Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Lust and Propriety - 6. Mission Accomplished
The following morning, Andyvion was dressed in some of Finian's warm clothes and mounted Kimset.
"Send word when you arrive," Finian insisted.
"I've already summoned Hazeth," Alistair added. "You are not alone in this. We are with you. Rathburn will not be allowed to succeed."
Andy slid off Kimset and rushed over to give Finian and Alistair an unexpected hug goodbye. "Thanks again!" He said as he remounted the pard and the two of them took off to the nearest boundary. They walked right on through and finally entered the cold kingdom of Peraza.
Though King Finian had given him warm clothing, Andyvion felt colder than he had ever been. He clung tighter to Kimset. "Let's go to the castle. Hurry!"
The Captain of the Peraza Guard was not amused.
Tyr grumbled as the wind kicked up, throwing icy pellets of snow in his face. He was accustomed to the cold, and the day was warmer than many. The biting wind made it miserable, however.
The muscular Unicorn leaned over to pat his shaggy mount's neck. She was a stout animal who never seemed to balk in her work. She carried him through battle and peace. She didn't much care for anyone but Tyr, however, which was bothersome. She wouldn't allow anyone else near her to pull burrs from her thick white coat. She'd bare her teeth and frighten away any who came near. Being a dire wolf, her snarls were rather impressive.
Today she carried him on patrol, though they were supposed to have the day off. One of the lower-ranked guards had a case of the bottle flu after too many whiskeys the night before. Tyr was responsible for all beneath him and had taken the guard's place on the daily patrol. Tyr only needed to loop through the valley, and he would be done. He could take his dire wolf, Button, for some well-deserved care and rest, then bathe and nap before he was needed that evening.
Button was quite familiar with the route, so Tyr was surprised when the giant dire wolf suddenly stopped in her tracks and then turned sharply away from the valley. Tyr tried to urge her back, but the stubborn animal paid him no mind as she stomped through the snow with her massive white paws.
As a Unicorn, Tyr could have taken on his equine form and completed his patrol in half the time. However, the Guard were required to maintain human form whenever there was a chance they might need their sword and shield at the ready.
The irony of a Unicorn riding a saddled wolf wasn't lost on him.
Button, however, was behaving more like a stubborn mule as she ignored her rider and stomped south. She turned again, into the pine forest. At least the wind wasn't as bad amidst the boughs.
Tyr kept his eyes on the trees. They were heavy with snow, and with the wind, they might drop their load on his head if he wasn't careful. The tall, broad Unicorn sighed and allowed Button to have her lead. They were ahead of schedule. He could let her wander a bit.
Button's ears pricked forward, her pace quickening.
"Somebody drop a bag of soup bones, girl?" Tyr asked teasingly.
The wolf snorted and kept moving.
Tyr's amusement vanished when they rounded a tall old pine and came upon a massive beast atop a huge snow pile that looked as though it had fallen from the giant tree. The large cat was digging frantically.
Tyr was about to turn his mount and leave the potentially dangerous animal to whatever it was doing when he noticed the giant cat seemed to have a pack tied to its back. Tyr's evergreen eyes shot to where the cat was digging, horrified to see the bottom of a boot sticking out of the snow.
"Blast and damn," Tyr hissed as he dropped from the wolf, approaching the cat warily.
The beast glanced at him, mewling desperately before returning to his digging. Tyr called gently to the earth beneath them, pulling a small vial of rock salt from his pocket and letting the wind steal the pinch he'd taken between his fingers. The earth was sluggish and slow, as earth tended to be. It finally responded, pushing upward to break apart the mound of snow. A small hill of rocks and dirt grew until it breached the snow pile. A small form lay atop the little hill, its clothes and hair crusted white with snow.
"May I help your friend?" Tyr asked the cat, hoping the beast would understand his tone, if not his words.
The animal surprised him by suddenly appearing behind him and giving his rump a shove, pushing him in the direction of the small frozen body.
"I'll take that as a yes."
