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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Re-Organizing - 7. Chapter 7

Without thinking about it, I sent a message to Opa, mind-to-mind, asking him to join us in my office. After I’d done it, I realized it probably wouldn’t work, as he wasn’t in my clan, so I sent Paddy to find him. When Paddy showed him in, Opa was looking at me with an odd expression.

“I assume you heard me?” I asked.

“I did, Greg,” Opa replied. “Can you do that with anyone? Or just your council and family?”

I told him of our dinner with Count Nardone and my mind-to-mind connection to the Count, and to Marco, his son. Opa stared in amazement when I said I haven’t found a vampire I couldn’t communicate with in this manner. When I told him that Tommy felt this might be my changeling ability, Opa considered this, then nodded.

He turned to my Council and asked, “Have any of you other changelings shown any abilities?”

Josh looked at me and when I nodded, said, “I had one instance where I… well, either I saw the future or I reset time, we’re not sure.” When Opa waved his hand as if to say, ‘go on’, Josh explained what had happened at Brian’s house when we confronted his dad.

“And you other two, nothing yet?” Opa asked.

Jake said, “I haven’t had time to attempt anything. Right after I woke up from being changed, we had to attend Prince George’s Court. Since then, I’ve been too busy to explore.”

“I haven’t found mine either. I tried to move objects like Greg does, but…” Chris stopped in mid-sentence, realizing he had said too much. Opa turned and stared at me.

I nodded. “Um, yeah, I guess I also have some form of telekinesis.” I went on to explain how it started with rolling an ink pen over on the table at George’s house, then told him of how I had frozen Brian in place until Billy could physically restrain him. Feeling like the proverbial cat was out of the bag, I also told him how I was able to enthrall Jonesy when we came to meet with the late Baron.

On hearing this, Opa dropped to a knee, bowed his head, and said, “I, Vlad Dracul Jacob Erich von Zell, solemnly swear my unwavering loyalty to you, Charles Gregory Fowler, and to the Nation of Dracul. With body and soul, wisdom and strength, I pledge to serve you faithfully. In every endeavor, in every challenge, my allegiance shall not waver. May our bond be unbroken, and our alliance be steadfast until the end of days. So say I, so shall it be."

Along with every other individual in the room, I stared at Opa; stunned. When I finally recovered, I said, “I accept your oath in the name of The Nation of Dracul. Arise, Erich von Zell, and explain; or should I call you Vlad Dracul?”

Opa, or Vlad, or Erich, or… anyway, he stood and looked around the room, pausing on each face as he made eye contact and evaluated each of my Council members. When his eyes finally met mine, he asked, “My Lord, am I to assume that you trust your life to each of these men? That you hold no secrets from them?”

I nodded. “You may assume that. Now, would you care to explain? Or do I have to play twenty questions?”

“My father claimed the throne of Wallachia in 1394 during a very turbulent time in that region. His rule was, to put it nicely, rather bloody. He executed hundreds of prisoners and was brutal to the serfs. His rule came to an end two years later and he was taken prisoner by Stibor. History says he died in captivity, but he actually escaped and lived in the mountains of Transylvania, where he met my mother. I was born in 1412. Once I was an adult, father convinced me to push my claim to the throne. In 1431, Sigismund knighted me into the Order of the Dragon, hence Vlad Dracul. I became Voivode of Wallachia in 1436. I won’t bore you with all the machinations that followed, other than to say that my father assumed the throne three more times, using the name Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad III, Vlad Dracula or Vlad the Impaler. His time on the throne in this incarnation was even bloodier than his first.”

“But you were dethroned and killed at the end of your reign,” Jake argued.

“Yet here I stand,” Erich said, holding out his arms. “We vampires are quite crafty at faking our deaths so we can renew, young man. Something you will have to learn, if you plan to serve His Lordship.”

“I’m confused,” Chris said. “You mean to say that your father was Vlad I AND Vlad III?”

“As I said, we vampires are quite crafty at faking our own deaths. We’re also quite good at assuming someone else’s identity, once we’ve disposed of them,” Erich explained.

I ignored what he was implying by ‘disposed of them’ because I was too stunned by the other things he had actually said. Scott had mentioned that we were descended from Vlad the Impaler, but I thought this was just a family legend. Now, standing before me, was proof. After a moment to digest this, I said, “That explains the names you used when you swore fealty to me, but it doesn’t explain why you suddenly felt the need to do so. Please enlighten us.”

