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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 13. Chapter 13

Alan and Cal begin to form patterns of daily activities during the unstructured time of the Coronavirus lockdown. I hope you will enjoy their mutual journey through this difficult time as they try to survive and grow. Mature Audiences.

Big Brother

When I logged onto my Gmail account, I saw a few additional messages. Both my sister and my brother had written back as well as my roommate. But what caught my eye first was a message from the Registrar’s Office at UNM. Before I could click on the message, my phone chirped.

It was Alan. “Hi,” I answered.

“They were right. We’re going fully online for the rest of the semester.”

“I see I have a message from the Registrar, but haven’t read it yet.” I clicked on it to open the message.

“We’ll have another week of break and then all classes will be taught online with the campus closed for general use. I don’t know what about the dorm.”

“You don’t think they’ll toss us out, do you?” It was bizarre because I couldn’t really think of somewhere else I could live.

“Don’t know,” Alan said, “but they’ll come up with someplace for us. After all, the PR would be pretty bad if it got out they were making their students homeless.”

I chuckled. “Maybe we could set up a tent over on that nice grassy hill at the corner of University and Central Avenue.”

“There are worse things. Oh, well, I’m not going to worry about that yet. The administration will have to deal with it.”


“See you at three.”

“Sure. Bye.”

I sat for a moment, thinking. Then I decided to check the other messages and make that call to Cole.

Carriechris488@gmail.com: I still can’t believe Mom and Dad have banished you from your own home. What are they thinking? Rita called me last night to say she heard they might cancel our prom! Isn’t that the silliest thing you ever heard? They’ve had proms forever. Damn, even Mom and Dad had a prom. I just have to have a prom! I just know Justin is going to ask me. I’ve already scoped out a sexy blue number with sequins everywhere. It’ll definitely get Justin’s blood racing! He wants me to meet him at the courtyard behind the high school tonight. We figure we can sneak out after everybody is in bed and be back before they know we’re gone. You used to sneak out through that side door in the garage, didn’t you?

Fuck, little sis! What are you thinking? I know what you’re thinking. I’ve seen Justin, too. He certainly looks good in his pants. There were a few times at the pool I saw him in his swimsuit. He doesn’t wear a Speedo (too bad) but that boxer-brief style suit definitely emphasizes the major lump he’s packing. I wonder how much they’ve already done? Damn, Carrie! Are you as horny as your big brother?

Now I have to be the parent without messing up our good relationship. Shit!

LCCal1277@gmail.com: Hi, Carrie, Maybe they won’t have to cancel the prom, but I think it’s pretty likely. They’re closing the university for the rest of the year. We’ll be taking our classes online instead of on campus. I think you need to face the reality that the next few months are not going to be normal. You aren’t going to be able to see Justin or your girl-friends like you want to, sweetheart. That’s just how it is. Like I can’t be at home right now. Please, Carrie, you can’t slip out to meet Justin. Mom and Dad are right that you have to stay quarantined. Don’t forget Grandma. You can’t risk bringing COVID to her. What if you were responsible for the disease that killed her? You couldn’t live with that. No, no, no. You cannot see Justin until this lockdown is over. And I can’t come home until then either. But we can plan a facetime and you can do that with Justin and your other friends, too. It’ll only be a few months. Don’t panic. We’ll all get through it and then life will be great. (Two smiley faces.)

Moving right along, Cole came next.

Colejenningschristensenesquire@gmail.com: Hey Cal! Man, I need to talk to you. You gotta help me with this poberty shit. Call me. Dude! Call me on Carrie’s phone.

Cole wouldn’t be allowed a cell phone until his 13th birthday, so he had to use Carrie’s if he wanted a private conversation. Otherwise, it had to be the landline in the kitchen or the den. I thought I’d better answer Bert first.

BandelierBert@yahoo.com: Hey, my man. It’s so fucking boring around here, I wish I had stayed at school like you. We could be playing Spades all day long. I was thinking maybe we could do a Zoom call. I mean, it would be more fun than email or the phone. What do ya think? I just feel so cut off from everything. Mom and Dad are working from home so I can’t even play loud music. I don’t mean to be complaining but I guess there isn’t anything else to talk about.

