Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fates Mates & Pirates - 3. Chapter 3
Walking down the dock towards the Solar Flare’s Lock, I decided I really didn’t like the smell of electrical components that seems to permeate the air here on this station. I was looking forward to the sweet scents of the ship. Boarding up the ramp I slid my Link near the reader to gain access and was informed by the Watch Stander that I had been logged aboard. Nodding, I head for the Bridge to run some charts for the upcoming day. My eyebrows headed towards my hairline when I found Mike sitting at the helm station, running simulations. Carefully, I moved up behind him and watched. Nodding as I realized he was trying to duplicate what I had done through my use of experience with Mining Ships. Most warship jockeys don’t understand the Miners can be a great fighting platform, but they are slow. You have to use cunning, not brute force, to win your engagement. Losing myself in the moment of the simulation.
“Dive. Z minus 2000 meters, then pull up 65 degrees and begin a 45 degree turn to starboard at full power. Kick in the afterburners.” Mike was startled in his seat and froze at the sound of my voice.
“Now helm. Execute my orders.” My tone went from a casual suggestion to a commanding, authoritative tone. He tensed and moved, but not fast enough. I hopped into the Captains seat and pulled up the same simulation he was running.
“Not fast enough.” I said as he visibly flinched and the ship was destroyed. I was busy tapping out commands into the command system and shifted the main view to show an enlarged view of the simulation. The two Duty Watch crew members were whispering as I changed the parameters and started the program again.
“You have the Helm.” I said to Mike as he looked back at me. Motioning for his Helm station, he turned and grabbed the controls to catch the ship as it flew erratically without its pilot. He leveled out and seemed to wait. I walked up behind him and pointed at the scanner.
“Tell me what you see on the scanner.” My tone was quiet as I froze the simulation. He seemed to fumble for the words as he spoke. What he said to me was technically correct, but he was missing what I was seeing. I put that screen on the big screen and stood behind him with one hand on his shoulder.
“Now. I want you to look at it again and tell me if you can follow what I am seeing.” I heard a quiet.
“Aye Captain.”
“My name is Marc and I am not the Captain of this vessel.” Not waiting for a reply, I pointed out the sensor ghosts or ghost prints as I call them. I returned to the Captain’s chair and inputted a few more commands and the scanner part of the simulation reset, continuing forward again as I pointed out what I was looking at in simulated real time. I reset the simulation again and changed its view angle.
“Are you ready to try again for me, Mike?”
“Yes Marc.”
“Good. Then let’s begin.” He pointed them out and walked me through what he saw. Until I froze the simulation and went back to typing in commands from the data library that I had on board in my tablet.
“New simulation. Are you ready to read it for me again?” My tone was friendly but authoritative.
“Yes Marc.” Came across my ears not as confident as I would like, but what I am about to use is five years old that one of my uncles had made for me. He was an instructor in the fleet. I tagged the system and deleted the names of the participants.
“Good, then let’s begin.” The simulation started as he looked at the screen and pointed out issues. I watched as he worked through the entire ten-minute simulation.
It completed, and I said. “Now fly it.” As I tapped in some more commands and the full simulation restarted at the Helm station and Mike had the controls. He flew the ship through the simulation and once again failed. He looked back at me. I couldn’t quite understand his expression, which changed as he watched me. I sat in the chair, looking forward.
“Well. You did better than I did my first time. I should tell you I have been trained like this since I was 8 years old on how to fly various vessels in space and fight them. I have various simulations like this one, that were created by some of the best people in our fleets, to learn from. This is not a standard educational simulation. It’s based on real-life events. It is not a no-win scenario. Now I have to decide what to teach you.”
“I am sorry Marc. I know I have disappointed you.” My sigh could be heard across the Bridge.
“Incorrect Mike. Very few people have the training I have at this age. As a matter of fact, in this region of space, there are only two, maybe three other people my age that hold my qualifications. I was born on a ship. My diapers were changed on a Bridge. I’ve probably had more Bridge time than most Captains because of that. But disappoint me, you have not. And I apologize if it sounded that way. I just don’t have a point of reference on what you know and how you have been trained.”
“Well said, kid.” Which made me smile as Mike jumped to attention with the other two watch standers. “True, as an Alexander, you have had more opportunities than most. Do you think you could train Mike?” My smile was genuine as I looked at Grandma.
“Possibly with the right information in my hands.” She gave me the smirk and that twinkle as she pulled the terminal around and made a few key taps, then swung the terminal back to me.