“I understand that you and your Council have been doing research using some ancient manuscripts you acquired from Prince George?” I nodded, so Erich asked, “In your research, have you come across anything about the prophecy?”

I looked at my Council and their blank faces answered the question. “Scott mentioned it the day after I was changed but didn’t go into any details. And, no, we haven’t found anything about it, but we weren’t really looking for it either.”

Erich looked at Scott with an expression that said ‘explain’. Scott understood the look, shrugged, and said, “All I know is that there is supposed to be a King coming that will usher vampires into a new age.”

“I don’t know all the details of the prophecy, but I do remember a few key points. One, the King is supposed to be a changeling, turned before his eighteenth birthday.” Erich gave me a pointed look as he continued. “Two, it is said he will have many unusual abilities, one of which is the ability to communicate with any vampire he desires, at any time, over great distances. And three, it is said he will be a true child of Dracul, a member of the House of Drăculești.”

I was too shocked to speak. Jake wasn’t. He asked, “So you think Greg is this coming King?”

“I think that His Lordship fits enough of the prophecy that, if word gets out about his abilities, many will be looking at him rather closely, if they aren’t already. This scrutiny will put his life in greater danger than that of other Barons,” Erich replied.

“Is your father still alive?” Josh asked.

“I have no idea. After his actions in his second incarnation, those that earned him the Impaler moniker, I turned my back on him. I haven’t seen him in over five hundred years,” Erich said, scowling.

“Charlie could fit the prophecy too,” Scott suggested. “He was changed as an infant.”

“Technically, any of us could, Scott,” Chris said. “Greg changed all of us, so we’re all Drăculești, aren’t we?”

Erich nodded. “You are, and if you manifest multiple abilities or any other things that might be considered unusual, I would advise you to keep them well hidden, at least for now.”

Jake gave me a pointed look, but in a rare show of discretion, he didn’t ask about his eyes. Rather, he asked, “You have connections all over the world, Opa. Would you help us investigate this? Ask your friends if they have manuscripts that mention the prophecy?”

Erich gave a slight bow and said, “As you wish, My Lord.” Then he turned to me and asked, “How shall I arrange my travels?”

Billy answered for me. “I will ask Frederick if we can purchase the late Baron’s old plane, Erich. If we can, it will be entirely at your disposal. I will get Ted to arrange a flight crew.”

“I will begin making discreet inquiries as soon as possible, My Lord,” Erich replied.

I sighed. “Your oath of fealty doesn’t change the rules, Opa. In private, we all still prefer our names.” Erich nodded. “Now that you’ve stunned us, I’d like to ask you what I originally wanted to ask you. I need guidance on my meeting with the Baronets tomorrow.”

“I first need to ask, what are your intentions? What do you hope to achieve by this meeting?" I must have looked confused because he went on, “Do you plan on asking any of them to step down? Are you going to make major changes in the laws of the Barony?”

I had planned on asking his advice about the only law I intended to change, but his questions caught me off guard. “I can ask them to step down?”

“I think we should all sit down, if you don’t mind, Greg. This is going to be quite the discussion,” Erich said.

I nodded, and we moved to the sofas and chairs in the corner. Andrew opened the door and sent Paddy for drinks and more chairs and, once he returned, we settled down to listen to Vlad Dracul. I still wasn’t over that shock.

Before he could speak, Jake reminded me why I loved him by saying, “I just realized, we’re all Dracula!”

Erich laughed. “You could say that, yes Jake, though technically, James is the only proper Dracula in Pittsburgh.”

Brian seemed confused, so we explained that Dracula literally means ‘son of Dracul’, and as descendants of Erich, who was Dracul, it applied to us. We also argued that Vlad the Impaler wasn’t really Dracula, since he was actually Erich’s father. This little discussion served to relax everyone after the heavier conversation about the prophecy and, once we had followed it with several jokes, we got down to discussing how I could remove a Baronet.

“While most vampires know that the fates choose our nobles, few know that our nobles have a say in the issue as well,” Erich explained. “A noble can resign, as I did in 1946, and the fates will honor this. My eyes are no longer green, and my beast form is that of a common vampire. If the noble that you serve asks for your resignation, you are traditionally expected to do so. But you can refuse, and appeal to the next ranking noble, to the Council of Princes, or challenge the noble to mortal combat.”

“So, if I ask one of my Baronets to resign, he can challenge me, kill me, and possibly become Baron?” I asked.

