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    Bill W
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  • 5,098 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Finding Love - 5. Chapter 5 - A Spy Among Us

We started out spending every other weekend at my house, because the Driscolls suggested we should give it another chance, since the situation might be different now that my mom was remarried and no longer drinking. I acceded to their request, because I figured this way Tad could also see what it was going to be like for me to live in that house, so he could back me up later, when I pled my case to his parents again. Even though we tried hard to keep out of Mr. Sovie’s way, he always seemed to be mad at us about one thing or another.

When he threatened to stop letting us play together any longer, we confronted Mom and Dad D about the situation. Since Tad was able to back up my claims about everything, they started to let us start spend the majority of our weekends at their house. We would only spent one weekend at my house each month, if that, although I still had to spend all of my weekdays there. I did my best to keep to myself after school and usually just stayed in my room, totally alone. I was beginning to hate Bart Sovie more than even my mom.

If this wasn’t depressing enough, things began to go from bad to worse. That’s because my mother started drinking again, about a month after they got back from their honeymoon, which meant she was spending her time entirely in the master suite again and Mr. Sovie made all of the decisions about the household without any input from her. The only good thing was that at least he wasn’t home all day long. During weekdays and for part of Saturday he would disappear, but I had no idea where he went. As far as I knew, he didn’t have a job, but as long as he left me alone and wasn’t on the premises, I didn’t really care.

One day, however, I overheard the butler say something about Mr. Sovie being a veterinarian and that he had his own practice. I guess that explains where he goes and why he didn’t arrive at the house until a couple of hours after I got home from school. Too bad he couldn’t work more often or spend more time with the animals.

Tad’s house now became my sanctuary, the oasis where I would go to rest up and be refreshed, after leaving the desert where I thirsted for love, which some people referred to as my home. The Driscolls’ residence was also my emotional home base and refuge, the place where I was allowed to be a child of twelve and discover the things boys my age should know. I also got to enjoy the things boys my age do, although it was hardly ever planned that way. It was during one of these times that Tad and I stumbled into learning about puberty. We were dressing one morning when I made a discovery.

“Tad, stand still for a minute,” I told him, after noticing something.

“Why? What’s the matter?” he wondered.

I walked over to Tad, who was standing completely naked by his bed, since he had just stripped off his old pair of briefs. He had been getting ready to put on a new pair when something caught my eye, so I bent down and moved my head in front of his crotch, so I could inspect it.

“Win, what are you doing?” he demanded, since I hadn’t told him anything.

“You’ve got some hairs down here,” I advised him, since I hadn’t ever seen anything like this before.

“Where? Show me,” he urged.

“See. Right here,” I pointed out.

Tad bent his head down to check, and sure enough he spotted four or five lone red hairs scattered just above the base of his cock.

“Wow! I wonder when those got there?” he exclaimed.

“You don’t know?” I asked, totally surprised that he wasn’t aware of this new development.

“No. I didn’t notice them until you pointed out they were there,” he confirmed. “Do you have any hairs down there?”

“I don’t think so, but let’s check,” I answered.

I lowered my briefs and we both looked down at my groin, as we examined the area very closely. Suddenly, Tad spoke excitedly.

“I think I see a couple right here,” Tad said, while pointing just to the left of my penis, “but your hairs are so blond that they’re really hard to see.”

I bent over to look where he was pointing and strained my eyes to scan the area he had indicated. Yes, he was right. There was something there, although the light-colored hairs were extremely difficult to detect. Not only were there two lone hairs sticking out where he’d spotted them, but there were a few others, both above and to the other side of my penis as well. The problem was, you really had to look hard to see them, that’s for sure.

“What does it mean, you know, if we have hair down there?” I asked Tad, since he always seemed to know more about these types of things than I did.

“I guess it means we’re almost men,” he answered. “Where I used to live, my old school would take us to the YMCA for swimming lessons and sometimes there would be older boys and men at the pool too. When I would see them in the showers or when they were changing, I would sometimes notice they had hair around their penises and on other parts of their bodies too. Although some had only a little hair down there, others had a lot and their penises were a lot bigger too.”

“Really? When do you think that will happen to us?” I wanted to know. “Do you think other things will change too?”

“I’m not sure, but I guess maybe some of the changes are starting now,” he reasoned. “I don’t know if getting hair and having a bigger penis is all that will happen, but I kind of doubt it. Like I said, some of the men I saw were hairy all over and I’ve noticed guys’ voices seem to get deeper too, so maybe that will happen to us as well.”

