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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Ralph: Breaking free - 32. Photographs, Football and a smelly monstrosity

As predicted by the weathermen, Saturday was cold, crisp and clear. In spades. Nolan and his team were braving the weather for the Football Academy and Ralph was joining them on the touch line. Given the amount of running about and sheer exercise that Nolan got out of the young girls, Ralph was pretty sure those of them on the touch line suffered the most from the weather.

He stood with Trish and Bree and chatted idly as they watched the girls, drank hot juice and draped a seemingly endless supply of scarves around themselves. Ralph, however, had a job to do and throughout the event he was taking photographs.

“This more for Nolan’s website?” Bree looked at him enquiringly.

Ralph laughed, “No. My skills are not good enough for that. I want some of my daughters.”

“In action?”

“Yes. Enjoying themselves. I’ve sort of had a bad argument with my parents. Whilst I don’t think bridge building is completely possible, there are too many other factors, I thought that a selection of photographs of their granddaughters enjoying themselves would not come amiss.”

What he didn’t say, of course, was that photographs of the girls doing sport and clambering around climbing frames were not quite what was intended by his parents. But there would be ladylike ones too, he wanted them to reflect the girls as they were.

It had been the weather predictions that did it; crisp, cold and clear meant that he’d have good light, and the football would look good rather than being a muddy mess. He’d also had another mad idea, and phoned Morrie who was free and game to join them afterwards.

At half time Ralph greeted Nolan warmly, even stealing a kiss, before the girls came running up to check whether he’d got some good photographs of them. He assured them yes. That granny and grandad would love them. He’d long ago decided that trying to keep secrets from them and manipulate them never worked for him, it was easier to tell the truth and live with it. So, they were going to spend the day taking photographs for a present for his parents.

Once home, they changed into their ‘good’ dungarees, and he packed their bandannas for later. At the Rec, they were the only people there, no-one else was braving the cold, but if you were wrapped up warm, then it didn’t matter. And frankly, the girls didn’t seem to feel the cold.

Morrie was there, wearing a huge fur coat and hat, looking very distinguished. He assured the girls that it was fake, but Ralph wondered, he wouldn’t put it past Morrie to lie to them, for an easy life.

Still, the man was chatty and friendly to them, letting them stroke it. Finally, they took off their big coats and went to the climbing frames, graciously allowing Ralph to join them. Morrie sat there taking pictures; he professed not to be a very good photographer, but he was taking so many, it didn’t matter.

There had been potential awkwardness, this was still the lingering effects of the wandering hands incident. Morrie had been apologetic and promised it wouldn’t happen again, that he and Nolan were definitely off limits. The man seemed to have a remarkably lax attitude to personal interactions, and frankly Ralph thought that he was going to get himself thumped one day. But that wasn’t for Ralph to worry about, was it? Morrie had admitted he’d gone too far, but meeting up, it was Ralph who felt nervous, and Morrie was back to his ebullient self.

Then the girls broke off with cries of ‘Nolan’. Looking rather sheepish, Nolan came striding across the Rec. He explained that he’d managed to get finished early and thought he might help. If he needed any persuading when it came to the girls’ regard for him, then their eagerness for him to join them said it all. Morrie had laughed and continued taking photos.

Afterwards, there seemed to be enough photos, and the girls were a bit tired and reluctantly admitted to getting cold. But Morrie had a solution that soon had everyone perking up. Tea. They went back to the hotel by the river, now familiar territory for the girls. This time it was Morrie who led them to the cake display.

“You’ve been here before with them?”

“Sunday, when I played football. They were restless, so I thought we could walk into town. You remember?”

“Oh. It was this place. Sort of nice view.”

“Yeah. Oh quick, photo op.”

As the two girls walked back towards the table, each carefully carried a huge slice of cake on a plate, though Morrie had the tray with the drinks. The resulting photographs, taken on impulse, were beyond cute though Ralph could still hear his Mother’s voice in his head, ‘What on earth are those girls wearing. So, unsuitable’. But Ralph wasn’t getting the girls to play dress-up for the sake of it, he’d leave that to Therese.

What with all the fuss about the photographs in the newspapers, Ralph had forgotten to tell Therese about the idea of tea in the Orangery at Sandham House. He’d dashed off a quick email on Saturday morning and received a prompt and surprisingly favourable response. Still tart, but then when was Therese not like that, but she’d grasped onto the idea. It wouldn’t do for their birthday, February was too early, but a tea party in May was a nice idea. And Ralph admitted to himself that he suspected even the girls would enjoy dressing up, for that.