“Yes, to the first two, Greg, but his becoming Baron is still up to the fates. Didn’t I tell you that the killing must be just? Whether your death is just or not depends on how the fates see it. Was your request just? Or was his challenge more just? Or neither, and he faces justice at the hands of whomever the fates choose as your replacement.”

“Well, I don’t know these Baronets well enough to know if any of them need removed, so that’s not likely to happen,” I said. “Can they simply challenge my claim of being the rightful Baron?”

Erich shook his head. “George declared you the Baron of Pittsburgh before the Court, he is the only one who can overturn his own declaration. Although Viscount Manhattan and Count Boston could ask you to step down, if they feel you’re not doing your job.”

“And if any refuse to recognize Greg as the rightful Baron?” Billy asked.

“Then Greg either asks them to resign or takes the more traditional route,” Erich replied. When we waited, he explained, “He shifts into his beast form and physically forces them to submit.”

“That sounds like we're back to being like wolves,” Jake said, horrified.

“To a new changeling, it would,” Scott interjected. “You haven't gotten a chance to run the woods with us, Jake. Once you do, you'll see that your beast wants to wrestle and play fight with those in your clan, which used to be called our pack. Ask Greg how many times he’s tackled Chris or Josh to put them in line.”

“And remember the incident with Jenny at the pool? She explained that it was just clan discipline,” Brian added.

As I was contemplating having to duel with my Baronets, Chris said, “I wish James was here.”

“Why's that?” Scott asked.

“Well, no offense intended, but from our workload, I'm wondering if Baronets actually do anything. My office handles way too many minor issues that, in my opinion, should be handled at a lower level.”

“Each noble has the freedom to delegate as much or little of their responsibilities to their vassals,” Erich explained. “James and I have discussed this many times and it seems that Baron Evans was quite the control freak. As technology created the opportunities, he centralized more of those duties that, in prior times, fell to the Baronets.”

“So we could decentralize most of this?” Scott asked.

“Within certain limits, yes, Scott. Greg could put local Marshals under the Baronets, who would then need to name a Chief Marshall of their own, who would answer to Thomas here,” Erich said, pointing at Tommy. “I doubt he will complain about the reduced workload. Capital offences would still come to Greg’s court for trial, but minor issues would be handled in the Baronets’ courts.”

Chris nodded. “And I could let Baronets take over all the local offices I have, and only deal with advising them, and those cases that come to Baronial court.”

Erich nodded. “I had a system in place that, when someone appealed a Baronet’s ruling, three Baronets from the Barony would hear the appeal. Only those who went through this process could appeal to me, with a few exceptions.”

“On a slightly different topic, Erich, we recently found a vampire who the late Baron was refusing permission to renew. Is that typically handled by a Baron?” Billy asked.

Before Opa could reply, I said, “All those who want to renew will be permitted to do so, unless that right has been taken away by a court.”

Erich smiled and said, “A generous, and in my opinion, very enlightened policy, My Lord. And which courts can remove this right; Baronets, or just yours?”

I thought for a moment, then said, “A Baronet can remove the right pending an automatic appeal to my court, as this is equal to a death sentence.”

Erich smiled and said, “I hope someone is taking notes, Greg. You just wrote your first Baronial law.”

I smirked and said, “Second. My first is that no vampire over the age of eight can have sexual contact with a vampire under age six, with an allowance that those nine or under can have contact with those five or older.”

“That's good in broad terms, Greg, but I still need to come up with the language of the law, to allow for changelings. It could be argued that you are under age one,” Chris said.

“You will also have to decide how to treat a vampire who has just renewed and has the appearance of a human teen,” Erich added.

Chris said, “Not to change the subject again, but I've come up with how we can deal with Lucas’ father. I found—”

“Stop right there, Chris,” I interrupted. “I told you; I’m not discussing the case before it comes to my Court. And I’m forbidding you from discussing it with anyone in this room, is that understood Lord Advocate General?”

Chris nodded and replied, “Yes, My Lord.”

“Good,” I started firmly. “Have both prisoners been fed, washed, and provided legal counsel?”

“They have, My Lord,” Chris replied. “Without going into specifics, I am meeting with Mr. Scott’s defense counsel tomorrow before your Baronets meeting. Mr. Stonebreaker’s defense counsel has asked us to present evidence or dismiss charges. Unfortunately, the evidence we have is rather slim, so we may have to release him.”

