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    Bill W
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  • 5,837 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Finding Love - 6. Chapter 6 - The Nightmare Begins

Tad and I didn’t stay at my house again for over a month, since I hated being there with Mr. Sovie constantly showing up and staring at me, because it gave me a real creepy feeling. I no longer felt safe there, so I wanted to be away from him as often as I possibly could, and Mom and Dad D were willing to help me accomplish that goal. Even though I had grown up in that big house, I now felt more alone when I was there than I had ever felt before. At least when my mother was locked in her room and drowning in a bottle of booze I still had the staff to keep me company, but this was no longer the case.

Sovie had the staff so paranoid about losing their jobs that they no longer had time for me either, at least the ones that were left. Since Mr. Sovie had taken over control of the household, he had let the butler go, since he was no longer needed to oversee the operation of the household, and that was the one person I had been able to count on the most. Sovie had even fired one of the maids, since he said my mother no longer needed the maids to look after her as much, so everyone else was leery the axe would drop on them next.

Out of desperation, I even asked Mom and Dad D to please let me stay with them permanently, but they said even if they were tempted to do that, they weren’t my legal guardians and would have no authority to make such a drastic move. They advised me that if they tried to take me away to live with them, then Mr. Sovie would probably go to court and have a restraining order filed against them, which would then prevent me from being able to visit them any longer.

Since I didn’t want to take the chance of that happening, I stayed at my house during the week, but then spent most weekends at the Driscoll house. To my dismay, Tad and I were spending this weekend at the Randall mansion, but we were doing our best to keep to ourselves and stay away from Sovie, at least as much as possible. With the exception of coming down to eat meals, we spent most of our time in my room, where we could be alone and not be bothered. At one point, Tad wanted to go out in the back yard to play for a while, which we did, but when I spotted Sovie watching us, I convinced Tad it would be best if we went back to my room.

We played one of the computer fantasy games and read some more stories online first, to help pass the time and keep from being bored. Before we went to sleep that evening, we did a little more mutual stimulation of each other and used both our hands and mouths for that purpose, as we sought as much pleasure as we could. We each had a couple of dry orgasms before we went to sleep and that helped us to pass into dreamland much more quickly than we probably otherwise would have.

Some time during the night, I thought I felt a sharp prick in my arm, so I opened my eyes quickly, but it took a few seconds for them to focus. When they did, I looked up and saw Mr. Sovie, but even though I tried to see what he was doing in my room, I just wasn’t able. My eyelids were getting very heavy again, so heavy in fact that I was having difficulty keeping them open, so I ended up giving in and drifting back to sleep. I finally concluded that what I thought I saw and felt was just part of a dream, or maybe more like a nightmare, but I didn’t remember anything else until I woke up again much later.

When I opened my eyes and began looking around, I noticed it was still quite dark out, but I couldn’t imagine why. With the moonlight and outside lights shining through my bedroom window, my room was never pitch black like it was now. So why was I now in this all-consuming blackness? Then, I realized that I could also hear some sort of engine running nearby, but since my mind was still cloudy from sleep, I couldn’t imagine where the sound was coming from. My room was at the back of the house and I’d never heard anything like this before, so what was happening? This was making absolutely no sense to me. Was it merely just another part of my dream or what? No matter how hard I thought about this, I just couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Then another sensation unexpectedly swept over me, because it felt as though I was moving. No, it wasn’t as if I was moving, such as if I were walking or running, but it was closer to the feeling you get when you’re in or on something that was moving. But I was in bed, so how could my bed be moving? That would be impossible, so this had to be a dream. There can’t be any other explanation for what I was feeling, could there?

It was then that my body was suddenly jerked upward, before it slammed back down again. Ouch! That hurt. Whatever I landed on was hard, so it certainly wasn’t my mattress that I had just landed on. Where the heck was I? Bam. Another bump and I was slammed up and down again. My mind was racing, and while I was thinking about what was happening, it happened again.

“Damn!” I screamed.

“Win? Is that you?” someone asked, and I recognized it was Tad’s sweet voice, but it sounded very small and extremely scared.

“Yes, Tad. It’s me,” I assured him.