Tyr whistled for Button to come closer, surprised that the wolf seemed unfazed by the feline predator pacing so close. The Unicorn quickly brushed most of the snow from the body. The person was bundled up, but it hadn't protected him from the heavy weight of snow that had covered him, sneaking under his clothes at every opening. Lovely teal hair escaped from under an oversized cap. Tyr didn't have time to appreciate its beauty, however. He quickly unbuttoned his large quilted coat and tucked the chilled body to his chest. He felt the person shiver and let out a breath of relief that whoever he had found was at least alive. The person was small enough that Tyr was able to rebutton his coat, even with the stranger curled against his chest. Tyr knew he was a large man, but this person made him feel like a veritable giant.
With a gloved hand holding the stranger to him, Tyr mounted Button. He didn't even have to urge her forward. As soon as he had his seat, she was racing in the direction of the castle. The strange giant cat close at their heels.
When Andyvion came to, he rose to a sitting position, startled. He had been in the snowy terrains of Peraza with Kimset and making his way to the castle. "Wh-what was the last thing that happened?" He asked himself aloud.
"You had a few hundred pounds of snow land on your head, little one," a deep male voice said from beside him. "I'm glad to see you awake. Button and I were quite worried."
Andy turned his head to find the biggest Unicorn he'd ever seen lying next to him in a bed that was large enough to fit the giant. His skin was a warm brown, complementing his rich evergreen hair and eyes. His hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, leaving his crest bare on his forehead. It was a silvery green in the shape of the symbol for Taurus on a shield. Peeking down, he saw that the man's chest was bare, showing thick muscles and more than a few fading scars.
Andyvion's eyes flew from the possibly naked man he was sharing a bed with, only to see what had to be the biggest wolf he'd ever seen in his life laying on his feet. The huge white beast blinked amber eyes at him, looking annoyed at being woken from its nap.
The little Unicorn was almost afraid to look behind him but peeked anyway. He was more than relieved to find Kimset tucked against him, snoring softly.
"B-Button?" Andy squeaked. He felt nervous and out of sorts, but the fact that Kimset was asleep beside him meant that the beings around him didn't mean him harm. Or, at least, he hoped that's what it meant. "A-Are you naked?"
"Only as naked as you are," Tyr answered, a twinkle in his eye. "I didn't want to put you in the tub. Heating you up too fast could be as dangerous as the cold. So, I piled on the blankets, and we all curled up with you." The giant smiled. "Even Button, who doesn't like anybody, helped out."
There was a huff from the bottom of the bed as the dire wolf rolled over, putting her back to them. Andy had to admit; she was rather pleasantly warm on his poor frozen toes.
The more that the large man explained the situation, the colder Andy felt. He snuggled back down beneath the sheets and wiggled his way closer to Kimset. "Who are you? And where am I? Is this still Peraza?" He asked.
"Ah, I'm so sorry," Tyr said bashfully. "You are at the royal castle of Peraza, home to Prince Winter. I'm Tyr, Captain of the Guard. I was on patrol when Button found you." The green-haired Unicorn tucked the blankets close around Andyvion. "I've called for a healer, but he was called away for an emergency. He'll come as soon as he returns to the castle."
"My name is Andyvion, and I have an urgent message for the prince!" Andy quickly responded in a quiet tone of voice, as if afraid that Rathburn would somehow overhear him. "I need to tell him as soon as possible; it's a matter of grave importance!"
"Button, please, go find Prince Winter and gently urge him to come," Tyr said politely.
Button sighed heavily, grumbling with annoyance, but she climbed off the bed. She popped the door latch with her nose and pulled the door open with a ragged rope tied to the handle. She left in the direction of the Prince's offices with a long-suffering sigh.
"She'll make sure Prince Winter comes." Tyr frowned. "I hope she doesn't nip at his backside again. I scolded her for a week, but she just rolled her eyes at me." The captain shook his head. "But that's neither here nor there, how are you feeling Andyvion?" Genuine concern filled the man's eyes. "I didn't see any signs of frostbite, but I don't know how long you were buried in the snow."