“How long has he been in custody?” Jake asked.

“Tomorrow will be three weeks, and I’m not happy about the fact that he just spoke to a lawyer today,” Chris groused. “Greg, I’d like to write up some basic rights for those accused of a crime. According to Merrick, there is no requirement for legal counsel, no time limit on imprisonment prior to trial, and no right to remain silent. You already know about the condition of the cells.”

“They’re being given blood now, I assume?” I asked.

“They are, My Lord,” Tommy replied. “I explained to Chris why human blood was being withheld and we came to a compromise that he feels is humane while still keeping the prisoners weak enough that they can’t escape.”

“Before I go making laws, I’d like you to spell things out in detail, Chris. For now, the two we have, and any others incarcerated prior to our December 1st court, will have unlimited access to their attorneys and will remain in prison until that court date. We will consider, and I emphasize the word ‘consider’, excluding Mr. Scott’s conversation with me when it comes to court, if his defense counsel makes the argument,” I said. “Did you ask Merrick if there is a Dracul prison?” As I asked this, I thought it through and said, “Actually, I’d like to meet with you and Merrick after the Baronets meeting. I’m going to need guidance on sentencing. We might consider having Merrick act as a sentencing advisor, at least until you’re better versed on Dracul law.”

Chris nodded. “I’ve already done that, Greg. For every criminal case you’ll hear, Merrick will gather the appropriate Dracul laws, and the sentencing options available to you. He will also research and provide you with several similar cases, if possible, and how other nobles ruled.”

I smiled. “I knew you were the right one for the job, Chris, thank you.”

“If I can back us up to a previous topic,” Billy said, turning to Erich, “You said the nobles have a say in who the fates choose. You only talked about removing a noble. If, for example, Greg did ask a Baronet to step down, would the fates choose the replacement? Can Greg name them? How does that work?”

Erich nodded and said, “Very observant, Billy. Yes, a noble can name someone to a lower office, or even name their own desired heir. As always, the final say stands with the fates. Using your example, if Greg asked, say James, to step down, he could name Josh as the new Baronet of Pittsburg. On being named, Josh would be asked to shift to his vampire or beast form and show that the fates agree. If his eyes do not glow the sea green of a Baronet within an hour of Greg naming him, the fates have not accepted him. Greg can keep trying others until either one of his choices is accepted, or the one chosen by the fates steps forward.”

“How would we know someone else was chosen? Couldn’t that be some random vampire, anywhere in the world?” Josh asked.

“Greg is a rare case, though not unique, in that Scott’s eyes changed almost three years ago, on the day he met Greg at my house. When that happened, James contacted George.”

“Wait,” I said. “You’re saying that you’ve known I was going to be Scott’s mate and changed into a vampire AND be a Baron since the day I took Scotty sled riding?”

Erich nodded. “We didn’t know when you would be changed, Greg, but we knew it was in the plan the fates had in mind. You and Scott could have spent years together before it happened. We certainly never expected your accident but considering all the other events that have taken place in your life, I think you’ll agree that it has worked out rather well. I liked your father, and I’m very sorry that he’s gone, but if you had not been changed prior to his accident, I imagine your life’s path would have been very different.”

“I was saying something very similar to Scott less than an hour ago, Opa, and I agree. While I wish with every fiber of my being that Dad was still alive,” I grabbed the hands of my mate and my boyfriend, “I’m very happy that I have Scott and Billy, and that Dad made it possible for us to have Charlie.”

“And I’m glad to have you as a grandson, Greg,” Opa said with a smile. “I considered you one long before Scotty came to visit. Now, as I was saying; James called George because anytime a random vampire is chosen by the fates, we are required to notify the Prince as soon as possible. Bringing this back to your question, Josh, if the fates choose a random vampire to fill the vacancy created when Greg asked James to step down, this random vampire would make contact with their noble, who would, if they’re in North America, contact George.”

“So I wasn’t wrong,” I said. Everyone looked confused, so I explained, “When we first met George it crossed my mind that he had been investigating me… Well, I don’t know if investigating is the right word, but he had been aware of me for quite some time. I remember thinking that if I were in his place, I would certainly find out everything I could about someone that was going to become a Baron under me.”

“Quite right, Greg. I would be willing to bet that you’ve had a Marshall keeping an eye on you for almost three years. And I’m certain that, if you asked him, George would tell you that he has copies of your school records and your financial records,” Erich said. “Not that he was being nosey, but to gauge your character. I hope you’re not offended by what most would call an invasion of your privacy.”