Saturday evening, they watched Howl’s Moving Castle and Ralph promised to start reading the story to them once they’d finished their current bed-time book. They could just as easily read to themselves, but they had started wanting a bedtime story again, and Ralph didn’t mind. There was something reassuring about it, perhaps that was why they liked it. For all their assurance, he had to remember that in the last few years, they had been through a lot of changes.

Once the girls were settled, he and Nolan snuggled down on the sofa and sorted through the various pictures, chose the best ones and created an online album. That wouldn’t do for his parents, Ralph doubted that either of them would have the patience for, or approve of an online album, whilst he could imagine his Father pontificating about the idea of putting his daughters’ images online.

The websites offering printing presented a wide range of options and soon Ralph was submitting the online album to get a little picture book made. On impulse he got extra ones, it would make a good present for Therese too!

Sunday morning, they took things slowly and Ralph didn’t make the same mistake as before. When the girls got restless, they went out to the park. He’d been going to cry off football, but Nolan had encouraged him and said Gerard was keen. And you know what, he did enjoy it though his muscles moaned again afterwards. The girls agreed to be bundled up in their big coats but refused to miss the game and allow themselves to be taken off somewhere warm. They wanted to see Daddy playing. Making a fool of himself more like was Ralph’s thought, but when the game was over, he was once more congratulated on being a useful player. There were worse things.

In the bath, that evening, Ralph reflected on the strange turn of events, that football seemed to be becoming such a part of their lives. Who knew?


“What’s that smell?” Ivor wrinkled his nose.

Beth sniffed and laughed, “Generations of sweaty bodies in air left to ferment. Place needs a good airing.”

Monday morning, Ralph had decided that rather than their usual admin, it would make sense for the three of them to visit the new office space and discuss plans. Things didn’t go quite as anticipated, however.

Ivor pulled a face, “How long have we got this place for?”

Ralph turned, “A year’s lease, then its three-monthly rolling.”

“So, not worth spending too much.”

Beth knelt down and smelt the carpet, close to, “I’m sorry to have to say this, but it’s not just the air. This carpet stinks.”

Ivor raised an eyebrow, “Clean it.”

Ralph pulled a face, “It’s been cleaned already, everything was gone over before being released to the Estate Agents.”

“You think?”

Beth shrugged, “Worth doing again?”

“What’s the alternative, spend a fortune on new carpet?” Ralph shook his head, “I don’t think so.”

Ivor frowned, “What’s underneath?”

“It’s ground the floor. Probably concrete.”

Ivor walked to the edge of the room, knelt down and lifted the edge of the carpet to reveal the underlying concrete. “Dead right. No false floor or anything. So, lift it up.”

“The carpet? And what instead?”

“Nothing. Bit of industrial chic.” Ivor then looked up at the ceiling, “False ceiling too. I say we remove that as well, go the whole hog.”

Beth laughed, “Plenty of bars like that. Do we want the look for the firm?”

“WebIdeal is cool man!”

Ralph nodded, “Why not? More to the point, would it cost?”

“Milly’s Dad could fix a crew; they’d know what they were doing.”

“I thought he made furniture?”

“And some. He needed to have something to fall back on, particularly when Milly was small.” Ivor looked around, “He could fix up a nice screen for here, separate the office from the door. Bit of a reception area?”

Both Beth and Ralph laughed, Ivor turned and glared, “What?”

“You. Turning interior designer.”

“If you don’t want my ideas, then…”

Ralph shook his head, “Look, we’ve all got to work here and we’re a team, everyone contributes. It’s an excellent idea, thanks.”

They wandered around some more, Ralph stood looking out of the window, trying to picture how it might all work out. The building had plenty of parking, decent services, the lot. It made sense. Industrial chic? Well, it wouldn’t hurt if they came across as a bit edgier, trendier, he just didn’t want it to seem desperate. Beth came to stand next to him.

“Do you think this would work? Is industrial chic a bit too desperate, trying too hard to be trendy?”

She laughed, “It’s hardly cutting edge anymore, so no. I think it would fit very well. Give Ivor his head and you’ll be surprised.”

“Ivor? Where has this come from?”

