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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Ralph: Breaking free - 26. Pictures and Plans, Beer and Bangers

Monday, despite all that was going on, Ralph had to find time to have a lunch meeting with Morrie. The man wanted to talk plans for the Iverson’s launch. Ralph was pretty sure it didn’t actually need his input. Morrie just wanted a sympathetic ear to bounce ideas off and Ralph needed Morrie sweet; the contract was significant business and there might well be a lot more if things took off.

As far as Ralph was concerned, you simply switched the new website on and sent out a few press releases. Beth had laughed at this, but she had agreed that this was often the case. However, Morrie was relaunching and rebranding the company. So, he was having an event. Press and PR for it would be handled by a bigger firm. Ralph had been disposed to be annoyed at this, but Beth pointed out that it was sensible; that size of event was beyond their small team.

He would have to work late, too; lunch with Morrie was eating into his work time and he’d started the day late because somehow getting the girls to school took longer than usual. Ivor, however, had good news; one of his contractor contacts was free and able to start immediately. Ivor was confident of her abilities, so Ralph left it to Ivor to arrange everything. Good.

Ivor also had a suggestion. Ask Russ Kahn about office accommodation in case his business had some. Ralph could see the sense in that, except that he was wary of getting into bed too far with Russ Kahn. This comment had caused a laugh from both Beth and Ivor, and they all agreed that bed with Russ Kahn sounded like a fearsome prospect.

Morrie was full of himself, excited at the imminent launch of the new product ranges and the company’s new image. And eager to tell Ralph all about it.

Just before leaving the office, Ralph had agreed with Ivor for a date for their rather delayed photo shoot, a date where Nolan said he would be free too. So, a week Thursday it was and that pleased Morrie no end, though the idea of photographs wearing next to nothing still scared Ralph shitless.

Morrie had provided a generous lunch, food and wine. “It’s a celebration”, he grinned.

Whilst they ate from a tempting selection of Indian snacks, Morrie explained that his original idea had been to hire a big gay club in Manchester for the launch. But he’d brought in an event planner, and the planner and India had convinced Morrie to play up the local theme. So, the launch event would be in the old warehouse where Ralph had photographed Russ Kahn’s party. It would be daytime with light streaming through the windows, guys in thongs and minimal costumes.

Windows? Did the place even have windows? Evidently it did, though Ralph wondered whether the weather would be kind enough to provide sunshine so late in the year. Still, the PR firm were confident of interest and were arranging transportation for press and guests.

Whilst Morrie waxed lyrical about the event, describing it in detail, Ralph did eventually manage to pin the man down and sort out details for the new website to go live. Morrie wanted Ralph to be at the launch event, and they would be projecting images from the new website on the walls. Such a good opportunity for ‘WebIdeal’. Morrie beamed.

You had to love him; and indeed, his enthusiasm was infectious. After learning about the new date for the photo shoot Morrie announced that he wanted to take them all for dinner afterwards, Beth too. Ralph said that he’d check with everyone, but Morrie ignored any possible demur and took it as read.

Ralph managed to get away in the end. Ivor finished briefing the contractor late afternoon, so she was still at the office, which meant that Ralph was able to introduce himself and bid her welcome. Then they had a team meeting, and at the end Ralph brought up Morrie’s idea of dinner.

“I told Morrie that we’d set the date for the shoot for me, Ivor and Nolan.”

Ivor simply gave a comic grimace, but Beth smiled, “Bet he’s pleased.”

“Ecstatic. He’ll be pressing the photographer to have images ready for the launch.”

“The launch?”

“Projecting the website onto the walls.”

Beth laughed, “Your naked flesh all over the walls, and twice as large.”

Ivor gave a theatrical groan, “I am so not going to be there”, then he saw Ralph’s expression, “Oh, no.”

“’Fraid so. We’re part of the team, three-line whip. Put it in your diary.”

“Thank God it’s nearby and that we don’t have to trek to Manchester.”

“There’s one other thing.”

“Oh yes?” Both Beth and Ivor were wary, what was Morrie up to now?

“On Thursday, after the photo shoot. Morrie wants to take us to dinner.”

“All of us?”

“You too Beth.”

“Hang on. No, that’s OK, I’m free. So, you, me, Ivor, Nolan and Morrie? A bit of an odd mix.”


“Well, Nolan’s your boyfriend, not firm at all.”

“Morrie being Morrie, wanting to gather everyone.”

Ivor shrugged, “Ask Carine, and I’ll bring Milly.” They stared at him; he gave them a ‘why not’ look. “Make it a bit more sociable.”

“OK. I’ll ask Morrie but I suspect he’ll say yes, so please ask Carine and Milly.

Ralph phoned Morrie when it was quieter and to his surprise, the guy was picking up. He was delighted with the idea of adding their partners.

“There’s another thing. Not really connected.”


“We’re looking for some cheap office space. Move the team out of my house then we can bring more staff in”.

>You’re ready to do that?

“Yeah. We’ve currently got a contractor and she’s going to have to work from home because there’s nowhere for her in the office. And I need the space. Nolan can move into the ground floor instead.”