“No, Opa, I’m not. Like I said, if it were me, I would do the same thing. In fact, if I didn’t know these four,” I said, nodding toward the twins, Chris, and Brian, “I would have looked much deeper into their lives before naming them to my Council.”

“You didn’t look into me at all, Greg,” Trevor said. “Do you mind if I ask why not?”

“I don’t think I would have had the insight to name you to my Council, Trev, if not for Billy,” I replied. “He made the suggestion, and I agreed, based on the fact that you were willing to risk your life to defend children in your care. That alone says you’re the right person for your current position. Do you doubt yourself, Sir Trevor?”

Trevor rolled his eyes and snarked, “Not at all, My Lord,” sarcastically emphasizing the honorific.

We all laughed at his reply, then I looked at Andrew and said, “And before you ask, you are on my Council because George has faith in you, which means I have faith in you.” I turned to Tommy and added, “Same goes for you, old man.”

“I’m not certain,” Tommy said, “but I think the old man on the Council is Vlad.”

Erich huffed, looked down at his body, and said, “I think I look good for a man of six hundred.” He then turned to me and said, “And before you agree with Thomas and ask me to serve on your Council, I ask you not to.”

I started to reply, but he cut me off. “If you ask, I will, of course, serve my liege in any manner he requires of me, but I would much prefer to be simply an advisor. I served as the Baron of Zell for three hundred years. No offense, but I’ve done my service to Dracul.”

I nodded and sensed this required a formal reply, so I said, “We thank you for your years of service, Vlad Dracul Jacob Erich von Zell, and will not, at this time, require you to serve in a formal role. You are our most trusted advisor. As the fates saw fit to release you from service, we are certainly not foolish enough to attempt to overrule them.”

Erich bowed from the neck and said, “Thank you, My Lord. You honor me, and I am happy to serve as you have requested. And, if I may be so bold, you have switched between speaking as Baron Fowler and speaking as Greg several times during this conversation, and you’ve done it quite well. Baron Fowler corrected his Advocate General, accepted an oath of fealty, and honored my service, and did all of those with the proper attitude. Greg, while still the Baron, discussed issues with his Council, learned about his family, demonstrated his love for his mates, and even made some horrible jokes.”

“I just did what felt natural, Opa. I couldn’t allow Chris to discuss a case with me before he presents it, so I had to act as his Baron. The oath, well, you shocked me when you did it, but I knew I had to be the Baron when I accepted it. Same with stating your role,” I said. “As to my jokes… I didn’t think they were that bad. Anyway, I have two sons, I have to start making dad jokes, don’t I?

Everyone groaned. Then Jake smirked and said, “Counting Chris, Josh, and me, you have five sons, and this son is hungry. Can I get some blood Daddy?”

I laughed but Scott held out his arm and said, “Come here, Jake, I’ll feed you. It’s time you learned how to do it for yourself.”

Jake moved to Scott’s side and, after a little coaching, dropped his fangs and fed from Scott as we continued our conversation.

I looked at Tommy and said, “Baron Charleston said he has the names of a few Marshals who are available, Tommy. Have Billy contact him, then hire two to handle security for Chris and Brian when they go back to school on Monday, please?”

“I had already planned on leaving Adrian and Serena in place for that, Greg,” Tommy replied. “I’m happy to take the names, though. I’m sure I’ll be hiring for the farm, at least until the castle is redone.”

I nodded. “Handle it as you see fit.” I turned to Andrew and said, “You and Josh are going to be busy sorting out housing for the staff. I don’t want the two of you just assigning housing, either. Give them options and let them choose whatever they prefer.”

“Back to the duties of a Baronet,” Billy said. “I think we should get James involved in this conversation and find out what duties he still handles and find out what duties he handled a hundred years ago.”

Opa nodded and said, “The evolution of technology has drastically changed how things are done. Prior to the telegraph, it took two days for a message from the Baronet in Bonn to reach me and another two days for him to get my reply. Baronets handled everything from criminal cases to social issues, renewals to orphans. The telegraph, and later the telephone, greatly reduced these delays. This led to many Barons taking over the criminal cases, with some, like Baron Evans it seems, taking over many other issues.”