LCCal1277@gmail.com: I suppose you’ve received the email from the Registrar saying we’ll be having a second week of break and then go online 100%. I’m sure we’ll get instructions from the Residence Halls about what happens to the dorms. Alan and I have decided we’ll pitch a tent on the grassy hill at University and Central. It’s weird having no idea where I’ll be living in a couple of weeks. I think a Zoom call would be cool. I’ll get Alan to come say hi. Hey, isn’t there an online card game site where we could get a virtual Spades game going?
I slipped down to the central restroom to take a piss and then returned to my room. It was about 20 before 2 when I got back. I picked up the phone and punched in Carrie’s phone number.

She answered after a couple of rings. She’d gotten my message and said she knew I was right. “It’s just so hard being 16 and not getting to go to school and see your friends and go out with your super-hot boy-friend,” she whined.

“I know, Carrie,” I said. “It’s just a bad time in the world right now and we’re lucky we aren’t sick with this terrible disease and that we have good places to stay for a while.”

“Thanks, Cal. You’re always so wise.”

I laughed. “Not always, sis.”

“Okay, Well, Cole is here trying to rip the phone away from me, so I’ll let you talk to him about boy stuff!”

“I love you, Carrie. Just hang in there and don’t do anything stupid.”

“I won’t. Bye, Cal!”

There was a moment before Cole came on. “Cal?”

“Yes, Cole. So, what’s going on, Buddy?”

“Just a sec…” I heard a door close. “Okay, we’re alone now.”

As kindly as I could, I asked, “So, what do you want to talk about?”

“Uhm, did Dad tell you about the birds and the bees?”

I chuckled. “No, actually. I think he was too embarrassed.”

“Well, me neither. I mean, I already know about penises and pussies.”

“Okay.” I couldn’t remember how much I knew about pussies when I was 12, but I did know a little about penises. “That’s a start.”

“And I know about sticking a penis in a pussy and squeezing out a baby.”

“That’s not exactly the way it happens, Cole; there’s more to it than that.”

“Right now, that’s not my concern.”

“Okay. What is your concern?”

“I need to know what to do when your, uh, dick gets, uhm …”


“Uhm. Yeah.”

“Well,” I hesitated, not quite sure what he needed to know at this point. “If you wait a few minutes, does it get soft again?”

“Sometimes. But what if someone sees before it, you know, gets soft?”

“First of all, it’s a completely natural thing, so it isn’t anything you should be ashamed of. You aren’t weird or bad for getting hard. Okay?”

“Yeah. But you don’t want people to see it, do you?”

“No. Well, not unless you’re in love and alone, I guess.”

“That’s when you’d put your penis in her pussy and make a baby?”

“Well, maybe, but let’s save that discussion for a while, okay?”

“Okay. But what do I do?”

“My advice is to just put your books in front of your crotch or sit down or maybe turn to the wall. You just try to block other people’s view. It’s probably best not to touch it through your clothes because that draws attention and might even make the erection last longer.”

“Oh. What if it’s in the shower after PE?”

“That’s when you face the wall. Or hold your towel in front. All the boys will be having the same problem so they’ll mostly ignore it if it happens to you.”

"Thanks, Cal.”

“Anything else?”

“Nope. When will you come home?”

“I don’t know, Buddy. When the doctors say it’s okay, I guess. That’s really up to Mom and Dad. They’ll know when I can come home.”

“Are you going to live in the dorm forever?”

I chuckled. “I don’t think so, but that’s where I am now.”


“Listen, Cole, I need to go. You can call me if you need to talk about something, okay?”


“Carrie has my number in her phone.”

“Okay. Thanks, Bro.”

“You’re welcome. Bye, Cole.”

“Bye, Cal.”

A Sexy Workout

I finally got back to studying and for a couple of hours I forgot that life had become all topsy-turvy thanks to COVID. I finished that homework set and read a short story for English Lit. At about 3:30 I decided I was done with studying for today.

I clicked on the call button and soon heard the ringing of Alan’s phone.

“Hey, dude,” came his sexy voice.