“Where are we? What’s going on?” he wanted to know.

“I’m not sure, but it feels like we’re in a car, truck or maybe even a bus,” I replied, although none of it really made any sense.

“Then how did we get here and why is this happening? Where are we going and why is it so dark?” he demanded, but I didn’t have any answers for him.

I could hear the tension in Tad’s voice, so I longed to reach out and soothe his concerns. I wanted to let him know everything was going to be all right, but I had to be honest and let him know I was just as baffled by all of this as he was.

“I can’t answer any of those questions, Tad,” I confessed, while trying not to cause him to panic. “I know as little about this as you do and all I can remember is that we were asleep in my bed. I thought I felt something earlier, so I opened my eyes and thought I saw Mr. Sovie, but then I went back to sleep. Later, I woke up here like you, but I don’t even know where here is.”

“You saw Mr. Sovie? Is he doing this to us?” Tad followed.

“I can’t say for certain, but I can’t think of any other possibility, unless this is just a dream,” I reasoned.

“But how can we both be having the same dream?” he demanded, expressing his skepticism.

“Maybe we’re not. Maybe you’re in my dream or I’m in yours,” I countered, since I had no other explanation. “That would explain how we could be talking to each other without having the same dream. Ouch! What did you do that for?”

“Have you ever felt pain like that in your dreams before, Win?” he challenged, after he’d pinched me.

I thought about what he’d just asked, but I couldn’t remember if I had ever felt pain in a dream before. I’m sure there were dreams where I had been hurt, but I couldn’t remember ever feeling the sensation of pain, such as he’d just caused me.

“Maybe I would have, if someone pinched me in my dream, like you just did,” I mocked, while letting him know I didn’t really appreciate his gesture.

“Win, I don’t think we’re dreaming and I believe we’re in big trouble,” he replied. “I don’t know what’s happening and I’m very scared about it.”

“Yeah, I guess I am too,” I agreed. “I just didn’t want to worry you.”

We stopped our conversation right then, because whatever we were in came to a stop and the sounds of the motor quickly died. Although we couldn’t see each other in the dark, I knew our eyes were bulging from their sockets, our hearts were pounding in our chests and we were both holding our breath. Suddenly, there was a clicking sound and then a blinding light filled the area, temporarily blinding us. When our eyes adjusted to the brightness, it all started to become clear. We had been stuffed into the trunk of a car, which had just been opened into the sunlight. There stood Mr. Sovie and a man I didn’t recognize.

“Looks like they came to during the ride boss,” the other man observed.

“Doesn’t make any difference now,” Sovie responded. “We’re too far away from civilization for them to get any help and no one will hear them if they scream. There’s also no place for them to run, especially the way they’re dressed.”

I had been listening intently to the conversation and it finally dawned on me what Sovie was hinting at with his last comment. Tad and I were both still naked, the same way we went to bed last night.

“You grab the redhead and I’ll grab my stepson,” Sovie barked out, as he ordered the other man around.

They reached into the trunk and began to pull us out. One of Sovie’s hands slid under my back and came around on the other side, and then he used it to grab my wrists, so I couldn’t use my arms to fight him off. Once he’d done that, he snaked his free arm under my legs, so he could lift me out of the trunk. I then watched as the other man did basically the same thing as he lifted Tad out of the trunk. They eventually set us both down, so we were standing naked next to them.

“Where are we and what are you doing to us?” I demanded, in a very authoritative tone.

“You’re going to be taking a little vacation, Winthrop, my son,” Sovie scoffed. “The only thing is that only the four of us know about it. By the way, you won’t be coming back from this trip either.”

A cruel laugh filled the air and Sovie seemed to be enjoying his evil plan.

“Well I don’t want to go anywhere and that includes wherever you’re planning on taking us,” I challenged. “I want to go back home, NOW.”

“Listen, you rich little brat, you’re not giving the orders here. I am!” he barked back. “I’ve been looking for a way to get you out of my hair ever since I met you, but I was having trouble coming up with an idea until you handed me the perfect plan on a silver platter. Only your plan didn’t include just you. The unfortunate part was that you accidentally included your little companion in this as well. That didn’t make a difference to me though, as long as you’re taken care of. Very soon, we won’t be seeing each other again.”