"Frostbite?" Andy asked with another squeak. He quickly reached down to uncover his feet and let out a sigh of relief when he saw all his toes were cold, but a normal shade. He was even more relieved to see his mating marks still in place. A sad smile formed on his face as he wiggled his toes. "My mates must be so worried..."
"I sent men out searching, but nothing was found," Tyr said gently. "Were you traveling alone?"
"My mates are in Cha Borolan, a set of twins," Andy explained. "They lent me Kimset so that the two of us could make it here before-" The teal-haired Unicorn let out a gasp. "King Rathburn! He's not here yet, is he?"
"No," Tyr said gently, pulling closer to the shivering man to lend him some warmth. "Do you flee Rathburn? You needn't fear, you are safe from him within these walls."
The smaller Unicorn's breath hitched as the guard neared him. A strange mixture of gratitude, wariness, and attraction rolled around inside him. "Y-You must already have a mate, surely." He prompted.
"I do not," Tyr admitted, confused at the change in topic. "I'm not sure if it's me or Button that scares them away."
Andyvion didn't know whether to feel relieved or even more cautious than before. "Just can't imagine that no one wanted you for their own." He wondered aloud.
Tyr felt his heart thump in his chest as the little Unicorn's sweet scent tickled his senses.
"Perhaps I've never met anyone who drew me to them," Tyr said softly, his cheeks warming. He forced himself to look away. "Your mates are lucky. I would wish for a mate like you if the fates didn't laugh at such fancies."
At the guard's words, Andy felt much warmer than before. "You seem strong and kind, even my mates would think so." He pointed out, only for tears to begin to brim in his eyes. "I have to help them escape, somehow. King Rathburn has them. He abuses and uses them..." His voice broke, and he couldn't seem to get anything else past his knotted throat.
The sadness and worry etched on the little Unicorn's face squeezed Tyr's heart. He gathered Andyvion into his arms and hugged him gently.
"I'll help however I can, and I'm sure Prince Winter will, as well," Tyr assured gently. "You must be worried sick about them. I'm so very sorry. Please, tell me if there is anything I can ever do."
Andy tensed for a brief moment but then felt himself melting into the hug, snuggling close. A part of him felt awful that he sought comfort from someone other than his mates, but he couldn't help but gravitate towards that warmth. "Thank you," He whispered.
"You're still so cold," Tyr said worriedly.
When Button returned with Prince Winter in tow, they found the big captain wrapped around Andyvion. Tyr was like a furnace and didn't complain when Andy pressed his cold toes to his warm calf.
"May I ask why your animal is nipping at my backside and dragging me to your quarters by my pant leg, Captain?" Winter asked with a lifted brow.
"Button! " Tyr immediately scolded.
The wolf's mouth opened, her tongue lolling in a sharp-toothed grin.
"Prince Win!" Andy exclaimed as he leaped right out of bed to give the long-haired prince a hug. "Thank goodness you're alright! I'm so glad he hasn't gotten to you yet!" He mewled. He then pulled away in embarrassment when he remembered that he was completely naked. He quickly clambered back into the bed under the covers. "Ah! Forgive my appearance. I have so much to tell you and not nearly enough time," He fretted. The teal-haired Unicorn took a deep breath and tried to condense. "King Rathburn has been hatching a take-over plan. He wants your kingdom, and he threatened the neighboring kingdoms to keep back as he courted you!"
"That man is reprehensible," Winter murmured, keeping his eyes carefully averted from any bare flesh in the ruin. "However, I'm running out of options. His words have reached my people. They wish we mated." The prince huffed a small sigh. "I can understand their concerns, especially with the loss of Mother and Father. I only wish I had been able to find a true mate instead of being forced to accept Rathburn."
