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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>

The Seducer: A Gone From Daylight Inspired Story - 36. William Harker’s Jornal: Entry 36

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Saturday, December 16, 1989

The marks on my neck where Vlad bit me are starting to heal already. Vlad had a strange salve that he put on them and they started to heal over. They were causing me some pain so he took care of that for me. He’s also been feeding me a delicious reddish broth that he says ‘builds back the blood’. It’s strange thinking of him slaving over a stove wearing an apron cooking soup!

I’ve been feeling better today. Vlad’s care has really helped. I’m not so cold feeling anymore and my strength is returning. I get strange ‘pins and needles’ feelings in my feet and hands and color has returned under my fingernails. They were weirdly white yesterday.

I tried to look out of my window to see the green grass and trees of the estate, but had to shut the curtains because the sun was way too bright! The sunshine also felt uncomfortable like on a really hot day in the desert. It actually burned a little. I’m definitely thinking that this has to do with the Change. I’ve always enjoyed sunshine. Now…I don’t so much.

I’ve been spending my time in Vlad’s library reading. There’s not much else I can do at the moment. I’m still not strong enough to go out and even if I could, I’d have to wait till sundown. I must say, Vlad keeps some interesting books.

I’ve been looking over this book translated from Verzpertillio into English. It looks hand written by Vlad himself! It’s broken up into two columns with one on the left in that weird vampire language and the other in English. I wondered why he didn’t translate it into Romanian.

I was reading one story in it that was meant to be a prophecy of some kind because it spoke of someone who wasn’t even born yet. It spoke of a boy ‘born to darkness’ that was sired in love. He would be the savior of vampire kind and the most powerful of all vampires. He is supposed to usher in a new period of enlightenment for vampiric kind. A time of revelation and acceptance called ‘The Dawning’. But, the text doesn’t explain any further what this ‘Dawning’ would be specifically.

Apparently, this poor kid is going to have to go through some rough times before this ‘Dawning’ is supposed to occur. It tells of his ‘beloved sire’s’ sacrifice to bring about the necessary enlightenment in the Great Vampire Mimic that then results in ‘The Dawning’.

I felt sad for this young vampire. It didn’t seem fair to have such a thing foisted on him, whoever he will be.

I wondered what a Vampire Mimic was supposed to be. The text didn’t explain that at all. Could he make himself look like other vampires or humans? That might be a handy trick to do…but somehow I didn’t think that was all there was to it. I’d have to ask Vlad about it. He should know.

The text did say that they are very rare things, Vampire Mimics. There had been only one other in a thousand years!

I read some other things.

One scary tale was about an ancient vampire named Varnus the Ravager. Apparently, he was an arch-fiend that preyed upon other vampires. He possessed the power of turning into a monstrous creature capable of overwhelming the strength of all but the most powerful vampires. He could fly by means of bat-like wings and had the strength of ten vampires or fifty men! It was thought he was a product of more than just ‘The Dark Gift’, but a creature of Black Magic! Something created specifically for hunting other vampires.

He was finally destroyed by the Son of the Dragon or Dracul, a young Vampire Lord and vampire warrior! Obviously, this had to be Vlad! This was a story about one of his many conquests.

So, naturally, when he woke up after sunset I had to ask him about it.

“Ah, I see you have been reading The Scriptures I have been translating! It is a pet project of mine. I was actually as surprised at reading that part about Varnus. I did not know until I read and translated that part that I was even in The Scriptures. I suppose it was to be expected. Varnus was a scourge and when he attacked my coven at the time, I had to act.” Vlad said matter of factly, like he was talking about a movie he had seen or something else of no importance.

“You fought this thing and defeated it? ‘The Scriptures,’ as you call them, say that it was stronger than any vampire that came before it. That it was a true monster! How did you manage to defeat it?” I wondered.

“It is true. Varnus was a formidable adversary. He was strong and cunning, but not terribly intelligent. His vicious nature clouded what mind he had. Alas, his will was also very strong and I could not ensnare him with my Power so I had to resort to trickery. Using some tricks and a potion I made for myself to drink, I was able to stave off my Death Sleep long enough to trick Varnus into exposing himself to the sun while shielding myself from its rays. He burned alive and ceased to be a scourge any longer.” Vlad told me.

I sat for a minute with my mouth hanging open.