“Do you think your dad would know?” I wondered, thinking he should probably know about these things.

“Yes, of course he would know. Why?” Tad asked, because he didn’t quite understanding why I was asking.

“I think we should ask him then,” I suggested. “Maybe he could tell us about all of this and more.”

“Ok. I don’t see why not,” Tad agreed. “He’s told me about a lot of other stuff, like when I asked him about the difference in my cousin’s and my penis. That’s when he explained to me about the difference between being circumcised and uncircumcised.”

Since we were hopeful we were about to find out more about these mysteries, we went downstairs and found both of Tad’s parents sitting at the breakfast table. Being very naïve, but also very comfortable around Mom and Dad D, I went right up to him and asked my question.

“Dad, Tad and I are getting some hair around our wieners and we were wondering what it meant?” I basically blurted out.

He looked up at his wife and smiled, before he answered my question.

“I think that means its time for me to sit down and have a little talk with you boys after breakfast,” he replied. “Why don’t you two tell us what you want to eat this morning, and when you’ve finished, we’ll go have our little chat.”

“Great,” we both responded in unison.

Tad and I each had eggs and toast, which we hurriedly wolfed down, because we were eager to hear the answer to our question. Once we finished our breakfast, we went with Dad D into the living room, so he could tell us what we wanted to know. He began by explaining all about the changes we could expect to take place in our bodies over the next few years, like all the different places where hair will start to grow and some of the other stuff Tad had mentioned earlier. He also taught us all of the correct names for our body parts, but he also told us some of the common names that grown-ups and older kids used when talking about them too. Boy, there sure were a lot of different names for everything.

I don’t know how long we talked with him about this stuff, but it was definitely quite a while. He followed up our little session by answering all of our questions, and then he told us whenever we had any other questions that we should come to him, no matter what the questions were about. He said he would try to answer our questions the best he could, so we should never hesitate or feel embarrassed about coming to him. We thanked Dad D for his help and then went up to Tad’s room to talk about this some more, but this time it would be just the two of us.

“Wow, that was neat,” I told Tad, as soon as we entered his bedroom.

“Yeah, it was. I learned a lot from him, but it’s also going to cause me some problems,” Tad confessed. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at Dick Thomas again without laughing and thinking that he’s some giant penis. I’m also going to have to be careful that I don’t say something stupid like, ‘Oh, Dick, may I see your dick’?”

“Or asking Peter Bogart how his peter is,” I added.

“Or asking Rod McGregor what’s up with his little rod,” Tad countered, and we were both laughing loudly now.

“What about Wendy Cox? Do you thinks she’s ever had or seen any cocks?” I followed, and Tad broke up and fell to the floor.

“What about Gary Ball or Mike Nutt?” I added, do you think they’ve ever been hit in their namesakes?” We laughed some more.

“I didn’t know there were so many different names for our weenies,” I confessed, as Tad was trying to recover from his last bout of hysterics.

“Me, either,” Tad agreed. “I just knew the correct name for it was a penis, because my mom and dad always insisted I used that word for it, rather than things like pee-pee, wee-wee or ding-a-ling.”

The rest of the day went by pretty much as usual, except that we later found another occasion to begin a new round of jokes concerning the information we had gained from Dad D that morning. No matter how dumb the comments actually were, we both started laughing hysterically and couldn’t stop until our sides were hurting. Just as soon as we calmed down again, one of us would say something else and we would both be rolling around on the floor once again, with tears streaming down our cheeks from carrying on so. We’d been having so much fun that I was even sadder than usual when it was time for me to go back home.

On the weekends that we stayed at my house, we would spend most of the time in my bedroom, so we didn’t accidentally get into trouble with Mr. Sovie. He had made up all kinds of new rules for me to follow and was constantly showing up to check on me, even when I was alone, and some of the time I caught him staring in my direction, which made me all jittery. I wasn’t sure what he was up to, but it certainly made me very nervous wondering what his intentions were.

It was due to our voluntarily confinement in my room that we started spending more time on my computer, and not just playing games either. When we got bored with the games, we started to look for new stories from which we hoped to glean additional ideas for our adventures. It was during one of these searches when we first ran across a group of sites that had stories about people having sex.

Some of these stories had boy-girl sex, but others had boy-boy and girl-girl sex. Other stories had a little of all types of sex in them, but some had some pretty weird stuff too, such as tying people up, plus spanking or whipping them. How could people like to be spanked? I know I hated it, whenever it happened to me, although I only got spanked a couple of times. Other stories told about boys dressing up like girls or about people peeing on each other, but we quickly agreed we’d never do any of that stuff to each other.