Andyvion desperately tugged Tyr's arms around him for warmth as he shivered and kept talking. "There's a way to deter him!" He continued. "I just came from Zirao Zion. The kings Alistair and Finian are sending Hazeth Montcroix over...they said he could pretend to be your mate when Rathburn arrives!"
"Montcroix," Winter said pensively before shaking his head. "We can speak of it later. Are you well? I'd heard a half-frozen stranger was rescued by my captain. What has the healer said? "
"No, there isn't time to speak later, King Rathburn will be here soon! He could be here any day now!" Andy insisted. "I'll be fine, just a bit frozen. Sir Tyr here has been defrosting me."
"Did I hear him say, King Rathburn?" Elder Mason panted as he finally reached them. He placed his hands on his lower back, bitterly recalling his more youthful and energetic days.
"He wants to force Prince Winter into a mating to take over Peraza!" Andy repeated. "But, Hazeth Montcroix is on his way to stand in as Prince Win's fake mate!"
"Fake mate!" The Elder gasped. "A Mont-? Now wait just a minute...that is actually quite a sound strategy."
"This is highly irregular. I dislike the sound of such subterfuge," Prince Winter said with concern. "Is such a thing even possible?" he added doubtfully.
"We can make it possible," Mason urged. "A touch of glamour for the mating mark...and an exchange of similar scents. Yes, that would be excellent." He paced as he continued to speak his thoughts out loud. "The most difficult aspect is that you both will have to play the part!"
"I'm not at all sure about this, Elder Mason," Winter said with a small frown. "Perhaps King Rathburn can be reasoned with. We could at least attempt to do so."
Andyvion shook his head. "He has ill intentions. Please believe me!" He cried out. "King Rathburn has my mates hostage...he treats them awfully. And he has held secret conferences with other dignitaries excluding you and the Montcroix!"
"I was so pleased to hear of your mates in the letter you sent." Winter turned to the Elder. "We need to find a way to extricate them safely, Mason. Please, make it a priority."
"I'd like to help, if I may," Tyr said.
The prince nodded his agreement.
"I will at least meet with the Montcroix," Winter conceded. "We have several days until Rathburn, and his entourage are scheduled to arrive. We will attempt to plan for all contingencies."
"Oh, and Elder Mason!" Andy called out. "Neither King Rathburn nor the Montcroix know about Prince Winter's special gift."
The peach-haired Elder nodded sagely. "Yes, it would be most prudent not to let either of them know just yet."
"Yes, well," the prince stammered, flushing scarlet. He dipped his head, hiding behind the long fall of silver tresses. "It isn't something I tend to speak of in polite company, so I doubt it will come up."
"Special gift, Prince Winter?" Tyr asked from where he happily cuddled with Andy. "I don't mean to pry, but this sounds like something your Captain of the Guard should be informed of."
Andy glanced at his royal friend. "He seems quite trustworthy. Am I allowed to tell him?" He asked the prince.
"If you would be so kind," Winter said gratefully. "I find the whole thing rather embarrassing to talk about."
Andyvion beamed and reached over to cup his hands to Tyr's pointed ear, whispering. "Prince Winter has the ability to conceive children."
Tyr's silvery green eyes flew wide and went immediately to his prince.
"Prince Winter, what an amazing blessing!" the captain boomed happily.
"Yes," Winter fought not to wince. "Thank you, Captain."
"But why keep it a secret?" Tyr asked. "You surely must be pleased. You don't have to worry about adoption to find an heir. The kingdom would be delighted."
The prince fought the urge to fidget, but his discomfort showed clearly.
"Ah, young Captain," Elder Mason spoke up. "The royals of the other kingdoms would seek to exploit him if it were common knowledge." He explained. "A male Unicorn with this gift is rare in and of itself, so it truly is a blessing. I am not sure, however, if the young Prince sees it that way."
"Oh, of course," Tyr said awkwardly, noticing the look on his prince's face. "I will be certain to keep the information to myself. It's good to know since it could be the cause of a threat by unscrupulous people."