“I expect to get him back better than I gave him to you.” She was walking away as I added.
“So, if I scratch his paint, I have to buy him?” I heard the snort from her direction, then she looked over her shoulder.
“Heard that did you. Yes.”
“Then I get to keep him. Right?” I raise one eyebrow and grinned at her. She turned around and evaluated me for a minute, then cocked her head and looked past me at Mike. His eyes were huge, his mouth was hanging open, and he was blushing. Her eyebrows went up as her head straightened and she turned for the hatch.
“I guess I owe your grandfather 10 credits.”
“Remember. I get 10 percent of all wagers earned on me.” Her cackle was heard as the hatch was closing behind her when she exited. I turned to find Mike blushing and staring at me in disbelief, but he looked happy. Everyone went back to work after she left, except Mike, who still stood there. It was 20:17 hours when I checked the time. Tapping some commands, I sent a copy of the information from Mike’s file to my tablet and closed down the program, then the simulation.
“Let’s continue this conversation in private. Is that alright with you?” His smile started, and I locked onto those dimples of his before I shifted to look into his eyes.
“I would like that Marc.” I reached out my hand in offering for his. He blushed as his fingers intertwined with mine and I led him out of the Bridge. And what a cute blush it was.
Nothing was said as we walked to my cabin and entered. He obviously hasn’t been in this room which is next to the Captain’s Quarters. It probably is used as a VIP suite since it connects to the Captain’s Galley for food service, but I usually eat with my grandparents unless I have friends on board.
“Did you want something to drink?” I grabbed a cup and poured myself a cup of coffee from a carafe. Turning to look at Mike with a questioning look on my face.
“Just water please. I don’t want to be up all night.” Nodding, I grabbed a glass.
“Ice or just cold.”
“Iced please.” Walking two steps to the dispenser, I dropped ice into the glass and filled it before handing it to him.
“You’re welcome. Please. Have a seat.” I motioned to the table as I grabbed my tablet and fired it up. It took a few seconds as it downloaded his file. Once it was ready, I opened it, sitting next to Mike and allowing my leg to lean against his. I felt him shift, and he leaned his leg back into mine. I smiled at him as I spoke.
“Are you sure you want to come with me? You heard Grams. If I scratch you, I have to buy you. Then I get to keep you.” He laughed as I finished saying it.
“I don’t think I would have a problem with it.”
“Mike. Can I tell you something?” He got nervous.
“Yeah Marc. Anything you want.”
“I think you’re cute. And I am open to having sex, but I don’t want a relationship at this time.” He smiled.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to having sex with you, but I would like to have a relationship at some point, when you would be willing to be more than friends.” I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair as he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips brushed, then settled together in a gentle kiss that broke apart way too fast as I sat back.
“Come on.” I moved us over to the couch and sat down, guiding him next to me as I placed the Tablet on our lap and started going over his file, starting with education, training and experience. We talked about what he wanted and I told him what I wanted as well as needed. I worked out a basic training program he could use when we were underway, since he had the hot seat while I was here. I yawned, and he got up and my arm wrapped around his chest, holding him to me.
“The fresher is that way.” Pointing to another room. “Care to join me?” The kiss I placed on his neck was full of promises of more to come.
“I think I would like that very much Marc.” Familiarity was the norm now, instead of bashfulness. Releasing him, he stood and held a hand out to help me up as we headed off to the bedroom and its facilities. I was glad that after an hour of nice slow sex, he stayed the night when I asked. We showered again and slept in each other’s arms. Loud tones, loud to me anyway, announced it was 05:00 hours, and I crawled out of bed to use the head. I heard Mike getting dressed.
“Do you need to go, or can you have breakfast with me?” I asked.
“I think I better go.” By the time I came out, I heard the outer hatch shut. No goodbyes or see you later. Standing in the bedroom doorway looking at the entry hatch, not sure what just happened, but whatever. I have work to get done today that I should have done last night. I walked up the passage to the Bridge nodding to the Watch Standers on duty as I crossed to the Helm station to finish the charting and course work I wanted to do last night.
“EO, do we have the latest Data Dumps yet?”
“All loaded at 04:30 hours, Helm.”
“Thank you.” I turned to my station and started. It was 40 minutes later when I realized Robert was looking over my shoulder.
“Looks good Marc. How did Mike work out last night?” My body tensed as I remembered this morning. Robert noticed. His voice lowered. “He’s got some issues, but he’s a good guy. Give him some time if you’re interested. And please train him, regardless of emotions.” Looking over my shoulder, I smiled a sad smile. He was right. I shouldn’t let my emotions color my working relationship.