Even though some of the stuff seemed a little gross or just plain weird, most of the stories were really cool. Here was a whole lot of information we had never heard about before, so we knew we would be trying out more than just a few of the ideas we’d read about on those pages.

This discovery had a whole bunch of other benefits though and led to a new sort of education for us, sort of an independent study course that we could pursue by ourselves late at night. In fact, we tried out the first of those lessons later that evening. We went to bed early, totally naked of course, but not to sleep. We locked my bedroom door and started by giving each other the ‘grown-up’ kisses we had been practicing. The contact from our lips and the exploration of our tongues soon had us highly aroused, so we quickly found our penises as stiff as a board. So hard, in fact, that it was becoming a little painful, so we knew we’d have to do something about it soon.

“Tad, would you mind if I put my mouth on your dick, like it talked about in some of those stories?” I asked, although somewhat timidly.

“Heck, no. I think I’d like that,” he answered, with more enthusiasm than I’d expected. “I’ve been wondering what it would feel like ever since we read about it, so if you’ll do it to me, then I’ll do it to you afterward.”

I didn’t say another word and merely slid down the bed until I was looking at Tad’s uncut pole, as it pointed up at his chin. I thought it was one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen, possibly because it was so different from mine. That’s probably why I was so fascinated with it, but whatever it was that held my interest, various other parts of my body seemed attracted to it like a magnet. I wanted to see, touch, lick and taste it. There was one particular area that made me the most curious though, and that was Tad’s foreskin. I could play with that extra piece of flesh for hours. I loved to stretch it, pull it apart and slide it back and forth over his shiny pinkish helmet. I was so mesmerized with that cute flap of skin that I just wanted to remain there and worship it.

“What are you waiting for?” Tad wondered, and his query snapped me out of my reverie.

“Oh, uh… nothing. I was… uhhh… just…uh… looking at it.”

“Is it too big for you?” Tad asked, and then giggled.

“Very funny,” I shot back. “As a matter of fact, I was thinking that it might be too LITTLE to do this. I wouldn’t want to hurt it, or God forbid, accidentally bite part of it off and swallow it. Then what would you do?”

“You can swallow it, as long as you don’t bite it or try to digest it,” he offered in encouragement.

“Well, maybe I’ll bite it off, swallow it, digest it and then SHIT it out,” I informed him, in between giggles. “Then what would you do?”

“NO! Then what would YOU do?” he countered, which made me think about it for a second.

“You’re right. I would never let anything happen to it or you,” I assured him. Why don’t I just lick it for a while?”

Tad had been rolling around on the bed in fits of laughter over our most recent exchange, so I had to hold onto his legs to keep him still long enough so I could get close to his marvelous little prize. The minute my tongue came into contact with his nut sac, he gasped and stopped laughing almost instantly. He was still squirming, but now it was from pleasure, not jocularity. I licked all of the wrinkled skin that housed those bean-sized nuggets and Tad was flopping around on the bed like a fish that had just been removed from the hook and placed on the dock.

“Oh, oh, oh God,” Tad panted. “That’s… uh… ohhh… so wonderful!” he exclaimed, in halting breaths.

I didn’t need any more encouragement than that and finished up washing his tiny scrotum with my tongue, before I began to lick my way up his boyhood. This caused Tad to gasp again.

“Oh, Win. That’s it,” he yelped. “Yes, keep going. Please!”

His eyes never opened and his head rolled from side to side. His mouth was hanging open and his breathing was shallow and irregular. I could almost hear his heartbeat from where I was, but I could definitely feel it pulsing in his dick with every beat of his heart. I pulled the skin completely away of the shiny glans and licked around the exposed coronal ridge.

“Oh, damn. Oh, oh,” he panted, with his mouth gaping open even more and his head jerking violently from side to side. “Oh, yes, yes. That’s incredible. Oh, Win… Win, yesss!”

That last word was uttered just as I slid my mouth over the tip of his penis and my lips began to glide down the sides of his steely member. At that second, his hips catapulted off of the bed, as he jammed his cock deep into my mouth. His thrusting motion didn’t stop there, however, and I had to use every ounce of my concentration just to keep him from accidentally extracting his hard-on from my mouth, due to his spasmodic writhing. At that moment, I felt his boner throb even harder, just before he pushed his erection back into my mouth, as far it would go, and then held it there, while he had a very satisfying dry orgasm.

