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Love Of Family (2024 Revision) - 14. Family Weekend pt. 4

After talking with Linda, everyone decided that Leon and Troy would go to the medical center and that Rusty and Jaycen would be on call, just in case.

When the music started to play, Maureen and her wife Aleecia held hands as they walked up the church's center aisle. At the steps of the pulpit, the women hugged, and Aleecia sat in the front pew beside the couple's parents and Maureen's siblings.

After communion, Maureen stood and said, "For this part of the service, I'd like to invite three special members of my chosen family to come up and perform their musical selections for us. I have no idea what they've chosen, but I'm certain we'll all enjoy the performances and get a blessing from it. "Take it away, Jayce, Mama Ev, and Levie."

Jaycen hugged his honorary sister and said, "Reenie, not only have you been an inspiration to this community, but you've brightened the lives of our blended families ever since you came into this world. This song is dedicated to you, Sis." His soulful and flawless performance of Josh Groban's "You Raise Me Up" had the congregation drying their tears.

Next, Ev'lynn got the church up on their feet as they clapped along with her version of "Swing Low Sweet Chariot."

Levie picked up his guitar. He looked over the congregation, then at Maureen, and said, "Reenie, you've been an amazing big sister to me all my life. Thank you for the love, encouragement, and butt-kickings you've given me over the years. This next song is dedicated to you, my departed Mom, my Mam-Maw Ev, Aleecia, my newly acquired Mama Linda, and last but not least, to all the strong women of this community." He surprised everyone with Dolly Parton's "Eagle When She Flies." When the last chord was strummed, there wasn't a dry eye in the church, his included.

The trio ended the selections with three-part harmony versions of Amy Grant's "El Shaddai," "By My Side" from the musical, "Godspell," and Kathy Mattea's "Mary Did You Know?."

After the service, Maureen, Aleecia, Rusty, Brandon, and Greg each bear-hugged the three performers.

"Guys, your performances were mind blowing," Greg stated as he held Levie in his arms.

"Bro, Mama will be speechless when she hears you listing her in the dedicated performance," Brandon said.

"Lev, thank you for the song you dedicated to us," Ev'lynn said while drying her tears.

"Son," Jaycen said, hugging his birth brother, "you never cease to amaze and make us proud."

Levie blushed as he buried his face in Jaycen's chest, with Greg lovingly stroking his hair and back.

"Thank you for staying and making this a special service," Maureen said as she and her wife Aleecia hugged the blended family.

"We couldn't leave you hanging, Sis," Jaycen said before kissing Maureen's cheek.

"I'm gonna go get your Pap-Paw and meet y'all at the ranch," Ev'lynn said as she hugged and kissed everyone.

"We're right behind ya, Mam-Maw," Levie said.

"Rus and I are going to the center. We'll be home as soon as possible," Jaycen said.

Greg turned onto the long drive that led up to the ranch and parked beside Troy's Plymouth. The guys got out of the car, stretched, and then grabbed the bags of extra clothing Levie suggested the brothers bring so they weren't in the dress clothing all day.

"Lev, this place is so peaceful and beautiful, especially with the mountain in the distance," Brandon said as he took a moment to enjoy the scenery for the first time before following his brothers into the farmhouse.

Inside, the guys removed their footwear at the door and headed up the stairs to Levie's room, where they changed clothes.

When Greg came out of the bathroom and sat on the bed, his wrists were grabbed, and his squirming body was pulled up to the pillows. "I'm sooo gonna make you both pay for this," he hollered while continuing the vain efforts to find freedom. Levie's knees kept his hands stationary, and Brandon's body pinned his lower legs. The second his blonde-haired brother's fingers stroked along his soles, his toes scrunched, and the balls of his feet hit against each other. Squeals and boyish giggles flowed unobstructed and bounced off the bedroom walls as his legs jumped and his body wriggled as much as possible.

"Can't help it, my brave and ticklish knight, you're just so cute when getting tickled," Levie said while giggling. He leaned down and kissed his giggling mate's nose before releasing Greg's hands.

"Yeah, bro, I love hearing your laughs and squeals," Brandon added.