“What are you going to do to us?” Tad asked, in a pleading voice.

I looked over to where he was standing and could see tears rolling down his cheeks and his body was shaking visibly. It certainly wasn’t because he was cold, because it was very hot standing here in the Texas sun. At least I presumed we were still in Texas.

“Are you going to kill us?” Tad sobbed out.

“Not unless I have to,” Sovie answered. “Like I said, boy, you two little queers are going on a little vacation, but this is one that you won’t be coming back from. I have special plans for the two of you.”

“Who do you think you’re calling ‘queer’?” I demanded, while hiding my shock at his terminology and doing my best to put forth my most macho facade.

“I’m calling you two little faggots queer,” Sovie replied. “I’ve seen what you two have been doing in your bedroom, because those smoke detectors I had installed all around the house aren’t just smoke detectors. They’re part of a video surveillance system and I’ve got videos showing you two playing with each other while you were having your little sleepovers. Your little activities, my darling stepson, gave me the inspiration for how I planned to get rid of little Mr. Richie Rich. It was your friend’s bad luck that he was the one you included in your little queer boy pleasures.”

“You won’t get away with this,” I said with as much bravado as I could manage. “There are going to be people out looking for us and they’re going to catch you.”

“Oh, there will be people out looking for a while, but they’re never going to find you,” he stated, while showing a great deal of glee. “You helped take care of that for me.”

“And just how did I do that?” I challenged, “What are you talking about?”

“Those videos I have of you two gives me the perfect story for your disappearance,” he announced, while appearing very smug. “You see, you little cocksucker, I’ve been trying to find a way to get rid of you ever since I first arrived. I tried to have you sent off to a boarding school, but your mother wouldn’t agree to it, because the school was in England. She thought that was just too far away, but it’s where I had my contacts. I couldn’t understand why see wouldn’t agree to it, seeing she has nothing to do with you, but she claimed you’d suffered enough when your father died.”

I was shocked. Did my mother actually still have feelings for me? Was she really concerned about what I was going through? I didn’t have time to ponder this much longer, because Mr. Sovie was continuing his explanation.

“Seeing I couldn’t get rid of you that way, I had to find a new approach,” he continued. “You gave me the perfect alternative when you performed for my video cameras. I will now tell your mother, and your little friend’s parents, that I caught you two in a homosexual relationship and confronted you about what you were doing. I can even show them the videos, if they choose not to believe me, and then I’ll explain that I confronted both of you about it and ordered you not to see each other again. Then, I’ll tell them that you two freaked out and must have run away later that evening, rather than being kept from seeing each other again.”

Mr. Sovie was nearly dancing around with joy as he was telling us this, so it almost appeared as if he had just won some special award. I knew he never liked me any more than I liked him, but I never expected him to do any thing this despicable.

“Everyone will be out looking for two little runaways, rather than searching for kidnap victims,” he continued to rant on. “They’ll be looking in a completely different direction from where you two will be located, so they’ll never find you.”

After saying this, Sovie began to laugh again, a loud, terrifying and maniacal chuckle. The sound of his mirth was sending chills up and down my spine and making me tremble in fear, as I thought about the possibilities of what was planning to do to us. I quickly glanced over at Tad and could tell he was just as frightened as I was, so I started look around, to see if I could determine where we were. The first thing I noticed was the little, wooden shack a few feet away from us and then I noticed the large, old oil derrick located a few hundred yards behind the building. The derrick looked really old and outdated, so I had to assume it hadn’t been in operation for quite some time, which meant this place had probably been abandoned long ago.

At this point, we were roughly dragged into the little shack, and as we passed through the main entrance, I noticed there were just two rooms, the one we were in and another one off to the left. Tad and I were then taken to the other room, pushed inside and then the metal door was shut behind us. I could hear the sound of two clanks once it was closed, which told me two deadbolts had just slid into place. Tad and I hurriedly scanned the room, to see if we could find any way to get out of there and that’s when we realized how hopeless our situation was. It appeared as if it had just been remodeled, but not in a pleasing manner, since it gave us the feeling we had just been placed in a dungeon.