“While I agree with decentralization as a concept, I think you should wait, Greg,” Jake said. “Announce that you will be looking at expanding the role of Baronet in the Barony, but until you speak to Viscount Chester, you don’t know how he wants things handled. This centralization of power might be his doing, or that of Count Morrison. If you make changes that conflict with their desires, you’ll just have to change things back.”

“I would agree with Jake,” Opa opined. “The Baronets are likely to be concerned if you begin your reign by making major changes. I submit you should look at tomorrow’s meeting as an informal gathering rather than a formal court affair. While you need to declare yourself as their new Baron, I would suggest you refrain from any other formal business.”

“I understand your concerns, Opa, and in principle, I agree, but I will be announcing the issue of age of consent,” I said.

“I have to agree with Erich on this, Greg,” Chris said. “Until I get a chance to address all the issues, it’s best you not make a declaration you might have to walk back.”

I saw agreement on everyone’s face, so I nodded and said, “Fine. What if I simply say that we are evaluating everything and there may be some changes announced at the December court?”

“Even that might cause concerns, Greg,” Billy said. "You don’t need to warn them of upcoming changes and doing so makes them wonder what these changes are; it will cause problems. Just use tomorrow as a ‘getting to know’ you type of thing.”

“Billy’s right,” Jake said before I could reply. “I bet more than half of them will be wondering if you’re going to ask them to resign so you can install your own lackies in their place.”

I thought about it and agreed; Billy and Jake were right. While I assumed that most of the Baronets will have heard that there’s a new Baron, they have no idea what to expect from me. Add in the fact that I had killed Baron Evans, and they would be expecting the worst. They won’t know if I’m going to praise them, chastise them, or replace them, based on their past performance. If only they knew that I have nothing indicating their past performance to judge them with.

“You’re right. I will try to stay away from any serious discussions tomorrow, but you know they’re going to ask questions,” I said.

“And you will deflect, Greg,” Scott offered. “Say things like ‘We’re looking at that issue’ and ‘We welcome your input’. If it gets too serious, we can always have Jenny send Charlie in to save you.”

Our laughter was interrupted by Billy’s phone. He glanced at it and said, “Time for all of us to head over to the OBR. We’ll have to finish this later.”

I nodded and said, “You heard the man. Time to see how vampire bureaucracy works.”

Copyright © 2024 Justin4Fun; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

Those eyes have to mean something. I'm betting that it has to do with the prophecy. It will be interesting to see if this prophecy differs from the original.

I also thought it interesting to see how Greg thought the Baronet Meeting was going to go, compared to how it ended up being a meet & greet!

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Terrific chapter. Learning Opa’s true backstory was very interesting.  Finding out more about this prophecy will be interesting, especially since Greg has most of the Character traits…. The eye color depicting rank must mean something special for Jake. But they are keeping that a very close secret.   Will be interesting to see what abilities each of them have, yet to be discovered.

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6 hours ago, lEAFMOLD said:

My memory fails me.  What is OBR? 

Office of Baronial Records 

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Awesome chapter. Opas backstory was interesting and gave alot of information about the prophecy.

Jake's eye colour will be interesting when we get the meaning.

Look forward to the meeting of the Baronets.

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19 hours ago, chris191070 said:


Look forward to the meeting of the Baronets.

That just makes me wonder how many characters I'm gonna have to add to my flow chart. 😭😭😭 granted the interconnected characters make it fun, but still,

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12 hours ago, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

That just makes me wonder how many characters I'm gonna have to add to my flow chart. 😭😭😭 granted the interconnected characters make it fun, but still,

Would you prefer I just call them Baronet 1, Baronet 2, Baronet 3, etc...?

i dont like you lucille ball GIF

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8 hours ago, Justin4Fun said:

Would you prefer I just call them Baronet 1, Baronet 2, Baronet 3, etc...?

i dont like you lucille ball GIF

Lmfao, I had a DM do that once for a campaign. I cried worse than Lucy when she gets caught 😭😭😭

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Wonderful chapter I'm enjoying this story more and more.

On 9/12/2024 at 8:27 PM, RainbowPhoenixWI said:

That just makes me wonder how many characters I'm gonna have to add to my flow chart. 😭😭😭 granted the interconnected characters make it fun, but still,

I'm with you @RainbowPhoenixWI. I started with a spreadsheet but I've ended up with a relational database.

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Another great chapter in this series. I am surprised that Evans hadn’t kept records on his Baronets activities, maybe he has and they will come to light at this meeting of the Baronets 

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