Now that his hands were free, Greg wrapped his arms around his unsuspecting brother's ankles and launched a retaliatory tickle attack on the thin fabric-covered arches.

Brandon rolled off his dark-haired brother's legs seconds before dissolving into an uncontrollable fit of hysterical giggling. "Shit, not the nails, bro," he squealed and tried unsuccessfully to free his feet from their ticklish imprisonment as his body wriggled and writhed on the bed.

"Hey, anyone home," Ev'lynn called out.

"We'll be down in a minute, Mam-Maw,” the young men hollered. They straightened up the room, put their folded dress clothing in the bags, and went downstairs.

"There's my boys," Lyle said.

Levie, Brandon, and Greg were each given kisses by the older couple, and they squirmed, squealed, and giggled when they got loving and ticklish bear hugs from their Pap-Paw. Ev'lynn chuckled and shook her head as she walked into the kitchen.

"Anything still in the car, Mam-Maw," Levie asked.

"Is Dolly a queen of country," she responded.

The boys giggled at the response as they put their boots and shoes on and got the remaining things from the Caddilac.

"Is there any food left in the grocery stores, or did ya cook it all and bring it here, Mam-Maw," Brandon asked.

"Don't make me smack that cute behind of 'yours, ya onery youngin'."

Brandon giggled and jumped behind Levie.

"Oh, he ain't gonna save ya, kiddo," Lyle said, shaking his head and chuckling at the antics.

Greg asked, "Ya need any help, Mam-Maw? Bran and I are just learning, but we'd be happy to do what we can."

"I got it from here. Go on, scoot." Ev'lynn said. She hugged and kissed her three grand kids and guided them out the kitchen screen door.

"C'mon, guys, we're going to the stables," Levie said.

"Lev, remember Uncle Stu said to take it easy," Brandon said.

Greg and Levie giggled and squirmed when the blonde's fingers lightly pressed into their sides, just above their hips.

"I know, Bran. I'm not gonna do anything to hurt myself further. Besides, Uncle Stu's wrath is nothing compared to my Bropops and Mam-Maw Ev when they're upset with me."

As soon as they crossed the threshold of the stable, Brandon stopped in his tracks. He licked his lips and unknowingly rubbed his hardening manhood, which was brought to life by the sight of the bare-chested guy, close to their age and about Greg's height, with dirty blonde hair and his well-defined six-pack abs brushing a breathtaking black horse.

"Fuck, Stormy, you look amazing with your coat shined up," the young man said as he lovingly petted his stallion's mane. The young man began to squirm and giggle like crazy when his playful steed nuzzled his nose along his unprotected stomach. "C'mon, boy, you know that tickles," he squealed as he wrapped his arms around his midsection.

Levie and Greg shared a look and nodded when their brother's eyes sparkled as he watched the guy being tickled.

"Aww, you're sooo cute when you get tickled, Rhett," Levie playfully teased.

"You're one to talk, Bro."

Rhett turned to hug the grinning redhead but stopped when he caught sight of the yet-to-be-introduced blonde male. His soft brown eyes glazed over, his mouth resembled a cave entrance, and his jeans suddenly displayed an instant hard-on. He finally shook himself out of the daze and hugged Levie and Greg.

Levie and Greg giggled at the entranced, speechless pair as Levie said, "Rhett, I'd like you to meet my newest brother, Brandon Wilmont. Brandon's Greg's foster brother."

Brandon smiled, and his blue eyes sparkled as he extended his arm and said, "Nice to meet you, Rhett." The slightly taller man gently moved his arm to the side, and he was pulled into a warm and comforting embrace.

Rhett released Brandon, then nervously ran his fingers through his hair and said, "I'm a hugger unless I get a "no hug" vibe from the other person, and you totally gave off a "hug me now" vibe."

"Well, handsome, feel free to hug me anytime," Brandon said with a boyish giggle before blushing and tilting his lowered head sideways.

Rhett's eyes lit up as he asked, "Are you always this adorable, Brandon?" Seconds after the words ended, his face burned, and his cheeks displayed a bright pink blush that complimented Brandon's cheeks.