Even though the shack was made of wood, the inside walls had been reinforced with cinderblocks, which seemed odd, until I concluded this had probably been done to keep us from getting out. The only window in the room was filled with those thick glass blocks that you can’t really see any recognizable shapes out of, just blurry images. The reason for this is that the blocks are so thick that they bend the light in many different ways, thus distorting everything on the other side. The only good thing was that it would at least let the sunlight in and allow us to tell day from night.

As I tried to look through the window to see if I could recognize any other details about this place, all I was able to make out were colorful shadows, but that’s about it. The blocks were all glued tightly together and were so thick that it would be difficult to break, especially since there was nothing we could use for that purpose. It looked as if there was no way out of this room, except through the bolted door

Since it appeared as if we were trapped in here, I decided to look around to see what it had to offer. There was a large mattress, but it was merely lying on the floor and wasn’t part of a bed. There were also a couple of folded blankets tossed on top of it, but no sheets. The only other item in the room was a large metal bucket, which I assumed was place here to be used as a toilet. I came to that conclusion because there was a roll of toilet paper next to it.

I needed more information, if we were going to get out of this, so I walked over to the door and put my ear against it, to see if I could hear anything on the other side. Sovie and the other man were still talking, so I tried to make out what they were saying.

“How long do I have to babysit for those two brats?” the other man asked Sovie.

“Just until things die down back home,” he answered. “Once everyone figures they’re out of the state or dead, then I’ll put the second half of my plan into action. You’ve got enough supplies to last you for a couple of weeks, so by then I’ll either come back or send someone else out with more supplies, especially if it looks as if we’re going to have to keep them here longer. You’re going to get paid very well for doing this, so quit your bitching and I’ll see you later.”

Shortly after he said that, I heard the trunk lid slam closed and a car door shut. Then, I heard a car’s engine start and the sounds of the tires spinning on the loose gravel over which it traveled. It didn’t take long before we couldn’t hear the sounds of the car’s engine any longer, as it faded into the distance.

“Win, what’s going to happen to us?” Tad asked.

When I looked over at him, he appeared absolutely terrified. All kinds of things were going through my mind, but I wouldn’t tell Tad about what I was thinking, because I didn’t want him to be any more frightened than he already was. I decided it was up to me to figure a way to get us out of this and keep Tad from losing hope.

“We’ll be fine, Tad, so don’t worry about it,” I stated in the most confident and reassuring tone I could muster. “It may take a while, but eventually the police or our families will find us. I’m sure of that. We just have to keep our minds from thinking otherwise until they show up.”

“How are we going to do that?” Tad wanted to know.

“Just like we did at my house, when we wanted to get away from Sovie and the loneliness there,” I offered. “We’ll set up our own fantasies and play them out in our minds.”

“What kind of fantasy can we make out of this?” Tad challenged, unconvinced

“Well, let’s see. We could always pretend we were thrown into the dungeon of a castle for some major crime, like treason, because we objected to the King’s policies,” I offered. “Or we could claim the prince had us thrown into the dungeon because we wouldn’t let him make love to us after he had become taken with our good looks. Then again, we could just be boyfriends who have just moved into their own apartment and were going to be on their own for the first time, so we’d be busy setting up.

“You know, couples just starting out often have shitty little places,” I continued, “so this would just be a little worse than most. If you don’t like those ideas, then we could be POW’s in Vietnam, stuck in the Hanoi Hilton, and then we fell in love to keep from being lonely and going insane. Maybe we could even be the captain and the first mate on a ship that were having a relationship, because they’d been stuck out at sea for so long. If you don’t like those ideas, then one of us could be the ship’s captain and he’s getting it on with the cabin boy. Better yet, we could be Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn on a raft, as we take a voyage down the Mississippi River, and the mattress could be the raft…”

“Ok, I get the idea,” he stated in a less than happy tone. “I like your last idea the best, so we can start with that one. Actually, I don’t care who we are or why were on an adventure, as long as I get to touch and kiss you while we’re doing it.”

“Tad, that’s why many of my suggestions I made had us being lovers too,” I replied. “We don’t have to use any fantasy or adventure if it doesn’t have that as part of it, if that’s what you want. Even if it doesn’t, we can still do stuff with each other anyway.”

