to Columbia, there was a Greyhound station where he could catch a bus to Myrtle Beach from; and arrive less than a half-hour away from Coastal Carolina U.

Dear Rich,

Oh, God. Thank you. There's a Greyhound from Columbia to Myrtle Beach that arrives 10:30 every morning. I think I can get a ride to Columbia, as long as there's a day you can pick me up at the bus station. Even if I have to spend six or eight hours there, I will. I'd say Thursday or beyond. If you can get me before your move, you'll have an extra pair of hands.

Love, Brendan

Rich's reply was nearly immediate.


That would be awesome. My classes don't start until 11:15 on Tuesday and Thursday, plenty of time to run to MB and back. Fuck it if I'm a few minutes late anyway, it's only Early American Lit. Haha. Let's plan on Thursday. And I'll definitely take you up on your offer of the hands. I have a feeling my best friend is going to have to bail, he's been sick and looks worse every day. I'm guessing mono. LMK if you can't make it to Columbia. I'll be as flexible as you need me to be.


Brendan knew it was risky, but he thought his best option to get to Columbia was Abel. He knew Abel was at work, but a text shouldn't be a problem.

'Hi Abel. It's Brendan. I'll understand if you ignore this, but I need a huge favor and I don't know who else to ask. None of my friends drive yet and I doubt their parents would take me. I need a ride to the Columbia Greyhound station Wednesday evening so I can catch a bus to live with Rich. I'll pay for your gas, buy you dinner, whatever.'

Brendan got his bicycle out of the garage, pumped up the tires, and headed to Smitty's Country Store to get something to eat. He picked up something he could have for lunch as well. He could bike the hour to the WalMart in Newberry this afternoon to pick up food for tonight through tomorrow night if there wasn't anything appetizing at Smitty's, which, depending on the day, was definitely possible. He'd just gotten back from Smitty's with a couple breakfast sandwiches, three hot dogs and buns, when his phone dinged. It was a text from Abel. He said another short prayer before reading it. He believed his prayer was answered. Again.

'Hey Brendan. First, I gotta say sorry for Kathy's actions. We fought about her kicking you out when I got home from work. I lost, of course, since you're still out. I can drive you to Columbia Wednesday evening, but where are you going to stay? The bus is only 7:30 AM. And don't worry about gas or dinner, we'll figure something out.'

'Thanks, Abel. You're a life saver. If you can get me set up with a room at the Super-8 near the Greyhound station, it's only about a fifteen-minute walk. I'll pay for the room, but I'm sure they won't rent to a fifteen-year-old.'

'We'll figure out payment for the motel later, too. Where are you?'

'No offense, but I'd rather not say. Can you pick me up at the Welch Zion Church on 121?'

'So, you're home. I can come to the house, don't worry about me saying anything. As far as Kathy will know, a buddy from work needs a ride to the bus station. I can be there by six-thirty, maybe a little later. We'll grab a bite on the way.'

‘Thanks. Somewhere around six-thirty will be great. See you tomorrow. I owe you big time.'

Abel smiled at that last.

Brendan biked to the Walmart, bought himself dinner and something for breakfast and lunch the next day. Once he packed what he could carry on the bus, he spent most of the rest of the time reading and missing his parents. Abel showed up at six-thirty-five the next evening.

"Mind if I use your bathroom?"

"No, go ahead. I won't need it anymore. Kathy's cleaning this weekend, so feel free to piss anywhere."

"Oooh, that was cold. But I get it. Be right back."

Abel returned to the living room, "Damn, first time in years I missed the bowl for more than a half-second. What are the odds?"

"You didn't?"

"No, but I thought you'd get a kick out of that."

"Thanks, I needed a smile."

"I'm ready whenever you are. Like I said, we'll figure out payment later. It's later. So, you're a fag, huh?"

Brendan was immediately worried, "Um... Yeah?"

"Cool, so would a blowjob be fair payment for dinner, motel, and a ride?"

"You're kidding, right?"


"Abel, I don't..."

"Your choice, kid. You need a ride; I need a blowjob. Take it or leave it."

"Fuck you. Get out of my house. I could have set up something else if I knew you were going to pull this shit."

"Fine, I'll leave. But once I'm out that door, you're on your own. I couldn't even be responsible if maybe child services showed up here later."


"Your loss."

Abel left. Brendan started crying. How could he have really expected Abel to be a nice guy for once? After composing himself, he sent a text to Rich.

'Rich, I'm not going to get to Columbia tonight. I hoped Abel would be human. He offered to give me a ride. He showed up and wanted a bj as payment. Needless to say, I didn't take him up on his offer. Fucking asshole.'

It took until a few minutes after seven before he got a response.

'What a bastard. Okay, I just left practice. I'll pop over to the apartment and grab a change of clothes for tomorrow and hit the road. I should be there by ten-thirty or so. We'll hit the road back at around seven in the morning.'

'I can't ask you to do that.'

‘Fine, don't ask. But you'd better answer the door when I knock.'

‘I'll be your slave. Bring food?'

'Weekly blowjobs would be payment enough. j/k. Just back me up when I call out Kathy and Abel when we see them next. Will come bearing edibles.'

'Right, Abel. Haha. No problem backing you up. Thanks.'

'See you in about three and a half.'

'QQ. Can I bring my bike?'

'QA, sure. I have a Tacoma; we can tie it down in the bed.'

‘Awesome. Thanks.'

Brendan packed up as much as he could knowing he was no longer limited to what he could bring on a bus. Rich got there at ten-forty-five, and helped him put everything in the back seat, except the bike. They'd need to have light in order to properly tie it down for a three plus hour drive. The next morning, they were on their way to Brendan's next chapter in his life. One that went quite smoothly, except for a few hours in Kathy's presence. But we'll get there. We need a short visit with Kathy and Abel first.

Abel came home late from work on Wednesday. Kathy was not happy.

"Where were you? Couldn't you call? The kids have been driving me crazy. I need a break."

"Fine. Go take a bath or something. If you want the truth, I was going to drive Brendan..."

"I told you never to say that name again."

"Oh, grow up. I was going to take your brother to the bus station so he could go live with Rich. But he wouldn't pay the fare."

"Rich is taking him in?"


"God, he must be a fag too. Wait, what fare?"

"I wanted a blowjob. He wouldn't comply. He's probably still at your old house crying about it."

"You would have let him suck your dick?"

"Yeah. If you don't like it, you know where the door is."

"I should have never let you touch me."

Able snickered, "Guess you're stuck with me now, huh?"

Kathy just turned around and walked away.

As suggested, she took a long bath and contemplated how she could get back at Abel. She thought to herself 'I suck his dick and fuck him whenever he wants, and he wants a blowjob from a fucking faggot?' She ended up masturbating and commenced to forget all about revenge against Abel, for now, at least.

Next Up - “Trouble In Paradise”

Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Wow, Able is a piece of shit, not surprised Kathy wasn't happy.

Brendan was stupid to ask Able.

At least Rich has no problems with Brendan.

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Oh, just wait until her revenge on Sunday. I think they both qualify as shits, tbh.

Asking Abel was a way to instill yet a little more drama. Like this story needed it, hehe.

Yes, Rich is the good sibling.

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