As Greg's arms wrapped around him, Levie leaned back against his mate and said, "Hey, Rhett, at the risk of making ya blush even more, you should know that Bran's gonna be starting his first day at the ranch tomorrow, and you're training him. You'll have to start from scratch 'cause my bro's never worked with horses or on a farm or ranch before."

Greg kissed his red-haired boy's cheek and offered, "Bran has riding experience. However, he might be a bit rusty because it's been over a year since he's been in the saddle."

Rhett swallowed the lump in his throat and stared at the grinning redhead.

"Really? I get to train this cute blonde-haired, blue-eyed hunk?"

"Holy Shit," Brandon stated. "You're calling me a cute hunk? Have you seen yourself? Oh, I'd love it if you called me Bran."

"Hey, Rhett, it's obvious the two of you are intrigued by and are physically attracted to each other," Greg stated as he put his arms on his brother's and Rhett's shoulders. "Just don't hurt one another or else."

Rhett smirked and said, "Yeah, I've heard the official big brother threat before, Bro."

"Except, mine is a little different. If ya hurt Bran, I'll hogtie and tickle the shit and piss outta you, starting and ending with your feet... and I'll do the same to Bran if he hurts you."

"Yeah, right, Bro," Brandon said, giggling.

"It'll be me and Bran against you, so the odds are pretty good that you'd be hogtied and tickled," Rhett added with a smirk.

"Hey, with Lev protecting me, you guys wouldn't stand a chance," Greg shot back. "Isn't that right, my Prince?"

Levie looked up, licked his lips, and said, "I'm sorry, babe, but I wasn't paying attention. I was enjoying the thought of you guys hogtied while I tickle the crap outta the three of you." He giggled while walking backward until he was pinned against Stormy's stall door as his mate and brothers surrounded him with their fingers wiggling in midair. "C'mon, guys, I'm still healing," he said through the giggles from the phantom tickles.

The three older boys shook their heads and chuckled before sharing a group hug with the giggly redhead and kissing him.

Brandon was squealing, giggling, and squirming like crazy as Stormy nuzzled his neck with his nostrils after he was introduced to the stallion as Papa Bran. His laughter increased in pitch and volume because Rhett assisted the equine by tickling his ribs. After everyone settled down, the four guys hugged and kissed the black steed, then put him in his stall.

Rhett received a text and said, "That was Papa Bill, I gotta get home for lunch." He leaned his head against the side of Brandon's head, cuddling him, and asked, "You live close by."

"I think Greg and I are gonna be living here with Lev and the Bropops until Oakridge is available to be occupied," Brandon responded. His body almost glowed in the midday sun.

"Bran, if you're not busy this evening, maybe close to sunset, I'd love to take you on one of my favorite trails. It's got a breathtaking view."

Rhett held his breath as he stared into the mesmerizing blue eyes of his potential new boyfriend.

"I'd love to."

"Until then, my sexy soon-to-be-cowboy. I'll meet ya at the farmhouse around five or five thirty."

Brandon returned the kiss and grinned as he gently nibbled Rhett's neck and ears. He softly chuckled when his actions caused the slightly taller boy to giggle and squeal.

"You're a cute, mischief-making little boy, Bran. I'm looking forward to getting to know each other, ticklish spots included."

"You have no idea, stud."

The pair giggled as they shared one last hug and a soft kiss on the lips. Before he left, Rhett hugged Levie and Greg and kissed their cheeks.

"How long until five," Brandon drunkenly asked. He giggled when his red and dark-haired brothers shook their heads before hugging and kissing him.

Levie and Greg quickly introduced their brother to Triton and Dawn's Light, and like Stormy, the two stallions had the blonde squirming and uncontrollably giggling as they showed their ticklish Uncle Bran some love.

Brandon helped to get the horses back into their stalls, and suddenly felt someone or something pulling him a couple stalls down and over to the right, where he saw a bright-eyed reddish brown horse with a silky black mane and tail. "You're gorgeous. What's your name," he asked, slowly extending his arm as the horse softly neighed and its nose touched his fingers.

"That's Dusty," Levie said as he walked over and opened the stall door.