>Oh, that is good. Certainly, I will ask. There are a couple of buildings I have heard about, I think.


It was Therese who solved the office conundrum. Lunching with her on Wednesday Ralph brought her up to date on all that was happening, Nolan’s launch on Friday, Morrie’s big plans for Iverson’s and so on.

Thankfully the idea of the photoshoot amused her rather than anything more serious. Ralph suspected that if it had been something he’d cooked up for himself, she might have been rather sharp and pointed out that it wasn’t a good example to set for the girls. But Morrie had already been photographed as had others, and it was something of a team effort, whilst flashing Russ Kahn’s name around certainly helped, so she was a bit more relaxed. When he told her about the images from the website being projected on the walls of the venue, she had laughed out loud. Probably amused knowing his embarrassment.

“What are you doing about the girls on Friday?”


“For Nolan’s launch?”

“Oh, Beth and Carine are coming, and Carine will keep an eye on them if I get sucked in.”


“Beth’s girlfriend, source of the vegetarian recipes. She’s a therapist of some sort. They got on well on Sunday when we went on the canal again.”

“Oh, that woman. Of course, I’d assumed she was a friend of Morrie’s.”

“No. He wasn’t involved in the boating this time.”

“They want to go again.”

“Afraid so. I’ve made rod for my own back, it seems. But they’ll have to wait until the Spring.”

“When who knows what they’ll be into.”

“Precisely. On Friday, they’ll get to meet everyone, and they know Nolan and Verne already, and if things get a bit sticky…”

Therese smiled, “Tempers frayed, fractious moments.”

Ralph nodded, “Then Carine will whisk them off. I’m going to let her have a key.”

“I’m impressed, you’ve got this all organised.”

Ralph had the grace to look a bit embarrassed, “It wasn’t really me. It was Beth’s idea. She and Carine had been planning to drop in, and after Sunday she realised that the twins were comfortable with the two of them, so looking after them would work. And…”


“Well, it’s a private matter, but I get the impression Carine might be getting broody.”

Therese raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.

They had almost finished when she exclaimed. It seemed that the council had closed some of its offices earlier in the year but plans for redevelopment of the site had been delayed, partly because of budget cuts and partly because there had been outcry over the proposed plans. So, it was back to the drawing board and the building was being released on short-term lets. It seemed ideal for them; a colleague had more details, and she would forward them.


“What’s this place we’re going to?”

Nolan grinned, “Well, perhaps you just need to have a bit of patience?”

“Me, patience? I just need to know what to wear.”

Both men smiled, Nolan was in the process of pulling his trousers on whilst Ralph was still just in his knickers. The advantage of staying in the same house (Ralph was wary of thinking of them as living together) was you could meet up at home, get changed and then head out.


Nolan gave an exaggerated sigh, “It’s a new, craft beer place, a ridiculous selection of craft beer and a barbeque serving terrific bangers and more. Or so I’ve been told. Darren from work was there a bit back and most enthusiastic.” Nolan laughed, “And if Darren likes it then it won’t be too fancy.”

Ralph nodded, “Thanks. So, casual then?”

“Something like. You do like beer, don’t you?” Nolan suddenly looked anxious.

“You bet.”

It was a bus ride away. Ralph was aware that Nolan seemed a little preoccupied but with everything going on, it wasn’t surprising. On the bus, they chatted about the small stuff, what Ralph was doing with the twins this weekend, Nolan’s impressions of the gym, gossipy surmises about Russ Kahn.

The bar was in a railway arch, with a large, covered area outside which included the barbeque.

Ralph smiled, “You didn’t say dress warm.”

Nolan gave an embarrassed smile, “When Darren told me about it, the weather was hot; he and his mates had been outside!”

“We’ll live.”

It was a buzzy, casual place, the seats plain planks and people cosily squeezed in. They settled and bought their first beers.

Nolan looked up, “My parents are going to want to meet you.”

Ralph blinked, “That’s what you’ve been worried about?”

“You could tell.”

“That you were preoccupied, yes. But I assumed…”

Nolan gave a wry smile, “Displacement activity. Worry about the small stuff.”

“My meeting your parents is the small stuff?”

“They’re relaxed, comfortable with me being gay. It’s just…”

“I’m a new addition.”

“Very new. If it had all been normal, I could have played it down at first. But, what with all your help with the business, moving in with you and that. They’re curious.”

Ralph laughed, “Understandably so. But at least that’s one thing you’re spared. I can’t see my parents being in any way curious about you any time soon.”

“You know. That’s really sad. Your son has major changes in his life, and you’re just not interested.”

Ralph shrugged, “They have very set views, their life runs on strict rails. If you veer off, you’re out. Do you like golf?”

“Golf?” Nolan looked puzzled, “I’ve never played it. Why?”

Ralph laughed, “There you are. Golf is an essential part of Father’s world view.”

Nolan blinked, “Right. As in sport or a social activity?”

“Sport, Jim, but not as we know it!” Both grinned at the Star Trek reference. “And social too, good business contacts.”