“Thanks Cuz. I’ll do my best with him.” I felt the gentle squeeze on my shoulder.
“Go eat before the meeting. Liberty expires at 07:00 and we’ll be departing at 07:30.” I sighed and nodded. Closing down my work after I transferred the Flight Plan and alternate courses to the Helm, 1st Officer, and Captain.
“Right. I’ll be back, Cuz.” He laughed as I walked away. I heard.
“Don’t threaten me Alexander.” I smiled, ready to respond just as Mike walked onto the Bridge and froze. He hesitated as my face blanked, showing no emotion at all.
“Good morning, Mike. Please don’t forget your coursework. You’ll find the first sets available after 08:00 this morning.”
“Aye Captain. Thank you.” He stammered out as I walked off the Bridge. I walked down the brightly lit passageway as I thought about that exchange.
“So I’m Captain again.” I murmured as I entered my cabin. I changed into my working shipsuit. Then walked next door and knocked three times before entering. I found my grandparents eating breakfast. Gramps looked at me, raised an eyebrow, and turned to Grandma.
“Another 10 already, it appears.” The snort took on a new sound as she smirked at me.
“I suppose you want your ten percent before I give it to your grandfather?” My eyes rolled in that typical teenage way as I replied.
“You bet on us being together last night. Really?” Grandpa barked out a laugh.
“See. I told ya.” Grams laughed too until she looked at my face.
“Didn’t end well then.” I just shrugged.
“I don’t know what happened. But it’s a moot point. We had a good time and now I have work to do.” Grams nodded. I sat down to eat as they walked through what we would do today. I nodded at the appropriate places as I ran over in my head what happened last night.
“Marc.” I looked up to Gramps. He was standing. Both of them were standing. When did they get up from the table?
“Are you going to be able to perform your duties today or should you take the back seat, maybe come down to Engineering for a few hours and work on your Power Plant times?” I thought about it. Shaking my head.
“I need something more to concentrate on. Gram, can I take the seat this morning and you walk Val through everything? That type of responsibility will clear my head.” Gramps smiled as he looked over at his wife. They communicated in that way only people who have been together for decades could do. I saw a change in her expression.
“OK Marc. You have the Deck and the Conn. I’ll lead the briefing.”
“Yes Captain.” We exited the cabin and walked into the Briefing Room. All the usual people were there. I sat in my seat as Grams started the briefing. She went around the table and received everyone’s reports. Then turned to me.
“I have a few items to attend to this morning, so Captain Alexander has the Deck and the Conn for the trip over to Wallas Industrials. The ship is yours, Marc.” I nodded, and my demeanor shifted.
“Aye Captain. I have the ship. Mike will pilot first leg Robert.” I waited for acknowledgments. “Then let’s get going. Departure stations, please.” And I hit the button that sent the recorded command for all hands to departure stations throughout the ship. Everyone departed the Briefing room, then I rose to follow them to the Bridge with Gram and Val behind me. As I entered the Bridge, I looked around and found everyone seated.
“Engineering, bring up the Mains please.”
“Aye Captain. Mains at 40 percent and climbing.”
“Very well. Helm. Pull in the Lock and release the Docking Clamps.” A loud clunk and the motion of the ship changed as Helm steadied up on the station.
“Captain.” Mike’s voice was confident and steady, “Lock has been secured and Docking Clamps released.”
“Very well. EO. We’ll forgo the Cloak for this trip and open the hangar doors please,”
“Aye, Captain.” Grams raised an eyebrow at me from where Val was working on something. I watched as the doors reached the halfway point. Tapping a few controls on my panel.
“Control, this is Solar Flare requesting clearance to depart.”
“Solar Flare you are cleared for departure. Safe travels to you.”
“Thank you Control. Solar Flare out.”
“Hangar doors open and locked, Captain.”
“Very well. Helm. Take us out and set course for the first jump point.”
“Aye Captain. Departing in three, two, one.” I watched as we slid back. The ship shifted as I felt a little too much port side thruster.
“Gently Helm. You scratch it, I have to pay for it. That rolls down hill.”
“Aye, Captain.” Robert turned to look back at me over his shoulder and winked. I nodded as I locked eyes on a familiar outline in the distance.
“EO. Give me a direct Link to Nu Symphony please.”
“Aye Captain. On your panel.”
“Thank you.”