Once the barrier was gone, Dusty and Brandon hugged each other, and a bond started growing between the human and equine.

"You want me to be your Papa Bran," Brandon asked, rubbing his cheek against the horse's neck. He became excited and exclaimed, "he answered me," when the stallion whinnied, then nodded his head up and down.

"There's a couple of horses that communicate with us and the person they bond to," Levie said.

"Like Tri and DL," Greg added.

"Hey, that tickles," Brandon squirmed as he squeaked and giggled when the horse tickled his stomach with his nose.

Ev'lynn called them back to the house over the intercom, and Brandon led Dusty back to his stall, then hugged and kissed his new four-legged child and locked the stall door while Greg responded to their Mam-Maw.

Hope everyone loves the new chapter.

I really loved how the meeting between Brandon and Rhett turned out.

@chris191070 @akascrubber @BoyLove @Paladin @Greg @VBlew @centexhairysub @Summerabbacat I'm looking forward to seeing your comments and thoughts.

Thanks to everyone who's read, commented, and reacted to my stories.

Love y'all
Copyright © 2024 Ticklishboy30; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Fun fact: Potential New Boyfriend is also the title of one of my fave Dolly songs from the 1983 Burlap And Satin album.


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27 minutes ago, VBlew said:

Happy chapter with Brandon meeting Rhett. 

@VBlew I loved seeing Brandon and Rhett interact with each other. I'm excited that it portrayed what I'd originally envisioned for them in the first revision. 

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I am not sure which was more exciting to read, Brandon meeting his Potential New Boyfriend, Rhett, or Brandon meeting Dusty. 

I hope it is not too long before we readers learn more about Chris' life and the outcome of his trip to the medical centre @Ticklishboy30. I see great potential for that storyline, one which I do not think you should be "afraid" to explore. The chapter introducing Chris was very well written with Chris' situation sensitively portrayed. 

I had never seen the video for Dolly's song. It is a very 80's concept and Dolly's hair, most likely a wig, very reminiscent of the early 1980's. I remember the song as it was a reasonable hit for Dolly in Australia, something which up until that time, was relatively rare for Dolly.



Edited by Summerabbacat
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Beautiful chapter. The meeting between Brandon and Rhett was perfect. I loved the way Brandon interacted with Dusty.

Plenty of tickles for this fun loving family.

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Loved this chapter. The family lovingly pulling together.

Brandon may not have a farming background but I'm sure he will fit in very quickly. He has already bonded with Dusty and Rhett is taking him on a trial trail run. :)

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7 hours ago, Summerabbacat said:

I am not sure which was more exciting to read, Brandon meeting his Potential New Boyfriend, Rhett, or Brandon meeting Dusty. 

I hope it is not too long before we readers learn more about Chris' life and the outcome of his trip to the medical centre @Ticklishboy30. I see great potential for that storyline, one which I do not think you should be "afraid" to explore. The chapter introducing Chris was very well written with Chris' situation sensitively portrayed. 

I had never seen the video for Dolly's song. It is a very 80's concept and Dolly's hair, most likely a wig, very reminiscent of the early 1980's. I remember the song as it was a reasonable hit for Dolly in Australia, something which up until that time, was relatively rare for Dolly.



@Summerabbacat Yeah, it's a wig. LOL

Brandon meeting Dusty the way he did was a last minute scene the boys wanted me to write. I'd originally planned on Levie pairing Brandon with his horse. 

Fear not, I'm working out what happens with Chris in my head for the next chapter. He'll show up now and then, but isn't gonna be a main character. I think everyone will be pleased with where he lands. 

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4 hours ago, chris191070 said:

Beautiful chapter. The meeting between Brandon and Rhett was perfect. I loved the way Brandon interacted with Dusty.

Plenty of tickles for this fun loving family.

@chris191070 I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next. Hehe 

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3 hours ago, Paladin said:

Loved this chapter. The family lovingly pulling together.

Brandon may not have a farming background but I'm sure he will fit in very quickly. He has already bonded with Dusty and Rhett is taking him on a trial trail run. :)

@Paladin Brandon's an amazing character. He will definitely fit in because he's not afraid to work hard and help out where he can. 

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