"That would be greatly appreciated," Winter said quickly, hands folded primly in front of him. "We have much to plan and discuss. You've been through an ordeal, Andyvion. I can't tell you how grateful I am for what you've done. Your actions may save Peraza from Rathburn's machinations." He gave his friend a genuine smile. "And it's very good to see you, though I'd wish for better circumstances." He lifted his head, firming his resolve. "I'll send my personal healer. Captain, I trust you will watch over my friend?"
"Of course, Highness," Tyr answered, his words formal despite his lack of clothes.
"Rest," Winter said gently to Andy. "We'll begin preparations, and we can speak when you've recovered."
Andy gave him a nod. Almost as soon as the Prince and Elder left, he closed his eyes and fell into deep sleep, feeling complete and utter relief.
The teal-haired Unicorn rarely had any kind of troubled sleep. But, due to the dire circumstances and the incredible range of distress he felt during his travels with Kimset, he hadn't been able to rest in a stable enough state to see his beloved mates often. The relief he felt upon finally accomplishing his goal of warning his childhood friend about his king's plans allowed him to drift off to sleep in a far more peaceful manner.
That time, he was the one who set up the dreamscape. He formed the center of a labyrinth with flowering bushes and a water fountain. Beside the fountain on the ground rested an enormous picnic quilt. He pondered about the clothes he should wear for a moment before deciding that it didn't matter whether he was naked before the twins or not.
He sat down on a corner of the large, fluffy quilt and gently summoned his loves. At first, he worried that the purple Unicorns were awake and would not be able to sense his call. But, a moment later, the two of them solidified right on the quilt before him. "Coco! Vin!" He cried out as he tackled them both down onto the quilt.
"Are you alright?" Vincent asked with worry as he hugged Andy tight.
"Something felt so wrong," Nico whispered, burying his face in Andyvion's teal locks.
"Well, I have all kinds of news to tell you...not all of it is bad, though!" Andyvion began as he began to pet and touch them both, eager to keep them close. "I ended up a bit frozen on my way to the Peraza castle." He held out his hands in a calming motion. "But, don't worry! Someone saved me! A huge, kind guard thawed me back out."
He continued. "I mean, we both ended up naked for him to do it, but I'm fine! Honest." Andy insisted. "The Montcroix Kings are sending over Hazeth to pretend to be Winter's mate so that Rathburn gets burned!"
The twins held Andy tighter, petting and nuzzling the petite Unicorn.
"Our clever mate," Nico commented.
"It will work," Vincent said. "It has to."
"And what do you mean you were frozen?" Nico chirped, realizing what Andy had said. "That doesn't sound alright!"
A vivid blush formed on Andy's face. "Sir Tyr, Captain of the guard, found me along with his huge wolf, Button...and w-we're kinda currently naked under a lot of covers. Kimset is right next to me, though!"
Two sets of bright amethyst eyes gazed at him.
"Is he cute?" Nico wanted to know.
"Is he big all over?" Vincent asked with a wicked grin.
Andyvion's blush spread down to his neck and shoulders. "H-He's quite handsome, a-and I wouldn't know! Why would I ever...I mean, I have mates, I have you both!" He stammered.
The twins shrugged in unison.
"We know you're ours," Nico assured.
"And we're yours," Vincent added.
"Sooooo, if you want to play," Nico said with a giggle.
"Then you should play." Vincent kissed Andy's cheek. "We know you'll always come back to us."
"Oh!" Nico grinned. "But you have to tell us everything!"
"Mmm," Vincent hummed dreamily as he nibbled and licked his mate's throat. "I want to watch, sometime. You'd be so sexy moaning under a big sweet guard."
Andy could almost feel steam seeping out of his ears with how red he had become. He shook his head. "I...I would much rather share him with you. I miss you both so much." A glum look came over his face.
"Awww, baby," Nico cooed, cuddling him close. "We'll see you soon, I know it."
"Don't be sad, love," Vincent added, kissing everywhere he could reach. "We're always with you."
"And when we get there in the flesh we can all jump on your guard!" Nico giggled.