“My parents are a bit more laid back, it’s just…” Nolan peered at Ralph, “They can be a bit overwhelming, if you’re not used to them.”

Ralph laughed, “Therese’s parents are polite, middle-class and cool. It was remarkably relaxed. So, I’ll give it a go. They do know about me?”


“My ex-wife, my daughters, the baggage.”

“A bit. I didn’t see it was my place to tell them everything.”

Ralph snigger nervously, “So, I get to tell them the gory details. Where do they live?”

“Southern Derbyshire, it’s very picturesque.”


“On a farm.”

Ralph blinked, “Your Dad’s a farmer?”

“Not a bit. He’s an accountant. Mum used to work with him, but then they moved to the farm and that takes most of her time.”

“So, she’s a farmer?”

“Not a proper one, she’s the first to admit. Most of the land is rented out to a real farmer. Mum keeps a few animals and has a plot for growing veg.” He brightened, “She’s doing well and has a stall at the local Farmers’ Market now.”

“Bloody hell.”

“Is it a problem?”

“Not at all. It’s just like nothing like I’ve ever known.”

They were quiet for a bit, watching the other punters. Younger mainly, but with a few older faces, lively and, for the most part, friendly.

“When I first met Gordon, there was no question that he would take me to his house and meet his parents.”

“Did he come to your house?”

“Once, for tea. It was excruciating. My parents are adept at using politesse as a weapon.” The two laughed. “We went back to Gordon’s place after school. Both his parents were there, just wandering around. It was an old farm building, they lived in one end, Drew had his studio in the other, it was colourful, ramshackle and like nowhere any of my other mates lived.”

“Did you like it?”

“Sort of. But it was unnerving, and they were too.”


“Off-hand, casual. They took me for granted and I never felt on show. The house was full of paintings, it was completely mad, or so it seemed. There was a even full-sized nude of Gordon’s Dad. In the hall!”

Nolan grinned, “Full frontal?”

“In forensic detail. Looking back, it was a fine picture but…” Ralph shook his head.

“What about you and Gordon?”

“That was taken as read. The first time I stayed over, we shared a bed. No question.”


“Their casualness was unnerving. One afternoon we went back there and were in full flow on Gordon’s bed. Bollock naked and we’d left the door open.”

Nolan giggled, “So, what happened.”

“His Mum closed it and when we came downstairs, reminded him it was polite to keep the door closed when entertaining.”

Nolan guffawed, “You’re joking. That is taking it to the limit.”

“Yeah, but the other stuff. The plumbing didn’t work properly, the shower was hit and miss, the drains smelled, all that.”


“You felt welcome. Whenever you arrived, whatever time, there’d be a drink and homemade cake. His parents would break off from whatever they were doing and chat to me, ask me real questions.”

“That you answered?”

“Tried to. It was tempting, ramshackle, different, but loving.”

“And with smelly drains.” The two laughed.

A queue was forming for food, so Nolan went to get another round of drinks whilst Ralph queued for food. Bangers for both of them, thick meaty ones made of free-range pork.

“Your sausages are from a pig named Myrtle and mine are from Primrose.”

Nolan stared at Ralph, “You what?”

Ralph laughed, “The display board told you the exact breed of pig and where they were from, which farm and everything. So, I simply expanded on that.”

Nolan laughed, “My friend would like a portion of Myrtle please.”

They stared at each other, and Ralph leaned over and kissed Nolan. It wasn’t their first kiss in public, but it was their first time with such an audience.

“Your Gordon, ex-Army and now in security, he doesn’t sound anything like his parents. Do they still live in the old farm building?”

“No. But something similar, an old mill near Stevenham, complete with orchard.”

“Still ramshackle, presumably?”

“I expect so. Gordon said that both of us became what our parents avoided, I’m nothing like what Mother and Father expected either.”

“Does he get on with his parents?”

Ralph thought, “I think so, I’m sure. He was talking about his husband’s son doing some sort of ecology project in Gordon’s Dad’s orchard, and he offered the space for us to meet up, remember?”

Nolan grinned, “Now that is scary.”

“Meeting a blast from my past?”

“Plenty of baggage there!” Ralph looked a bit panic stricken, but Nolan smiled and patted his hand, “No problems, we’ll get there and frankly, I’m intrigued.”

They ate for a bit.

“What’s your favourite band?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“When we were talking earlier, I realised there’s so much I don’t know about you, about each other. So, we do favourites.”

It started out serious but became delightfully silly. Particularly after the third pint.

Copyright © 2024 Robert Hugill; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Ralph and Ivor in all their near glory and then displayed up on the walls for all to see.  Then off to dinner with Morrie, Beth, and their significant others.  What an adventure there is ahead.

Therese comes through, knew the perfect office space, and it is transitional.  Perhaps on a short to midterm lease but give them plenty of time to find just the right place.  Therese has really been more benign than I thought she was going to be in the beginning.

Think it is nice that Nolan's parents want to meet Ralph.  And love that they are getting to know more about each other; they did skip quite a few of the steps in their relationship with each other.

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