“Milly. She’s had quite an effect. She can come over as a bit girlie, but don’t be fooled. She’s encouraging all sorts of different sides to him. Things you’d never dream.” She grinned, “Do you think Ivor would have stripped off for the team a year ago? So, we give it a go?”

Ralph nodded, “It can’t be worse than this smelly monstrosity.”

“Bet the Estate Agents contact you with suggestions for titivating the place.”

“You think?”

“You bet”, she laughed.

Ralph walked over to where Ivor was standing, staring at the office, looking a bit morose.

“Sorry, boss. I get a bit carried away.”

“Not a bit. Let’s do it. Industrial chic.”

“You sure?” Ivor smiled, “I’d need to get cracking, but…”

“No buts. It can’t be worse than it is now, and probably a darn sight better. Beth reckons the Estate Agents will send me a quotation for renovation.”

Ivor gave an ironic laugh, “And she’s probably right.”

“Get onto Milly’s Dad and get started, the sooner they get this place sorted out, the sooner we can move in.”

“Right on it. I don’t reckon it will take long.” He looked around the room, “And some of it could maybe be done at weekends, once we’ve moved in.”

“Works for me. The sooner the better. And besides”, Ralph grinned at him, “if we’re paying for the bloody lease, then let’s at least be using the ruddy offices.”


“We went to the new office this morning.”

Nolan paused his cutting of another piece of cheese and raised an eyebrow. “A problem?”

“It stinks.”

Nolan laughed, “Metaphorically or literally?”

“Literally”, Ralph looked annoyed.

“Didn’t you notice first time around?”

“I was too relieved to have found something and”, he gave an embarrassed shrug, “I figured it just needed a bit of an airing.”


“General agreement that the carpet stinks. Seriously smelly.”

Nolan laughed, “Thank God there aren’t curtains too. What are you going to do, replace it?”

Ralph wrinkled his nose, “Bit extravagant for a short-term lease. Beth thinks that’s what the Estate Agents expect.”

“Making a bit extra?”

“Probably. Anyhow, Ivor suggests just removing it and the false ceiling.”

“Industrial chic? Ivor? Really!”

“Turns out Milly’s been encouraging a different side to our Ivor. He had ideas about the look of the place and how to achieve it.”

“So, you’re letting him?”

Ralph shrugged, “Give the bloke his head. By the way, how is the website update going, has Ivor finished the website changes for you?”

Nolan grinned, “Don’t you know?”

Ralph smiled, “The art of good management is not to micromanage, to give people space.”


“Do you check up on everything Verne does?”

“No. But that’s different, she’s a partner, we created the firm together. And we both pull our weight.”

“I try and treat Ivor and Beth like that, after all we started the firm together. Without Ivor, there’d be no business.” Then Ralph shook his head and smiled, “And to get back to my original question…”

“Sorry. Yes, Ivor’s done a terrific update with the new videos and some photos of me.”


“Pretty scary, but everyone says it looks great. We’ve also got some of Verne running.”

“So, it’s not just you making a fool of yourself?”

“Yeah. It all goes live on Friday. Scary stuff.”

“Don’t be daft, you look great in the photos.”

“What about you?”

“Well, our 20 minutes of fame seems to be over, thank God. Morrie is happy, the launch went well and he’s getting the right sort of interest.”

“So, no more work from him?”

“For the moment. But he’s already planning a new range, so I don’t think you’ll keep him quiet for long.” Nolan rolled his eyes. “There is one thing, though.”

Nolan cocked his head, “What?”

“Well, I’d like to continue doing things with him.”

“As a friend?”

“Of course. He seemed to fit in last weekend.”

“And the Felix thing?”

“He needs cheering up, yeah, but I like the guy and, well”, Ralph shrugged, “the girls do too.”

“Which is half the battle. And yes, I like the guy too. So yes, let’s do stuff. We’re not going to have a repeat of the wandering hands, though, are we?”

“No, we had a reasonably frank discussion about that. I suspect Morrie’s hands and eyes are constantly wandering, but he knows we’re off limits.”

“Well. If you’re sure?”

“Frankly, his views on personal interaction are a bit antediluvian, but we can’t be the ones policing him. He knows to keep himself to himself around us, and Ivor, so I think we need to give the man a bit of credit.”

“Ok. Then, I wondered…”


“One evening, meet up with him mid-week, so we can have a pleasant meal somewhere.”