"I'm not sure if he'd appreciate it or curse me for it," Andy responded with a snicker. "You both are quite the handful."
Nico stuck his tongue out at Andyvion and Vincent laughed.
"You don't think he'd want us?" the older twin asked with feigned outrage as he rubbed himself against Andy's smooth, warm flesh.
"He wouldn't want to get a handful of this?" Nico purred, taking Andyvion's hand and drawing it over his skin.
"Oh, I never said that my loves," The teal Unicorn admitted as he pressed a kiss to each of their lips. "I just meant, not all at once. There are three of us and only one of him."
"Maybe we should progress gradually," Vincent said, petting his mate lovingly. "We could start with one of us and work up to three."
"Genius!" Nico complimented, his hands also starting to wander, caressing Andyvion's sweet body. "You can go first, if you want to, Andy."
Andy squirmed as he began to feel aroused, as he always did when his twins touched him in that manner. "I...I don't know..." He murmured. The Unicorn truly wanted the three of them to be together before doing anything so rash.
"Only if you want to," Nico said gently, his fingers dragging up Andy's inner thigh.
"Mmmhmmm," Vincent purred, nibbling up Andyvion's throat.
"What I want the most is to be with you," He whispered as he arched against Nico and threaded his fingers through Vin's hair. "Is it safe for you to be here right now?"
"Yes," Nico assured with a nod.
"Rathbutt is off conniving with more guests," Vincent explained.
"We were glad not to be invited." Nico made a face.
Andy tugged Vincent closer and pressed himself harder against Nico. "If it's safe, then don't think about him right now. Stay here with me, please." He pleaded.
"Happily," the twins told him, pressing close.
"With you is where we always want to be," Vincent said softly.
"We love you so much," Nico told him, his voice filled with joy and wonder.
"I want...I want Vin to ride me," Andy decided earnestly. "While I lay down and Nico thrusts into my mouth!"
Amethyst eyes darkened with lust as Nico scooted up to kneel next to Andy's head and Vincent moved down to straddle their mate.
"That sounds delicious," Vin purred. "I want you deep inside me."
The eldest twin rolled his hips, rubbing his ass back on Andyvion's quickly rising staff.
"So lovely," Nico hummed, stroking his shaft with one hand and trailing his fingers across Andy's smooth body with the other. "You want him to ride you fast and hard? Fucking himself on you, baby, while I take your mouth?"
Andyvion nodded desperately. "Yes, what you just said. Everything." He admitted.
Vincent moaned at the image their words sparked in his mind. The purple Unicorn pushed back, spearing himself on Andyvion's hard cock. Vin gasped as he took it deep, greatly appreciating not needing lubrication in the dreamscape.
"Ah, fuck!" Vin exclaimed as he sat up, seating Andy fully inside him.
"How do you want me positioned, baby?" Nico purred as he stroked himself.
"Vin!" Andy keened, his back arching as he was surrounded by warmth. He turned his gaze back to Nico. "S-Straddle me while facing Vin." He suggested.
Nico stretched one long slim leg over to kneel above Andy's delectable mouth. He pointed his tip downward, rubbing it against his lover's lips, leaving them glistening. Nico looked up, finding his brother riding their mate, his face etched with bliss as his lifted himself up then dropped again with a gasping moan.
The teal-haired Unicorn licked his lips, savoring the taste of his mate, and then sucked the head of Nico's shaft right into his mouth, pressing his tongue against the tip. His hips gently rose to meet Vincent's thrusts as he slid his hands up the outside of Nico's thighs.
"Baby, your mouth is so perfect," Nico praised with a moan. "So warm and wet."
Vin moaned along with his twin, leaning to grasp Nico's shoulders and tilting him forward to capture his lips in a searing kiss.
Though he couldn't see it, Andy could hear his beloved twins kissing, and it only made him harder. His hands continued to slide up, grasping each of Nico's butt cheeks as he urged the twin's lower half further down. He took even more of the shaft into his mouth, his tongue swirling around the heated skin.