After leaving himself embedded in my mouth like that for many more seconds, his body collapsed onto the bed again and pulled his manhandled pecker forcefully from the moist confines of my oral cavity. He lay on the bed, his eyes still glazed over, but his breathing was beginning to return to its normal rhythm. He stayed this way until he had completely recovered from this new encounter.

“Damn, that was incredible,” Tad gasped. “It was like someone had set off fireworks in my brain and in my penis at the same time.”

“Hehehe. It was that good, huh?” I responded.

“Yeah, it really was,” he confirmed. “It was totally unreal. I expected it to be good, but that was more than just good. It was fantastic.” Even as he was speaking, Tad remained on the bed, starring at the ceiling. “Just give me a few minutes to get my strength back, because I feel kind of weak after that. I’ll do it for you just as soon as I’m ready to move again.”

“Take your time. There’s no hurry,” I advised him. “We’ve got all night to do this.”

We did have all night too, because no one would be looking for us until breakfast the next morning. While I waited for Tad to recover, I was surprised by how many minutes it actually took before he felt he was ready to reciprocate. Finally, he pushed me back onto the bed and crawled between my legs to pay homage to my cut staff. I think he was just as fascinated by the differences in our dicks as I was and enjoyed playing with mine as much as I did playing with his.

Once he was ready, he flicked his tongue out and let it come in contact with my ball sac. Electric shocks were generated by that quick connection and caused me to whimper from the pure pleasure that radiated throughout my body. Slowly, I became accustomed to this stimulation, as he continued to bathe my tight pouch with his tongue, but I yelped when his oral muscle touched the head of my dick, just before his mouth engulfed it completely. I just couldn’t help myself. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought he had stuck my cock into an electrical outlet, instead of his mouth.

My groin was awash in a bundle of new sensations and rockets were going off in my head. I could feel my body stiffening and arching upward, as I rammed my penis into Tad’s vacuuming orifice, and I was surprised I didn’t loosen some of his teeth from the force of my thrusts. This was instinctive though, as my body attempted to make sure he stimulated every millimeter of my barely pubescent pecker. Tad must have thought he was wrestling an alligator, as he tried to hang on and give me my first ever blowjob.

As I reacted to his ministrations, I don’t think a wrestler could have done better back bridges than I did, while I was forcing my mast in and out of Tad’s warm, moist receptacle. Thankfully for him, my love muscle exploded in a series of dry spasms and I began to cease my bucking into his face. Instead, I collapsed on the bed, while feeling as if I had just gone ten rounds with the heavyweight-boxing champion, because all of my senses were still reeling from the conglomeration of new sensations I had just experienced.

When the room stopped spinning and my orgasmic-induced bout with vertigo had ended, I opened my eyes and saw Tad bent over me with the biggest grin plastered across his face.

“Pretty awesome, wasn’t it?” he asked, very matter-of-factly.

“Damn straight it was,” I whispered as loudly as I could at that moment. “Now, I understand why your body was flopping all around the bed when I did it to you.”

“Yep. There’s no way you can stay still when it feels that good,” he confirmed.

“I can’t imagine anything could ever feel better than that,” I added. “When we read those stories, I thought the authors were making it sound great so people would read their stuff, but if anything, they didn’t make it sound as good as it really was. We’ve got to do that again.”

“We will, just not for a while,” he replied. My penis is really tender right now, especially the head, because it has never received so much stimulation before.”

“Yeah, I guess mine is too,” I confessed. “Maybe it just feels this way because it was our first time.”

“Yeah, probably,” Tad agreed, although he didn’t seem convinced.

“Are you ready to go to sleep yet?” I followed.

“Yes, I’m pretty tired after that,” Tad confirmed. “Do you think we’ll still be able to cuddle?”

“Of course!” I answered. “I don’t think it will hurt our wieners, I mean cocks, if we do that. If they do start to become sore, then we can stop for a while. Hang on a second, while I go over and turn off the light.”

I walked over and flipped the light switch off, but there was still a fair amount of light in the room from the bright moon that shone through my window. When I got back to the bed, I looked at Tad lying on it, bathed in the soft, pale moonlight and noticed It had a surreal effect on his still form. It almost made Tad look as if he were a small angel, sprawled out in all of his glory. I wouldn’t have been surprised to see a pair of wings sprout from his back and spread across the mattress or for a halo to begin glowing above his head. Maybe he wasn’t one of God’s angels, but he was certainly my angel and I could no longer imagine life without him.