Grams had walked over to me. “Socializing?” I looked over at her and she had that twinkle in her eye. I smiled.
“Clear of the hangar. Coming about and lining up on a new course.”
“Very well. Run us up to 80 percent on the Mains.” I said, as Grams just patted my wrist.
“Make it fast.” I nodded.
“Aye Captain. Holding at 80 percent,”
“Thank you.” I tapped a button as I leaned on the side of the chair. “Nu Symphony, this is Bear Claws Actual onboard Solar Flare for Nu Symphony Actual.”
“Bear Claws Actual please wait one for Nu Symphony Actual.”
“Copy that.”
“Steady on course. 23 minutes to first jump.” Mike said.
“Thank you.”
I heard a laugh over the Link, “Good morning Marc. You’re heading out early?” The smile on my face grew as I heard him.
“Yeah, rough night. Needed some space to think.” I saw Mike tense at that. “Wanted to know if you needed an escort again today or if you can make it by yourselves.” He roared out a laugh.
“No. We’re good Marc. You heading over to ‘77 later in the week?”
“Yeah Tristan. You folks going to be around in three days?”
“Yeah, Brenda wants one of those upgrades you talked about last night and wants to know if you can help her pick it out.”
“I’m not sure of my time schedule. If I can, I would be happy to help her.”
“Thanks Marc. We need to Jump here in a minute so I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Sounds good, Tristan. Safe travels. Bear Claws out.”
“Same to you and yours, Marc. Nu Symphony out.” Shutting down the Link I did a quick scan of the systems and then looked around at all the stations before I dropped into some other projects. I double checked that the study materials would be sent to Mike. Then I worked through some course material. Fast scans of the systems I noticed we clicked down to 2 minutes 30 seconds till Jump. Waiting for the warning. 2 minutes. Still waiting.
“Time until first Jump?” I asked in a low, busied voice as I looked at the screens on my panel. Mike’s shoulders tensed again.
“Sorry Sa. 1 minute 45 seconds till first Jump.”
“Thank you Mike. Mind your Helm.” He sighed.
“Yes Marc.” I smiled as Grams walked past me and stood behind him. She leaned down and spoke quietly for a second. He nodded, and she patted his shoulder before returning to me.
“Interesting way you handled that. You have his attention now. He is very much aware of how he just screwed up in front of you and me.” She patted my arm as she went back to finish what she was doing. Then she left the Bridge with Val.
“Requesting Jump activation in 30 seconds.” I tapped a few keys and the Jump Gate indicator light changed from red to green and the countdown started.
“You’re clear to Jump in 20 seconds.”
“Aye Captain.” I watched the screens as Mike spoke again. “Jump in three, two, one. Jump.” The Jump Gate spooled and flashed. We came out the other side as the stars shifted back to Real Space. We dove and pulled around to our new course.
“Captain. I’ve got a weak mayday signal.” I spun to look at the EO station and tapped a button on my Link.
“Captain Armstrong to the Bridge.” My voice barked out. “Play it back, EO. Do we have a lock on their signal?” We listened to the message, extremely broken up. I stepped over to their station.
“We tracked the lock back in the general direction of the asteroid belts.” Rachel said. Grandma came on the Bridge at a fast walk, giving me a questioning look.
“Mayday, we’re trying to lock the signal.” She nodded.
“Play it again.” She said. The EO and Rachel had tried to clean it up, but it was too low powered and the signal cut out after two repeats. I watched the face again. He was young and scared. You could hear voices and other noises in the background. I hopped over to the Captain’s chair, starting my own track of the signal as Gram and the EO were trying other methods to clean up the signal.
“Helm. Take my course, best possible speed.” I passed the course to the system, and I felt us power up.
“We can’t get a stable lock, Marc.” I looked over at Gram and nodded.
“That’s because it came out of the asteroid belt. What other assets do we have in the area? Oh, and you have the ship. I’ll take us into the belt.” She nodded.
“I have the ship.” She said as I continued working as I felt the ship’s afterburners kick in again. I locked three possible locations it could have come from.
“This is what I have. We need more ships.” Grams looked at it as she climbed into the chair.
“EO cloak us, please.” And she started tapping commands into the system.
“Cloaked Captain.”
“Thank you.”
“Helm lock on beacon 4728AK33, stand by to jump. Suit up people.” She said as she nodded to me and I walked fast off the Bridge as I heard several people enter the lifts to head for their suit lockers.