"Anh," Vin gasped, leaning back to get a better angle.
Vincent rested back with his palms next to Andy's knees. The teal Unicorn thrusted up into Vin's welcoming body, making the older twin cry out as Andyvion's tip hammered his sweet spot. Nico licked his lips, seeing Vincent's bouncing cock with precum dripping down the shaft. Nico groaned, dropping forward to his hands and knees. He caught Vincent's weeping tip between his lips, sucking it into the hot cavern of his mouth.
Andy inhaled deeply through his nose as he increased the suction on Nico's shaft. He then shifted into his faun form, his shaft lengthening and widening within Vincent's depths as his thrusts became smoother.
"Ah!" Vincent shouted, throwing his body down hard onto the cock within him then thrusting forward into Nico's busy mouth.
The younger twin moaned lustfully, pushing deeper into Andyvion's throat before pulling back and repeating the action.
The Unicorn beneath them was careful not to accidentally stab Nico with his horn, but as the younger twin's skin slid alongside it, Andy was given a brilliant idea. Upon one of Nico's downward thrusts, Andyvion held him in place. He used his fingers to hook Nico's pucker open and then emitted a shock of magic that rolled over his horn and zapped its way into Nico's sweet spot.
Nico's body stiffened as a muffled squeak was stifled by Vincent's full length in his mouth. He pulled his lips free for a moment so he could speak.
"Holy...fuck, if you want me to come fast, keep doing that, baby," Nico gasped before sucking Vin eagerly back into his throat making the older twin buck faster.
Considering that Andy's concentration was waning as he gave into the urge thrust erratically into Vincent's depths, the teal-haired Unicorn eagerly did as his mate requested. After every other thrust, he sent another little shock through.
If he hadn't had such a mouthful, Nico thought he'd be gibbering like a loon. His thrusts stuttered then failed entirely as he erupted into his mate's welcoming throat. He moaned long and low, forcing Vincent's length deep enough to press Nico's lips tight against the older twin's body. Vin jerked and bucked, quickly following his brother into bliss. The purple Unicorn's body tensed convulsively on the cock within him as Nico swallowed over and over, squeezing and releasing Vincent's spurting tip.
Andy greedily took in all that Nico offered until he began to keen and moan around the flesh, his own orgasm taking him by surprise. When Nico carefully pulled away, the teal Unicorn's hands fell limply on either side of his face. He gasped and gave a thrust up into Vin as his shaft gave one final spurt.
Vincent fell forward, collapsing at Andy's side while Nico curled along their mate's upper body and head. They cooed and petted Andyvion softly, whispering soft words of joy and wonder.
"We love you," Vin murmured.
"So much," Nico added. "We're always with you."
"Everything is going to be okay," Vincent assured quietly, nuzzling into Andy's shoulder.
"Love you both," Andy whispered in reply. He felt his physical body rousing awake, so he pressed a kiss to each of their lips. "And I will get you out, and we'll be safe!"
The first thing that Andyvion noted when he began to awake was that he was all but plastered over the far larger form of Tyr. The second thing he noted, which caused him to blush furiously, was that he had released and his cum had spewed across Tyr's lower belly and hip.
"Ummm, hello," Tyr greeted as Andy's eyes opened. He released his careful grip on the smaller Unicorn's wrists with a blushing smile. "Sorry, you were very... grabby, and I didn't want to take advantage of you while you were asleep." Tyr's thick erection pressed its heat against Andy's thigh, showing he certainly hadn't disliked the experience. "Have a nice dream?"
Andy's face flared up an even darker hue of red. "I'm so sorry!" He gasped. The smaller Unicorn bit his lower lip as he recalled his mates' permission. "Do you..." He began as his voice fell an octave. "Would you like some help with this?" He asked as he grinded against the impressive length.
Tyr's evergreen eyes fell closed with a moan, his hips arching into the small body above him.
"You don't," he gasped, "have to... Oh, sweet mercy..."