“Just adults.”

“For once.”

“OK. I’ll mention it to him. Speaking of just adults…” Ralph leaned over, kissed Nolan and started unfastening the man’s shirt. Nolan didn’t object.

Copyright © 2024 Robert Hugill; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Things are in the process of taking off it would seem, out with the carpet and the ratty ceiling tiles, some cleaning and possibly painting and voila...new office space!!

And a new word for my memory bank!!!

Ralph nodded, “It can’t be worse than this smelly monstrosity.”

“Bet the Estate Agents contact you with suggestions for titivating the place.”

“You think?”

“You bet”, she laughed.

  • Like 2
  • Haha 2
1 hour ago, drsawzall said:

Things are in the process of taking off it would seem, out with the carpet and the ratty ceiling tiles, some cleaning and possibly painting and voila...new office space!!

And a new word for my memory bank!!!

Ralph nodded, “It can’t be worse than this smelly monstrosity.”

“Bet the Estate Agents contact you with suggestions for titivating the place.”

“You think?”

“You bet”, she laughed.

According to the Oxford English dictionary:

The earliest known use of the verb titivate is in the early 1700s.

OED's earliest evidence for titivate is from 1705, in Wandering Spy.

titivate is perhaps formed within English, by blending.

Etymons: tidy adj., cultivate v., activate v.

  • Love 2
51 minutes ago, Robert Hugill said:

According to the Oxford English dictionary:

The earliest known use of the verb titivate is in the early 1700s.

OED's earliest evidence for titivate is from 1705, in Wandering Spy.

titivate is perhaps formed within English, by blending.

Etymons: tidy adj., cultivate v., activate v.

And this is what I found this morning...

  1. make small enhancing alterations to (something):
    "she slapped on her warpaint and titivated her hair"
    • (titivate oneself)
      make oneself look attractive:
      "he was titivating himself, slicking his hair and freshening his breath" · "Grace had titivated in the bathroom"
      have a wash
  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Robert Hugill said:

According to the Oxford English dictionary:

The earliest known use of the verb titivate is in the early 1700s.

OED's earliest evidence for titivate is from 1705, in Wandering Spy.

titivate is perhaps formed within English, by blending.

Etymons: tidy adj., cultivate v., activate v.

I think I have heard the word before. It sounds like the type of word Benny Hill or Frankie Howerd would have used in some of their TV shows, many of which were shown in Australia in the 1970's.

  • Like 2

Loved how Ralph and the twins really seem to actually like each other, a few years forward might not be so easy.  The fact they are active and like being out and about probably helps some, plus they seem to do well with adults.

Glad that Ralph is trying to do something personal for his parents.  They may not be whom he wants in his life on a daily basis, but they are his parents and no need to be needlessly antagonistic.  Even if some of the pictures aren't of the girls the way they see them as being keeping them in the girls lies will be important.  

Ivor took some ownership in how the new office will and should look, good for him.  Industrial chic is easy to keep clean and can be very streamlined.  I do think that it could give the place a certain vibe.

Everyone is willing to speak up and take a bit of ownership when problems arise, a sign of a well-run enterprise.

I do hope that they see more of Morrie, I like him and he seems lonely.

I would think Therese would love the idea of a tea party and the Orangery, and even the girls might like the idea a dress-up date.

Ralph and Nolan seem to be settling in with each other, I am truly glad.

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On 1/10/2025 at 2:54 PM, drsawzall said:

Things are in the process of taking off it would seem, out with the carpet and the ratty ceiling tiles, some cleaning and possibly painting and voila...new office space!!

And a new word for my memory bank!!!

Ralph nodded, “It can’t be worse than this smelly monstrosity.”

“Bet the Estate Agents contact you with suggestions for titivating the place.”

“You think?”

“You bet”, she laughed.

I have heard of the term titivate before 

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On 1/10/2025 at 2:22 PM, Summerabbacat said:

I am going to choose to believe Morrie did not lie to Jane and Alisa when he stated his fur coat was faux fur. 

Perhaps Ralph could send his parents a carpet sample together with photographs of the twins playing football as Christmas gifts. 

Industrial chic is a very practical and attractive solution, except for winter when I imagine Parborough gets very cold. 

Another delightful chapter @Robert Hugill.



It’s not as up north as Newcastle is, a lot of the people have their alcohol coats on. 😂

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