“Hey, yourself.”

“Have you finished studying?”

“I’ve done enough for today. How about you?”

“I’m ready for a workout.”

“Me, too. Shall I come by your room?”


I slipped into a pair of blue workout shorts and a white tank top, grabbed a towel, and took off to Alan’s room. He was waiting in the hall when I got there, looking like the stud that he is in light gray compression shorts and an oversized tank top with a big picture of Tom Welling as Superman on the front. I could see his pecs and nipples through the armhole, it was so loose.

Downstairs we found the old workout room between the laundry room and the trash room. Luckily the door was unlocked.

Inside, the room was musty-smelling and slightly damp. It looked as if no one had been inside in a couple of years, but we knew guys did use it sometimes when it was after-hours and the Rec Center was closed. Of course, the Rec Center was always closed nowadays, like everyplace else.

The room was just weights and a couple of benches. Nothing fancy. But we spotted each other, worked our arms and legs until they were burning, and built up a good sweat. Although I enjoyed glances at Alan’s muscles as we worked, we were all business. It was the best workout I had had in a long while.

Afterwards, we returned to the third floor and rendezvoused in the showers. Damn, the hot water felt wonderful on the tired muscles. Without a word, Alan began soaping my body, slowly, sensuously. He even threw in some gentle massaging. He even cleaned my asshole for a while, eventually putting three fingers inside and frigging me until I was as wet inside as I was on the outside. I was in hog heaven! And, of course, my penis stood up as if to shout, “Me! Don’t forget to massage me!”

And, I’ll be damned, he did!

His soapy fist wrapped around my plump penis brought me quickly to a state of full excitement. The hand job lasted a couple of minutes but stopped abruptly when I began to get a little breathless.

Alan removed his hand, leaving my dick just hanging in the air between us. “That’s enough for now,” he said seriously. “I want you primed for the big time later tonight.”

The thought that comment put into my head was almost sexy enough to finish me off without any handiwork!

Alan smiled warmly and turned his back to me. I shook the fantasies out of my head, took the soap he held out to me, and began to wash and massage his body. When my soapy hands found his glutes, he leaned over a bit, spread his legs, and pushed his butt toward me. When my fingers went into his crack, he muttered, “Yeah.” When I touched his rosebud, he moaned. And when I began circling his opening with my soapy finger, he moaned louder and pushed back more. It took almost no pressure at all for my finger to slip though his sphincter into his warm, moist interior. I finger-fucked him for several minutes with my middle finger and then with the index finger sliding in beside it. I found his prostate and let one finger align along each side of the smooth lump.

“Oh, god!” he cried out when I first thumped his prostate. As I moved in and out with my fingers, he moaned in a never-ceasing rhythmic cry as his ass began punching back to meet my finger thrusts. After a minute I noticed he was pulling on his dick and his moans went up an octave or two as he slipped into a zone of full immersion into the feelings he was getting from my fingers working his hole and his hand working his dick. We were locked in this sawing connection for several minutes before his moans turned into staccato wails. He slammed his body back as his sphincter clamped onto my fingers and his back rose from the flat angle. As his back curved up towards me, I had to push my fingers forward and turn them upward a bit to keep them inside and pressed against his prostate.

“Oh!” he screamed. “Oh, oh, fuck!” As his ass clenched and released on my fingers, I automatically imagined how sexy that would feel on my dick. With my free hand I encircled Alan’s chest and pulled him back against me. My head popped over his shoulder as his final clench and release occurred amidst a quiet grunt. He turned his face toward me and kissed my cheek, licking my stubble as his hand came up to the opposite side of my head to hold me in place.

After a moment of afterglow, he kissed my cheek again, drew a deep breath, and said gently, “Thank you, Cal. You can pull out now.”

Your comments and reactions are always welcome. And sometimes they do affect the trajectory of this story. Thank you very much for staying with our story.
Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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HELP! Could anyone pls call 911? I’m having problems to breathe. 

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"You can pull out now"  is  very much not the most romantic thing anyone has ever said.

I'm starting to think that Alan is (maybe a lot) less experienced than he lets on,  and is also learning a lot about himself this week. 


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