I wasn’t sure what quirk of fate had arranged for Tad’s father to get transferred to this location or what brought Tad into my classroom, but I owe someone or something for bringing this little darling to me. Once he appeared, he rescued me from the loveless existence I had been forced to endure before he arrived. I didn’t think I could ever find a more convincing argument to support the existence of God, as well as his infinite love and forgiveness, than my wonderful, redheaded angel. I’ve never been more tempted to shout out anything like this before, but now I wanted to scream, ‘THANK YOU, LORD. PRAISE BE TO GOD, HALLELUJAH! AMEN!’

As soon as I got back into the bed, I pulled Tad tightly against my chest and spent the next hour or two just watching him, even after he fell asleep. I’d never felt so much love or completeness as I felt during this time and couldn’t pry my eyes away from his features long enough to fall asleep myself. I don’t remember when I eventually succumbed to my weariness, but the next thing I remembered was waking up with Tad leaning over me. He was lying on his side, his arm outstretched and bent upward at the elbow, with his head resting in his hand.

“What’s the matter?” I asked.

“Nothing is the matter,” he answered. “I was just noticing how gorgeous you really are. You looked so peaceful and so happy that I thought you looked like… oh, never mind. Forget it.”

“Like what? What were you going to say?” I prodded, since I wanted to see if he was thinking the same thing about me as I had about him.

“Nothing. Just forget it,” Tad repeated.

“No, I’m not going to forget it,” I stated, defiantly. “If I tell you what I thought you looked like to me last night while you were sleeping, then will you tell me what you were going to say?”

“Maybe,” came his non-committal answer.

Even though he’d left himself an opening so he wouldn’t have to tell me, I decided to take a chance and tell him what I had been thinking.

“When I was watching you while you were sleeping last night, I could have sworn you looked just like what I thought a boy angel would look like,” I admitted, somewhat shyly.

“No way. Really?” he gasped. “That’s what I was going to say about you. Your golden locks looked like a halo around your head and you had a look on your face of pure contentment.”

“That’s because of you and what you did for me last night,” I explained.

Tad looked away from me quickly, as a red tint began to creep over his skin, until it engulfed his face and ears.

“What we did for each other,” he corrected, even more shyly than I had spoken to him.

“Okay. What we did for each other then,” I relented.

I then leaned forward and placed my lips against his, as I let my tongue lick the fissure that separated his upper and lower lips. Just as I drew my tongue back into my mouth, his tongue darted out and entered between my lips, as it glided around my oral cavity. Soon, we were locked in an extremely passionate and tender kiss, one that expressed the quality of our love for each other. We only broke the kiss out of necessity, when I noticed the time on the clock on the nightstand.

“Damn. We’d better take our shower and get downstairs or we won’t be able to have breakfast,” I explained. “Sovie has given the cook strict time limits during which she can prepare various meals. He told her that there was to be absolutely no cooking outside of those times and if I don’t show up in time for meals, then I wouldn’t get to eat. I don’t understand why he made that rule, but she doesn’t dare to ignore it. So if we plan to eat, then we’ve got to hurry.”

“Let’s take our shower together,” Tad suggested. “That should make it even faster.”

“Great idea,” I agreed.

We then raced to the bathroom and took a quick shower together. There was no time to fool around and we were strictly all business, so we made it down to the kitchen with less than fifteen minutes to spare. The cook whipped us up a quick breakfast and then cleaned up the kitchen while we ate. Just as we were leaving, Mr. Sovie came in to make sure his rule was being obeyed and gave us a bone-chilling glare as we passed by. Damn, that man gives me the creeps.

The following weekend we were back at Tad’s house, because his parents were holding his twelfth birthday party on Saturday. Once again, they invited some of his school friends to attend too, but they took us all bowling first, before we came back to the house for cake and ice cream. It was a fun time, but I felt badly, because I didn’t have an actually gift for him, so I told him he’d get his gift from me later, after we turned in.

Since the butler was no longer around to help me buy a gift for Tad, since Sovie had taken over responsibility for the household and felt the butler was no longer necessary, I ended up giving Tad the longest blowjob he’d ever had. I’d take him to the edge and then backed off for a while, so his body would cool down again, and after doing that several times, I finally let him shoot. He filled my mouth with the biggest load yet, and once he recovered from his release, he told me it was a great birthday gift, so I shouldn’t worry about not being able to buy him one.

Even though he wanted to return the favor, I wouldn’t let him, because that would negate his present. I told him I was more than fine just being away from Sovie for a few days, so we cuddled together and fell asleep.

Copyright © 2010 Bill W; All Rights Reserved.
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