“Thanks, Win. You’re so thoughtful and brave,” Tad responded. “I think I’ll be able to handle this, as long as we’re together.”

After saying this, Tad walked over and wrapped his arms around my body, as he proceeded to squeeze me harder than he’d ever done before. When he broke this embrace, we leaned into each other and exchange a very affectionate kiss, as our hands began to tenderly slide up and down each other’s body. As our fingers skimmed across the surface of the other’s satiny-smooth skin, we’d occasionally take a brief detour, so we could play with a nipple, navel or erect penis. I slowly worked Tad backward, as I gradually moved him toward the mattress, and when we reached that destination, I temporarily pushed him away from me.

“Just a second, Tad,” I announced after I’d done that. “Let me spread one of the blankets over the mattress first, so we can lie down on it.”

I did it quickly and then pulled Tad against me again, as we lowered our bodies onto the blanket and resumed our kissing. After sucking on Tad’s face for a while, I broke away from his mouth and I worked my way down his body. I paused briefly over the nipple that was closest to me and stuck my tongue out, so I could lick it quickly. This caused the little nub to spring to attention, so I clamped my teeth over it lightly, while only putting enough pressure on it to send some tingling vibrations through his upper body, but not hard enough to do any harm. Finally, I started to suck on that tiny piece of flesh, as I attempted to imitate the actions of the nursing baby animals we had seen during our trip to the zoo. Tad was moaning and panting from my ministrations to his body, as I released his breast and worked my way down his abdomen.

I paused when I reached his navel, so I could run my tongue into and around that cute little depression. Tad’s squirming began anew and he was making so much noise that the guy in the other room knocked on the door and asked if one of us was ill. I merely advised him that Tad had banged his funny bone and was experiencing some temporary pain, so he seemed to accept my explanation and left us alone. After that, I warned Tad that he had to muffle his screams in the future, if he didn’t want the guy coming in to investigate. He said he understood and would definitely try to do better.

At this point, I left his navel and started to move further down his torso, as Tad started to groan some more, since he thought I was ready to attack his penis. Instead, I bypassed his proud member for the time being, which caused Tad to whimper his disappointment until he realized I was zeroing in on his scrotum. He gave a quick yelp as my tongue made its first exploratory swipe over that thin skin covering, and his hips thrust skyward as his head began to flop from side to side. I spent a few more minutes dragging my tongue across that highly sensitive area, before I tried something new. I took both of his testicles into my mouth and I started to suck on them gently, which caused Tad to lift his hips involuntarily toward the ceiling once more. He was fortunate my lips were extended past my teeth when he did that or he might have lost some skin with his last gyration.

As I dropped his ball sac from my lips and resumed my journey toward his erect antenna, Tad sensed my approach and groaned in anticipation of the pleasure he expected to receive. Slowly I licked my way up the side of his little obelisk of sexuality and caused him to undulate with enjoyment. I carefully pulled back the remainder of the excess skin and slid it down his shaft, thus uncovering the glistening mushroom head for a new round of pleasure. His highly sensitive glans was now completely exposed to my tongue and I traced my way around the hard outer ridge, before I slipped my mouth over the entire crown and swallowed it down to the base.

After I felt a couple of his newly sprouted hairs begin to tickle the skin around my nose, I began pumping my lips up and down the saliva-slicked sides of his penis. I let my tongue flick at the exposed head just before I began every down stroke, but I also applied as much suction as I could with every upward stroke. This caused Tad’s ass to yo-yo off of the mattress, as the electric pulses shot through his nervous system, because his body was now nearing full overload from the sensations. His waist lunged up and down, as he forced his penis in and out of my hot mouth in an effort to hasten the release he needed to lessen the aching tightness that had built up in his loins.

I rode his excited penis, as his body moved like one of the mechanical bulls that seem to be so prevalent in Texas establishments, until he made his final assault and experienced another mind-blowing dry orgasm. As the shuddering of his body subsided and he returned from his voyage to the ‘Outer Limits,’ Tad’s backside sunk into the top of the mattress. His panting was now beginning to slow and his heart rate was gradually coming out of the stratosphere. I remained fairly motionless beside him, as I stroked his chest first and then his hair, until he rejoined me in the present.