Andyvion reached down with his hands and deftly stroked the guard's flesh. He slid his fingers along the tip and swiveled them down, gently tracing one of the veins.
"But your... Oh, holy damn," Tyr groaned, thrusting up into Andyvion's warm grasp. "What about your mates?"
"I saw them in dreamscape. They gave me full permission to bed you if I wanted to," Andy relayed as he clambered backward and laid down on his stomach to take a closer look at the shaft in his hands. "I would much rather have them be physically in the same room before going that far. But, I can at least do this much for you." He admitted as he wrapped his lips around the tip and gave a soft suck.
Tyr let out a strangled moan, the thought of thrusting into the little teal Unicorn while others watched nearly making him pop like a cork. Button and Kimset both looked up, woken from napping next to Andy. Kimset cocked his head, watching in fascination as the people acted silly. Button just let out a dramatic sigh and dropped her head back to the bed with a thump.
Andyvion sucked the rest of the head into his mouth, licking his way down while one of his hands curled around Tyr's balls and the other stroked the base.
"Bloody...Unh," the big man grunted, hesitantly stroking Andy's hair. "Feels amazing..."
The Unicorn enjoyed feeling the large hands on his head almost as much as he enjoyed the warmth of the cock in his mouth. He made his way further down, gently squeezing the bigger man's sac as he worked up a rhythm.
It took all of Tyr's willpower to keep from thrusting into the smaller man's hot, tight mouth. He gently ran his fingers through Andy's impossibly soft hair as he moaned, evergreen eyes gazing in amazement as Andyvion used his hands and mouth to pleasure him.
Aqua-hued eyes peered up at the giant as the teal-haired Unicorn tried to take too much too fast and nearly choked on the immense length. He quickly recovered, however, and began to suck even harder.
"It's been so long," Tyr groaned, his deep voice rumbling. "And it's too good. I'm going to...you should st-stop..."
However, Andy was too lost in his task to pay him any heed. He relished in the sounds that the guard made and wanted to hear more of them. He truly wanted to bring him to pleasure. His hands roamed up and down as his tongue pressed harder against the skin.
Tyr let out a bellowing shout as his balls drew up, and his cock began to spurt wildly in Andyvion's wet mouth. His fingers tightened and relaxed in smooth teal tresses, still careful not to pull or hurt even as the crest of his pleasure roared over him.
Andy wasn't used to such a copious amount of cum. Even though he swallowed most of it, some trickled down the sides of his mouth. "Whoa..." He whispered in awe.
"Holy hell, you look so sexy like that," Tyr said breathlessly.
He reached down, catching some of his seed from Andyvion's chin. He lifted it, painting the teal Unicorn's lips with his cum.
Andy's tongue followed Tyr's finger, licking it up. On impulse, he sucked the finger right into his mouth.
Tyr's eyes took on a dark, silvery green hue at the sight. But, he wasn't able to comment on it. At that moment, both Button and Kimset lifted their heads further, their faces and ears trained on the distant sounds of hooves.
A large brown stallion trotted through the entrance of the castle and reared onto his hind legs as he shook off some snow. His mane, his tail, and the tufts at his hooves were a rich burgundy hue. A few of the guards stood close by as one of his hooves lifted and lowered onto the floor in a tapping motion.
When Elder Mason and Prince Winter finally arrived at the entrance, the gold-hued horn on the Nightmare's forehead began to glow as he shifted into a human shape until Hazeth Montcroix stood before them. He dusted some of the snow off his long, thick winter coat and then shrugged it off, handing it to one of the guards.
"Be a pal and hold that for me, will ya?" He asked as he patted the guard's shoulder amicably. As he turned towards the prince, he was left in a jacket that was layered on top of a vest, dress shirt, and a scarf. He tugged the scarf off, and his burgundy red hair spilled out of it. Hazeth ran a hand through it and offered a charming smile. "Hazeth Montcroix. Now, which one of you is Winter?"
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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