Images of that guy’s face and what was going on around him played in a nonstop loop in my mind as I entered my cabin. Popping the top on my gravtrunk, I pulled out my gear and changed from one suit to the other, sliding on my armor over the top. I fastened my sidearm on my tac-belt and grabbed my helmet. Double checking all of its systems before I headed back to the Bridge. I walked in and headed for the right seat, just as Robert came in to take the left. We had completed our Jump out to the Beacon, lining up for the belt. I waited for Robert to seat himself and take the Helm. Mike slipped the chair back and almost fell into me, as he didn’t know I was right behind him. His eyes wandered down my body and back. I was the only person in armor at the moment. I had a large claw print on one breast in blood red that stood out against my black armor and suit. I didn’t know if they wore sidearms here, but I did, and my combat knife.
“You’re still wearing that hand cannon,” Said Robert as I stepped aside for Mike to pass. I dropped into the seat and locked my helmet into its secure location.
“Nice penetration after a bulkhead or two.” He chuckled as he turned back to the Helm.
“Marc, we’ll be first. Nu is coming and two other ships. Work up a search pattern, then take us in.” Said my grandmother.
“Aye Captain.” I dropped back into my work. I looked at the locations and our signal bounce possibilities. I still came up with three locations. I loaded the possible tracks into the system and locations. Then turned back to the Helm and slid in. “I have the Helm.”
“All yours.” Robert’s hands came up, then he turned to work on his own calculations.
“EO concentrate on forward aspect on my screen 7 please, let’s use 5nn to start.”
“On your screen Helm.” I rolled us around as I looked at the field approaching in front of us. I tagged an outer field asteroid.
“Jump in 30 seconds.” Grams’ head came up as she looked at my screens and I spoke again. “EO, Drop cloak. Raise shields. Engineering, I need full power to maneuvering thrusters and put landing thrusters on standby. Reinforce the forward shield aspect, but be prepared to shift at my command and charge the tractor beam capacitors.”
“Working it Marc. Talor III again?”
“Maybe Tom.” That was an unpleasant thought, “Maybe.” I checked my settings one last time and grabbed my helmet, seating it over my head. Syncing it with the systems.
“Helmets on people,” Said Grandma before the ship wide speakers came to life. “All hands, Seal them up. Helmets on. One hand for you, one hand for the ship. Stand by for erratic maneuvers, brace if you can. We have an Alexander taking us into the roids.”
“Jump in one. One. Jump” I dropped back on the Mains to reduce our speed as we came out directly in front of the asteroid and I pulled up, goosing the landing thrusters to 50 percent. The deck plates vibrated a groan from the power of the thrusters as I brought us up and over the leading edge of the asteroid field. I took us into a lazy turn as I studied the scans before I spotted what I was looking for. Stars moved across the armorplas window as I turned us. I keyed the Link.
“Attention all crew. I recommend not looking out the view ports. Maintain a secure footing and hand holds. Here come the roids. Alexander out.”
“Damn roid runner is at it again.” I heard from Peter. I rolled over into a dive and increased power to 60 percent.
“EO, drop my scan to 2nn, 1 sec refresh?”
“On your screen Helm.”
“Thanks. Let’s roll.” And my legs pushed the pedals, and we rolled to port as I turned us deeper into the field. I felt a hand on my shoulder. Then a helmet tapping against mine.
“Don’t scratch my ship and your boyfriend is scared shitless.” I laughed as I nudged the power up more and rolled us again, using the thrusters to help push us around a small fast mover. Deeper we went into the field, slowing as we approached the first possible location. I dropped power to 20 percent.
“EO Drop shields and cloak.”
“Cloak engaged.”
“Thanks. Now find me a ship out here, please. I don’t enjoy sitting around like this unarmed.”
“That makes two of us. Nice flying Marc. No wonder you love the roids, but I think half of my crew wants to walk home now.” Grams said, laughing as I checked the scans and rolled us around at 5 degree intervals to concentrate our search.
“Marc, check this.” Robert sent a scan pic to my station. I looked at it and rolled ship back to that position and cut the power to the Mains back to 5 percent.
“That’s interesting. Let’s go look. EO drop cloak raise shields.”
“Shields up.” I keyed the Link.
“We are on the move again. Brace people.” I brought us up to 50 percent power and headed off into the field towards our target. A much more sedate speed than how we entered, but I was hunting now. I slowed several times as I rolled the ship and looked around us.
“Nu reports they have entered the field on our far track Marc. The others have report arrival times of 30 to 40 minutes.”
“Thanks Grams.”
To be continued…
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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