His glassy eyes slowly opened and he gazed directly into my face. As soon as he was able to focus those gleaming hazel orbs once more, he scanned my face and discovered only vast quantities of love in my eyes. When he opened his mouth to speak, at first nothing came out. Then, he made a second attempt to talk to me and this time squeaked out a short sentence in a voice barely above a whisper.

“That was even better than the last time,” he wheezed, since he had trouble getting it out.

I bent over his prone form and slid my arms under and around his body, as I drew him toward me in a powerful hug.

“I love you, Tad, and I’m so sorry you got caught up in this because of me,” I told him soothingly. “I wish I could change things and get you out of here, but seeing I can’t do that, I’ll try to do whatever I can to make this less scary and somewhat enjoyable for you. You can consider what I just did as my first payment toward that debt.”

“I’m glad that I’m here with you, silly Win,” Tad countered. “I’d be going crazy and worrying myself to death if I were home and didn’t know what had happened to you. Remember, Mr. Sovie said he made it look like you ran away, so I wouldn’t be able to understand why you left without me. I would have thought you hated me for some reason, maybe because my parents wouldn’t let you live with us, so I’d probably… no, I definitely would not have wanted to live without you in my life. No matter how you feel or how bad this seems, it’s better this way, with both of us together. If this had to happen, then it’s for the best that we are going through it as a team.”

“That’s just another reason why I love you, Tad. It’s because you’re so thoughtful and kind,” I confessed. “I know I was first attracted to you because I thought you were so cute, but I think it’s your thoughtfulness and kindness that made me fall in love with you. You always seem to think about me first and worry about how I feel before you think about yourself. Sometimes… no, most of the time I’m just plain selfish. I only think about myself and spend much of the time feeling sorry about how my life has turned out after I lost my father and thinking my mother doesn’t love me any longer. Will you forgive me for being such a selfish idiot?”

“You’re not a selfish idiot, so I can’t forgive you, because there’s nothing to forgive,” he replied. “Win, you’ve done so much for me and you’ve even done things to help me, even when it was not something you wanted to do. You taught me how to have fun, not just merely exist, and my world would be extremely dull if you weren’t in it. Winthrop Aaron Randall, I love you now and I’ll love you forever, which means I want to be a part of every second of your life, even if it’s a less than happy time, like now. We can survive this together, even if this situation might have been too much for either of us to handle on our own, we’ll do it together. We’re just going to have to share our strength and fight our way through this until we get back home with our families. Now. lean back and enjoy this, because I owe you big time.”

Tad then pushed me backwards and crawled on top of me, locking our bodies together into another loving embrace and very passionate kiss. Once our mouths separated, he then returned the same tender, loving attention to me that I had just heaped upon him, as he used his hands and fingers, followed by his mouth and tongue, to bring me to the brink of ecstasy. He took me to the edge several times before he finally allowed my body to become flooded with the sexual bliss that he siphoned from my reproductive system. He had me flipping and flopping, squirming and writhing, as well as burning and tingling, before he let me enjoy the finest dry-climax I had experienced up to this point in my young life. It then took me many minutes to recover from my flight to the heavens, before I landed back on planet earth again and found myself in that tiny, isolated shack once more.

For the rest of the evening, we played out the remainder of our fantasy, as Tom and Huck rafted down the mighty Mississippi, before we spent our first restless slumber in our temporary abode. We clung to each other all through the night, as if we were afraid to release our grip for fear the other might disappear or be taken away. It wasn’t until the first rays of early morning sunlight swept into our tiny island, which was located in the middle of the sea of despair, when we finally began to release our hold on one another.

When we heard the two deadbolts slide open, we moved closer to each other, as we waited to see what was going to happen next. Eventually, we saw our burly guardian enter the room with two bowls of cold cereal, with a little milk poured over it. He set the bowls down on the floor, just inside the doorway, and then exited again, making sure he locked the door behind him as he went. Now, we prepared to begin our second day in captivity.

Copyright © 2010 Bill W; All Rights Reserved.
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