“Do not act so surprised, my dear one. The legend built the battle into something more than it really was. Except for the threat of burning myself in the sun, the whole procedure was rather simple. Varnus, as I said, was too vicious and stupid to account for the approaching dawn and he somehow managed to overcome the Death Sleep himself. I imagine he had a power over his constitution that gave him his enormous strength and resistance. I just had to taunt him sufficiently for his anger to overcome any reason he may have had. He became so determined to destroy me that he completely lost track of time so close to sunrise, something no vampire should ever do.” Vlad explained.

“You speak of the Death Sleep. What is that exactly?” I wished to know since I was going to experience it one day…hopeful soon since I’d be a vampire.

“It is a natural phenomenon that happens to every vampire once they are fully turned. Usually, before the coming dawn, a vampire will become irresistibly drowsy and must find shelter from the sun before they go unconscious throughout the day. The ‘sleep’ we have is closer to death than sleep. All of our bodily functions stop, hence the term ‘Death Sleep’.” Vlad continued to explain.

“So, do you just stop, then? You black out and turn off like a machine?” I asked, a little confused and alarmed by this truth.

“Not entirely. Our minds still work and we enter into a dream state called the Vampire Dream. Our dreams are far more vivid and realistic than any human dream. I cannot remember my dreams from when I was mortal…but, I can remember every dream I have ever had as a vampire. Every one! Good and bad.” Vlad said.

I nodded, trying to understand, but not able to entirely.

“I suppose, you will see for yourself soon. You have started the process of becoming one of us so you will soon experience this Death Sleep. I will tell you, it is the greatest rest you will ever know.” Vlad said, trying to reassure me.

“Ok, but what about your ‘Power’? You keep mentioning about having a special power. Is it that mental command thing that you do?” I asked, mentioning that mental whammy thing he put on that assassin.

“Yes. Each vampire is granted a unique power that seems to stem from their personality or experience. I had been a commander of men while mortal and so, it seems, my ‘extra power’ beyond my vampiric powers became the ability to dominate the mind, whether it be mortal or immortal. It is a power I rarely use. I much rather convince others of seeing my way rather than ‘commanding’ them.” Vlad said and hearing that rather disturbed me.

Could he have used that power on me? Am I simply under his spell and none of my feelings for him are real?

“Have you…ever used this power on me?” I asked with suspicion.

“Never. I never have and I never will. What you feel for me is real. Be not afraid, William. Your love and regard are sacred to me. I would never force such a thing on you.” Vlad leaned in to catch my eyes and he took my hands and squeezed them softly as he said it. As best as I could figure, he looked completely sincere.

I suppose that would have to be enough and since I want it to be true, I will accept it as true.

“Will…I have a power when I change?” I asked.

“Yes.” Vlad answered simply.

“Do you know what it will be?” I wondered.

“No. No one knows what the gift will be. You may not know yourself for a long while after your change is complete. Some powers are more subtle than others and require more practice. My full power did not come until years after my turning. Initially, all I could do was read the minds of vampires around me. Controlling them came much later.” Vlad instructed.

I sat back pondering all this. There would be so much to learn when I am finally changed. It all seemed rather daunting.

“When will you change me fully or is that already something that is underway?” I asked with a bit of nervousness.

“My technique requires three draughts from you with the final one being the one that finishes the process. You will be due for the second draught as soon as your blood builds back completely. I say, perhaps, in two weeks time. Perhaps sooner since you are young and strong and your body will replace the blood in you quickly.” Vlad answered almost clinically.

“Three because it makes the transition easier, like you mentioned before our first time. Right?” I asked to verify.

“Indeed. As you now know there is some misery involved with the process, but my technique makes that suffering much less and makes your first Death Sleep take less time. Many sires turn their fledglings too quickly by draining them completely all at once. It causes unnecessary suffering, in my opinion. So I discovered this way of doing things.” Vlad said.

“How long does the first Death Sleep last, usually?” I asked with some trepidation.

“Outside of my technique, a new vampire may sleep for a month or more before awakening. In our case, a week or only a few days, depending on your own strength.” Vlad answered.

Asleep or comatose for a week? It was the first time I began to question my turning. But, if I wanted this, I had to endure whatever I had to.

“Take courage, William. I will make your transition as easy as I possibly can. I love you, and I long to have you with me by my side…forever.” With that Vlad reached and embraced me.

With that gentle embrace, many of my worries fell away.

I was doing the right thing for me and whatever it might take I would be willing to do.

“Me too, Vlad. Me too!”

© 1998-2022 Comicality; All Rights Reserved; Copyright © 2020 MrM; All Rights Reserved.
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Gone From Daylight was created by Comicality <br>
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